Page 2 of 11 Results 21 - 40 of 205
78 920 Asia  Bastian A 78 920 Asia Bastian A
78/ 920 [Asia]. Bastian, A. Reisen in Birma in den Jahren 1861-1862. Leipsic, O. Wigand, 1866, XIII,(1),521,(1)p., orig. wr.

- Bookblock split(ting); occas. foxed. Backstrip and wr. worn.

= Die Völker des Östlichen Asien. Zweiter Band.

Hedin, S. von. Im Herzen von Asien. Zehntausend Kilometer auf unbekannten Pfaden. Ibid., F.H. Brockhaus, 1903, 2 vols., XIV,560; X,570p., 4 fold. col. lithogr. maps, portrait, num. (col. lithogr.) plates, ills., orig. unif. gilt and dec. cl. - AND 4 others, i.a. H. HAAS, "Amida Buddha unsere Zuflucht". Urkunden zum Verständnis des japanischen Sukhāvatī-Buddhismus (Leipsic, 1910, plates, contemp. wr.) and R.O. FRANKE, Dīghanikāya. Das Buch der langen Texte des buddhistischen Kanons (ibid./ Göttingen, 1913, orig. wr.).

€ (50-70) 50
78 921 Asia  Bell C 78 921 Asia Bell C
78/ 921 [Asia]. Bell, C. The People of Tibet. Oxf., Clarendon Press, 1928, XIX,(1),319,(1)p., 3 (fold.) maps, plates, orig. gilt cl. Douglas, R.K. China. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1900, 2nd ed., X,470p., fold. map, ills., orig. gilt dec. cl. - AND 7 others in 8 vols., i.a. I.L. BIRD, Unbeaten tracks in Japan (London, 1911, ills., orig. gilt cl.); F. VOS, A Study of the Ise-Monogatari (...) (The Hague, 1957, 2 vols., fold. table, orig. unif. wr.) and J.R. ULLMAN, The Sands of Karakorum. A Fable (London, 1953, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).
€ (50-70)
78 922 Asia  Bell J 78 922 Asia Bell J
78/ 922 [Asia]. Bell, J. Reizen van Petersburg, door verscheidene en wel de voornaemste gewesten van Asia. I. Deel Leyden, C. van Hoogeveen, 1769, 1st ed., (4),IV,(4),XXVIII,410,(6)p., engr. title-vignette and 6 plates by P.C. LA FARGUE, modern antique style gilt hleather.

- The first vol. (of 2) only; title-p. fingersoiled.

= Cat. (...) des Russica B626; cf. Cox I, p.256 (not mentioning a Dutch translation); Howgego I, B62. John Bell was a Scottish physician at the court of Peter the Great. He was appointed as medical attendant to accompany the embassies of Artemy Valaisky to Isphahan (1715) and Count Ismailov to Beijing (1719).

€ (100-150) 100
78 923 Asia  Bonvalot G 78 923 Asia Bonvalot G
78/ 923 [Asia]. Bonvalot, G. Du Caucase aux Indes à travers le Pamir. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1889, XII,458,(1)p., fold. col. map, 250 (full-p.) ills. by A. PÉPIN, orig. giltlettered pict. cl., a.e.g., 4to.

- Covers sl. foxed and duststained; foot of spine and sm. spot of upper joint sl. worn. Otherwise fine.

= Henze I, p.297; Vicaire I, p.860; Broc (Asie), p.43ff: "Explorateur professionel, spécialiste de l'Asie centrale, G. Bonvalot [1853-1933] est un des rares Français à avoir traversé le Pamir et le Tibet au XIXe siècle. (...)." Within 18 months after embarking on his journey at Marseille, Bonvalot had returned to France, having travelled from Batoum across the Caucasus via Persia (Tehran) to the Pamir plateau, across the Karakoum to Lahore and Simla. His journey included a spell of 49 days of imprisonment in Afghanistan.

