- Vague oblique fold in second half of the book (also vaguely visible in 2 plates). Wrappers sl. faded along extremities.
= A short story with orignal early etchings by Chagall, told in reverse beginning with the death of an unmarried girl's baby up to the first night she spend together with her lover. Kornfeld 63-69; Sorlier, p.20ff; Cramer, p.20f.
- Dustwr. nibbled by silverfish along margins and one spot on frontwr.
- Trifle soiled. Covers sl. dulled; corners sl. worn. = Album Lefévre-Utile. Première Série.
- Partly trifle yellowed; horizontal fold in center and some marginal creases.
= Slagter 12. Fine copy with the "URGENT"-slip mounted on the front-page.
- All leaves cut open; first/ final (advert.) lvs. sl. foxed. Boards sl. darkened. Good copy.
= Ray 247; Houfe p.271; Spencer, Walter Crane p.106: "(...) [his] first and finest flower book (...)".
- Loose(ning); lacks backwr.; frontwr. stained.
- One plate sl. frayed; occas. sl. foxed/ soiled; lacks final free endpaper.
= Cf. Cohn 305 (first ed. London, 1817); Maggs Bros., English literature of the 19th and 20th centuries no. 865.
BOUND AFTER: Dress and Address. Ibid., idem, 1819, 2nd ed., 201,(1)p., 4 (of 6) handcol. etched plates by G. CRUIKSHANK.
- Lacks 2 plates and 1 textleaf.
= Not in Cohn; Maggs Bros., English literature of the 19th and 20th centuries no. 553.
- Backstrip of chemise sl. sunned. = Monod 3350.
- Owner's entry on inside slipcase and inside frontwr. Slipcase partly worn along extremities. = Monod 1248.
- Wrappers chemise and slipcase partly browned/ sl. worn. = Monod 6687.
- First and last few lvs. sl./ trifle foxed. Wr. partly sunned; trifle bumped at extremities. Otherwise fine.
= De Vries p.23ff and p.342f.
- Foxed as usual; mounted newspaper clipping on prelim. lvs. (incl. htitle); hinges broken but holding strong. Paper over boards partly worn off.
= The first edition with the illustrations by Doré. Vicaire I, p.190; Sander 38; Carteret III, p.48: "Ce livre est consideré comme le chef-d'oeuvre d'illustration de Gustave Doré (...)". This copy with "Joyeulx" on p.326, but p.425 with the address and "36" and p.426 with "Naifveté".
Uzanne, O. Fashion in Paris. The various phases of feminine taste and aesthetics from 1797 to 1897. Engl. transl. M. Loyd. London, W. Heinemann, 1901, new ed., VI,(2),180p., 24 handcol. engr. plates and 250 ills. after F. COURBOIN, orig. gilt cl., 4to.
- Foxed.
AND 2 other 19th cent. illustrated vols., both French language.
- Trifle/ sl. foxed (as usual). Binding partly worn along extremities; upper joint split but holding.
= Leblanc p.154: "(...) Par la magie de son crayon, par la clairvoyance de son regards, a réussi à rendre la vie londonnienne sous ses aspects les plus divers et les plus saisissants."
- Both vols. hinges strengthened; bookplate on upper pastedown; dedication on first free endpaper; (sl.) foxed. Both vols. binding worn/ dam.; vol.1 joints split(ting).
= First edition with the illustrations by Doré. Leblanc 206; Vicaire IV, p.905; Sander 413; Brivois 242; Bassy 45.
- Board slipcase needs to be glued back onto base of perspex box.
= Bookmarkers printed by i.a. Avalon Pers, Mercatorpers, Eric van der Wal, The Cherub Press, De Lange Afstand, Hein Elferink, Hans van Eijk, De Ammoniet, Slofpers. A project of Drukwerk in de Marge, the Dutch association of private press printers.
= A joint project between members of the Oxford Guild of Printers in England and Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge in the Netherlands. Comprises publications by Alex Barbaix, Alembic Press, Demi-Griffin Press, Clipeus Press, Veerpers, Atlantis Press, Carpathian Press, Kit-Cat Press, Priegelpers, Frans de Jong, Avalon Pers, Cobbenhagen Pers & Ex Officiana Gervoviana, Bert Post, Word Wynker Press, Old Forge Press, De Uitvreter and Dick Wessels.
- Edges bookblock duststained, causing trifle staining in margins; endpapers foxed. Spine-ends rubbed; cl. cover of binding sl. wrinkled.
ADDED: Thackeray, W.M. De Kermis der ijdelheid. Rijswijk, n.d. (±1910), (8),458p., 20 tipped-in col. plates by L. BAUMER, orig. giltlettered cl. w. mounted col. plate, 4to (fine copy).
- Trifle duststained on edges bookblock (just affecting a few of the margins of lvs.).
= Hughey 16u.
AND 1 other illustrated by the same: Picture-Book (London etc., n.d., tipped-in plates, orig. gilt cl., 4to. Occas. sl. foxed (incl. frontcover)).
- All plates fine, but text leaves darkened along margins (partly also extending into text) and yellowed. Corners and top of spine trifle rubbed.
= Hughey 16u. With on verso title-p.: ''French and English translations of this work have been published, and the sale in those countries in prohibited.''
AND 2 others illustrated by the same: Picture-Book (London etc., n.d., tipped-in plates, orig. gilt cl., 4to. Occas. sl. foxed (incl. frontcover); top of spine sl. worn) and Fairy-Book. Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations (ibid., n.d., tipped-in col. plates, orig. dec. cl., 4to. Lacks first blank; owner's entry on title-p.).