Page 19 of 21 Results 361 - 380 of 414
75 1672 Stichting De Roos  Werkman H N 75 1672 Stichting De Roos Werkman H N
75/1672 [Stichting De Roos]. Werkman, H.N. Teksten. Utr., Stichting de Roos, 2003, 108p., printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. clothbacked boards w. flockprint. Doesburg, T. van. Grondbeginselen der nieuwe beeldende kunst. Ibid., idem, 1979, 59,(5)p., bookdesign by S. HEYNEMANN, printed in 175 copies, orig. wr. - AND 4 others publ. by the same, all in 175 numb. copies: M.A.J. BAUER, Bauers reis naar Moskou in brieven en teekeningen (1956, ills. by M.A.J. BAUER, orig. boards, slipcase); LE CORBUSIER, Vers une architecture (1971, ills., orig. pict. wr. (sl. nibbled by silverfish)); J. JANSSEN, Los van alles (2004, num. ills. by J. JANSSEN, signed by the author, orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr.) and IN BEPERKTE OPLAGE (2005, 128p., orig. woodcut ills., in orig. board box (unopened), 4to).
€ (80-100)
75 1673 Stichting De Roos  Wetselaar P 75 1673 Stichting De Roos Wetselaar P
75/1673 [Stichting De Roos]. Wetselaar, P. Pater Noster - Onze Vader. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1983, (13) lvs., calligraphy by P. WETSELAAR, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. velvet, obl. 4to. Het Hooglied van Salomo. Ibid., idem, 1952, (40)p., 8 full-p. engr. plates by F. MONTENS, printed in black and red in 175 numb. copies, signed by the illustrator, orig. gilt cl., folio (bookplate on first free endpaper). - AND 3 others publ. by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies: HYMNEN UIT DEN BIJBEL (1950, orig. cl.); MIDDELNEDERLANDSE PROZAVERHALEN OVER DE GEBOORTE VAN JEZUS (1954, ills. by B. BOUMAN, orig. cl.) and HET BOEK RUTH (1964, ills. by W. ELENBAAS, orig. hcl.).
€ (70-90) 80
75 1674 Stichting De Roos  Wetselaar P 75 1674 Stichting De Roos Wetselaar P
75/1674 [Stichting De Roos]. Wetselaar, P. Pater Noster - Onze Vader. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1983, (13) lvs., calligraphy by P. WETSELAAR, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. velvet, obl. 4to. Cantico di santo Francesco intitolato del sole. Het zonnelied van den heiligen Franciscus. Ibid., idem, n.d. (1947), (11)p., lithogr. frontisp. J.B. SLEPER, typography by S.H. DE ROOS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. boards, folio. - AND 3 others publ. by the same: HET BOEK RUTH (1964, col. ills. by ELENBAAS, orig. hcl.); J.H. LEOPOLD, Omar Khayam (1953, orig. hvellum) and GILGAMESJ. De elfde zang (1985, lithogr. plates by J. KRUYFF, orig. cl., obl. folio).
€ (60-80)
75 1675 Stichting De Roos  Wiener L H and Snijders A L 75 1675 Stichting De Roos Wiener L H and Snijders A L
75/1675 [Stichting De Roos]. Wiener, L.H. and Snijders, A.L. L.H. en A.L./ A.L. en L.H. Utr., Stichting De Roos, n.d. (2007), 2 vols., 118,(2); 46,(2)p., printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. boards, together in board slipcase, sm. 8vo.

= "Bijgaande selectie uit de brieven van L.H. Wiener (L.H.) aan A.L. Snijders (A.L.) en de keuze uit de Zeer Korte Verhalen van A.L. Snijders werden ingeleid door Wim Noordhoek en bezorgd door Huug Schipper, in nauwe samenwerking met Erna Staal" [colophon].

Uyl, B. den. Verhalen van de Grote Oorlog. Ibid., idem, 2001, 49,(3)p., full-p. photogr. ills. by P. GROOT, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. felt over boards, folio.

= "De voorkant van het stofomslag is door Peter Bilak met de hand 'geadresseerd' aan de woonplaats van de ontvanger van elk exemplaar van dit boek" [colophon], this copy with "Mook".

