Page 23 of 34 Results 441 - 460 of 661
76 551 Photomontage  Heller O 76 551 Photomontage Heller O
76/ 551 [Photomontage]. Heller, O. Siberien, ein anderes Amerika. Berlin, Neuer deutscher Verlag, 1930, 1st ed., 256p., fold. map., plates, orig. cl. w. photomontage dustwr. by P. URBAN.

- Tear in last free endpaper; bookplate on upper pastedown.

= Holstein, The Book Cover in the Weimar Republic p.310.

Knickerbocker, H.R. Der rote Handel droht. Der Fortschritt des Fünfjahresplans der Sowjets. German transl. C. Thesing. Ibid., E. Rowohlt, 1931, 1st ed., 203,(1)p., orig. limp boards w. photomontage dustwr. by P. URBAN.

- Dustwr. sl. frayed/ worn and strengthened on verso.

= Holstein, The Book Cover in the Weimar Republic p.310.

ADDED 2 others: H. MÜLLER-FRANKEN, Die November-Revolution. Erinnerungen (ibid., 1931, 2nd ed., orig. cl. w. dustwr. by J. TSCHICHOLD) and I. EHRENBURG, De Tweede Scheppingsdag (Amst., 1934, 1st ed., orig. cl. by C. OORTHUYS and J. VOSKUIL).

€ (70-90) 130
76 552 Photomontage  Huijts J 76 552 Photomontage Huijts J
76/ 552 [Photomontage]. Huijts, J. De grondslagen van het tweede vijfjaarsplan. The Hague, De Baanbreker-N.V. Servire, 1932, 63,(1)p., orig. photomontage wr. V. KULAGINA.

- Title-p. and verso frontwr. sl. foxed. Wr. sl. frayed and strengthened on verso; faint vertical knack in frontwr.

ADDED 2 others: M. ILIN, Moscow has a Plan. A Soviet Primer (London, 1931, ills. and orig. cl. by W. KERMODE) and G. GRINKO, Der Fünfjahrplan der UdSSR (Vienna/ Berlin, 1930, loosely inserted fold. col. map, orig. wr.).

€ (100-150) 375
76 553 Photomontage  Huijts J 76 553 Photomontage Huijts J
76/ 553 [Photomontage]. Huijts, J. Nieuwe mensen in Moskou. Rott., W.L. & J. Brusse, 1935, 224p., fold. plan, orig. wr. w. photomontage frontcover by WIM BRUSSE.

- Wrappers sl. soiled and trifle worn at extremities.

= Brusse 816; Maan/ Van der Ree 100 and p.36: "De montage voor 'Nieuwe mensen in Moskou' krijgt zijn specifieke karakter door het verschil in beeldrichting: verticaal, horizontaal en diagonaal met daarbij het geraffineerd gebruik van de kleuren blauw en bruin."

AND 4 others w. (photomontage) (dust)wr. des. by C. Blazer/ W. Brusse (A. RUIZ VILAPLANA, Ik verklaar onder eede. Rott., 1938, orig. plain wr. w. (dam.) dustwr.), H. Cahn (H. NOORDUYN-JANSEN, Recepten voor de reformkeuken. The Hague, n.d. (1936), ills., orig. (worn/ stained) spiral-bound wr.), Co-op 2 (F. AUGUSTIN, Frisch uw Duitsch op! Amst., (1941), orig. plain wr. w. (restored/ strengthened and stained) dustwr.) and C. Domela (E.E. KISCH, Tijdopnamen. The Hague, 1931, orig. cl. w. modern plain dustwr. w. the orig. (dam.) frontwr. laid down).

€ (70-90) 100
76 554 Photomontage  Martini G B and Ronchetti A 76 554 Photomontage Martini G B and Ronchetti A
76 554 Photomontage  Martini G B and Ronchetti A 76 554 Photomontage Martini G B and Ronchetti A
76/ 554 [Photomontage]. Martini, G.B. and Ronchetti, A. Cesar Domela. Fotografie, Fotomontaggi, Disegni. Genova, Bonini, 1981, 87,(4)p., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., sm. folio.

= One of 50 numb. copies with a loosely inserted original photomontage "Osram" by DOMELA (modern gelatin silver print, 19,2x17 cm., mounted on board leaf, mount signed "Domela" and "II/X" in pencil. No mention of Roman numb. copies in the colophon).

Maan, D. and Ree, J. van der. Typo-foto/ elementaire typografie in Nederland. 1920-1940. Utr./ Antw., Veen, 1990, 109,(2)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 3 others, i.a. J. FIEDLER (ed.), Photography at the Bauhaus (Cambridge, 1990, num. (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to).

