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77 643 Cinema  Irzykowski K 77 643 Cinema Irzykowski K
77/ 643 [Cinema]. Irzykowski, K. Dziesiąta muza. Zagadnenia estetyczne kina (The tenth muse. Aesthetic problems of cinema). Kraków, Krakowska Społka Wydawnicza, 1924, 238,(2)p., orig. wr. by L. KOBIERSKI.

- Bookblock frayed; yellowed; a few owner's stamps. Wr. fingersoiled and worn; frontwr. lacks portion of corner.

= Rare and important work of cinema criticism in 1920s Poland, with fine expressionist frontcover design. See at large K. KUC, Visions of Avant-Garde Film. Polish cinematic experiments from expressionism to constructivism (Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 2016, p.55ff).

€ (100-150) 100
77 644 Cinema  Oganesov K 77 644 Cinema Oganesov K
77/ 644 [Cinema]. Oganesov, K. Ruth Roland. Moscow, Kinopechat', 1927, 14p., ills., orig. photomontage wr. by K. VYALOV, sm. 8vo.

- Sl. yellowed. Spine strengthened.

= From a series of short biographies/ filmographies of international actors and actresses, published by the Soviet "cinema press".

AND 2 others from the same series on Werner Krauss and Henny Porten.

€ (40-60) 50
77/645 Fashion and costume  Aglaja Maandboekje voor dameswerken Year 1848/ 1851 1853 and 1855 77/645 Fashion and costume Aglaja Maandboekje voor dameswerken Year 1848/ 1851 1853 and 1855
77/645 Fashion and costume  Aglaja Maandboekje voor dameswerken Year 1848/ 1851 1853 and 1855 77/645 Fashion and costume Aglaja Maandboekje voor dameswerken Year 1848/ 1851 1853 and 1855
77/ 645 [Fashion and costume]. Aglaja. Maandboekje voor dameswerken. Year 1848, 1851-1853 and 1855. Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, 1848-1855, 5 vols., 40 handcol steelengr. plates, 181 (of 224?) (fold.) (col.) lithogr. plates, contemp. partly unif. giltlettered hcl.

- Lacks ±43 plates and 2 title-p.; some fold. plates partly torn on folds (occas. repaired w. thin Japanese). Bindings sl. worn.

€ (70-90) 70
77 646 Fashion and costume  Baker P L  Tezcan H and Wearden J 77 646 Fashion and costume Baker P L Tezcan H and Wearden J
77/ 646 [Fashion and costume]. Baker, P.L., Tezcan, H. and Wearden, J. Silks for the Sultans. Ottoman Imperial garments from Topkapı Palace. N.pl., Ertuğ & Kocabıyık, 1996, 250,(2)p., num. full.-p. col. photogr. ills. by A. ERTUĞ, orig. giltlettered clothbacked blindst. silk, slipcase, folio (fine).
€ (70-90) 90
77 647 Fashion and costume  Beaux Arts des Modes Modèles Originaux Hiver 1929 77 647 Fashion and costume Beaux Arts des Modes Modèles Originaux Hiver 1929
77/ 647 [Fashion and costume]. Beaux-Arts des Modes. Modèles Originaux. Hiver 1929. (Paris), Bachwitz, 1929, 4 textp., 54 pochoir-col. lithogr. plates by ATELIER BACHWITZ (38,5x28 cm.), orig. wr., folio.

- Wr. rubbed; spine-ends and corners dam.

= Fine collection of art deco plates showing lady's fashion for the winter season.

€ (250-350) 300
77 648 Fashion and costume  La France Élégante France Élegant & Paris Élegant réunis Year 1849 77 648 Fashion and costume La France Élégante France Élegant & Paris Élegant réunis Year 1849
77/ 648 [Fashion and costume]. La France Élégante. France Élegant & Paris Élegant réunis. Year 1849. Paris, n.publ., 1849, 24 issues in 1 vol., 2 large fold. handcol. plates, 42 handcol. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, folio.

- All plates w. central vertical fold; occas. minor defects. Binding partly sl. worn; backstrip dam.

= Cf. Lipperheide Zb 114 (year 1854).