€ (80-100) 80
75 1676 Stichting De Roos  Wilde O 75 1676 Stichting De Roos Wilde O
75/1676 [Stichting De Roos]. Wilde, O. The Critic as Artist. A dialogue. Utr., Stichting de Roos, 1957, 76,(2)p., typogr. by H. SALDEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl., t.e.g., 4to. Idem. Salomé. Drame en un acte. Ibid., idem, 1949, 74,(4)p., 7 engravings by J.-P. VROOM, printed in 180 numb. copies (175), orig. gilt hvellum, t.e.g., large 8vo. Dekker, T. The guls hornbooke. Ibid., idem, 1960, 89,(3)p., col. ills. and typogr. by J. BONS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. wr., slipcase. - AND 3 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: A.W. POLLARD, The Trained Printer and the Amateur and the Pleasure of Small Books (1950, orig. boards w. paper title-piece); BARON MUNCHAUSEN'S NARRATIVE OF HIS MARVELLOUS TRAVELS AND CAMPAIGNS IN RUSSIA (1954, ills. by W.J. ROZENDAAL, orig. gilt hvellum, t.e.g. Remains of bookplate on first free endpaper) and J. SWIFT, Directions to servants (1972, ills. by M. KEMPERS, orig. gilt cl., large 8vo).
€ (60-80) 60
75 1677 Stichting De Roos  In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen 75 1677 Stichting De Roos In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen
75 1677 Stichting De Roos  In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen 75 1677 Stichting De Roos In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen
75 1677 Stichting De Roos  In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen 75 1677 Stichting De Roos In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen
75 1677 Stichting De Roos  In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen 75 1677 Stichting De Roos In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen
75 1677 Stichting De Roos  In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen 75 1677 Stichting De Roos In beperkte oplage Archief Stichting De Roos 1945 2005 Een keuze Ed M Lommen
75/1677 [Stichting De Roos]. In beperkte oplage. Archief Stichting De Roos 1945-2005. Een keuze. Ed. M. Lommen. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 2005, 127,(1)p., num. (full-p.) col. ills., orig. wr. Bokhove, N. De drempelschroom verdrijven. Literaire activiteiten in de jaren 1932-1973 bij boekhandel Broese onder Chris Leeflang. Ibid., idem, 2013, 303,(1)p., ills., printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. boards. - AND 54 catalogues (8x duplicates)/ bibliographies/ sm. publications/ New Years Wishes and correspondance on/ by Stichting De Roos/ Chr. Leeflang. - ADDED: T. DEN BOON (ED.), Taal van het jaar nul/ één/ twee/ drie/ vier/ vijf (2001-2005, 6 vols., orig. cl. w. mounted title-p.) and IDEM, Taal van het jaar nul (2001, orig. wr.).
€ (70-90) 80
75 1678 Stols A A M  Corbière T 75 1678 Stols A A M Corbière T
75/1678 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Corbière, T. Les amours jaunes. Introd. G. Jean-Aubry. The Hague/ Paris, A.A.M. Stols, 1947, XV,(5),268,(2)p., printed in blue, orange and black in 667 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Free endpaper and frontcover dustwr. (sl.) stained. = Van Dijk 745.

Valéry, P. Existence du symbolisme. Maastr., The Halcyon Press, 1939, 1st ed., 50,(2)p., printed in black and red in 650 numb. copies, orig. wr., 4to.

= Van Dijk 469.

ADDED: Boutens, P.C. In den keerkring. Zeven gedichten. The Hague, Kunera Pers, 1942, 22,(3)p., printed in red, blue and black in 210 numb. copies by J.F. VAN ROYEN in his Disteltype cut by L. PISSARRO (175), orig. giltlettered hvellum.

€ (40-60) 40
75 1679 Stols A A M  Orpheus no 4 6 11 13 15 75 1679 Stols A A M Orpheus no 4 6 11 13 15
75/1679 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Orpheus, no.4, 6-11, 13, 15. The Hague, A.A.M. Stols, 1941, 10 vols. (incl. duplicate of vol. 10), 10 frontisp., in parts as issued, orig. unif. wr.

= Poems by A. van Duinkerken, J. Engelman, P.N. van Eyck, E. Hoornik, M. Nijhoff, J. van Nijlen, E. du Perron, J. Slauerhoff and S. Vestdijk, illustrated by C.A.B. Bantzinger, J.M. Prange, J. Roede, C.F. Roelofsz (2x), P.G. Rueter, J.S. Sjollema and A.C. Willink (2x). Van Dijk p.522.

Ursa Minor. Maastr., idem, 1936-1939, 5 (of 9) vols., printed in 150 to 300 numb. copies, orig. unif. giltlettered cl.

- Vol.3 endpapers trifle foxed. Board edges discoloured/ stained. Vol.4 owner's annot. on first blank.

= Van Dijk 366, 408, 419, 448 and 470 and at large S. van Faassen, 'Iedere handelsgeest is ons vreemd. Het driemanschap J. Greshoff, M.B.B. Nijkerk en A.A.M. Stols en hun bibliofiele reeks Ursa Minor (1936-1939) (Amst., 2003).

AND 2 others by/ on A.A.M. Stols.

