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75 1312 Alechinsky P  Claus H 75 1312 Alechinsky P Claus H
75 1312 Alechinsky P  Claus H 75 1312 Alechinsky P Claus H
75/1312 [Alechinsky, P.]. Claus, H. Treize manières de regarder un fragment d'Alechinsky/ Dertien manieren om een fragment van Alechinsky te zien. Gent, Ziggurat, 1979, (30) text lvs., col. lithogr. plate by P. ALECHINSKY, watercolour by H. CLAUS, both numb. and signed in pencil by the artist/ author, printed in 95 numb. and signed copies (75), orig. wr., loose as issued in orig. cl. box, 4to.

- Fine copy.

€ (200-300) 350
75 1313 AMO  Kooten K van 75 1313 AMO Kooten K van
75 1313 AMO  Kooten K van 75 1313 AMO Kooten K van
75/1313 [AMO]. Kooten, K. van. Van de Hoge. Amstelveen, AMO, 1986, 18,(5)p., frontisp. ill. by PETER VAN STRAATEN, printed by BRAM DE DOES in 50 numb. and signed copies (30), orig. wr., 4to.

- Backstrip and upper margin of frontwr. (sl.) sunned.

€ (50-70) 60
75 1314 AMO  Reve G 75 1314 AMO Reve G
75 1314 AMO  Reve G 75 1314 AMO Reve G
75/1314 [AMO]. Reve, G. Het Zesde Jaar. Amstelveen, AMO, 1989, 1st ed., 13,(4)p., printed in black and red by Hans van Eijk, IN DE BONNEFANT, in 75 numb. and signed copies (37), 4to.

= One of 37 roman numb. copies ("IX"), bound by the Phoenix Bindery in halfvellum with a page from the original manuscript by Reve mounted over part of the backcover, spine and frontcover, in stiff paper slipcase. And with AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on title to "Heer Rob Noortman", dated "21 December 1996".

€ (500-700) 500
75 1315 Andrews W L 75 1315 Andrews W L
75 1315 Andrews W L 75 1315 Andrews W L
75/1315 Andrews, W.L. Sextodecimos et infra. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899, XIII,(1),117,(1)p., 27 (col.) plates, printed in 152 numb. copies, orig. dec. gilt wr., chemise.

- Occas. sl. foxed. Otherwise fine.

€ (70-90) 70
75 1316 Annigoni P  Erasmus D 75 1316 Annigoni P Erasmus D
75/1316 [Annigoni, P.]. Erasmus, D. Elogio della follia. Introd. L. Testaferrata. Rome, Eldec, 1978, XVI,(4),205,(6)p., 82 vignettes after H. HOLBEIN, 31 (double-p.) col. plates by P. ANNIGONI, printed in 2565 numb. and signed copies, orig. blindst. leather, in orig. cl. slipcase, large folio.

- Covers w. a few sm. specks; slipcase trifle soiled; sm. rubbed spot at top of spine. Otherwise a fine copy.

€ (600-800) 600
75 1317 Arethusa Pers  Couperus L 75 1317 Arethusa Pers Couperus L
75/1317 [Arethusa Pers]. Couperus, L. De Binocle. Baarn, Arethusa Pers, 1994, 35,(1)p., 2 tipped-in photographs, printed in 100 numb. copies (50), obl. 4to.

= One of 50 copies bound in full cloth.

AND 5 publications by Exponent, Bedum, all orig. wr.: J. DE HAAN, Verzen van Jezus (1985, 180 numb. copies); A. SCHAALSMA, Eenrum (1988, 115 numb. copies); TALEN NAAR EEN TUIN (1991, 110 numb. copies); C.O. JELLEMA, Gedicht (1997, 195 SIGNED copies); LETTERPROEF (n.d., unspecified ed.).