€ (250-350)
77/649 Fashion and costume  La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21 77/649 Fashion and costume La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21
77/649 Fashion and costume  La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21 77/649 Fashion and costume La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21
77/649 Fashion and costume  La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21 77/649 Fashion and costume La Mode illustrée Journal de la famille Year 20 21
77/ 649 [Fashion and costume]. La Mode illustrée. Journal de la famille. Year 20-21. Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1879-1880, 60 handcol. steelengr. plates, num. woodengr. ills., large fold. sowing patterns, contemp. gilt hmor., folio.

- One textleaf dam.; 1 plate/ a few textp. w. (closed) tear(s); occas. sl. stained. Covers/ spine-ends (sl.) worn.

= Colas 2082.

€ (100-150) 110
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77 650 Fashion and costume  Uzanne O 77 650 Fashion and costume Uzanne O
77/ 650 [Fashion and costume]. Uzanne, O. Les Modes de Paris. Variations du goût et de l'esthétique de la femme 1797-1897. Paris, Société française d'Éditions d'Art, 1898, (4),IV,242,(1)p., col. title-vignette, 100 col. plates and 240 ills. after F. COURBIN, printed in 1100 numb. copies (1000), contemp. hvellum w. orig. col. pict. wr. pres.

- Upper hinge weak; owner's entry in pen and ink on upper pastedown (and w. remnants of paper ticket).

= "Monument esthématique du XIXe siècle". Colas 2952; Lipperheide Fc 56; Monod 10836; Carteret V, p.190.

Robes Préparées mi-Confectionnées. Broderies. Dentelles. Hiver 1904-1905. Paris, Béraud & Cie., n.d. (±1900), index leaf and 36 lithogr. plates, loose as issued in orig. giltlettered cl. portfolio, large 4to.

- Plates trifle foxed. Covers sl. discol.

€ (80-100) 80
77/651 Freemasonry  Vry metselaars almanach voor het jaar 1807 77/651 Freemasonry Vry metselaars almanach voor het jaar 1807
77/651 Freemasonry  Vry metselaars almanach voor het jaar 1807 77/651 Freemasonry Vry metselaars almanach voor het jaar 1807
77/ 651 [Freemasonry]. Vry-metselaars almanach voor het jaar 1807. Rott., C.R. Hake, (1806), 72p., engr. title, contemp. chintz wr., 12mo.

- Bookblock split. Joints split at spine-ends.

€ (50-70) 50
77 652 Gastronomy  Bertall A 77 652 Gastronomy Bertall A
77/ 652 [Gastronomy]. Bertall, A. La vigne. Voyage autour des vins de France. Etude physiologique, anecdotique, historique, humoristique et même scientifique. Paris, Plon & Cie., 1878, (4),659p., 94 woodengr. plates, over 400 woodengr. ills. by the author, orig. richly gilt hmor., a.e.g., 4to.

- Contents fine. Bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. rubbed at extremities; joints starting at foot of spine.

= First edition. Carteret III, p.89; Vicaire, Manuel I, p.439f; Vicaire, Bibl. gastronomique 87 and Bitting p.38 (both erroneously calling for 64 plates); Monod 1473 (erroneously dating 1876); Sander p.99; Oberlé, Bibl. Bachique 138. The first edition of this famous book. "The book is exceptional." (Bitting p38). "Le spirituel caricaturiste passe en revue les différents crus de la Bourgogne, de la Gironde et de la Champagne et conte avec beaucoup d'humour une foule d'anecdotes amusantes sur les vins, les vignes, les vignerons, les propriétaires et les dégustateurs. Les exemplaires du 1er tirage sont recherchés." (Vicaire, Bibl. gastronomique p.87).

€ (100-150) 110
77 653 Gastronomy  Chaptal de Chanteloup J A C  77 653 Gastronomy Chaptal de Chanteloup J A C
77/ 653 [Gastronomy]. Chaptal (de Chanteloup, J.-A.-C.). l'Art de faire le vin. Paris, Deterville, 1819, 2nd rev. and enl. ed. [recte 3rd ed.], XVI,381p., 1 fold. engr. plate by J.E. THIERRY, bound by D. SAPORITO in dark green full morocco w. double fillet borders around sides and richly gilt spine, watered silk aquamarine doublures within red morocco borders within single gilt fillet border, a.e.g., in marbled board slipcase.

