Page 4 of 5 Results 61 - 80 of 85
75 2529 Netherlands  Brunswijk Wolfenbüttel L E van 1718 1788 75 2529 Netherlands Brunswijk Wolfenbüttel L E van 1718 1788
75/2529 [Netherlands]. Brunswijk-Wolfenbüttel, L.E. van (1718-1788). SIGNATURE "Hertog van Brunswijk", pen and ink on cut-out leaf (8x15,5 cm.) w. black wax seal and manuscript "s Gravenhage den 12e Januarij 1761", tipped onto 19th cent. paper w. contemp. manuscript caption.
€ (50-70) 60
75 2530 Netherlands  Slingelandt S van 1664 1736 75 2530 Netherlands Slingelandt S van 1664 1736
75/2530 [Netherlands]. Slingelandt, S. van (1664-1736). Korte inhoud van een discours over de Regering der Vereenigde Nederlanden en van de hooge Collegien in de selve in het breede ingesteld. Manuscript, 18th cent., pen and ink, (3),123,(6 blank)lvs., hroan, 4to.

- Sm. modern annot. on first free endpaper. Joints starting; covers worn/ sl. dam.

= One of the manuscript copies that circulated in the 18th century, before the publication of the work ''Staatkundige Geschriften'' (1784-1785). This manuscript contains a political treatise by Simon van Slingelandt, who was secretary of the council of state for 45 years and afterwards grand pensionary of Holland.

€ (100-150) 130
75/2531 Netherlands  Lot of 11 Dutch manuscript documents 75/2531 Netherlands Lot of 11 Dutch manuscript documents
75/2531 Netherlands  Lot of 11 Dutch manuscript documents 75/2531 Netherlands Lot of 11 Dutch manuscript documents
75/2531 [Netherlands]. Lot of 11 Dutch manuscript documents, pen and ink on paper, 1823-1881, multiple lvs., 1 wax seal attached, embossed paper seals, various sizes.

= Includes notary and district court documents concerning the Noyons, Gieliam/ Gielen and Van Bergen families in Den Bosch, i.a. the testament of Maria Johanna Gieliam (1850) and Everardus Martinus Noijons (1853), 2 court decisions on appointing legal guardians of underaged children in both families (1865, 1874), a mortgage request for the payment of outstanding debts (1866) and the sale of property between two of Everardus' children (1881); as well as notary deeds concerning the sale of property on the Westermarkt in Amsterdam (1823), Bunde and Meerssen (1853) and Amby near Maastricht (1841).

ADDED 9 others, i.a. 4 printed/ manuscript Amsterdam municipal tax quittances (1792-1832) and 4 printed/ manuscript payment receipts from the Associatie Cassa to the Scheurleer & Zoonen bank in the Hague (1841).

€ (40-60) 60
75 2532 Noord Holland  Lot of 21 manuscript documents 75 2532 Noord Holland Lot of 21 manuscript documents
75/2532 [Noord-Holland]. Lot of 21 manuscript documents, pen and ink mostly on vellum and 7x on paper, dated 1626-1868, wax and embossed paper seals attached, mostly folded.

= Contains i.a. 13 deeds of transport, of i.a. a house on the Oude Gracht in Alkmaar (1808), "de helfte twee ledige erven of stukken grods, gelegen binnen dese stadt [Weesp] aan de westzijde van de Nieuwe of Agtergragt" (1769) and a field of arable land in Winkel (1758); a deed of admission as notary of Aris van der Mieden (Alkmaar, 1684) and an inventory of the estate and legacy of Maartje Cornelis Leeuws (Winkel, 1782).

€ (100-150) 160
75/2533 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript on wooden leaves 75/2533 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript on wooden leaves
75/2533 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript on wooden leaves 75/2533 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript on wooden leaves
75/2533 [Oriental manuscripts]. Batak manuscript on wooden leaves, probably late 19th century, (47)lvs., written on bark on both sides in black ink, w. 13 ills. (i.a. ornaments and 3 tables (?)) in black ink, bound as a leporello w. wooden covers w. two leather ties, 22x15 cm.

- Occas. rubbed/ stained/ faded; some lvs. waterstained.

€ (100-150) 110
75/2534 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript on wooden leaves 75/2534 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript on wooden leaves
75/2534 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript on wooden leaves 75/2534 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript on wooden leaves
75/2534 [Oriental manuscripts]. Batak manuscript on wooden leaves, probably late 19th century, (44)lvs., written on bark on both sides (17x one side) in black ink, w. 2 sm. ills. in black ink, bound as a leporello w. 2 wooden covers, 9x6,5 cm.

