Page 14 of 25 Results 261 - 280 of 485
78 363 Néret G 78 363 Néret G
78/ 363 Néret, G. Léger. Paris, Casterman, 1990, 255,(1)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Abadie, D. (ed). Magnelli, Ibid., Centre Pompidou, 1989, 290,(2)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 6 others on French artists, i.a. M.L. KRUMRINE, Paul Cézanne. Les Baigneuses (Basel/ Paris, 1989, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and F. CHAPON, Illustrated books by Rouault (Paris, 1992, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (100-150)
78 364 Néret G and X G 78 364 Néret G and X G
78 364 Néret G and X G 78 364 Néret G and X G
78 364 Néret G and X G 78 364 Néret G and X G
78/ 364 Néret, G. and X.-G. Henri Matisse: Cut-Outs. Drawing with Scissors. Cologne, Taschen, 2009, 334p., richly illustrated, orig. boards, orig. slipcase, orig. board box, folio. - WITH (in the same slipcase): Matisse, H. Jazz. Ibid., idem, 2009, 146,(6)p., col. plates, loose as issued in orig. chemise, cl. portfolio (fine).

= Facsimile of the edition Paris, 1947.

€ (200-300) 300
78 365 Neurath O 78 365 Neurath O
78 365 Neurath O 78 365 Neurath O
78/ 365 Neurath, O. Entwicklung von Landwirtschaft und Gewerbe in Deutschland. Bildstatistik der Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseums in Wien. Vienna, Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseums, 1928, 15,(1)p. (incl. wr.), 1 loosely inserted fold. col. plate (recto only), isotype ills.

- One leaf sm. tear in lower blank margin; sm. brown stain in blank fore-edge margin thoughout; fold. plate w. some sm. brown stains along fold.

= Frontwr. and verso of the col. plate w. owner's monogram of PIET ZWART in upper corner. Bool/ Broos p.93. Rare.

€ (300-500) 850
78 366 Neurath O 78 366 Neurath O
78/ 366 Neurath, O. The International Foundation for Visual Education presents ISOTYPE symbols with New Year's Greetings 1936. New Year's card, 11,5x14,5 cm., recto w. letterpress text and isotypes printed in black and red, verso w. stamp "The Hague, Holland / 267 Obrechtstr. (...)" and SIGNED "Neurath" in pen and ink.

- Recto w. sm. stain in upper blank corner. = Rare.

Idem. TYPESCRIPT LETTER SIGNED "Neurath" (and w. stamp "Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftmuseum in Wien/ Direktion") to "Herrn Piet Zwart, Architekt (...)", dated "9. Dezember 1929", 1 leaf, recto and verso, w. printed letterhead of the "Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftmuseum (...)".

- Folded; sl. worn (sm. tears at ends of folds) and partly browned on horizontal fold.

= Sending Zwart some publications by the Museum and explaining the meaning and importance of normalisation. "(...) Wir streben bei allen unseren Arbeiten eine Normung an. Die Beschauer sollen sich an gewisse Zeichen gewöhnen, um sie beim Wiedersehen sofort richtig zu deuten. (...) Unsere Arbeit könnte man als eine kollektive bezeichnen. Daher entwickelt sich, trotz individueller Verschiedenheiten der Mitarbeiter, ein einheitlicher Stil. (...) Wenn Sie übrigens Peter Alma sehen, können Sie über die Art der Herstellung alles erfahren, da er ein paar Monate bei uns mitgearbeitet hat (...)".

€ (150-250) 950
78 367 Neurath O ? 78 367 Neurath O ?
78/ 367 Neurath, O.(?). Zur Weltwirtschaft. Vienna, (Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseums), n.d. (±1928), orig. wr. (letterpress text on front, publ. logo on back, verso blank) and 8 loosely inserted lvs. w. isotype ills. and maps.

- Backwr. and last leaf w. stain in lower blank corner.

= Frontwr. and all lvs. w. owner's monogram of PIET ZWART in upper corner (lvs. numb. "2" to "9" by Zwart). Bool/ Broos p 49 (ill.). Rare.

€ (200-300) 600
78/368 NEWS No 1 6 78/368 NEWS No 1 6
78/368 NEWS No 1 6 78/368 NEWS No 1 6
78/368 NEWS No 1 6 78/368 NEWS No 1 6
78/ 368 NEWS. No. 1-6. (Amst., De Harmonie), 1976, 6 parts, all in loose lvs. as issued, num. (photogr.) ills., printed in 200 (numb.) copies, A4.

= With the orig. introductory/ subscription letter. Rare periodical with contributions by i.a. JEROEN HENNEMAN, PIETER HOLSTEIN, MARKUS RAETZ, JOOST ROELOFSZ and DIRK AYELT KOOIMAN. All published.

