- Loose(ning). Backstrip worn off; frontwr. sl. stained/ soiled.
= From the library of LEO POLAK, with his owner's stamp on title-p.
WITH a Hebrew prayerbook (with presentation leaf to Joseph Samuel de la Bella, on occasion of his Bar Mitzva, dated 26 April 1941).
= Type of shabbat oil lamp specific to the Rhine region. Very popular in the 19th century.
- Owner's stamp on title; bookblock sl. shaken. Covers sl. soiled; spine-ends worn.
- Without the final issue; printed on rather poor quality paper (very fragile and brittle); first leaf reattached w. sellotape; a few lvs. loose(ning).
= Near complete run of this scarce literary periodical, entirely printed in Yiddish (with the title "Kritik" in striking modernist typography). Moishe Zilberg (1884-1942) was a Hebrew teacher and publisher who resided in Vienna between 1918 and 1923 where he published this periodical, in collaboration with i.a. Moyshe Grosman-Tsimerman, Mendl Zinger, Meylekh Ravitsh, Dr. Meylekh Khmelnitski and A.M. Fuks.
AND 2 others, both Yiddish: J. GLATSTEIN, Kredos (New York, 1929, orig. gilt cl.) and B. GLOSSMAN, Atrunene: Finf Dertseylungen (ibid., 1935, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).
- Lacks the key, box is open.
- Wr. w. some sm. marginal tears. = Rare. Scheurleer II, p.145.
Idem. Van twee joodsche vragertjes. Ibid., idem, 1918, 99,(1)p., orig. wr. by L. PINKHOF.
- Partly waterstained. Backstrip sl. dam.
- Some light corrosion.
- Two business cards taped onto upper pastedown; owner's entry on upper pastedown.
AND 1 other Haggadah illustrated by A. ALLWEIL.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION: "Voor Matthijs Vermeulen, de schrijver van een der fraaiste artikelen over Mozart, die ik ooit las, bij gelegenheid van de eindelijke erkenning van zijn muzikaal en compositorisch vermogen, van [signed]. Amsterdam, Zomer 1956".
Vriesland, V.E. van. Grondslag van verstandhouding. Proeve van vertoog ter begripsvorming eener kenleer van het zijn, de ziel en het absolute. Amst., De Bezige Bij, 1946, 1st ed., 90,(1)p., orig. plain wr., large 8vo.
- Sl. yellowed/ foxed.
= Tandem Aliquando 3. The colophon, signed by the author, reading "(...) gedrukt in een oplage van 525, van I-XXV en van 1-500 genummerde exemplaren, waarvan alleen de laatste in den handel komen", of which "alleen de laatste" has been crossed out and replaced by "er geen" in ballpoint by the author. With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "Voor Thijs Vermeulen van Vic".
AND 3 others, all w. AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION to the same, i.a. TH. DE VRIES, De U.S.S.R. na 40 jaar (n.pl., 1957, num. photogr. ills., orig. rexine, 4to).
- Tiny tear in lower margin of frontwr. (6 mm) and dustwr. trifle rubbed at top of spine and corners. A fine copy.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION dated "Amsterdam 2 / 15 / 92" in ballpoint. With 5 loosely inserted concert tickets, one of which for the concert of 15 February 1992 at the Beurs van Berlage.
- A few 7" records lack the orig. sleeve; several sleeves sl. worn.
- Contemp. owner's entry cut from upper outer corner title-p. (sl. affecting pagination on verso).
- Mostly sl. frayed/ dam.; some repaired w. scotch tape; a few w. collector's stamp.
= Some titles: Nieuw lied, op een aangename wijs (Napoleon waar zijt gij gebleven?); De bliksemtrein; Rolschaatsen-manie; Chique Lui; Het hutje aan de Zee; Nieuw Lied van de Transvaalsche Oorlog; Lied van den allerverschrikkelijksten oorlog tusschen Duitschland en Frankrijk and De Spoorwagen, vol zedelijke liederen ten dienste van alle fatsoenlijke gezelschappen (Amst., n.d., 12th rev. ed., woodcut title-vignette of a train "De Arend", contemp. chintz wr.).
- Owner's entry on 1st page of both parts and on frontwr.
AND a duplicate of the first work (also the 1st ed. Sl. yellowed and upper corner of backwr. clipped).
- Backstrip dam.
AND 2 others, i.a. G.F. MALIPIERO, Pause del Silenzio (...) (Vienna, 1919, plate no. F.1119 B., orig. wr., 4to).
- Sl. soiled; vaguely stained; sl. frayed; splitting on fold.
= First edition of "Wien Neerlandsch bloed", published in the series "Volksliederen uitgegeven ingevolge het programma van (...) J.H. van Kinsbergen".
AND 5 others vols. with sheetmusic, i.a. L. DAVIDS and M. MORRIS, Negerliedje (The Hague, n.d. (±1920), orig. lithogr. wr. by A. or H. PIECK, folio. Sl. frayed) and K. PRUIS and W. CIERE, 'n Ploertje (The Hague, orig. lithogr. wr. by HARDY. Sl. frayed; owner's entry and stamp on frontwr.).
- Occas sl. foxed. = Caillet 7899: "Ouvrage extrêmement intéressant (...)". Very rare.
- Browned/ foxed throughout (incl. the frontisp.).
= Original photograph by Johann Schäfer (Frankfurt am Main, 1859).
- Backstrip sl. dam.; wr. sl. dampstained.
Idem. Philosophy and logical syntax. London, P. Kegan etc., 1935, 100,(2)p., orig. hcl., sm. 8vo.
- Boards sl. dustsoiled.