AND 5 others, i.a. V. MEIGNAN, De Paris à Pékin par terre Sibérie - Mongolie (Paris, 1885, fold. col. map, 15 plates, contemp. giltlettered (rubbed) hcalf) and E. GARNIER, Voyages dans l'Asie méridionale (...) (Lyon etc., 1842, 2nd ed., engr. title and 3 plates, contemp. giltlettered embossed and blindst. darkblue boards. Plates browned; binding sl. worn along extremities).

€ (100-150)
78 924 Asia  Cordier H 78 924 Asia Cordier H
78/ 924 [Asia]. Cordier, H. Les voyages en Asie au XIVe siècle du bienheureux frère Odoric de Pordenone. Ed. H. Cordier. Paris, E. Ledoux, 1891, (6),XIV,CLVIII,602p., fold. col. lithogr. map, (double-p.) (tinted) plates and ills., later gilt green hmor. by SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE, orig. wr. pres., t.e.g.

= Attractive edition of the travels of the Italian Franciscan missionary Odoric (±1315-1330). He was the first European to visit Borneo and Lhasa (Tibet). His route to the India went via Constantinople, Trebizond, Persepolis and Hormuz. After that he travelled to China and Vietnam. A rare work in an attractive binding.

€ (200-300) 200
78 925 Asia  d'Orléans H 78 925 Asia d'Orléans H
78/ 925 [Asia]. d'Orléans, H. Du Tonkin aux Indes. Janvier 1895 - Janvier 1896. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1898, (4),442,(2)p., 5 fold. lithogr. maps w. col. borders by E. ROUX, num. (full-p.) ills. by G. VUILLIER, orig. gilt hmor., t.e.g., large 4to.

- Backstrip sl. rubbed and a few chafed spots along spine. Otherwise fine.

€ (150-250)
78 926 Asia  Dapper O 78 926 Asia Dapper O
78 926 Asia  Dapper O 78 926 Asia Dapper O
78 926 Asia  Dapper O 78 926 Asia Dapper O
78/ 926 [Asia]. Dapper, O. Asia, of naukeurige beschryving van het Rijk des Grooten Mogols, en een groot gedeelte van Indiën (...). Beneffens een volkome beschryving van geheel Persie, Georgie, Mengrelie en andere gebuur-gewesten. Amst., J. van Meurs, 1672, 3 parts in 1 vol., 379,(3); (2),184; 43,(5)p., engr. frontisp., 4 double-p. maps, 24 (double-p.) plates (of 28), 33 textills., modern hcalf, large 4to.

- Lacks 4 plates (bound with in photocopy); mostly foxed/ fingersoiled/ mouldy (maps and plates partly sl. affected). Sold w.a.f.

= Tiele 299; cat. NHSM p.219. The first part containing descriptions of Northern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan (known as the land of the Grand Mogol), the second and third part dealing with Persia and neighbouring countries.

AND 1 incomplete duplicate copy of the previous (lacks all maps, most of the views and quite a few textp.; contents loose in later dam. binding)

€ (300-500) 425
78 927 Asia  Filchner W 78 927 Asia Filchner W
78/ 927 [Asia]. Filchner, W. Quer durch Ost-Tibet. Berlin, E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 1925, 1st ed., X,195,(1)p., 2 fold. maps in rear pocket, 24 plates, orig. hcl.

- Corners rubbed.

Kozlow, P.K. Mongolei, Amdo und die Tote Stadt Chara-Choto. Die Expedition der Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 1907 - 1909. Ed. W. Filchner. Berlin, Neufeld & Henius, 1925, XIII,(3),304,(4)p., (fold.) maps, ills., orig. pict. cl.

- Frontcover sl. stained.

AND 5 others, i.a. F. VON HELLWALD, Centralasien. Landschaften und Völker in Kaschgar, Turkestan, Kaschmir und Tibet (Leipsic, 1875, 1 fold. map and 70 ills., contemp. hcalf w. orig. frontwr. laid down. Occas. sl. foxed; worn along extremities).