€ (70-90)
75/1318 Ashendene Press  A Hand list of the Books printed at The Ashendene Press MDCCCXCV  MCMXXV 75/1318 Ashendene Press A Hand list of the Books printed at The Ashendene Press MDCCCXCV MCMXXV
75/1318 Ashendene Press  A Hand list of the Books printed at The Ashendene Press MDCCCXCV  MCMXXV 75/1318 Ashendene Press A Hand list of the Books printed at The Ashendene Press MDCCCXCV MCMXXV
75/1318 [Ashendene Press]. A Hand-list of the Books printed at The Ashendene Press MDCCCXCV - MCMXXV. Chelsea, The Ashendene Press, 1925, (16)p., printed in black and red in an unspecified edition, orig. wr.

= Ashendene, Minor Pieces X.

St. John Hornby, C.H. The Ashendene Press. Meridan, The Domesday Press, 1939, 59,(3)p., woodengr. ills., orig. cl.

= AUTOGRAPH dedication to "Gene Paltberg" (?) on the colophon.

AND 3 bookseller's catalogues on fine printing.

€ (80-100) 350
75 1319 Astèr  Mallarmé S 75 1319 Astèr Mallarmé S
75/1319 [Astèr]. Mallarmé, S. Gedichten. Dutch transl. P. Claes. Amst., Astèr, 1983, 38,(3)p., printed in black and green in 125 numb. copies (100) under supervision of G. KLEIS, text in French and Dutch, orig. gilt cl., large 8vo. Andrian, L. De tuin van de openbaring. Dutch transl. A. Verwey and S. George. Ibid., idem, 1984, 44,(3)p., printed in 125 numb. copies (100) under supervision of G. KLEIS, orig. gilt cl., large 8vo.

= Astèr 1 and 2. Both vols. w. loosely inserted orig. prospectus.

€ (70-90) 80
75 1320 Atalanta Pers  Bernlef and Tentije H 75 1320 Atalanta Pers Bernlef and Tentije H
75/1320 [Atalanta Pers]. Bernlef and Tentije, H. Zeegang. Gedichten in omgekeerde richting. Baarn, Atalanta Pers, 2011, 30,(5)p., printed in 110 numb. copies (100) signed by both authors, orig. wr., 4to. Budé, F. Hoe alles gebeurt. Ibid., idem, 2007, (33)p., 1 photogr. ill. by V. MENTZEL, ills. by R. BAKKER, printed in 110 numb. and signed copies (100), orig. wr., 4to. - AND 3 others publ. by the same, i.a. R. BAKKER, Elementair (1981, etchings by G. VAN ASSCHE, printed in 55 numb. and signed copies, loose in orig. cl. portfolio (dampstained and partly sunned), folio); HETZELFDE ANDERS. 21 dichters en de lente (1997, 125 numb. copies, orig. wr., 4to).
€ (60-80)
75/1321 Avalon pers  Lot of ±100 vols 75/1321 Avalon pers Lot of ±100 vols
75/1321 Avalon pers  Lot of ±100 vols 75/1321 Avalon pers Lot of ±100 vols
75/1321 Avalon pers  Lot of ±100 vols 75/1321 Avalon pers Lot of ±100 vols
75/1321 [Avalon pers]. Lot of ±100 vols., Woubrugge, 1976-1995, all printed in limited numb. eds., mostly orig. wr./ orig. cl./ without binding (as published), various sizes.

= I.a. L. ANSINGH, Drie Gedichten (1982); A. BLOK, Zeven gedichten. Dutch transl. C.B. Timmer (1988); I.K. BONSET, Ernest. Drama (1983); T. BRUGMAN, Even anders. Vier rabbelverzen (1989); TH. VAN DOESBURG, Het onvergankelijke kruid (1982); M. DORNA, Drie verhalen (1983); M. EMANTS, Onopgelost (1983); A. KOK, Met weinig woorden. De experimentele gedichten 1915-1923 (1984); B. DEN UYL, Opkomst & Ondergang van de Zwarte Trui (1981); M. VASALIS, Kinderen. Fragment (1982) and J. WAASDORP, De aparte kunst van Apie Prins (1992).