€ (60-80)
75 1680 Stols A A M  Trajectum ad Mosam 75 1680 Stols A A M Trajectum ad Mosam
75/1680 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Trajectum ad Mosam. Maastr., A.A.M. Stols, 1923-1930, 7 (of 30) vols., printed in 50 to 380 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= 4. A. VAN SCHENDEL, Angiolino en de lente (with prospectus. Van Dijk 6); 5. J. VAN DEN VONDEL, Het lof der zee-vaart (Van Dijk 9); 7. L. LABÉ, De sonnetten. Transl. P.C. Boutens (Van Dijk 22); 10. J. DU BELLAY, La défence & illustration de la langue françoise (one of 54 copies on Pannekoek, but with the double suite of the woodcut portrait by J. Franken Pzn; with prospectus. Van Dijk 37); 12. JAN VAN NIJLEN, De Lokstem en andere gedichten (w. prospectus and loosely inserted letterpress announcement of the series. Van Dijk 52. Incl. one duplicate); 26. J. VAN NIJLEN, De vogel Phoenix (one of 75 copies on Hollands Pannekoek. Van Dijk 150); 28. K. VAN DE WOESTIJNE, Het berg-meer (one of 50 copies not for sale, Van Dijk 169); 27. A. VAN SCHENDEL, Fratilamur (w. prospectus. Van Dijk 6).

€ (50-70) 100
75 1681 Stols A A M  Valéry P 75 1681 Stols A A M Valéry P
75/1681 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Valéry, P. Discours sur Émile Verhaeren. Maastr./ Brussels, idem, 1928, nouvelle édition, 24,(3)p., printed in black and red in 320 numb. copies (20) by J. Enschedé en Zonen, orig. wr., sm. 4to.

= One of 20 Roman numb. copies on Japanese. Van Dijk 168.

Larbaud, V. Paris de France. Ibid., idem, 1926, 1st ed., 48,(3)p., woodcut vignette by J. FRANKEN PZN., printed in black and red in 350 numb. copies (300), orig. wr. w. col. coat of arms of Paris by J. VAN KRIMPEN.

= Trajectum ad Mosam 14. Van Dijk 84.

Racan. Les Poésies Lyriques Profanes./ Notes sur Racan. Ed. V. Larbaud and A.A.M. Stols. Ibid., idem, 1928, 2 parts in 1 vol., 114,(2); 49,(3)p., both printed in 350 numb. copies (50), contemp. dec. boards.

= One of 50 numb. copies on Holland Van Gelder. Van Dijk 146 and 158.

AND 14 others, all publ. by the same between 1920-1930, i.a. Van Dijk 94, 115, 145 and 165.

€ (80-100) 80
75 1682 Stop = M L Morel Retz 75 1682 Stop = M L Morel Retz
75/1682 Stop (= M.L. Morel-Retz). Bêtes et gens, fables et contes humoristiques à la plume et au crayon. (Première)/ Deuxième Série. Paris, E. Plon, 1877/1880, 1st eds., 2 vols., (4),344; (4),344p., 2 frontisp. and num. woodengr. ills. by the author, orig. unif. red and blue cl. richly gilt and decorated, large 8vo.

= Vicaire VII, p.668.

€ (60-80) 60
75 1683 Sub Signo Libelli  Bastet F 75 1683 Sub Signo Libelli Bastet F
75/1683 [Sub Signo Libelli]. Bastet, F. Aegyptiaca. N.pl. (Amst.), Sub Signo Libelli, 1984, (28)p., printed in black, brown and green on "Indiaas papier" in 65 numb. and signed copies.

= Breugelmans 117. DELUXE COPY, bound in brown hmor. w. extra upper cover hinged to the right.

€ (150-250) 150
75 1684 Sub Signo Libelli  Büch B 75 1684 Sub Signo Libelli Büch B
75/1684 [Sub Signo Libelli]. Büch, B. Auch ich in Arkadien. (Amst.), Sub Signo Libelli, 1980, 1st ed., (4)p., printed in black and blue in 60 numb. copies, 1 folded leaf, loose in orig. wr., large 8vo.

= Breugelmans 62. Published on occasion of the Small Press Festival IV in Utrecht. Copy signed by the author.

€ (70-90) 80
75 1685 Sub Signo Libelli  Carmiggelt S 75 1685 Sub Signo Libelli Carmiggelt S
75/1685 [Sub Signo Libelli]. Carmiggelt, S. De doos. (Geesbrug), Sub Signo Libelli, 1978, 10,(4)p., orig. tinted etching by J. VEERKAMP, printed in 35 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= SIGNED by the author. Breugelmans 37.

Kloos, W. and Wakker, J.H. Sonnetten. (Ibid.), idem, 1981, 9,(3)p., printed in 60 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= Breugelmans 66a.

AND 4 others similar, i.a. B. BÜCH, Poetische typografie ((Ibid.), 1984, "Geesbrugger Bijdrage No. 5").