€ (200-300) 210
76 555 Photomontage  Pariselle Wedekind  A P  76 555 Photomontage Pariselle Wedekind A P
76/ 555 [Photomontage]. Pariselle-Wedekind, (A.P.). Erwachen.. Berlin, n.publ., n.d. (1932), (8)p. (incl. wr.), (photomontage) ills. and orig. wr. by C. VOGT, 4to.

- Folded; sl. creased. = Very rare pro-Hindenburg electoral pamphlet.

€ (80-100) 80
76 556 Photomontage  Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos 76 556 Photomontage Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos
76 556 Photomontage  Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos 76 556 Photomontage Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos
76 556 Photomontage  Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos 76 556 Photomontage Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos
76 556 Photomontage  Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos 76 556 Photomontage Vrijheid Arbeid Brood Colportage Orgaan van N V V en S D A P No 90 115 116 118 121 128 and 140 142 Ed M Sluijser and H Vos
76/ 556 [Photomontage]. Vrijheid Arbeid Brood. Colportage Orgaan van N.V.V. en S.D.A.P. No.90, 115, 116, 118, 121, 128 and 140-142. Ed. M. Sluijser and H. Vos. Amst., Centrale Plan Commissie der N.V.V. en S.D.A.P., 1935-1936, 9 issues, (photomontage) ills. and orig. wr. by i.a. J. ROT, R. MESMAN and G. SOUTENDIJK, folio.
€ (100-150)
76 557 Picasso P and Villers A 76 557 Picasso P and Villers A
76/ 557 Picasso, P. and Villers, A. Diurnes. Découpages et Photographies. Paris, Berggruen, 1962, 18,(1) textp., 30 collotypes, each 40x30 cm., each with portfolio number stamp on verso and in orig. paper flimsies, printed in 1000 numb. copies, in orig. paper portfolio, cl. box, folio.

- Slipcase and wr. some fingersoiling. Box occas. splittng on joints.

= Kibbey 1466; Goeppert 115. According to Goeppert, "Picasso made some cut-outs of heads and silhouettes of men, women and animals. Villers mounted the cut-outs on different photographs - thirty in all - thus varying their effect and quality". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.

€ (1.000-1.500) 1300
76 558 Picasso P  Palau i Fabre J 76 558 Picasso P Palau i Fabre J
76/ 558 [Picasso, P.]. Palau i Fabre, J. Picasso. Vivo 1881-1907. Barcelona, Ediciones Polígrafia, (1985), 559,(1)p., over 1550 (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., board slipcase, large 4to (dustwr. worn at top of spine). Glimcher, A. and M. (ed.). Je Suis le Cahier. The Sketchbooks of Picasso. London, Thames and Hudson, 1986, (6),349p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., slipcase, 4to. - AND 4 others on the same, i.a. W. SPIES and C. PIOT, Picasso. Das Plastische Werk (Stuttg., 1983, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Owner's entry of R. Fuchs on first free endpaper) and C. PIOT a.o., Picasso. Collected Writings (London, 1989, col. ills., orig. gilt cl., 4to).
€ (80-100)
76/559 Plastique No 1 Malewitsch in Memoriam  Ed S Taeuber Arp 76/559 Plastique No 1 Malewitsch in Memoriam Ed S Taeuber Arp
76/ 559 Plastique. No.1 ("Malewitsch in Memoriam"). Ed. S. Taeuber-Arp. Meudon, S.H. Arp, 1937, 24p., ills. by i.a. K. MALEWITSCH, EL LISSITZKY, T. VAN DOESBURG, H. ARP and R. HAUSMANN, orig. wr., frontwr. w. cut-out section.

- Wrappers sl. discol. along margins.

= Bolliger III, 207: "Bedeutende avantgardistische Zeitschrift (...)". Contains contributions by K. Malewitsch ("Suprematismus"), H. Wescher ("Hommage à Malewitsch" and "Malewitsch in memoriam"), G.L.K. Morris ("On the abstract tradition") and S. Giedion ("Brauchen wir noch Künstler?").

€ (200-300) 900
76/560 Plastique No 2 Dimensionisme  Ed S Taeuber Arp 76/560 Plastique No 2 Dimensionisme Ed S Taeuber Arp
76/ 560 Plastique. No.2 ("Dimensionisme"). Ed. S. Taeuber-Arp. Meudon, S.H. Arp, 1937, 24p., ills. by i.a. H. ARP, M. DUCHAMP, F. PICABIA, C. DOMELA, VORDEMBERGE-GILDEWART and L. MOHOLY-NAGY, w. loosely inserted "Dimensionisme" manifesto, orig. wr. w. mounted letterpiece.

- Center leaf loose. Wrappers sl. sunned along margins.