€ (200-300) 300
75/1322 Avalon Pers  Klooien met letters a k a Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser 75/1322 Avalon Pers Klooien met letters a k a Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser
75/1322 Avalon Pers  Klooien met letters a k a Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser 75/1322 Avalon Pers Klooien met letters a k a Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser
75/1322 [Avalon Pers]. Klooien met letters a.k.a. Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser. N.pl., n.publ., 2000, comprising 58 (incl. introd.) contributions by various Dutch private presses, printed in 75 copies, loosely inserted in orig. cl. dropback box (32x20x6 cm.) by HERMAN VAN DER KRUIJK.

= Published on occasion of Jan Keijser's 60th birthday. Contains contributions by i.a. Alex Barbaix (Pastei), Hans van Eyck (In de Bonnefant), Piet Jacobs (Priegelpers), Jan de Jong (De Buitenkant), Ger Kleis (Sub Signo Libelli), Rob Over de Linden (Ovira Linda), Kees Thomassen (De Uitvreter), Ser J.L. Prop and Jaap Schipper (Statenhofpers).

€ (150-250) 150
75 1323 Baake F 75 1323 Baake F
75/1323 Baake, F. Seh'n sucht. Zienzucht en Verlangen naar bekende verten en onbekende dichtbijheden, of andersom; waar mistig Vuurland naadloos zal overgaan in vurig Mistland... Amst., the artist, 1990, title, colophon and 14 (col.) woodcuts by FRANS BAAKE, printed in 20 numb. and signed copies, orig. cl., folio.

= Copy marked "Proefex." in pencil.

Vlek, H. Voor de bakker. N.pl., the artist, n.d., (23)p., 2 col. woodcuts by TOON JANSEN, printed in black and red in 275 numb. copies signed by the author and artist, orig. wr. - AND 5 others similar, i.a. similar publication by FRANS BAAKE and M. WIGMAN, Dossier Wigman (Den Dolder, 2006, 2 vols. ("Vrij naar Van Gogh - Drie maanden Den Dolder" and "De orde van het woord"), orig. wr., together in orig. stiff paper portfolio, 4to).

€ (70-90)
75 1324 Baars J 75 1324 Baars J
75/1324 Baars, J. Poedermaar. Oosterlittens/ Rott., Atelier It Plein 19, 1993, (24)(fold.)lvs., containing col. (lino/ woodcut) prints, collages and mounted ills., produced in 20 copies, orig. dec. boards, 4to. Borgue, P. and Ramaer, H. L'Oeuvre à l'oeuvre. Arnhem, Grafisch Centrum, n.d., textbooklet by P. BORGUE ((16)p., ills., orig. wr., obl. large 8vo), 6 col. silkscreens by H. RAMAER, signed and numb. in pencil, printed in 100 numb. copies, loose as issued in paper portfolio, together in wooden box w. lid. - AND 1 other publication by JAN BAARS of Atelier It Plein 19 (printed in 8 copies) and 4 publications by PIETER BIJWAARD and EDZARD DIDERIC (printed in 25 or (1x) 50 numb. copies).
€ (100-150)
75 1325 Barbier G  Gramont S de 75 1325 Barbier G Gramont S de
75/1325 [Barbier, G.]. Gramont, S. de. Antérôs. Paris, La Belle Édition, (1913), no pagination, 5 plates by G. BARBIER, printed in 475 numb. copies (468), contemp. green boards, orig. frontwr. pres.

- Occas. sl. foxed (incl. frontwr.). Corners and spine-ends sl. worn. = Monod 5661.

€ (100-150) 100
75 1326 Barlach E 75 1326 Barlach E
75/1326 Barlach, E. Die Wandlungen Gottes. Berlin, P. Cassirer, 1922, 7 woodcut plates, woodcut title and orig. boards w. woodcut frontcover, all by E. BARLACH, obl. folio.

- Binding sl. rubbed and sl. fingersoiled along extremities. Otherwise fine.


