= Published on occasion of the launching of the "Nieuw Amsterdam" ocean-liner of the Holland-America line. Printed by J. Enschedé en Zonen for the N.V. Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Holland Amerika Lijn". Much attention is given to the art and furniture used in the ship and designed by i.a. H.Th. Wijdeveld, J.J.P. Oud, A.D. Copier, H. Pander & sons and J.F. Semey.
Launch of No. "534" in the presence of Their Majesties the King & Queen at the Yard of John Brown & Co., Ltd. Clydebank Wednesday September 26, 1934. N.pl., n.publ., 1934, (24)p., 2 fold. plates, 10 tipped-in plates/ portraits, ills., orig. cordbound wr., folio.
- Both with manuscript entry/ unobtrusive defects.
AND 1 other.
- Covers discoloured.
AND 2 military "zakboekjes" (1889/ 1913).
- Folded once; edges sl. frayed.
AND ±20 other similar printed documents, ordinances and government announcements, i.a. on elopement in the Netherlands (1751), on the pensions of soldiers (1797), on the export of silver and gold (1797) and several lists of inspection times of the National Militia in the province Zuid-Holland (1819-1830).
- All folded.
= Issues of i.a. Utrechtsche Courant, Cleefsche Courant, Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant and Oprechte Haerlemsche Saturdagsche Courant.
- Map, plates and titles (sl.) foxed/ browned; some scattered owner's stamps, partly pasted over w. paper ticket.
= Verhandelingen, uitgegeven door Teyler's Tweede Genootschap. Zes en twintigste stuk.
- A few ballpoint annots. Wr. sl. creased.
Idem. Archieven van de gasthuizen. Inventarissen en regestenlijsten. Ibid., G.F. Theonville, 1913, XV,(1),709p., orig. (discoloured/ foxed/ sl. dam.) wr. De merkwaardigste stukken uit de oudste archieven van Amsterdam, aangaande de vroegere privilegiën, van deszelfs poorters en inwoners. Amst., Pieper & Ipenbuur, 1821, (8),120p., 10 (fold.) engr. plates/ facsimiles after J. KONING, contemp. marbled wr.
- Two plates loose; occas. sl. stained/ foxed. Backstrip dam.
= Also includes a loosely inserted 7-paged "Aanhangsel (...) inzonderheid betrekkelijk het zegel, dat gevonden wordt op het eerste facsimile H".
AND 15 other archival publications, concerning a.o. Leyden, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Haarlem, Hoorn and Groningen Municipal Archives.
- Sl. browned; formerly folded.
= Rare. A fundraising lottery for a new monument for luitenant J.C.J van Speijk, who blew up his ship on 5 February 1831 in Antwerp.
- Occas. foxing/ soiling; a few libr. stamps/ sm. annots. Bindings rubbed/ sl. worn.
Westerbaen, C.W. Lykrede over Martinus Stuart, gehouden in de Remonstrantsch-Gereformeerde Kerk te Amsterdam (...). Amst., Ten Brink & De Vries, 1827, (4),IV,49,(7)p., without binding. - ADDED: Capelle, J. van de. Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem in 1572-73. Schoonhoven, S.E. van Nooten, 1843, 3 vols., 373,(3); 381,(3); 446,(2)p., 3 ident. lithogr. title-pages, 3 fold. frontisp., 1 facs. plate, orig. unif. hcalf.
- Sl. foxed and occas. waterst. Bindings rubbed/ worn; backstrip vol. 2 dam.
= Ekama 970; Van der Linde 33; Harlemia Illustrata 488.
- Lacks binding; title-p. and index leaf heavily frayed along edges. = F.M. 7010.
AND 1 similar unidentified, also without binding.
- Occas. sl. foxed and occas. sl. split at top/ lower ends of folds; one closed tear. Portfolio lacks ties and sl. worn at corners and top of spine.
- Various defects (hinges broken; bookblock loose etc.).
- Laid down; previously folded; sl. browned.
= List of all places in the Dutch Republic with protestant ministers.
- Without the two supplements; mismatching endpapers. = Gouda Quint p.204.
- Backstrip dam. and leather dried.
= With manuscript presentation to "Jacobus van Straaten voor het vervaardigen eener Bouwkundigen Teekening der Graftombe vande gravin van Solms zich bevindende in de Domkerk alhier (...) Utrecht op den 8 Maart 1842".
ADDED: 4 miscellaneous others, i.a. G. VAN ORDEN, Bijdragen tot de penningkunde (numismatiek) van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden (Zaandam, 1830, 23 (of 24) fold. lithogr. plates, later hcl. w. orig. wr. laid down) and J.G. POUW, Verzameling van voorstellen betreffende het versterfregt, benevens de wijze van verdeeling der nalatenschappen, volgens het Burgerlijk Wetboek, voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden (Amst., 1839, 10 fold. lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf).
- Plates occas. sl. foxed/ stained in margin; hinges broken. Binding worn; imprint on paper ticket on wr.
= De Gids 26.2 (1862), p.76 (advert.). Cf. Bodel Nijenhuis 2459 (w. different title).
Monde, N. van der. Geschied- en oudheidkundige beschrijving van de pleinen, straten, stegen, waterleidingen, wedden, putten en pompen der stad Utrecht. Utr., N. van der Monde, 1844-1846, 3 vols., XVI,375,(2); VIII,380,(1); VIII,370,(1)p., 3 ident. tinted lithogr. frontisp., 9 fold. lithogr. maps/ (bird's eye) plans (1x partly handcol.), 1 fold. lithogr. view, 2 (fold.) woodengr. views, contemp. unif. boards.
- Vols. occas. sl. foxed; some lvs. loose; contents otherwise fine. 2 vols. bookblock broken (1x backcover loose).
= Bodel Nijenhuis 2385.
AND 6 others, incl. S. MULLER FZ., Oude huizen te Utrecht (Utr., 1911, 49 (col. lithogr.) plates (incl. plan) by G. DE HOOG, loose as issued, orig. giltlettered clothbacked portfolio w. ties, folio. Sl. foxed).