- Tear along large part of the horizontal middle fold.
- Slightly yellowed; trifle waterst. in blank margins/ creased; middle fold splitting at both ends.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 2170:2A.
AND 1 other contemp. handcol. map publ. by the same: "Meklenburg Ducatus" (Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 2210:2.1:2).
- Upper left blank margin sl. browned; otherwise fine.
- Trimmed just outside the borderline; 1 sm. tear; vaguely waterst.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 2610/1.2.
"Weissenburg". Engr. bird's eye view, 26,5x38 cm., from S. MÜNSTER, Cosmographia, 16th cent. (sl. frayed). - AND 6 others, all engr. maps/ plans. views of Germany, i.a. "Topografische Charte von dem Fürstlich Sächsis Amte Alstedt (...)" (handcol. engr. map, Nurnberg, F.L. Gussefeld, 1792. Sl. soiled) and "Lotharingiae Tabula Generalis (...)" (partly handcol .engr. map, ibid., I.B. Homann, ±1720).
- Larger part of middle fold split; vague brown stain in centre lower edge.
AND 1 other map of Germany: "Le Cercle Eslectoral du Rhein" (Paris, H. Jaillot, 1690).
- Foxed; remargined in left and right edge.
- Two grease stains in text lower left corner.
"Kort Begryp van Duytsland, desselfs Ryx Collegien hunne Zittingen en Wapens Kreits Verdelingen, en Aantekeningen (...)". Handcol. engr. table w. inset map of Germany, 15 coats of arms w. description, 42 sm. coats of arms and an extensive explanation of the hierarchy and the functions of the noble families mentioned, 50x58 cm., Utr., C. Specht, 1706 (lacks. tiny portions of title; sl. frayed; a few tiny holes; paper occas. brittle).
- Sl. yellowed; a few marginal tears; trifle waterst. in left/ right blank margin.
= Koeman/ Van der Krogt II, 2445:2.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 2320:2.2.
- Trifle frayed; 2 wormholes near upper edge.
= On verso 2 text pages w. dec. woodcut border. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXX.
= Not traced in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici. Rare.
- Foxed; cut just outside the borderline.
- Each part w. library stamp on linen.
= Comprises no. 316, 317, 325, 328-332, 334, 339, 340, 342 and 343.
AND a geological survey of France: LIVRET-GUIDE DES EXCURSIONS EN FRANCE (Paris, 1900, 21 (of 26) vols., fold. (col.) maps/ ills., contemp. unif. cl.).
- Left edge frayed; otherwise fine.
AND 2 others, i.a. a handcol. engr. map "Nottingham Shire" (London, R. Morden, late 17th cent. Sm. tear in upper margin).
- Trifle yellowed; crease in lower left corner. = Cf. Koeman IV, p.378 [47].
AND 2 others, publ. by the same: "Het Canaal tusschen Engeland en Vranckryck (...)" and "Pas-kaart in van de Bocht van Vrankryk, Biscajen en Galissen 't Inkomen van 't Canaal Als Meden 't Canaal van Bristol ende Zuyd Kust van Yrland" (both neatly reattached on middle fold/ dustsoiled).
- Narrow dark inkstain (0,1x12 cm.) = Very rare chart. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXX.