- Backstrips sl. discoloured.
= One of 20 Roman numbered copies on Hollandsch not in the trade (N XIIII).
= From the library of R.N. Roland Holst w. his owner's entry on first free endpaper.
Boutens, P.C. Middelburg's overgang. Middelb., G.W. den Boer, 1925, (6),17,(1)p., 12 col. ills. and (partly col.) calligraphed text by F. LENSVELT, printed in 1000 numb. copies (950), orig. clothbacked dec. boards, folio.
- Covers sl. soiled/ (dust)stained.
= With the rare loosely inserted list of actors (4p. Frontwr. waterst. in corner; sl. creased in lower margin).
- Dustwr. sl. worn/ chipped; backwr. sl. foxed.
- Lacks no. 3 and 10.
= Almost complete suite of the woodengravings (proofs?) showing the entire block (1st edition, before they were cut to silhouette composition). Private edition for Emile Baron Van der Borch van Verwolde.
Idem. Complete suite of the same woodengravings "en silhouette", all printed on Antique Japanese.
- Sl. foxed.
= According to accompanying note, printed with little pressure by request of the artist.
AND two complete suites of the same series, also "en silhouette", both strong impressions, one on Imperial Japanese and the other on Antique Japanese (sl. foxed).
= Buckland Wright A12 . Very rare.
- Vague stain in upper part of backstrip. = One of 50 copies on Covenant. Arents 31.
ADDED: Het land van El Cid. Delft, De Klaproos, 1991, (24)p., 20 woodcut ills. by R. VAN LIMBURG STIRUM, printed in 10 numb. and signed copies, orig. limp boards w. woodcut on frontcover w. Chinese paper dustwr., 4to.
- Covers trifle soiled.
- Contents sl. browned, occas. sl./ trifle foxed.
- Embossed cl. spine-ends worn/ dam.; lacks no.158.
- Partly. sl. cut short; otherwise in good/ fine condition..
= Contains no. 331, 332 (Hermann Paul), 334-338, 339 ("l'Art nouveau, Jugendstil" by Raphaël Kircher), 340-344, 347, 348, 350 (Pierre Bonnard), 353, 354, 357-359, 360, 362 and 364 (André Hellé).
- Contents loose(ning); a few lvs. sl. waterstained in lower blank margin. Binding worn along extremities.
= Sander 207; Ray 174: "For many of Daumier's admirers his lithographs of 1870-1871 represent the peak of his achievement. They are in his last style, massive, stripped down, direct, which speaks as nothing else could for this tragic period in France's history (...). It should be mentioned that Cham's contributions to this album, though trivial in comparison with Daumier's monumental compositions, are by no means negligible. He provides the detail that Daumier omitted. (...)".
AND 1 other: A. DAYOT, Les Maitres de la Caricature Français au XIXe Siècle (Paris, n.d., num. ills. in various techniques, orig. clothbacked pict. boards, 4to).
- Occas. sl. foxed. Covers detached; worn along extremities.
- Erroneous pagination but complete; contemp. owner's entry and owner's stamp on first blank.
= Vicaire V, 1324. Rare.
- Partly foxed. = Vicaire I, p.798.
Balzac, H. de. Contes drôlatiques Colligez ez abbayes de Touraine. Paris, Ez Bureaux de la Société Générale de Libraire, 1855, 5th ed., XXXI,(1),615p., 425 (full-p.) woodengr. after G. DORÉ, contemp. hmor. w. gilt spine.
- Foxed copy.
= Vicaire I, p.190; Carteret III, p.48: "Ce livre est considéré comme le chef-d'oeuvre d'illustration de Gustave Doré (...)". The first impression of the illustrated edition of Balzac's contes, publ. in the same year as the first (unillustrated) ed. This copy with the following points of the first impression: with "Joyeulx" on p.326, p.425 without the address and without the number "36", and p.426 without the title of the conte Naifveté, but the title-p. with 425 ills. (instead of 424) and with "par Gustave Doré" printed on one line instead of two. See Leblanc p.39 for all the points of the first impression.
Kock, P. de, Balzac, H. de, Dumas, A. a.o. La Grande Ville. Nouveau Tableau de Paris Comique, Critique et Philosophique. Paris, Bureau Central des Publications Nouvelles, 1844, 2nd ed., 2 vols, (2),412; (2),418p., 29 woodengr. plates and num. ills. by i.a. H. DAUMIER and H. MONNIER, contemp. unif. hmor. w. gilt spine, 4to.
- Foxed copy. New endpapers.
= Vicaire III, p.1096-1098; Sander 314; Carteret III, p.278-280: "Ouvrage très important et remarquable par la belle pléiade de littérateurs et d'artistes de la période romantique qui y ont collaboré (...)".
AND 4 others, incl. the first vol. (of 3) of LE MUSÉE POUR RIRE (Paris, 1839, 50 lithogr. plates by i.a. H. DAUMIER and P. GAVARNI, orig. clothbacked publ. boards. Occas. sl. foxed; cover rubbed).
- Trifle/ sl. browned. Some wrappers sl. frayed, occas. sl. dam., mostly on backstrip. Not collated, sold as a periodical, not subject to return.
= Nice colourful illustrations in art nouveau style by various artists, i.a. L. CAPPIELLO, M. RADIGUET, P.-G. JEANNIOT, C. LÉANDRE, H. GERBAULT and L. MÉTIVET.
- Backstrip worn. Wrappers sl. faded along extremities.
- Vague oblique fold in second half of the book (also vaguely visible in 2 plates). Wrappers sl. faded along extremities.
= Kornfeld 63-69.
- Occas. sl. foxed; bookblock sl. shaken/ warped.
AND 1 other: IDEM (pref.), Le Roman de Renard (Strasbourg, 1952, 20 lithographs by G. ARNAUD, 200 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. wr. board chemise and slipcase, folio. Chemise frontcover loose (repaired)).
- Lacks the original drawing; one plate w. sl. offsetting; cloth chemise somewhat yellowed; slipcase w. rubbed/ worn corner.
= One of 10 Roman numbered DELUXE copies, on van Gelder's Old Holland White vellum. The English edition. Simultaneously also published in a Dutch and a German edition of each 60 numb. and signed copies. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LVI.