€ (200-300) 210
78 369 Noever P  ed  78 369 Noever P ed
78/ 369 Noever, P. (ed.). Otto Mühl. Ostfildern, Cantz, 1998, 159,(1)p., (full-p.) col. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., sm. 4to. - AND 11 others, i.a. J. CHEIM, Andy Warhol Nudes (ibid., 1995, ills., orig. boards, 4to); C. FUENTES, Voluptuario (New York, 1996, plates by B. NISSEN, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to) and E. SUSSMAN, Keith Haring (Hedel, 1998, ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to).
€ (40-60) 50
78 370 Nonas R 78 370 Nonas R
78/ 370 Nonas, R. Summer 1906. New York, Buffalo Press, 1973, (32)p. (incl. wr.), obl. 8vo.

- Vague vertical middle fold throughout; backwr. sl. soiled.

= Vol.II of Details from the Excavation of Wooster Street.

Downsbrough, P. A Place - New York. N.pl. (New York), Hal Bromm Gallery, 1977, (24)p. (incl. wr.), 4to (wr. trifle dustsoiled). Banks, E. The Unstated Diagonal. N.pl., the artist, 1979, (16)p., orig. wr., square sm. 8vo. - AND 8 others by/ on Stanley Brouwn (3x), Hans Koetsier, Richard Long (2x), Mark Manders and Lawrence Weiner.

€ (100-150) 170
78/371 Ons Huis Maandblad voor de woninginrichting Year 1957 78/371 Ons Huis Maandblad voor de woninginrichting Year 1957
78/371 Ons Huis Maandblad voor de woninginrichting Year 1957 78/371 Ons Huis Maandblad voor de woninginrichting Year 1957
78/ 371 Ons Huis. Maandblad voor de woninginrichting. Year 1957. Utr., Ons Huis, 1957, 12 issues in 2 vols., continuous pagination, (full-p.) (col.) ills., contemp. unif. artif. leather, orig. wr. pres.
€ (60-80) 80
78 372 Oriental and tribal arts  Asano S and Clark T 78 372 Oriental and tribal arts Asano S and Clark T
78/ 372 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Asano, S. and Clark, T. The Passionate Art of Kitagawa Utamaro. London, British Museum, 1995, 2 vols., 296; 260p., 1 fold. plate, num. coll. ills., orig. almost unif. wr., in orig. board slipcase, 4to.

- Both vols. trifle creased in upper corner. Otherwise a fine set.

= Text vol. (in Japanese/ English) and plate vol. of the exhibition in the British Museum and Chiba City Museum of Art in 1995.

Naoi, N., Schenk, S. and Vries, M. de. Takehisa Yumeji. Leyden, Hotei, 2015, 160p., num. col. ills., orig. wr., 4to (fine). - AND 4 others, incl. Y. NOGUCHI, Kôrin (Paris/ Brussels, 1926, plates/ ills., orig. (worn/ stained) wr., sm. 4to).

€ (70-90) 80
78 373 Oriental and tribal arts  Brockhaus A 78 373 Oriental and tribal arts Brockhaus A
78/ 373 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Brockhaus, A. Netsuke. Versuch einer Geschichte der japanischen Schnitzkunst. Leipsic, F.A. Brockhaus, 1909, 2nd rev. ed., XVI,482p., 52 (of 53) chromolithogr. plates, 272 monochr. ills., orig. giltlettered calf, t.e.g., 4to.

- Lacks plate 25 (plate 24 bound in twice); a few plates loose(ning). = Standard work.

€ (300-500)
78 374 Oriental and tribal arts  Chôju Giga Scrolls of animal caricatures 78 374 Oriental and tribal arts Chôju Giga Scrolls of animal caricatures
78/ 374 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Chôju Giga. Scrolls of animal caricatures. Honolulu, East-West Center Press, 1969, 2 vols.: text-vol.: 24p., num. ills., orig. wr.; facs. vol.: no pagination, leporello bound, orig. cloth over wooden boards, 4to, both kept in orig. cardboard box.
€ (40-60) 40
78 375 Oriental and tribal arts  Dickinson E and Khandalavala K 78 375 Oriental and tribal arts Dickinson E and Khandalavala K
78/ 375 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Dickinson, E. and Khandalavala, K. Kishangarh Painting. New Delhi, Lalith Kala Akademi, 1959, 20 textp., 16 tipped-in col. plates, orig. hcl. w. dustwr. w. mounted col. plate, large folio.

- Top of frontcover and (less visible) frontwr. waterwrinkled; closed tear in lower margin of front- and backwr.

Genoud, Ch. Buddhist Wall-Painting of Ladakh. Geneva, Olizane, 1982, 116,(4)p., num. col. plates, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to (fine).