€ (70-90) 475
75 1686 Sub Signo Libelli  Heringa P M  75 1686 Sub Signo Libelli Heringa P M
75/1686 [Sub Signo Libelli]. (Heringa, P.M.). Een tak voor Wim Schumacher 28-2-82. (Amst.), Sub Signo Libelli, 1982, (7)p., printed in 27 copies (24), loose as issued in orig. wr. Reverdy, P. Alles Perseveranter. Transl. P. Heringa. (Utr.), idem, 1985, (4)p., printed in 30 copies (27), orig. wr. Rimbaud, A. Les anciens animaux saillissaient (...). Ibid., idem, 1986, 1 fold. leaf, printed in 29 copies. Williams, W.C. Song. (Geesbrug), idem, 1998, 1 fold. leaf, printed in 40 copies.

= Breugelmans 80, 131, 159 and 230.

AND ±15 small (occasional) publications, brochures, announcements etc. publ. by the same, all printed in a limited edition. - ADDED: 1 small publication printed in honour of Ger Kleis.

€ (100-150) 110
75/1687 Sub Signo Libelli  Lettertypen 75/1687 Sub Signo Libelli Lettertypen
75/1687 [Sub Signo Libelli]. Lettertypen. (Amst.), Sub Signo Libelli, 1983, 1 fold. leaf, printed in 29 numb. copies, loose in orig. wr.

= Breugelmans 104.

AND 5 others publ. by the same, Breugelmans 59, 105 (wr. partly sunned), 106, 136 and 224.

€ (50-70) 50
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75 1688 Swarte J W 75 1688 Swarte J W
75/1688 Swarte, J.W. Portfolio 4. Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp, Panamarenko, Kurt Schwitters. Amst., Oog & Blik, 1994, 4 col. silkscreen prints, each 37,5x24 cm., all signed "Joost Swarte", titled and "68/150" in pencil and "Joost Swarte ©93" in the print, printed in 150 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. board portfolio w. stiff paper flaps, des. by the artist, folio.

= "In 1993 vroeg de Societe Lyonnaise de Transports en Commun aan Joost Swarte, vaandels te ontwerpen om het ondergrondse station Bellecour in Lyon te versieren tijdens de tweede Biennale d'art contemporain Et tous ils changent le monde. Joost Swarte selecteerde 4 van de geëxposeerde kunstenaars en gaf zijn visie op kunstenaar en werk." (colophon).

€ (150-250) 150
75 1689 Swarte J W 75 1689 Swarte J W
75 1689 Swarte J W 75 1689 Swarte J W
75 1689 Swarte J W 75 1689 Swarte J W
75/1689 Swarte, J.W. Toneelschuur. Haarlem, De Toneelschuur, (1996), (4)p., 4 col. silkscreen prints, each 35x35 cm. (image), all signed "Joost Swarte" and "50/350" in pencil and "Joost Swarte ©96" in the print, 4 plans (40x40 cm.), ills., printed in 350 copies, all lvs. loose as issued in bookshaped metal box w. board frontcover, des. by the artist, sq. folio.

= Presenting the designs for a new building for the Haarlem theatre 'Toneelschuur'. The building was realised in 2002 and was the first architectural project by Joost Swarte.

€ (150-250) 150
75 1690 Swarte J W 75 1690 Swarte J W
75 1690 Swarte J W 75 1690 Swarte J W
75 1690 Swarte J W 75 1690 Swarte J W
75 1690 Swarte J W 75 1690 Swarte J W
75 1690 Swarte J W 75 1690 Swarte J W
75/1690 Swarte, J.W. Transport. Amst., Oog & Blik, 1993, 4 col. silkscreen prints, each 30x40 cm., all signed "Joost Swarte" and "30/350" in pencil and "Joost Swarte ©93" in the print, printed in 350 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. board portfolio w. wooden cornerpieces designed by the artist, obl. folio.

- Portfolio trifle foxed in margins.

= The prints entitled: "Transport fuel: Faith", "(...) Attraction", "(...) Fury" and "(...) Imagination".

€ (100-150) 130
75 1691 Tartini G 75 1691 Tartini G
75/1691 Tartini, G. Die Teufelstriller Sonate. Vienna, Verlag Neue Graphik des Rikola Verlages, 1922, (14) engr. leaves, consisting of title-p., 12 plates and colophon leaf, all engr. in black and sanguine by JULIUS ZIMPEL, printed in 550 numb. copies (50), loose as issued in orig. giltlettered hvellum portfolio, folio.

- Covers of portfolio browned; upper joint split at foot of spine; top of spine sl. worn; outer fold. flap partly split.

= One of 50 Roman numb. copies signed (2 leaves)/ monogrammed (12 leaves) by the artist in pencil.

€ (250-350) 250