€ (150-250)
75 1327 Barrie J M 75 1327 Barrie J M
75/1327 Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan. Amst., Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1907, 101p., 50 tipped-in col. plates (incl. mounted plate on frontcover) by A. RACKHAM, printed in 325 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. mounted col. plate, large 4to.

- (Some) foxing and offsetting from plates; owner's entry on first free endpaper. Binding worn along extremities; joints splitting.

= Cf. Latimore/ Haskell p.40.

Shakespeare, W. Hamlet. Dutch transl. L.A.J. Burgersdijk. Amst., Van Holkema & Warendorf, n.d. (±1911), (4),128p., col. tipped-in frontisp., 28 plates and orig. marbled gilt vellum w. mounted col. plate by W.G. SIMMONDS, printed in 350 numb. copies, folio.

- Occas. sl. foxed.

€ (80-100) 100
75 1328 Bassermann D 75 1328 Bassermann D
75 1328 Bassermann D 75 1328 Bassermann D
75/1328 Bassermann, D. Pierrot Dandy und der Mond. Berlin, Axel Juncker, (1918), 44,(1)p., 6 tipped-in handcol. plates by H. WIDMANN, printed in 300 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered calf, t.e.g., square 8vo.

- Endpapers sl. browned. Calf rubbed along extremities. = Rodenberg 451. Nice art-deco plates.

€ (80-100)
75 1329 Bauer M A J  La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter 75 1329 Bauer M A J La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter
75 1329 Bauer M A J  La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter 75 1329 Bauer M A J La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter
75/1329 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle. Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain. French transl. W. Ritter. Amst., Scheltema & Holkema, 1897, 42,(2)p., 19 (full-p.) etched ills. by M. BAUER, 48 etched vignettes by G.W. DIJSSELHOF, printed in 250 numb. copies on Japanese, bound as a blockbook by BRANDT & ZOON in contemp. red mor. w. gilt fillet line around sides and central gilt interwined monogram on frontcover, t.e.g., sm. 4to.

- Fine copy. Bookplate on upper pastedown. Both covers very vaguely darkened (frontcover)/ faded (frontcover) along upper margin.

= Van Wisselingh 273-291, stating that only 180 copies were printed (p.18), or even only 150 copies (p.91). Braches 7; Braches (1st ed.) 980116 and p.292-293: "Deze versieringen [van Dijsselhof] zijn, omdat ze moesten komen naast etsen van Bauer, geëtst. Ze zijn als zodanig uniek in de geschiedenis der boekherleving." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVII.

€ (600-800) 600
75 1330 Bauer M A J  Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de 75 1330 Bauer M A J Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de
75 1330 Bauer M A J  Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de 75 1330 Bauer M A J Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de
75 1330 Bauer M A J  Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de 75 1330 Bauer M A J Villiers de l'Isle Adam Ph A de
75/1330 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. Villiers de l'Isle Adam, Ph.A. de. Akëdysseril. Dutch transl. K.J.L. Alberdingk Thijm. Amst., Scheltema & Holkema, 1894, (4),32p., 8 orig. etchings by M.A.J. BAUER, all signed in pencil, orig. cl. lettered in red and black, folio.

- The plates sl./ trifle foxed. Worn spots along extremities of binding.

= Van Wisselingh 141-148. The etchings before the printed textline.

€ (400-600) 600
75 1331 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 75 1331 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
75 1331 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 75 1331 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
75 1331 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 75 1331 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
75 1331 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 75 1331 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
75/1331 [Bayros, F. von]. Bierbaum, O.J. Das schoene Maedchen von Pao. Ein chinesischer Roman. Munich, Georg Müller, (1910), (8),210,(3)p., 7 plates by FRANZ VON BAYROS, printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in 600 numb. copies, orig. richly gilt full morocco w. gilt inner dentelles and gilt dec. endpapers by Hübel & Denck (Leipsic), 4to.

- Untrimmed copy. Remnants of former bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. rubbed.


€ (600-800)
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