Page 6 of 6 Results 101 - 111 of 111
76/101 Spruijt M  Lot of 8 calendars 76/101 Spruijt M Lot of 8 calendars
76/ 101 [Spruijt, M.]. Lot of 8 calendars, all Amst., M. Spruijt, 1980-1993, col. (photogr.) plates/ ills., orig. not unif. spiralbound stiff paper boards, various sizes, in orig. board (slip)case. - AND 1 other calendar by Beaufort, grafisch ontwerpbureau Amsterdam a.o. (1994).
€ (60-80)
76/102 Stationery Inkstands  Early 19th cent tortoiseshell inkstand 76/102 Stationery Inkstands Early 19th cent tortoiseshell inkstand
76/ 102 [Stationery. Inkstands]. Early 19th cent. tortoiseshell inkstand, w. 4 compartments containing 2 sm. glass wells w. goldplated dec. lids, middle compartment w. goldplated lid w. geometrical decoration, gilt inside edges and goldplated dec. metal on front of outer lid.

- A few cracks in corners on front of base and bottom; needs some polishing; lid w. compartments loose from base.

= Probably a travel inkstand. Rare.

€ (250-350)
76 103 Stationery Inkstands  Zuid Holland Plateelbakkerij Gouda 76 103 Stationery Inkstands Zuid Holland Plateelbakkerij Gouda
76/ 103 [Stationery. Inkstands]. Zuid-Holland, Plateelbakkerij, Gouda. Ceramic inkwell with lid, ±1920, hand-painted, height ±10 cm. (incl. lid), containing a hole for the pen and a sm. glass well, bottom with "Plateelfabrieken(?) Zuid-Holland" logo, and signed "218 Nelly made in Holland Gouda".

- Top of lid reattached; sm. dam. spot on base. = Nice colours.

€ (50-70) 50
76 104 Tschichold J 76 104 Tschichold J
76/ 104 Tschichold, J. Typografische vormgeving. Dutch transl. C. Nypels. Amst., N.V. vh. J.F. Duwaer & Zonen, 1938, 101,(1),(6 advert.)p., (col.) ills., typography by J. TSCHICHOLD, orig. cl.

- Sm. number on first free endpaper. Lacks paper letterpiece from spine; binding sl. soiled and sm. sellotape stain on front- and backcover (from former label at foot of spine).

Idem. Die neue Typographie. Ein Handbuch für zeitgemäss Schaffende. Berlin, Brinkmann & Bose, 1987, 2nd ed., 240p., ills., orig. cl.; WITH: Beiheft (47,(1)p., orig. wr.), together in orig. slipcase. Idem. Schriften 1925-1974. Ibid., idem, 1991/ 1992, 2 vols., 397,(3); 461,(3)p., ills., orig. unif. boards w. (trifle worn) dustwr.

= With 2 typescript letters signed by REINOLD KUIPERS to Kees Broos, dated 04/11/1992 and 29/11/1993, i.a. on the typography by Tschichold.

AND 2 others by the same: Erfreuliche Drucksachen durch gute Typographie (1960, orig. boards) and Formenwandlungen der &-Zeichen (1981, orig. wr. and board portfolio).

€ (50-70) 80
76 105 Typespecimens  Cooper & Beatty Limited 76 105 Typespecimens Cooper & Beatty Limited
76 105 Typespecimens  Cooper & Beatty Limited 76 105 Typespecimens Cooper & Beatty Limited
76 105 Typespecimens  Cooper & Beatty Limited 76 105 Typespecimens Cooper & Beatty Limited
76/ 105 [Typespecimens]. Cooper & Beatty, Limited. BIG NEWS/ Cooper & Beatty is expanding (...). N.pl. (Toronto), Cooper & Beatty, 1963, (16) board lvs., orig. plain cl., square folio.

- Binding partly sunned.

= Publication advertising the activities of "Cooper & Beatty/ Type Craftsmen", with bold, remarkable typography. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE IV.

€ (100-150) 130
76 106 Typespecimens  Enschedé C 76 106 Typespecimens Enschedé C
76/ 106 [Typespecimens]. Enschedé, C. Typefoundries in the Netherlands from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. Engl. rev. and annot. transl. H. Carter and N. Hoeflake, ed. L. Hellinga. Haarlem, Stichting Mus. Enschedé, 1978, XXVIII,477,(1)p., frontisp., num. initials, vignettes etc., printed in 1550 numb. copies (1500), with loosely inserted prospectus, orig. giltlettered hcalf, folio.