€ (30-50)
78 376 Oriental and tribal arts  Francke A H 78 376 Oriental and tribal arts Francke A H
78/ 376 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Francke, A.H. Antiquities of Indian Tibet. Ed. F.W. Thomas. New Delhi, Asian Educational Services, 1992, 2 vols., (6),XIV,133,(1); (2),VIII,310p., num. (fold.) maps and plates (incl. 1 fold. map in rear pocket), orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.

- Both dustwr. w. wrinkled lamination.

= 1. Personal narrative; 2. The Chronicles of Ladakh and Minor Chronicles.

AND 4 others, i.a. the plate vol. only of A. STEIN, Serindia (...) (Delhi etc., 1981, num. (fold.) (col.) plates, orig. cl. w. (sl. frayed) dustwr., 4to) and R. RAY and J. VAN ALPHEN, Tejas. Eternal Energy. 1500 Years of Indian Art (Brussels, 2006, richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to).

€ (50-70) 50
78 377 Oriental and tribal arts  Goodall H a o 78 377 Oriental and tribal arts Goodall H a o
78/ 377 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Goodall, H. a.o. The Raymond and Frances Bushell Collection of Netsuke. Chicago, Art Media Resources, 2003, 552p., richly illustrated, orig. gilt cl. w. mounted col. plate on frontcover, dustwr., folio (spine cracked). Davey, N.K. Netsuke. A comprehensive study based on the M.T. Hindson Collection. London, Faber & Faber, 1974, (10),564p., 2 col. plates, 1322 ills., orig. cl. w. (worn) dustwr., 4to. - AND 7 others on netsuke, i.a. F.M. JONAS, Netsuké (Vermont/ Tokyo, 1960, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr.) and R. BUSHELL, Netsuke, Familiar and Unfamiliar (New York/ Tokyo, 1999, 3rd ed., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (80-100) 90
78 378 Oriental and tribal arts  Heusden W van 78 378 Oriental and tribal arts Heusden W van
78/ 378 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Heusden, W. van. Ancient Chinese bronzes of the Shang and Chou dynasties. An illustrated catalogue of the Heusden collection. Tokyo, privately published, 1952, (2),X,(2),193p., col. photogr. frontisp., 63 photogr. plates, printed in 1000 numb. and signed copies, orig. giltlettered cl., 4to.
€ (100-150) 100
78 379 Oriental and tribal arts  Jirka Schmitz P 78 379 Oriental and tribal arts Jirka Schmitz P
78/ 379 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Jirka-Schmitz, P. Netsuke. 112 Meisterwerke. Masterpieces. The Trumpf Collection./ Gürtelschmuck aus Japan. Die Sammlung Trumpf. Stuttgart, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2000, 2 vols., 288; 415,(1)p., 1st vol. w. juxtaposed German and English text, num. (full-p.) (col.) (photogr.) ills., orig. unif. boards, 4to.
€ (60-80)
78 380 Oriental and tribal arts  Kjersmeier C 78 380 Oriental and tribal arts Kjersmeier C
78 380 Oriental and tribal arts  Kjersmeier C 78 380 Oriental and tribal arts Kjersmeier C
78/ 380 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Kjersmeier, C. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre Africaine. New York, Hacker Art Books, 1967, 4 parts in 1 vol., num. plates, orig. giltlettered cl., large 4to.

- Fine copy. = Reprint of the edition Copenhagen, 1935-1938.

AND 3 others, i.a. IDEM, Afrikanske Negerskulpturer/ African Negro Sculptures (London, 1947, num. plates, orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to).

€ (70-90) 70
78 381 Oriental and tribal arts  Knuttel G 78 381 Oriental and tribal arts Knuttel G
78/ 381 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Knuttel, G. Over Chineesche en Japansche kunst. Amst., H.J. Paris, n.d. (1936), 1st ed., 139p, 16 plates, one of 40 numb. and signed copies, orig. gilt vellum, t.e.g.

- Fine copy. = DELUXE EDITION in vellum of the original cloth-bound ed. of 1936.

€ (40-60)
78 382 Oriental and tribal arts  Sabolo Y 78 382 Oriental and tribal arts Sabolo Y
78/ 382 [Oriental and tribal arts]. Sabolo, Y. Tumaco. 1000 Ans d'art précolombien. Genève, Office du Livre, 1986, 252p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Wassing, R.S. L'art de l'Afrique noire. Fribourg, Office du Livre, 1969, 299,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. gilt boards w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 3 others, i.a. C. SIVARAMAMURTI, L'art en Inde (Paris, 1974, num. (full-p.) col. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., board slipcase, 4to).
€ (50-70)