- Occas. rubbed/ stained/ faded.

€ (80-100) 170
75 2535 Oriental manuscripts  Calligraphed miniature manuscript 75 2535 Oriental manuscripts Calligraphed miniature manuscript
75 2535 Oriental manuscripts  Calligraphed miniature manuscript 75 2535 Oriental manuscripts Calligraphed miniature manuscript
75 2535 Oriental manuscripts  Calligraphed miniature manuscript 75 2535 Oriental manuscripts Calligraphed miniature manuscript
75 2535 Oriental manuscripts  Calligraphed miniature manuscript 75 2535 Oriental manuscripts Calligraphed miniature manuscript
75/2535 [Oriental manuscripts]. (Calligraphed miniature manuscript), prob. 19th cent., (68) thin paper lvs. (and 2 blanks), Arabic script, each page within rectangular border heightened w. gold, first page w. very delicate headpiece in gold and colours, contemp. moroccobacked boards w. 2 diff. glazed miniature paintings in colours and gold and front- and backcover, 8x5,5 cm.

- Occas. sl. fingersoiled; corner of 2 lvs. torn loose (1x reattached). Paintings on covers w. craquelure and some small flaked spots (mainly along margins).

= Most textleaves divided in 4 parts, each w. a diagonal calligraphed text and w. texlines above and below. The nice cover paintings show 2 halflength portraits of a Persian woman in an oval frame within a richly gilt ornamental border: the woman on the front fully dressed with her arms crossed before her breasts and the woman on the back touching her uncovered breast w. one hand and with her other hand pointing upwards. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXII.

€ (300-500) 850
75/2536 Oriental manuscripts  Ethiopian prayerbook 75/2536 Oriental manuscripts Ethiopian prayerbook
75/2536 [Oriental manuscripts]. Ethiopian prayerbook, late 19th cent.(?), (140) vellum lvs., Amharic script in black and red ink on recto and verso, 4 lvs. w. decorative border, contemp. blindst. leather over wooden covers, 18x12 cm., in leather pouch consisting of 2 retractable pieces.

- A few lvs. w. (sm.) holes; lvs. darkened/ stained/ fingersoiled (mostly in margins). Leather pouch sl. worn.

AND 1 other similar, smaller sized (6x5 cm.), with plain wooden covers.

€ (80-100) 210
75/2537 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 75/2537 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
75/2537 [Oriental manuscripts]. Lontar manuscript, prob. late 19th/ early 20th cent., prob. Balinese text, 7 rectangular leaves w. engr. script on one side and engr. illustrations on verso, between 2 engraved wooden covers, central cord w. 2 metal coin-like discs tying the covers together, the whole measuring 3,5(h.)x30(l.)x1,5(d.) cm.

- Occas. sl. stained; two pinholes on both ends. Covers sl. rubbed.

€ (100-150) 100
75/2538 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 75/2538 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
75/2538 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 75/2538 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
75/2538 [Oriental manuscripts]. Lontar manuscript, prob. late 19th/ early 20th cent., prob. Balinese text, ±100 rectangular palm leaves w. engr. script on both sides, bound together w. cord through holes in centre and at both ends of leaves and covers, between 2 wooden covers, the whole measuring ±4(h.)x29(l.)x7,5(d.) cm.

- Sl. stained; a few sl. dam./ w. sm. tears.

€ (70-90) 160
75/2539 Physics  Attendance sheet 75/2539 Physics Attendance sheet
75/2539 [Physics]. Attendance sheet, second symposium on "Gas dynamics of the interstellar clouds", Cambridge, July 6-11, 1953, typescript leaf listing attendants (2 copies), 3 lvs. w. AUTOGRAPH participants' names (pencil/ pen and ink/ ballpoint), 3 typescript participants' address lists (incl. 1 duplicate), 1 typescript announcement for the symposium (recto and verso), dated 18 December 1952.

- One typescript attendance list and announcement list w. annots.; all lvs. (sl.) yellowed.

= Signatories include E.P. Hubble, Th. von Kármán, J.M. Burgers, H.C. van de Hulst, J.H. Oort, A. Blaauw, O. Laporte, H.W. Liepmann, G.K. Batchelor, D.W. Sciama, L. Biermann and H. Bondi.

Attendance sheet, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, London, September 1948, 2 typescript lvs. listing council members' names and addresses, 2 lvs. w. AUTOGRAPH participants' names (pen and ink/ ballpoint).

= Signatories include J. Pérès, Th. von Kármán, S.P. Timoshenko, C.B. Biezenmo, J.M. Burgers and H. Favre.