€ (100-150) 110
78 928 Asia  Jacot Guillarmod J 78 928 Asia Jacot Guillarmod J
78 928 Asia  Jacot Guillarmod J 78 928 Asia Jacot Guillarmod J
78/ 928 [Asia]. Jacot Guillarmod, J. Six mois dans l'Himalaya, le Karakorum et l'Hindu-Kush. Voyages et explorations aux plus hautes montagnes du monde. Neuchâtel, W. Sandoz, n.d. (1904), (2),363,(1)p., 4 (fold.) maps (incl. 1 table), 11 photogr. plates (incl. the panorama of the Baltoro glacier and the frontisp. portrait), 269 ills., contemp. giltlettered hcl.

- Owner's entry on title-p.; occas. trifle foxed. Otherwise fine.

= A classic of mountaineering literature, recording the attempt in 1902 by Jacot Guillarmod and his team to climb K2 in the Karakorum. Although they were not succesful in their attempt, they reached an unprecented altitude of 5700 meters and researched a large area that was uncharted by Europeans till then. Interestingly, one of the members of the climbing expedition was the English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, poet etc. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XX.

€ (200-300) 200
78 929 Asia  Jenkins M 78 929 Asia Jenkins M
78/ 929 [Asia]. Jenkins, M. Across Asia from West to East in 1906-1908. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1969, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (2nd vol. in 9 parts), 14 col. maps loose in rear pocket, ills., orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to.

= Reprint of the ed. Helsinki, 1940. Société Finno-Ougrienne, Traveaux Éthnographiques VIII.

Jenkins, M. Sport & Travel in Both Tibets. London, Blades, (1909), 1st ed., (6),87,(1)p.,double-p. tinted map, 25 col. plates, orig. giltlettered cl. w. mounted col. plate on frontcover, large 8vo.

- Frontisp. sl. frayed in blank margins and reattached (provisionally repaired). Corners and spine-ends sl. rubbed.

Vambery, A. His Life and Adventures, written by Himself. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1884, 2nd ed., XII,(2),370,56 (advert.)p., mounted albumen portrait frontisp. of the author, 14 woodengr. plates, orig. gilt and blindst. cl.

- Owner's entry on htitle.

AND 5 others, i.a. W.J. MORDEN, Across Asia's Snows and Deserts. Introd. R.C. Andrews (New York/ London, 1927, 1st ed., plates, orig. giltlettered cl.) and S. ALI KHAN, Brief Thanksgiving (Bombay etc., 1959, 1st ed., orig. cl. w. (sl. chipped) dustwr. SIGNED on first free endpaper).

€ (100-150) 100
78 930 Asia  Josson H 78 930 Asia Josson H
78/ 930 [Asia]. Josson, H. La Mission du Bengale Occidental ou Archidiocèse de Calcutta. Bruges, Imprimerie Sainte-Catherine, 1921, 2 vols., XVI,496; XII,479,(1)p., 6 fold. maps, num. ills. on plates, contemp. unif. hcl. (fine). - AND 5 miscellaneous others, i.a. L. RICHARD, Géographie de l'Empire de Chine (Cours inférieur) (Shanghai, 1905, num. fold. (col.) maps (incl. 2 fold. maps in rear pocket), orig. cl. Cloth stained/ foxed) and M. COTTREAU and H. LE CHARTIER, Indes, Extrème-Orient, Océanie. 2e Partie: De Ceylon en Océanie (Paris, 1911, num. (fold.) (col.) maps and plates, orig. cl. Backstrip dam.).
€ (40-60)
78 931 Asia  Lach D F 78 931 Asia Lach D F
78/ 931 [Asia]. Lach, D.F. Asia in the Making of Europe. Vol. I: The Century of Discovery; Vol. II: A Century of Wonder. Chicago/ London, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1965-1977, 2 (of 3) parts in 5 (of 9) vols., num. plates, orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr.

