- Fine copy. = For the etching by Renoir, see Delteil 23.
- Owner's entry on first blank; first few quires and frontwr. receding waterstain in left and in lower margin; margins sl. yellowed throughout. Backstrip restored.
= For the etching by Renoir, see Delteil 23.
- Fine set.
= Published in the series New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts 1450-1700.
- Dent on frontcover.
= Three separate booklets (2x 4to/ 1x narrow 4to) bound individually within covers.
AND 3 others, i.a. H.L.C. JAFFÉ, Willink (Amst., 1979, num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and C. VOGELAAR, Floris Verster (Leyden/ Oegstgeest, 2002, num. cil. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
- Most posters sl. yellowed along folds; the poster printed in gold (no.6) sl. thumbed and w. sl. wear along folds; 3 posters lack the accompanying card (see below).
= Complete series of posters by Pieter Engels (1938-2019) and Simon van Es. "One of the threads running through the work of Pieter Engels is the questioning of image and writing - or rather, the undermining of dogmas, values, evaluations, laws and notions of style (in the narrower sense) in the areas and fringes of contemporary visual art.
Owlgass was initially going to be shaped by means of purely linguistic publications, but eventually it became a combination of text and image, followed by a series of artworks. The strength of Pieter Engels texts often lie in their ironizing, relativizing and perhaps badinage (yet paradoxically: with great seriousness), the visual work is often a combination of these elements with which he continually stimulates the dogmatic in the visual arts. The 8 posters were sent in folded form worldwide by the worldwide wandering gallery of Simon Es (Engels alter ego). All the posters sent were accompanied by a card, which the recipient could return with a comment or request to receive a signed deluxe copy for a fee of one hundred dollars." (www.pieterengels.com). Comprises:
1. Temporary Event 1976. I.a. showing pieces of paper w. the names of various artists, and a fragment reading "The average conceptual art is the main reason of the present day, spiritual inflation in modern art because it is academical - boring - similar and rarely visual/(like this piece). Engels (the Rolls-Royce amongst artists)";
2. (Event of repetition) A critic in his time (). Printed in black and gold;
3. Engels/ a magician amongst artists or a loner without claque. Printed in black and gold, recto showing Engels wearing a magician's top hat and holding a small shield with the aforementioned text;
4. "The impact of art is unchangeable (...)" Recto and verso w. a photogr. portrait of the artist, one showing Engels with a rose and a metal mask w. inscription "a rose amongst (an artificial bouquet of) fading artists";
5. Karl Marx (). Showing a pair of boots, one w. attached shields reading "Down with mediocrity" and "Down with mass-communication" on the heel and the sole;
6. Engels & Es/ Duchamp. Printed in black and gold;
7. Engels & Es the r/best artists of Holland since [crossed out: Mondriaan] Jansen. Poster for the (fictional) exhibition "Self portrait of a century. Retrospective Museum Of Modern Art, New York";
8. Engels & Es mind-shares. Shows texts and percentages relating to shares and profits of the artists's activities.
ADDED: Idem. "(Project 'Owlglass') The first show of Simon Es, works about Engels". Fold. poster for an exhibition at "Es' (Worldwide Wandering) Gallery, guest of Galerie Yaki Kornblit, 25 Febr. - 22 March 1977", unif. w. the above. - AND 1 similar poster for a Pieter Engels exhitibion at Orez Mobiel, The Hague 1979.
= Contains catalogue raisonné.
Le Coultre, M. Wendingen 1918-1932. Architectuur en vormgeving. Blaricum, V+K Publishing, 2001, 272p., num. (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., sq. 8vo.
= The standard bibliography.
AND 2 others, i.a. E.H. ARIËNS KAPPERS, S. Jessurun de Mesquita (Amst., 1984, ills, orig. wr., sq. 8vo).
- Blindst. owner's mark in frontwr.; trifle worn along edges. = Catalogue no.566.
- Mostly fine.
= Comprises i.a. Tekeningen van Corneille (Stedelijk Mus. Amst., 1960, no. 246), Gilbert & George. The naked shit pictures (Stedelijk Mus. Amst., 1996, no. 795), Catalogo oggetti futuristi (1986) and 3 vols. of Experimenta Typografica (no. 2, 4 and 11).
- All fine.
= Comprises i.a. Giuseppe Penone (Städtisches Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, 1982), Ian Hamilton Finlay (Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, 1987), Ben Shahn, A Partridge in a Pear Tree (Museum of Modern Art, 1967), Félix Valloton (Museum Boymans, 1954), Zadkine (Museum Boymans, 1949) and W. Elenbaas grafiek (Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, 1973-74).
= Comprises i.a. Kasimir Malewitsch (Braunschweig, Haus Salve Hospes, 1958); Helly Oestreicher (Breda/ Amst., De Beyerd/ Joods Historisch Museum, 1989); Mary Bauermeister (Cologne, Galerie Schüppenhauer, 2004. Autograph dedication on title); Günter Tuzina (New York, David Nolan Gallery, 1989); Rissa, Gemälde 1964-1994 (Chemnitz, Städtische Kunstsammlungen, 1994); Rissa, Gemälde und Zeichnungen Januar-Februar 1978 (Cologne, Axiom, 1978); Kalinowski, Bildschreine (Düsseldorf, Galerie 22, 1959); Harold Cohen (Amst., Stedelijk Museum, 1977); Ottfried Rautenbach, 38 Photos (Weinheim, Galerie Krebaum, 1980); Karl-Heinz Meyer (Bielefeld, Galerie Marzona, n.d.); IDEM, Arbeiten 1960-1981 (Bielefeld, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1982) and Bernard Schultze (Wuppertal, Kunst- und Museumsverein Wuppertal, 1962).
- Mostly fine.
= Comprises i.a. Arshile Gorky Peintures et dessins (Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1965); Yves Klein et son mythe (Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1966); Jean Fautrier 1925-1935 (Sted. Mus. Amst., 1986, no.708); Ramon Herreros/ Alfonso Albacete/ Aki Kudora (3 vols., Galerie Maeght, 1992-1993); Valerio Adami Werke 1976-1996 (Die Galerie, 1996) and Lucio Fontana. La fine di dio (Lenbachhaus, 1998).
= Vol. 1 mostly on fine and applied arts; vol. 2 mostly on theatre and dance.
- Yellowed as usual, due to the quality of the paper.
= All published. Conceptual and political art magazine. With contributions i.a. by Joseph Kosuth and Sarah Charlesworth.
= With contributions by i.a. J.-C. Lambert, B. Vautier (booklet mounted within: Me Ben I Sign. Ibid., 1975, (36)p., orig. wr., sm. 8vo), R. Filliou, C. Dotremont and C. Boltanski.
= With contributions by i.a. J.-C. Lambert, B. Vautier (booklet mounted within: Me Ben I Sign. Ibid., 1975, (36)p., orig. wr., sm. 8vo), R. Filliou, C. Dotremont and C. Boltanski.
- No.2 bookblock loose and w. ruststains from staples at inner margin.
= Rare (all published?). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE VII.
= Rare. "The publication was made into one book of 1974 limited edition for commemorating the original Mona Lisa's exhibition in Japan".