Attendance sheets, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Istanbul, August 21-26, 1952, 6 typescript lvs. w. AUTOGRAPH participants' names (pencil/ pen and ink/ ballpoint).

= Signatories include J.C. Hunsaker, S.P. Timoshenko, R. von Mises, F.H. van den Dungen, C.B. Biezenmo, J.M. Burgers and H. Favre.

AND 3 other members' attendants' lists, i.a. for the "International symposium on nonlinear vibrations", Île de Porquerolles, 18-22 September 1951 (6 (yellowed) (facs.) typescript lvs., 1 leaf w. annots.). - ADDED: 1 postcard, w. postmark dated "14 Ap[ril] 4[8?]", by "R.S." (R.V. Southwell?) addressed to Prof. J.M. Burgers.

€ (50-70) 50
75 2540 Qur'an  Den Arabischen Alcoran 75 2540 Qur'an Den Arabischen Alcoran
75 2540 Qur'an  Den Arabischen Alcoran 75 2540 Qur'an Den Arabischen Alcoran
75 2540 Qur'an  Den Arabischen Alcoran 75 2540 Qur'an Den Arabischen Alcoran
75 2540 Qur'an  Den Arabischen Alcoran 75 2540 Qur'an Den Arabischen Alcoran
75/2540 [Qur'an]. "Den Arabischen Alcoran". Manuscript, pen and ink on paper, Dutch text, 1st half 17th cent., (1),142 lvs., contemp. calf.

- Spine-ends dam.; binding sl. worn. Contents fine.

= Very early 17th century Dutch translation of the Quran based on the German translation by Solomon Schwigger. The German translation was first published in 1616. The first edition of the first Dutch translation was published in 1641 by Barent Adriaensz Berentsma. Our manuscript differs on some points textually from the German, as well as the Dutch translation. It is not clear whether this is a pre-1641 Dutch translation after the German edition or a transcript of the Dutch translation of 1641. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXIII.

€ (4.000-6.000) 7000
75/2541 Rotterdam  Lot of ±45 manuscript title deeds/ deeds of transport regarding property in Rotterdam 75/2541 Rotterdam Lot of ±45 manuscript title deeds/ deeds of transport regarding property in Rotterdam
75/2541 [Rotterdam]. Lot of ±45 manuscript title deeds/ deeds of transport regarding property in Rotterdam, pen and ink on vellum, dated 1640-1750, many w. embossed wax/ paper seals attached, occas. in parts secured together by interconnected vellum strings, folded.

- Wax seals sl. dam.; occas. w. oblique cuts throughout/ sl. soiled.

= Interesting collection mainly with deeds of transport for property and land around Hillegersberg, Kleinpolder, Rubroek and Spijkenisse. I.a. on Huis de Bogt van Guinee, Bergsche Hoek and Crooswijk.

€ (800-1.000)
75 2542 Russia  Alexander I Emperor of Russia 1777 1825 75 2542 Russia Alexander I Emperor of Russia 1777 1825
75/2542 [Russia]. Alexander I, Emperor of Russia (1777-1825). SIGNATURE "Alexandre", pen and ink on cut-out leaf (4x6,9 cm.), laid down on 19th cent. paper w. contemp. manuscript caption.


€ (100-150) 150
75/2543 Surinam  Conditien van eene Negotiatie ten behoeve van eenige Planters in de Colonien van Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary 75/2543 Surinam Conditien van eene Negotiatie ten behoeve van eenige Planters in de Colonien van Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary
75/2543 Surinam  Conditien van eene Negotiatie ten behoeve van eenige Planters in de Colonien van Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary 75/2543 Surinam Conditien van eene Negotiatie ten behoeve van eenige Planters in de Colonien van Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary
75/2543 [Surinam]. Conditien van eene Negotiatie, ten behoeve van eenige Planters, in de Colonien van Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary. Amst., "1o. July 1770", fold. letterpress leaf, folio size, (3)p., SIGNED by J. Hop, A. Calkoen, J.H. van Groin and J. van Ryneveld en Soonen, with payment stamps and manuscript annots. concerning payment for 1777-1840.
€ (200-300) 210
75/2544 Surinam  Conditien van Negotiatie tot een Fonds waar uit onder Directie van Daniel Changuion aan eenige Planters in Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary tot voortzetting en verbeetering hunner75/2544 Surinam Conditien van Negotiatie tot een Fonds waar uit onder Directie van Daniel Changuion aan eenige Planters in Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary tot voortzetting en verbeetering hunner
75/2544 Surinam  Conditien van Negotiatie tot een Fonds waar uit onder Directie van Daniel Changuion aan eenige Planters in Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary tot voortzetting en verbeetering hunner75/2544 Surinam Conditien van Negotiatie tot een Fonds waar uit onder Directie van Daniel Changuion aan eenige Planters in Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary tot voortzetting en verbeetering hunner
75/2544 [Surinam]. Conditien van Negotiatie, tot een Fonds waar uit, onder Directie van Daniel Changuion, aan eenige Planters in Rio Essequebo en Rio Demmerary, tot voortzetting en verbeetering hunner Plantagien een Somma van f 400000:- voor 10 Jaaren zal werden gefourneert, teegens den Intrest van 6 pCto. 's Jaars. Amst., "6. May 1770", fold. letterpress leaf, folio size, (3)p., SIGNED by D. Changuion, J.W. Valkenier and W. van der Lyn, with payment stamps and manuscript annots. concerning payment for 1793-1841.