- Without the loosely inserted plate of the type-specimen of JAN VAN HOUT.

€ (60-80) 80
76 107 Typespecimens  Woellmer W 76 107 Typespecimens Woellmer W
76/ 107 [Typespecimens]. Woellmer, W. Handprobe. Wilhelm Woellmer's Schriftgiesserei und Messinglinienfabrik. Berlin, Typenguss, n.d. (±1900), XIX,(1)p.,no.2017-2754, orig. dec. cl.
€ (60-80) 325
76 108 Vansummeren P 76 108 Vansummeren P
76/ 108 Vansummeren, P. Kinderprenten van Brepols. Turnhout, Brepols, 1996, 223p., richly illustr., orig. boards, large folio. Buijnsters-Smets, L. Decoratieve prenten met geschreven wensen 1670-1870. Nijm., Vantilt, 2007, 226p., (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr. Verhave, J. and J.P. Geknipt! Geschiedenis van de papierknipkunst in Nederland. Zutphen, Walburg pers, 2008, 207p., col. ills., orig. boards, 4to. - AND 18 others, all on ephemera, paper toys and children's prints, i.a. J. THIJSSEN, Leerzaame prentjens voor de jeugd. Schoolprenten van de Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen (Utr., 2009, richly illustr., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to); P.J. BUIJNSTERS and L. BUIJNSTERS-SMETS, Papertoys. Speelprenten en papieren speelgoed in Nederland (1640-1920) (Zwolle, 2005, num. (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr); K. SIEFERT (ed.), Heilige Herrscher, Hampelmänner. Bilderbogen aus Weissenburg (Stuttg., 1999, text in German and French, col. ills., orig. wr., 4to).
€ (80-100) 80
76 109 VOC  Landwehr J 76 109 VOC Landwehr J
76/ 109 [VOC]. Landwehr, J. VOC. A bibliography of publications relating to the Dutch East India Company 1602-1800. Ed. P. van der Krogt. Introd. C.R. Boxer. Pref. G. Schilder. Utr., HES Publishers, (1991), XLII,(2),840p., 16 col. plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.

- Fine. = Standard bibliography on the subject, with 1674 entries and extensive indexes.

Boogaart, E. van den (ed.). Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen 1604-1679. A Humanist Prince in Europe and Brazil. The Hague, Johan Maurits van Nassau Stichting, 1979, 538,(1)p., frontisp. portrait, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. gilt cl., sm. folio.

€ (100-150) 120
76 110 VOC  Vingboons J 76 110 VOC Vingboons J
76/ 110 [VOC]. Vingboons, J. Vingboons-atlas. Verzameling van Pas-kaarten, Dienende tot de Vaart naar Oost- en Westindien; Meest alle uitvoerig met de Pen getekent: benevens eenige Afbeeldingen van voorname Eylanden, Steden en Sterktens, zo wel in de Spaansche Engelsche als Nederlands Indien Gelegen: Alle zeer net naar 't Leven met Waterverven Geschildert. Haarlem, Fibula/ Van Dishoeck, 1981, title and 107 (double-p./ fold.) col. maps and plates, printed in 1000 numb. copies, orig. blindst. and giltlettered imit. leather, large folio.

- Without the accompanying introd. booklet.

= Facs. reprint of the manuscript atlas in the Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague.

€ (80-100) 80
76 111 Zapf H 76 111 Zapf H
76/ 111 Zapf, H. Hermann Zapf and his Design Philosophy. Introd. C. Zahn. Chicago, Society of Typographic Arts, 1987, 254,(1)p., (col.) ills., orig. giltlettered cl., 4to. Lommen, M. (ed.). The book of books. 500 years of graphic innovation. London, Thames & Hudson, 2012, 463,(1)p., sumptuously illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., folio. - AND 7 others, i.a. A. FAIRBANK and B. WOLPE, Renaissance Handwriting (London, 1960, plates and ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., t.e.g., 4to) and M. ANDERSCH, Sporen Tekens Letters. Over schriften, kalligrafische experimenten en interpretatie van teksten (De Bilt, 1988, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio).
€ (70-90) 90
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