- Dustwr. sl. rubbed at corners and spine-ends; frontcover sl. foxed and sl. faded along outer lower margin; both spine-ends sl. faded.
= Preceding the first American edition. Hanneman A44a
Idem. A Moveable Feast. Ibid., idem, 1964, 1st UK ed., 192p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.
- Minor imperfections, otherwise a fine copy. = Hanneman A46.a.
AND a 2nd impression of the first UK edition of the Old Man and the Sea by the same.
= Charles Hugo was defended by his father, Victor Hugo, for having written an article against the death penalty. He was nevertheless sentenced guilty. The manager of the journal L'Événement, A. Erdan, was defended by Crémieux and sentenced not guilty.
- Fine copy.
- Spine dustwr. sunned and backcover unevenly browned; dustwr. a few rubbed spots in corners.
Maugham, W. Somerset. A Writer's Notebook. Ibid., Heinemann, 1949, 1st ed., 349p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.
- Dustwr. sl. chipped near spine-ends and w. a few sm. tears.
Santayana, G. Persons and Places. The Background of My Life. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1944, 1st ed., 262p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.
- Dustwr. dam. at outer corners and spine ends.
AND 2 others: O. SITWELL, Tales My Father Taught Me (London, 1962, 1st ed. 2nd impr., orig. cl. w. dustwr. Fine) and E. WAUGH, Men at Arms (ibid., 1952, 1st ed., orig. cl. w. defective dustwr.).
- New endpapers. = Rare Dutch translation.
AND 3 others in 5 vols, all translations in Dutch, i.a. S.C. HALL, Marianne (Deventer, 1841, 3 vols., 3 diff. engr. title-vignettes, modern unif. hcl. w. buckram letterpiece).
- Bookblock loose; wr. chipped and worn.
= Rare publication of the Russian futurist publishing house Tsentrifuga (active between 1913-1917).
- Sl. creased and fingersoiled.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on title-p. The title refers to the number of lines in the poem.
- Fine set.
- Binding sl. dampstained; dustwr. trifle rubbed and sl. worn at extremities w. sm. tears/ imperfection at top of spine.
- Binding trifle rubbed.
= SIGNED by the author on mounted slip on upper pastedown.
= Second collection of poetry by Jiří Kolář, co-founder of the existentialist post-war art movement "Skupina 42" to which these poems stylistically belong.
AND 1 other: V. HAVEL, Protokoly (ibid., 1966, 1st ed., orig. limp cl.).
- Title-p. trifle foxed.
AND 1 other: IDEM, Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph (London, 1935, 4th impression of the 1st trade ed., fold./ double-p. maps, plates, orig. gilt buckram, large 8vo. Owner's entry on first free endpaper).
- Gilt partly rubbed off (mainly on spine). = Rare.
AND 1 other: G.G. MÁRQUEZ, One Hundred Years of Solitude (New York, 1970, 1st Am. ed., 4th(?) printing, orig. giltlettered green cl.).
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper. Dustwr. price-clipped; spine sunned. = SIGNED on title-p.
- Lacks htitle. Wrappers sl. frayed and creased; frontwr. discoloured and reattached; spine-ends sl. worn.
= Lee 1. The author's rare debut.
Idem. Paumanok. London, Henry and Longwell, 1926, 13p., printed in 107 numb. copies, signed by the author and publishers, orig. boards w. dustwr., custom made cl. portfolio.
= Lee 57. Briefcase Breviaries 1.
Idem. A Letter to Leonora. (London), Marshall Field & Co., n.d. (1928), 1st ed., (19)p.
= Lee 70. One of 125 numb. and SIGNED large paper copies, printed on English handmade paper, bound in orig. (trifle rubbed) gilt boards, sm. 8vo.
AND 10 others, all but one by the same, i.a. A Bookseller's Breviary (n.pl., n.d. (1924), orig. wr., sm. 8vo), "Rare" Books. An Essay (New York, 1935, printed in 75 copies, orig. wr.), The House of Dooner. The Last of the Friendly Inns (Philadelphia, 1928, printed in 1000 numb. copies, orig. boards, sm. 8vo) and A Ride in the Cab of the Twentienth Century Limited (Lancaster PA, 1928, tipped-in portrait, 6 tipped-in plates, printed in 250 numb. copies, orig. wr. w. green paper title-piece, in custom made cl. portfolio).
- Sl. foxed.
= First edition of this version and the second printed edition of the Donaueschingen manuscript "C" of the Nibelungenlied, which formed part of the private library of Baron Joseph von Laßberg. Goedeke I, p.184.
- Frontwr. trifle creased/ trifle chipped in margins and lacks sm. strip of top margin (4x47 mm.) and portion of 4 mm. at top of spine;
= Fenwick A. 10f (Book of the Month edition, printed in the same year as the first Am. edition). With "Printed in U.S.A." on inside rear flap.
Idem. Nineteen Eighty-Four. Toronto/ London, S.J. Reginald Saunders & co., 1949, 1st Canadian ed., (4),314p., orig. cl.
- Lacks dustwr. Otherwise a fine copy.
Huxley, A. Heaven & Hell. London, Chatto & Windus, 1956, 1st ed., 87,(1)p., orig. cl. w. (trifle rubbed) dustwr. - AND 2 other first eds. by the same, i.a. The Doors of Perception (ibid., idem, 1954, orig. cl. w. dustwr. Near fine copy).
- Bookplate on first free endpaper; sm. bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown. Without dustwrapper; sl. sunned on spine; corners sl. bumped; frontcover and spine one corner browned, both covers and spine a few tiny foxed spots and a small dampstain.
= Fenwick A.12a. Listed in Connolly 100.
- Lacks vol.3. Both vols. bookseller's ticket/ bookplate on upper pastedown; owner's stamp on title; (occas. sl.) foxed; 2nd vol. upper hinge weak; title-p. loose. Both vols. binding (sl.) worn.
= Contains 15 previously unpublished poems by Charles Baudelaire (Nouvelles Fleurs du Mal) and contributions by i.a. Paul Verlaine, Stéphane Mallarmé, Leconte de Lisle, Catulle Mendès, Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam and Anatole France.