- Vaguely waterst.

€ (200-300) 210
75/2545 Surinam  Notarial act concerning the legacy of Pierre Alexandre de Peyrou 75/2545 Surinam Notarial act concerning the legacy of Pierre Alexandre de Peyrou
75/2545 [Surinam]. (Notarial act concerning the legacy of Pierre Alexandre de Peyrou). Amst., "den 20sten September 1828", fold. letterpress leaf, folio size, (3)p., SIGNED by J. Commelin (notary), J.P. Scholten van Aschat and O. Zwier van Sandick.

= "Half aandeel in de hypothecaire vordering" concerning the plantations Perou, Libanon, La Nouvelle Esperance and Meyzorg. With 2 coupons.

€ (150-250) 160
75/2546 Surinam  Project en Conditien onder welke aan de Heeren Planters in de Colonie van Essequebo en Demerary door verscheide geassocieerde Particulieren onder directie van den Heer Mr Kornelis 75/2546 Surinam Project en Conditien onder welke aan de Heeren Planters in de Colonie van Essequebo en Demerary door verscheide geassocieerde Particulieren onder directie van den Heer Mr Kornelis
75/2546 [Surinam]. Project en Conditien onder welke aan de Heeren Planters in de Colonie van Essequebo en Demerary door verscheide geassocieerde Particulieren onder directie van den Heer Mr. Kornelis van den Helm Boddaert, Provisioneel is opgeschooten eene Somme van f 300,000 op Conditien hier na volgende. Middelburg, "den eersten Jannuarij 1771", fold. letterpress leaf, folio size, 4p., SIGNED by K. van den Helm Boddaert, with manuscript annots. concerning payment for 1788-1789 and 4 interest coupons, all signed by K. van den Helm Boddaert.
€ (200-300) 210
75 2547 Travels  Anonymous early 19th cent  75 2547 Travels Anonymous early 19th cent
75 2547 Travels  Anonymous early 19th cent  75 2547 Travels Anonymous early 19th cent
75/2547 [Travels]. Anonymous (early 19th cent.). (Travel journal). Manuscript, pen and ink on paper, dated "21 Augustus 1805" to "2 Dito" [September], (20),(47blank) lvs., contemp. gilt hcalf.

- Covers rubbed.

= Interesting travel journal about a journey from 's Hertogenbosch to Maastricht ("Na twintig uuren op een alleronaangenaamste en moeilijke wijse door elkander geschud en gehotst te hebben zijn wij alhier om 8 uuren desenavond aangekoomen"), Liège, Aachen, Cologne ("Vrolijk en opgeruimd keerde wij naar ons Logement terug.."), Xanten, Koblenz, Metz, Bingen, Strassbourg, Basel and Bern.

€ (50-70) 70
75/2548 Utrecht  Manuscript mortgage deed on Hofstede Jaarsveld 75/2548 Utrecht Manuscript mortgage deed on Hofstede Jaarsveld
75/2548 Utrecht  Manuscript mortgage deed on Hofstede Jaarsveld 75/2548 Utrecht Manuscript mortgage deed on Hofstede Jaarsveld
75/2548 [Utrecht]. Manuscript mortgage deed on Hofstede Jaarsveld, pen and ink on vellum, dated 1650, w. embossed wax seals attached, w. embossed paper seal, folded.

- A few oblique cuts.

= Bailiff of Jaarsveld Steven van Esvelt declares the mortgage of Harmen Jansen Vuyck on the Hofstede Jaarsveld. Vuyck owes an amount of fl.400 to Cornelis Adriaansen Cramer.

AND 1 other: a receipt of home sale of a house in the Molenstraat (possibly The Hague) bought by Cornelis van Aerentsbergen from Matheus Claes Fock (pen and black ink on paper, 1663).

€ (60-80)