5355 - 5792 FINE ARTS - GRAPHIC ART, 16th-19th CENTURY
- Laid down on 19th(?) cent. rough grey paper, causing a sl. uneven surface of the print; trimmed just outside or just on the borderline. Good (at places sl. grey) impression.
= Meder 238 1d and Schoch/ Mende/ Scherbaum 105 1d, but with 16 birds instead of 17; no watermark could be traced due to thickness of the grey paper backing. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CII.
- Sl. browned; upper left corner tiny tear; cut to/ on the framing line; somewhat grey/ weak impression.
= From the series of scenes of the Life of the Holy Virgin. Presumably first printed around 1504. Later 16th century impression without the Latin text. Schoch a.o. 168; Meder 190. On laid paper with a small watermark showing a city gate. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CII.
= Cf. Schoch a.o. 2; Meder 42.
= Schoch I, 60. Accurate copy in the same direction.
AND 6 others, all copies after DÜRER, all from the Passion series.
- Sl. (finger)soiled; formerly folded.
= Hollstein Van den Heuvel 4 (only state); Wurzbach 4; Robert-Dumesnil 5 (stating that all etchings by Duvivier are very rare). With an unidentified collector's mark on recto in lower right corner.
= Hollstein 82, 2nd state (of 2).
Idem. The three travellers at the foot of the rock. Etching, 9,4x14,7 cm., monogrammed in the plate.
- Ample margins. = Hollstein 4th state (of 4).
AND 1 other by the same: Two beams floating in the water (Hollstein 23, 2nd state of 2. On thick paper).
= Hédiard 139, the third and final state.
- Mediocre copy: most plates w. soiling/ fraying/ creasing in margins; several plates dam. (closed tears). Sold w.a.f.
= Attractive and ornate carnival dresses, i.a. "Costume "musique"", "Papillon", "Costume "Paon"".
Etudes sur la toilette. Extraits de la vie Parisienne. Paris, La Vie Parisienne, n.d. (1882). title-p., 11 double-p. plates and plate w. tail-piece, orig. pict. wr., folio.
- Contents loose. Frontwr. sl. yellowed. = Humorous and "naughty nineties" type of illustrations.
- Sl. foxed, mostly in blank margins; library stamp "Bibliotheek Pulchri" on title-p. and plates 1, 21 and 28; sm. owner's entry on title-p.; library stamp on upper pastedown. Binding sl. dam. along edges; paper ticket on spine.
= Lipperheide Ja 16; Hiler & Hiler, p.667; Colas 2378. The plates documenting the costume and various scenes in and about Rome, including festivals, the wine harvest, young men serenating a woman, a magic lantern show, a puppet show, and numerous local costumes and games. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIII.
- Both sl. yellowed in upper margin; both tipped onto mount. = F.M. 6964.
AND 1 other similar.
- Browned; white mouldy(?) spot in French title.
= F.M. 2301, 30c, 2nd state: "De personen bij spuit A, B, C, E, F zijn geëtst door J.v.d.Heide." Muller supposes: "(...) een plein met een groot gebouw in brand, (het Zeeregt? aan de Buitenkant) en eene kerk (Oudezijds Kapel?) en toren (Montelbaans?- doch dan verkeerd geteekend)".
- All plates tipped onto mounts at corner(s) or along one side; most plates without the plate number that was engraved on a separate plate above the image; one plate discoloured/ sl. stained; one plate sl. dam. along left margin (strengthened).
= Comprises the following plates: F.M. 2301, 1a, 4a, 5a, 6, 9a, 11a, 13a, 14a, 16, 19a, 22c, 24c and 25. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIII.
- Closed tear in right blank margin.
= From J. van der Heyden, Beschryving der nieuwelyks uitgevonden en geoctrojeerde Slang-Brand-Spuiten en haare wyze van Brand-Blussen (...) (Amst., 1690). Hollstein 14. Attractive vibrant colouring.
- Small tear in caption. = Hollstein ; F.M. 2301-8a (before the caption above).
- Sl. soiled and agetoned.
= Very rare. Not found in the usual reference works (Hollstein, IFF etc.) or collections.
- Middle-fold as published. Sl. yellowed; blank margins sl. frayed/ dam.
= Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as Book Illustrator 79; Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 146 (13); F.M. 2827 (17); Lotz, p.105.
= From the series Diverses especes de Poissons de Mer. With the collector's mark of J.-M. Agassis (Lugt 69)
AND 2 others by the same from the series of the fishes: "Halec, Le Harang" and "Salmo. Le Saumon" (both with the same collector's mark).
= From the series Diverses especes de Poissons de Mer. Bartsch 18; Dumesnil 432, 1st state (of 2). With the manuscript collector's marks of F. Rosenstock (not in Lugt) and an unread collector ("P. ?").
AND 2 others by the same from the series of the fishes: "Encrasicholus, L'Anchoie" (Bartsch 26, 2nd state (of 2). Ample browned margins) and "Gabius sive fundulus. Le Goujon" (Bartsch 54, 2nd state (of 2). Foxed).
- Occas. foxed. Binding rubbed.
= F.M. 4302a (1-2 and 4- 7).
AND 4 similar engr. views of floods 1776: "Gezicht van de overstrooming en doorbraak, van den Ysseldyk, buiten Gouda (...) den 21sten en 22sten Nov. 1776", "Gezicht der overstroominge, op de Hooge Swaluwe, den 22sten novemb. 1776", "Gezicht van den storm en hogen vloed, voor Elburg, den 21sten novemb. 1776" and "Gezicht der overstroominge en dykbreuk, tusschen Vollenhoven en Kampen, den 22sten novemb. 1776" (F.M. 4314 (no.2-5)). - AND 2 others of the flooding of Coevorden in 1673, both yellowed/ sl. browned and 1x doubled.