- Dustwr. sl. chipped/ frayed and sl. browned.

= A classic work on the effects that the discovery of Asia has had on European history between 1500-1800.

€ (70-90)
78 932 Asia  Macintyre D 78 932 Asia Macintyre D
78 932 Asia  Macintyre D 78 932 Asia Macintyre D
78/ 932 [Asia]. Macintyre, D. Hindu-Koh: Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalayas. Edinb./ London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1889, XX,464,24(advert.)p., col. lithogr. frontisp., 34 plates and ills., orig. gilt cl.

- First few preliminary leaves w. receding brown stain. Good/ fine copy.

AND 2 others, i.a. a fine copy of L.W. SHAKESPEAR, History of Upper Assam, Upper Burmah and North-Eastern Frontier (London, 1914, num. (fold.) (col.) maps, plates and ills., orig. gilt cl.).

€ (70-90) 70
78 933 Asia  Prévost d'Exiles A F  78 933 Asia Prévost d'Exiles A F
78 933 Asia  Prévost d'Exiles A F  78 933 Asia Prévost d'Exiles A F
78 933 Asia  Prévost d'Exiles A F  78 933 Asia Prévost d'Exiles A F
78/ 933 [Asia]. (Prévost d'Exiles, A.F.). Histoire générale des voyages ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusqu'à présent dans les différentes Langues de toutes les Nations connues (...). Vol.13. The Hague, P. de Hondt, 1755, VIII,508,(4)p., 31 (fold.) engr. maps/ plans and plates, contemp. marbled calf w. richly gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Part of one quire loose; a few maps trifle yellowed. Otherwise fine.

= Deals with the "Voyages dans la Presqu'isle en deça du Gange."

Idem. Suite de l'Histoire générale des voyages, ou de la nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, Qui ont été publiées jusqu'à présent dans les différentes Langues de toutes les Nations connues (...). Vol.17. Amst., Arksteé et Merkus, 1761, LII,542,(2)p., 18 (of 31) (fold.) engr. maps/ plans/ views, contemp. gilt marbled calf w. red mor. letterpiece on spine.

- Lacks 13 plates; occas. sl. yellowed; owner's stamp on verso title-p. and on verso final text leaf. A few rubbed/ sl. worn spots along extremities of the binding.

€ (200-300) 200
78 934 Asia  Przewalsky N M 78 934 Asia Przewalsky N M
78/ 934 [Asia]. Przewalsky, N.M. Reise des russischen Generalstabs-Obersten N.M. Przewalsky von Kuldscha über den Thian-Schan an den Lob-Nor und Altyn-Tag 1876 und 1877. Übersetzung des an die K. Russ. Geographische Gesellschaft in St.Petersburg gerichteten offiziellen Berichtes. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1878, 1st ed., (6),30,(1)p., 2 fold. maps w. col. borders, contemp. giltlettered hmor., 4to.

- Bookseller's[?] stamps on first free endpaper, general title and verso of maps.

= The first edition, published in: Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes geographischer Anstalt über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann.

BOUND WITH (in the same periodical) 3 others, i.a. A.F. RITTICH, Die Ethnographie Russland's (2 fold. col. maps). - AND 7 others in 9 vols., German, Dutch and French language, i.a. MITTHEILUNGEN AUS JUSTUS PERTHES GEOGRAPHISCHER ANGSTALT über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. Year 1868 (Gotha, 1868, 21 fold. maps w. col. borders, contemp. giltlettered hmor., 4to. Occas. foxed; corners dam.); E. RECLUS, Nouvelle géographie universelle (...). Vol. VII/ VIII. l'Asie Orientale/ l'Inde et l'Indo-Chine (Paris, 1882/ 1883, 2 vols., num. fold. (col.) maps and plates, contemp. not unif. gilt hmor., t.e.g. (1x), large 4to. First vol. backstrip rubbed).