- Very fine copy.

= Chaptal, Comte de Chanteloup (1756-1832) invented the process of "chaptalization", by which sugar is added to unfermented grape must in order to increase the alcohol content after fermentation. His invention revolutionized the wine production industry. Vicaire p.164 (stating that this is the 3rd ed.); cf. Oberlé, Fastes 951 (2nd ed., Paris, 1807); Simon, Bibl. Vinaria, p.18. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVIII.

€ (200-300) 250
77/654 Gastronomy  De ervarene en verstandige Hollandsche huyshoudster Onderwyzende alle Jonge Vrouwen hoe zy zich in 't Bestuuren van het Huyshouden moeten Gedragen door ieder zyn Plicht wel te77/654 Gastronomy De ervarene en verstandige Hollandsche huyshoudster Onderwyzende alle Jonge Vrouwen hoe zy zich in 't Bestuuren van het Huyshouden moeten Gedragen door ieder zyn Plicht wel te
77/ 654 [Gastronomy]. De ervarene en verstandige Hollandsche huyshoudster. Onderwyzende alle Jonge Vrouwen, hoe zy zich in 't Bestuuren van het Huyshouden moeten Gedragen, door ieder zyn Plicht wel te doen Waarneemen. Alles wanneer het tydig en best koop is, op te doen en op te Dissen; hoe men zich na den tyd des Jaars moet Kleeden, &c. Dienende tot een volmaakte Onderwyzing in deze groote en nuttige Kunst, en zonder welkers kennisse, alle Boeken, dewelke van de Kook Kunst en diergelyke Wetenschap-schappen [sic] handelen, vruchteloos zijn. Amst., B. Mourik, n.d. (±1780), 1st ed., LVI,214,(2)p., contemp. simple wr.

- Partly. (sl.) foxed and fingersoiled; hinges widening. Paper over spine worn.

= Rare. Bibliotheca Gastronomica 2896; de Vries 526*; Waller 855 (1st ed.). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXII.

€ (200-300) 210
77/655 Gastronomy  Geheel nieuw en volkomen handboek voor minërvaren koks keukenmeiden en jong gehuwde vrouwen bevattende meer dan duizend voorschriften van goedkoope echter zeer smakelijke en 77/655 Gastronomy Geheel nieuw en volkomen handboek voor minërvaren koks keukenmeiden en jong gehuwde vrouwen bevattende meer dan duizend voorschriften van goedkoope echter zeer smakelijke en
77/ 655 [Gastronomy]. Geheel nieuw, en volkomen handboek voor minërvaren koks, keukenmeiden en jong gehuwde vrouwen, bevattende meer dan duizend voorschriften van goedkoope, echter zeer smakelijke en gezonde spijsbereidingen van allerlei soorten (...). Amst., H. Gartman, n.d. (±1820), 3rd rev. ed., VI,344p., sl. later hcl., sm. 8vo.

- Trifle stained in upper margins. Upper joint splitting.

= Rare edition. Bibl. Gastronomica 2391; Landwehr 60-3; Ferro 26c.

€ (200-300) 210
77 656 Gastronomy  Rumohr C F von under pseud J König 77 656 Gastronomy Rumohr C F von under pseud J König
77 656 Gastronomy  Rumohr C F von under pseud J König 77 656 Gastronomy Rumohr C F von under pseud J König
77/ 656 [Gastronomy]. Rumohr, C.F. von (under pseud. J. König). Geist der Kochkunst. Ed. C.F. von Rumohr. Stuttg./ Tübingen, J.G. Cotta, 1832, 2nd corr. and enl. ed., XVI,196p., contemp. gilt silk[?], silk endpapers, a.e.g.

- Contents fine. Binding worn; silk on backstrip mostly worn off.

= Methler, 4919a; Horn/ Arndt 568: "(...) der deutsche Brillat-Savarin".

€ (100-150)
77 657 Gastronomy  Sallengres A M  77 657 Gastronomy Sallengres A M
77/ 657 [Gastronomy]. (Sallengres, A.M.). Éloge de l'ivresse. Ed. P.A.M. Michet. Bacchopolis/ Paris, l'imprimerie du vieux Silène/ Michel, "an VI" (1798), 250,(2)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed; stamp on title-p., annots. in pen verso first blank; cat. clipping on final pastedown.

= Oberlé, Bibliothèque Bachique 523; Bitting p.415; Vicaire p.326 (both listing other eds.). "(...) charmant badinage (...) On trouve dans cette apologie de l'ivresse de nombreuses anecdotes très réjouissentes, des considérations sur l'alcoolisme des gens d'église, des papes, saints, évêques, philosophes, poètes, savants... Les nations ivrognes, avec en tête les Allemands! Réponses (très judicieuses!) à toutes les objections contre l'ivrognerie; règles que l'on doit observer quand on s'enivre; les deux principales étant: en bonne compagnie et avec du bon vin." (Oberlé). "The title is somewhat of a misnomer, as the text gives the history of drinking in various countries with copious references rather than an eulogy of drinking." (Bitting).

€ (100-150)
77 658 Gastronomy  Wirthe M 77 658 Gastronomy Wirthe M
77 658 Gastronomy  Wirthe M 77 658 Gastronomy Wirthe M
77/ 658 [Gastronomy]. Wirthe, M. Le confiseur national et universel, contenant les meilleurs procédés pour faire les confitures (...) suivi du distallateur-liquoriste et du limonadier, traité complet et pratique (..) par M. Mathieu. Paris, P. Baudouin, 1836, 316p., 2 woodengr. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf.

- Foxed throughout; one plate w. pencil scratches. Spine-ends dam.; rubbed/ worn along extremities.

= Rare. Vicaire p.878.

€ (200-300) 200
77 659 Gastronomy  Zierikhoven C 77 659 Gastronomy Zierikhoven C
77/ 659 [Gastronomy]. Zierikhoven, C. Volkomen Nederlandsch kookkundig woordenboek, voorgesteld in de Vriesche keukenmeid en verstandige huishoudster (...). Leeuw., J. Proost, 1828, "Nieuwe geheel verbeterde en vermeerderde druk" (3rd ed.?), 2 parts in 1 vol., XI,(1),460p., orig. publ. boards, sm. 8vo.

- Trifle foxed. Paper over spine partly worn away; covers soiled.

= Bibl. Gastronomica 7130; Landwehr 49,3; Tol 297.

€ (80-100)
77 660 Judaica and hebraica  Böhm A 77 660 Judaica and hebraica Böhm A
77/ 660 [Judaica and hebraica]. Böhm, A. Die zionistische Bewegung bis zum Ende des Weltkrieges. Berlin, Jüdischer Verlag, 1935/ 1937, 2nd enl. ed., 2 vols., 732; 686,(1)p., orig. unif. giltlettered cl.

- Spines sl. sunned. = The third vol. was never published.

€ (30-50)
77/661 Judaica and hebraica  Ceramic plate w handpainted rabbi 77/661 Judaica and hebraica Ceramic plate w handpainted rabbi
77/ 661 [Judaica and hebraica]. Ceramic plate w. handpainted rabbi, Meissen, prob. early 20th century, Ø 21,5 cm.
€ (150-250) 600
77 662 Judaica and hebraica  Frug S 77 662 Judaica and hebraica Frug S
77/ 662 [Judaica and hebraica]. Frug, S. Dos Shteysel. Vilnius, Ferlag far unzere kinder, 1914, 32p., portrait of the author, decorative head- and tailpiece, orig. wr., 12mo. Gutman, R. Yidish. Ilustrirte Khrestamatye farn tsveytn lern-yar. Warsaw, n.publ., 1923, 96p., ills., orig. wr.

- Front- and backwr. lack portion of upper corner. = Rare Yiddish reading turorial.

AND 2 others: D. TARANT and B. FRIEDMAN, Kinder. Onfanger lernbukh farn ershtn yor (New York, 1933, ills., orig. dec. cl.) and A. KATZ, Dos telerl fun himl (ibid., 1934, ills., orig. dec. boards).

€ (100-150) 130
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