- Various minor defects, but mostly in good/ fine condition.
= Third and fourth edition published uniformly with the first edition of 1947.
AND 1 other: IDEM, Verhalen rondom het achterhuis (ibid., 1960, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).
= First publication of any part of Anne Frank's diary, preceding the first book edition (1947). In 1946, Anne's father Otto Frank, after several failed attempts to have the diary published, gave a typed transcript to a friend who in turn lent it to Jan Romein (professor of modern history and one of the editors of the journal De Nieuwe Stem) and his wife Annie Romein-Verschoor. Romein was very impressed and arranged the publication of excerpts in his journal (p.432-442).
- Without the original wrappers. Spine sl. discoloured.
= Very rare first publication of any part of Anne Frank's diary (on p.432-442), preceding the first book edition (1947). In 1946, Anne's father Otto Frank, after several failed attempts to have the diary published, gave a typed transcript to a friend who in turn lent it to Jan Romein (professor of modern history and one of the editors of the journal De Nieuwe Stem) and his wife Annie Romein-Verschoor. Romein was very impressed and arranged the publication of excerpts in his journal (p.432-442).
- Bookblock sl. warped; owner's entry on first free endpaper; occas. sl. foxed. Joints sl. wornholed; spine dustwr. sl. browned and dam. at foot.
AND 2 other first editions of translations of the same work: French (Paris, 1950, portrait, orig. wr.) and English (New York, 1952 (later printing), orig. cl.).
- Occas. trifle foxed/ stained.
AND 1 other: IDEM, Verhalen rondom het achterhuis (Amst., 1960, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).
- Trifle foxed. Dustwr. sl. worn at spine.
AND a 3rd edition of IDEM, Het achterhuis (Amst., 1948, orig. boards).
- Bookplate on verso frontwr.
= Very rare publication mentioning Edith Frank, the mother of Anne Frank. It came out two years prior to the publication of Anne Frank's diary. "Op een morgen komen nieuwe patiënten binnen. Ineens herken ik Edith, zij komt uit een andere ziekenafdeeling. Zij is nog maar een schim. Enkele dagen nadien sterft zij, totaal uitgeput" (p.29). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXII.
- All folded; partly sl. creased and frayed.
= Remarkable and subtle collaborationist propaganda periodical published by the National Socialists, ostensively as an illegal, satirical journal. One of the contributors to the periodical was Willy van der Heide (= W.H.M. van den Hout), better known as the author of the Bob Evers series (cf. Groeneveld, Zwaard van de geest, p.86).
De Gil. Speciale extra editie! The Hague, n.publ. (Ons Volk), 1944, (4)p., ills., folio.
- Folded; a few tears.
= The so-called "Valse Gil", published by Ons Volk as counter-propaganda against the publishers of the true Gil.
AND a reprint of the "Valse Gil", publ. ±1950.
- Endpapers sl. browned/ foxed. A fine copy.
= De Jong 664 (erroneously mentioning 1913 and 1944 as the resp. fictitious and actual date of publication). Very rare clandestine publication written by Etty Hillesum in camp Westerbork (from where she was deported to Auschwitz in 1943) describing life in the camp in a very penetrating way. Published for the benefit of the resistance. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXII.
= Stamped; "Serie CC No. 2812" (10 cent); "Serie AA No. 1415" (25 cent); "Serie AA No. 3270" (50 cent) and "Serie CC No. 0020" (100 cent).
- Lacks portion of first free endpaper. Covers sl. (water)stained. = De Jong 614.
Vries, Th. de (under pseud. M. Swaertreger). WA Man. Utr., De Doezende Dar (= C.E. van Blommenstein and G. Lubberhuizen), 1944, 1st ed., 90,(3)p., printed in 150 numb. copies, caricatural ill. by F. WEIDEMA, orig. wr.
- Fine copy. = De Jong 797.
Moffenspiegel. Een boekje over Adolf de Eerste (en de laatste) en zijn trawanten. N.pl. (Amst.), De Bezige Bij, 1944, (40)p., ills. and orig. pict. cl.
- Waterst. in corners throughout; binding sl. stained/ soiled. = De Jong 569.
AND 5 others similar.
= Landwehr 22d. "Aangeboden aan het Naziregiem dat ons tijdens de vijf terreurjaren zoo prachtig behandeld heeft, met ons in concentratiekampen, tuchthuizen, werkkampen en strafgevangenissen te stoppen, ons daar met de dood bedreigde en dat niet naliet, dit laatste zelfs ten uitvoer te brengen" [introd.].
AND 4 others, i.a. J. KENNIS, De sprinkgermanenplaag (en de stoute dingen die Toontje deed) (Amst., 1945, ills., orig. boards, obl. 8vo) and DE KUNST VAN HET LIEGEN (...). Door A. Hitler en J. Goebbels (London, 1944, col. ills., orig. wr., sm. 8vo).
- Owner's stamp on htitle.
= Eddy de Wind (1916-1987) was a Jewish physician and was deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz in 1943. He survived. Immediately after the Nazi death camp's liberation, he wrote down his experiences. It is thought to be the only complete account written within Auschwitz itself.
AND 2 other early eye-witness accounts of the Holocaust, both published in 1946, i.a. S. VAN DEN BERGH, Deportaties (Bussum, orig. boards). - ADDED: 3 others on the Holocaust.
- Rolled.
= Poster designed by pupils of the Gemeentelijke HBS, under guidance of their art teacher J.J. Hens. WITH: accomp. explanatory text leaf. Not in De Roos.
- Partly (sl.) foxed. = Scarce.
- All vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown.