- Vague horizontal fold in left sheet.
= Rare large and sumptuous view of the Golden Bend in Amsterdam. Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). Collectie Dreesman I, p.248; cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 280. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIX.
- Cut inside the borderline; remargined; a few professionally restored tears in lower margin.
= Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). Collectie Dreesmann I, p.235; cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 275.
- Trifle yellowed.
= Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). Collectie Dreesmann I, p.64; cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 287.
= Impressive and decorative view. Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). The renewed engraving showing the renovation of the Corn Exchange into a stone building. The building was demolished in 1884, a year after the damming of the part of the Damrak between the Papenbrugsteeg and the Oude Brug. Collectie Dreesmann I, p.88; cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 292.
= Impressive and decorative view. Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). The original engraving showing the original wooden Corn Exchange before it was renewed in 1768. Cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 292.
= Part of a very rare series of large 18th cent. Amsterdam city views (see annotation to lot 4925). Collectie Dreesmann I, p.217; cat. R.W.P. de Vries (1925) 283.
- Professionally restored with the following former defects: 6 large tears in upper and lower margins; upper margin cut short (affecting title); cut just outside the platemark; some yellowing in the sky areas; formerly folded 3 times.
= Impressive and lively view of the Dam with i.a. the town hall, Nieuwe Kerk and view of the Damrak. To the right, some people have climbed a roof in order to better see the spectacle. Rare. Hollstein 5; F.M. (Suppl.) 2683A (w. address J. Gole, not on the present copy).
- Formerly folded in at least 6 sections; a few vague spots in left sky area.
= Rare view. Bierens de Haan 4840; Atlas van Stolk 3582. Very lively winter scene, depicting the famous horse-drawn ice-breaker freeing the Amstel of ice so that clean water could be delivered to the breweries in the city. The view shows many people skating fearlessly in front of the icebreaker and onlookers standing on the quay.
- A few marginal tears.
= Left part of a diptych view only. On verso plate XXII (showing 9 events of the year 1721), printed in red from P. Schenk, Schouwburg van den oorlog (Amst., 1721).
= F.M. 1210,5.
= F.M. 4210-a/14; Atlas van Stolk 4182-XIV.
- Two hardly visible small closed tears. Fine copy.
= Rare. Hameleers 82, 1; cf. Van der Krogt/ Koeman IV-2/1, 42:2; cf d'Ailly 236. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXX.
- Poor copy, formerly split and parts mounted together (sl. clumsily); brown offsetting in margins.
= Rare. Hameleers 82, 2nd state (before the address of F. de Wit and the scale bar); d'Ailly 235; cf. Van der Krogt/ Koeman IV-2, 109 (not mentioning this state).
- Folds as published. = Hameleers I, 125, 6th ed.; d'Ailly 303. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXX.
- Some plans sl. frayed or sl. dam. along margin(s) as usual; first 27 plans strengthened along all outer blank margins.
= Hameleers p.137-149; d'Ailly 533. "Uit de vorige eeuw kennen we de buurtkaarten. De verdeling in buurten werd in 1851 ingesteld, waarna een aantal uitgevers atlassen op de markt bracht waarin van iedere buurt een kaart was opgenomen. De belangrijkste is wel die van J.C. Loman. Zijn in 1876 in druk verschenen atlas, waarin we alle buurten vinden op een schaal van 1:1250, geeft ook een perceelsgewijze indeling, waarbij de in 1875 ingevoerde en nog steeds in gebruik zijnde huisnummering is aangegeven. Ook wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen publieke gebouwen, kerken, woonhuizen, pakhuizen en "gebouwde eigendommen der Gemeente, niet tot de publieke dienst bestemd". Verder vinden we op deze kaarten de brandschellen, lantaarns, urinoirs, riolen en de "tramway"." (Hofman, Amsterdam. Burgerwijkkaarten, p.I).
= Rare.
"Toepasselijke opmerking van den Nachtwacht, bij 't bekijken van 't Oude en Nieuwe Postkantoor". Nightwatch wish, "Kermis-Maandag, 8 September 1856", text and illustration within ornamental borders by PRINZ, printed on (sl. faded) pink paper, 33,3x24,9 cm. "De Nachtwacht aan de intgezetenen der Stad Amsterdam. Bij de Intrede van den Jare 1848". Nightwatch New Year's wish, (1849), text and illustration within ornamental borders by TOLLENAAR, printed on brown paper, 23,2x33,3 cm. (a few sm. stains in upper blank margin). - AND 16 other (mainly New Year's and Kermisvreugd) illustrated Nigtwatch wishes, a few w. (sm.) defects.
- Sl. yellowed in blank margins. Otherwise fine.
= Very rare view of the Portuguese and German synagogues in Amsterdam. First state of the print, before the 1750 renovation of the new German synagogue. Dreesman I, p.279. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXI.