1875 - 3189 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Sl. browned, mostly along margins. Backstrip dam. and partly loose(ning).
- Hinges split(ting). Top of spine torn over 9 cm.
= Ceremonies to be observed during elections of dignitaries, texts of oaths, how to proceed during executions etc., including table arrangements.
- Lacks 20 plates; waterstained in margins at the beginning and end (occas. also affecting plates); some textleaves dam./ frayed; a few leaves loose at beginning of vol.1. Joints and spine-ends restored; corners worn.
= The first edition of the best 17th cent. description of Amsterdam, based on the works by the predecessors Dapper and Van Domselaar and on materials furnished by the author's father Isaac Commelin. The author (1636-1693) had free access to the archives of the city and therefore his work contains much more reliable sources and official documents than the works by Dapper and Van Domselaar. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 66/ 67; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 116.
- Vol.1 one plate w. false fold; vol.2 one ill. (p.1028) torn along ±10 cm. of plate edge, not affecting image; lower hinge weak; both vols. occas. sl. foxed/ browned/ lvs. w. marginal defects (sm. tears, sm. stains). Both vols. spine sl. worn; corners bumped. Good copy.
= LARGE PAPER copy w. 10 additional plates (incl. one double-p.). Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 68. The second edition (first 1693-94) of the best 17th cent. description of Amsterdam, based on the works by the predecessors Dapper and Van Domselaar and on materials furnished by the author's father Isaac Commelin. The author (1636-1693) had free access to the archives of the city and therefore his work contains much more reliable sources and official documents than the works by Dapper and Van Domselaar.
- Very fine copy, the plates clean and in strong impressions. Frontcover of vol.1 some scratches in lower margin.
= The second edition of the best 17th cent. description of Amsterdam, based on the works by the predecessors Dapper and Van Domselaar and on materials furnished by the author's father Isaac Commelin. The author (1636-1693) had free access to the archives of the city and therefore his work contains much more reliable sources and official documents than the works by Dapper and Van Domselaar. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 68. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXVII.
- Lacks 2 plates (incl. fold. panorama). Vol.1 bookblock split; a few plates w. (occas. repaired) tears/ dam. spots; large map of Amsterdam w. sm. tears along folds; occas. soiled/ (water)stained (incl. plates); a few leaves loose(ning). Both vols. binding defective. Not collated. Sold w.a.f.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 68. The best 17th cent. description of Amsterdam, based on the works by the predecessors Dapper and Van Domselaar and on materials furnished by the author's father Isaac Commelin. The author (1636-1693) had free access to the archives of the city and therefore his work contains much more reliable sources and official documents than the works by Dapper and Van Domselaar.
- A fine and clean copy. Lacks ties. Recased in the original binding (sl. cramped).
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 75.
- Lacks 1 plate ("Het Stadhuis zoo het zich van achteren toont"); partly waterstained (mainy in the first half), mostly in blank margin, occas. touching text and sl. affecting a few plates (title-p., frontisp., armorial plate and p.295-300 affected sl. more). Lacks ties. Otherwise a good copy.
- Upper hinge broken. Very worn along extremities; paper letterpiece worn off.
- Final ±10 lvs. waterstained in lower blank margin, not affecting text. Binding sl. worn and sunned.
- Apart from the following minor defects, a very fine copy with the plates in strong impressions: plan sl. foxed in blank margins; 2 plates w. (sm.) closed tear in blank margin; occas. trifle foxed/ fingersoiled in blank margin. Top of spines chipped/ sl. dam.; foot of spine of vol.1 restored; paper over frontcover of vol. 2 restored; paper over backcover vol. 2 a few vague stains.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 11. "De Atlas van Fouquet is ongetwijfeld de fraaiste serie afbeeldingen die van Amsterdam bestaan. In afwijking van de vroeger verschenen series staat bij Fouquet het afbeelden van de schilderachtigste punten van de stad op den voorgrond. Hoewel zijn prenten bijna alle op de traditioneele wijze genoemd zijn naar de torens, de poorten, de kerken en de andere groote gebouwen die er op zijn voorgesteld, zijn zij echter zoo op te vatten, dat zij het stadsgedeelte weergeven, dat het genoemde gebouw omgeeft. Op die wijze verschaft de Atlas van Fouquet een wandeling door de straten en langs de grachten van het Amsterdam der XVIIIe eeuw, het Amsterdam dat nog in ongerept bezit was van haar monumentale gebouwen en huizen, en den stratenaanleg uit het bloeitijdperk; hierbij werd ook in het oog gehouden het zoo pittoreske straatbeeld dier dagen weer te geven." (Cat. Oud-Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1912). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXVIII.
- Plates sl. browned; large bookplate on upper pastedown; some offsetting from turn-ins. Upper joint split; lower joint splitting at top of spine; corners bumped (and showing).
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 105.
- Frontisp. backed; occas. sl. fingersoiled/ sl. stained; new endpapers.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 106. First published 1736. Incl. 4 pages bookseller's catalogue.
- Occas. trifle foxed in margins; upper hinge strengthened; frontisp. reattached too close to inner margin. Letterpiece, upper joint and corners worn/ rubbed.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 106. First published in 1736.
AND 2 others on Amsterdam: P. LE JOLLE, Description De la Ville d'Amsterdam, En vers burlesques (Amst., 1666, engr. frontisp. (plan of Amsterdam), late 19th cent. gilt hcalf w. red and green letterpiece, 12mo) and an incomplete copy of (M. FOKKENS), Beschrijvingh Der wijdt-vermaarde Koop-stadt Amstelredam (Amst., 1662, 3rd ed., 9 (of 26) plates, contemp. vellum. Lacks 17 plates).
- Owner's entry on title; first 12 lvs. sl. waterst. in upper inner blank margin; 10 lvs. sl. wormholed in lower blank margin. Lower ties replaced.
- Hinges weak; (sl.) foxed throughout; occas. browned/ (water)stained; plans and plates fine; final free endpaper dam. Binding dam.
AND 1 other: HAND-VESTEN, PRIVILEGIEN, HANDELINGEN, COSTUYMEN, ENDE WILLEKEUREN DER STADT AEMSTELREDAM ((Amst.), 1624, 4 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum, folio. Lacks the double-p. plan of Amsterdam. Mediocre copy. Not collated).
- All vols. (sl.) waterst.; owner's entry on htitle; plan w. tear of 3 cm. in inner blank margin.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 162. The "Bericht voor den binder" calls for the plan of Amsterdam and 9 plates only. The extra views (present in most copies) show the "Franse Kerck", "Oude Kerck", "Reguliers Toren", "Mennoniste Kerck" and "Amstel Sluys".
- Lacks frontisp.; occas. trifle yellowed. Upper joint split. = D'Ailly 63.
- Fine copy. Spine-ends chipped; corners sl. showing; backcover w. a few tiny wormholes
= Funck p.359. The best account of the so-called miracle of Amsterdam (1345). With dedication to Peter Paul Rubens (8p.). Attractive binding.
- Nineteenth cent. bookplate and owner's entry on upper pastedown; engr. title-p. stained in lower corner (sl. affecting engraving); first few quires sl. waterstained; occas. foxed.
= Funck p.359. The best account of the so-called miracle of Amsterdam (1345). With dedication to Peter Paul Rubens (8p.).