= Bolliger III, 207: "Bedeutende avantgardistische Zeitschrift (...)". Contains contributions by Gabrielle Buffet (on Picabia's periodical 391) and Hans Richter. WITH the loosely inserted manifesto "Dimensionisme" by CHARLES SIRATO (1 fold. leaf, 32x24 cm. (unfolded), printed in black on orange paper on recto and verso (sl. discol./ dustsoiled in outer margins, w. a few tiny marginal tears. Verso shows the manifesto, recto has quotations by various artists as well as a list of names of the artists who signed the manifesto, incl. Cesar Domela, Francis Picabia, Hans Arp, Ladislas Moholy-Nagy, Marchel Duchamp, Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Wassily Kandinsky).

€ (200-300) 550
76/561 Plastique No 4 Ed S Taeuber Arp 76/561 Plastique No 4 Ed S Taeuber Arp
76/ 561 Plastique. No.4. Ed. S. Taeuber-Arp. Meudon, S.H. Arp, 1939, 24p., ills. by i.a. W. KANDINSKY, R. HAUSMANN, H. ARP and K. SCHWITTERS, orig. wr.

- Last page w. some underlining in pen and ink. Backwr. (sl.) soiled; spine partly split.

= Bolliger III, 207: "Bedeutende avantgardistische Zeitschrift (...)". Contains the surrealist group novel "L'homme qui a perdu son squelette" by H. Arp, M. Duchamp, P. Eluard, M. Ernst, G. Hugnet, H. Pastoureau and G. Prassinos, and poems by R. Hausmann, W. Kandinsky, H. Arp, K. Schwitters and G. Hugnet.

€ (200-300) 550
76/562 De Ploeg  Tentoonstelling De Ploeg in de zalen van Pictura Catalogus april 1936 76/562 De Ploeg Tentoonstelling De Ploeg in de zalen van Pictura Catalogus april 1936
76/ 562 [De Ploeg]. Tentoonstelling De Ploeg in de zalen van Pictura. Catalogus april 1936. N.pl. (Gron.), De Ploeg, 1936, (16)p., ills., orig. wr.

- Some vague pencil markings and annots. = Rare.

AND 3 (small) catalogues on WOBBE ALKEMA (2x) and JAN VAN DER ZEE.

€ (50-70) 50
76 563 Ploos van Amstel C  Berigten wegens een prentwerk volgens de nieuwe uitvinding van den heere Cornelis Ploos van Amstel Zo als dezelve van tyd tot tyd geplaatst zyn in de Vaderlandsche 76 563 Ploos van Amstel C Berigten wegens een prentwerk volgens de nieuwe uitvinding van den heere Cornelis Ploos van Amstel Zo als dezelve van tyd tot tyd geplaatst zyn in de Vaderlandsche
76/ 563 [Ploos van Amstel, C.]. Berigten wegens een prentwerk, volgens de nieuwe uitvinding van den heere Cornelis Ploos van Amstel, Zo als dezelve, van tyd tot tyd, geplaatst zyn in de Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen. Berigt 1-10, 12-15 and 18. (Amst., J. Yntema, ±1785), 1 volume (containing "berigt" 1-5) and 10 "berigten" in bifolia as issued, kept together in later marbled paper portfolio.

= "Berigt" 11 supplied in photostat. Each "berigt" contains short notes, describing prints after drawings by Dutch masters, available for sale.

Bloys van Treslong Prins, P.C. Het geslacht Ploos van Amstel. The Hague, Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie en Heraldiek, 1911, (4),57,(1),4p., contemp. cl.

- Bookplate and library ticket on upper pastedown.

AND 3 others on the same.

€ (100-150) 120
76 564 Portraits  Muller F 76 564 Portraits Muller F
76/ 564 [Portraits]. Muller, F. Beschrijvende catalogus van 7000 portretten, van Nederlanders, en van buitenlanders tot Nederland in betrekking staande. Soest, DAVACO Publishers, 1972, XL,402p., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr.

- Dustwr. sl. dam. = Facs. reprint of the ed. Amst., 1853.

Someren, J.F. Beschrijvende catalogus van gegraveerde portretten van Nederlanders. Amst., F. Muller & Cie., 1888-1891, 3 vols., VII,(1),243,X,(2); VII,(1),416; VII,(1),417-809,(5),IVp., contemp. unif. hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down.

- All vols. owner's stamp on first free endpaper; endpapers browned. All vols. laid down frontwr. sl. dam.; backstrips browned.

= Contains 6316 entries.

AND 7 others, i.a. CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ DE PORTRAITS DE PEINTRES, GRAVEURS, ARCHITECTES (...) (Amst., 1877, contemp. boards); D. FOSKETT, British Portrait Miniatures (London etc., 1968, 2nd ed., num. ills., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr. Dustwr. sl. yellowed) and EXPOSITION DE LA MINIATURE (...) BRUXELLES MARS-JULLET 1912. CATALOGUE GÉNÉRAL (Brussels, 1912, contemp. cl. w. mor. letterpiece, orig. wr. pres. Occas. sl. foxed; backstrip sunned; frontcover w. 2 dam. spots).

€ (70-90)
76 565 Portraits  Someren J F 76 565 Portraits Someren J F
76/ 565 [Portraits]. Someren, J.F. Beschrijvende catalogus van gegraveerde portretten van Nederlanders. Amst., F. Muller & Cie., 1888-1891, 3 vols., VII,(1),243,X,(2); VII,(1),416; VII,(1),417-809,(5),IVp., modern unif. giltlettered cl. w. mor. letterpiece.

- Regular pencil marking; first 90p. of vol. 2 waterstained and sl. wrinkled. = Contains 6316 entries.

AND 1 other: F. MULLER, De Nederlandsche geschiedenis in platen. Beredeneerde beschrijving van Nederlandsche historieplaten, zinneprenten en historische kaarten (Amst., 1970, reprint ed., 4 parts in 3 vols., orig. unif. giltlettered cl. in slipcase. Pencil marking; joints of vol. 2 worn/ splitting).

€ (50-70)
76 566 Precious metals and jewelry  Beuque E 76 566 Precious metals and jewelry Beuque E
76/ 566 [Precious metals and jewelry]. Beuque, E. Dictionnaire des poinçons officiels français & étrangers, anciens & modernes de leur création (XIVe siècle) à nos jours. Platine, or & argent. Paris, F. de Nobele, 1984, 2 vols., (4),VI,375,(1); (8),309,(1)p., almost 6000 ills. of marks, orig. cl., 4to.

= Cf. Arntzen/ Rainwater P383 (reprint ed. 1962): "Reproduces and describes each hallmark." Reprint of the edition Paris, 1925-28.

€ (100-150)
76 567 Precious metals and jewelry  Beuque E and Frapsauce M 76 567 Precious metals and jewelry Beuque E and Frapsauce M
76/ 567 [Precious metals and jewelry]. Beuque, E. and Frapsauce, M. Dictionnaire des poinçons de maîtres-orfèvres français du XIVe siècle à 1838. Introd. M. la Clavière. Paris, De Nobele, 1964, (10),341,(1)p., 3000 ills. of marks, orig. cl., 4to.

= Arntzen/ Rainwater P484: "A dictionary of 3,000 hallmarks of French goldsmiths from the 14th century to 1838. Reproduces and describes each hallmark." Reprint of the edition Paris, 1929.

€ (100-150)
76 568 Precious metals and jewelry  Krekel Aalberse A a o 76 568 Precious metals and jewelry Krekel Aalberse A a o
76/ 568 [Precious metals and jewelry]. Krekel-Aalberse, A. a.o. Silver of a New Era. International highlights of precious metalware from 1880 to 1940. Rott., Mus. Boymans-van Beuningen, 1992, 264p., (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Krekel-Aalberse, A. Modern zilver 1880-1940. Amst., Meulenhoff/ Landshoff, 1989, 271,(1)p., num. (full-p.) (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 4 others similar, i.a. B.W.G. WTTEWAAL, Nederlands Klein Zilver 1650-1880 (Amst., 1987, num. ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to) and I. PICKFORD (ed.), Jackson's Silver & Gold Marks of England, Scotland & Ireland (Woodbridge, 1991, reprinted ed., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (40-60)
76 569 Precious metals and jewelry  Phillips P A S 76 569 Precious metals and jewelry Phillips P A S
76/ 569 [Precious metals and jewelry]. Phillips, P.A.S. Paul de Lamerie, Citizen and Goldsmith of London. A Study of his Life and Work a.d. 1688-1751. Cirencester, Collectors' Book Club, 1973, XVI,116p., 164 ills. on plates, printed in 500 copies, orig. cl., folio.

- Spine-ends sl. bumped; sm. stain on frontcover. = Facs. reprint of the ed. London, 1935.

€ (30-50) 50
76/570 Punct Revista de arta constructivista No 13 Ed Scarlat Callimachi 76/570 Punct Revista de arta constructivista No 13 Ed Scarlat Callimachi
76/ 570 Punct. Revista de arta constructivista. No.13. Ed. Scarlat Callimachi. Bucarest, Punct, 1925, (4)p., 1 ills. by M. JANCO, folio.

= Issue of the extremely rare Romanian art and literature periodical published 1924-1925, with French and Romanian language contributions. Although the periodical was subtitled "A Review of Constructivist Art", it was dedicated not only to constructivism, but also covered other forms of abstract art and had strong links to Dadaism. Cf. Bolliger III, 146. For the woodcut by Marcel Janco ("Constructie"): Ilk 70.

€ (150-250) 1400