€ (100-150) 140
78 935 Asia  Stein A 78 935 Asia Stein A
78 935 Asia  Stein A 78 935 Asia Stein A
78/ 935 [Asia]. Stein, A. On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks: Brief Narrative of Three Expeditions in innermost Asia and North-Western China. London, Macmillan and Co., 1933, 1st ed., XXIV,342,(2)p., 20 col. lithogr. plates, 11 fold. panoramic views, 1 fold. col. lithogr. map, num. photogr. ills., orig. gilt cl. w. dustwr., t.e.g.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed; map w. sm. tear in upper blank margin. Dustwr. sl. stained/ dam.

€ (300-500) 425
78 936 Asia  Stein M A 78 936 Asia Stein M A
78 936 Asia  Stein M A 78 936 Asia Stein M A
78/ 936 [Asia]. Stein, M.A. Ruins of Desert Cathay. Personal Narrative of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. London, Macmillan and Co., 1912, 2 vols., XXXVIII,546,(2 advert.); XXI,517,(2 advert.)p., 3 large fold. tinted maps, num. (col.) plates (incl. 6 fold. panoramas), orig. unif. gilt cl., t.e.g.

- Vol.2: two small dam. spots (prob. caused by tying rope of parcel too strongly).


€ (400-600) 650
78 937 Asia  Yule H  ed  78 937 Asia Yule H ed
78/ 937 [Asia]. Yule, H. (ed.). The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. London, John Murray, 1875, 2nd rev. ed., 2 vols., XL,(2),444; XXI,(1),606p., num. (fold.) (col./ tinted) (lithogr.) maps and plates, ills., orig. unif. gilt cl.

- Two leaves (p.137-(140)) in vol.1 misbound; both vols. bookplate on upper pastedown; hinges weakening. Nevertheless a good copy.

€ (80-100) 100
78 938 Asia  Yule H  ed  78 938 Asia Yule H ed
78 938 Asia  Yule H  ed  78 938 Asia Yule H ed
78 938 Asia  Yule H  ed  78 938 Asia Yule H ed
78/ 938 [Asia]. Yule, H. (ed.). The Book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Ed. H. Cordier. London, J. Murray, 1921, 3rd rev. ed., 2 vols., (3),CII,(2),462; (1),XXII,(2),662,(1)p., num. (fold.) (col./ tinted) (lithogr.) maps and plates, ills., orig. unif. green pict. cl. w. 2 gilt mor. letterpieces on backstrip, large 8vo.

- Hinges of vol. 2 (sl.) weak. Letterpieces rubbed.

AND 1 other: G. PAUTHIER, Le Livre de Marco Polo, Citoyen de Venise, Conseiller Privé et Commissaire Impérial de Khoubilaï-Khan (Paris, 1865, 2 vols., engr. frontisp., orig. unif. wr. Lacks the map; spine-ends sl. rubbed).

€ (70-90)
78 939 Atlases  Baquol J and Schnitzler M J H 78 939 Atlases Baquol J and Schnitzler M J H
78/ 939 [Atlases]. Baquol, J. and Schnitzler, M.J.H. Atlas historique et pittoresque ou histoire universelle disposée en tableaux synoptiques embrassant à la fois les faits politiques, religieux, littéraires et artistiques. Strasb., E. Simon, 1873, 3 parts in 1 vol., XVI,(4); (8); (8)textp. and 32 indexp., tinted lithogr. general title-p., 163 double-p. tables, 52 plates, 17 (double-p.) col. lithogr. maps, contemp. gilt and blindst. mor., folio.

- A few leaves w. closed tear. Otherwise contents fine. Binding worn along extremities; top of spine sl. dam.

= I. Antiquité; II. Moyen-Âge; III. Temps Modernes. Cf. Phillips 99f (earlier editions).

€ (70-90)