Page 17 of 21 Results 321 - 340 of 414
75 1632 Spieker E 75 1632 Spieker E
75/1632 Spieker, E. Typo multiple. (Amst.), E. Spieker, n.d. (±1990), multiple consisting of three cut-out boards in the shape of ampersands on wooden pedestal signed by the artist, kept in cut-out board box (12,5x12,5x3 cm.).
€ (60-80)
75 1633 Statenhofpers  Campert R 75 1633 Statenhofpers Campert R
75 1633 Statenhofpers  Campert R 75 1633 Statenhofpers Campert R
75/1633 [Statenhofpers]. Campert, R. Twee gedichten. Gekozen uit het werk van Remco Campert, met een poëtisch eerbetoon van Kees van Kooten. The Hague, Statenhofpers, 2015, (19)p., 4 ills. (incl. 3 full-p.) by JOOST VEERKAMP, printed in 140 numb. copies (110), signed by both authors and the illustrator, orig. silverlettered hcl., 4to.

= Published on occasion of the Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren awarded to Remco Campert on 8 October 2015.

€ (40-60) 70
75 1634 Statenhofpers  Kooten K van 75 1634 Statenhofpers Kooten K van
75 1634 Statenhofpers  Kooten K van 75 1634 Statenhofpers Kooten K van
75/1634 [Statenhofpers]. Kooten, K. van. Twee gedichten. Gekozen uit het werk van Remco Campert, met een poëtisch eerbetoon van Kees van Kooten. The Hague, Statenhofpers, 2015, (19)p., 4 ills. (incl. 3 full-p.) by JOOST VEERKAMP, printed in 140 numb. copies (110), signed by both authors and the illustrator, orig. silverlettered hcl., 4to.

= Published on occasion of the Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren awarded to Remco Campert on 8 October 2015.

€ (40-60) 60
75 1635 Statenhofpers  Meijsing G M 75 1635 Statenhofpers Meijsing G M
75/1635 [Statenhofpers]. Meijsing, G.M. Brieven aan Nanne Tepper. Ed. and pref. J. van der Weide. The Hague, Statenhofpers, 2015, 357,(2)p., printed in 145 numb. and signed copies (125), large 8vo.

- Very vague waterstain in lower corner frontcover.

= One of 125 copies bound in silverlettered and blindst. cloth.

€ (50-70) 50
75 1636 Steadman R 75 1636 Steadman R
75/1636 Steadman, R. Sigmund Freud. New York/ London, Paddington Press, 1979, 1st ed., 118p., num. (full-p.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to.

- Spine-ends dustwr. sl. rubbed.

Idem. Between The Eyes. London, Jonathan Cape, 1984, 1st ed., 239,(1)p., num. (full-p.) (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., sq. 4to (fine). - AND 13 others mainly on/ by the same, partly first editions, all hardcover and in fine condition, i.a. Gonzo. The Art (London, 1998); The Grapes of Ralph (ibid., 1992) and The Book of Jones (ibid., 1997).

€ (50-70) 220
75 1637 Steinhardt J 75 1637 Steinhardt J
75/1637 Steinhardt, J. Neun Holzschnitte zu ausgewählten Versen aus dem Buche Jeschu ben Elieser ben Sirah. Introd. A. Zweig. Berlin, Aldus Druck for the Soncino-Gesellschaft, 1929, (24)p., 9 woodcuts by J. STEINHARDT, printed in 800 signed copies, bound as a blockbook, orig. hvellum, 4to.

- Joints sl. split at top of spine. Fine copy. = Ninth publication of the Soncino-Gesellschaft.

€ (100-150)
75 1638 Steinhardt J  Nadel A 75 1638 Steinhardt J Nadel A
75/1638 [Steinhardt, J.]. Nadel, A. Rot und glühend ist das Auge des Juden. Berlin, Verlag für Jüdische Kunst und Kultur F. Gurlitt, 1920, (34)p., 8 tipped-in etched plates by J. STEINHARDT, orig. clothbacked pict. boards, 4to.

- Corners and spine-ends sl. rubbed; sm. dent in frontcover. Otherwise fine.

ADDED: Budko, J. and Nadel, A. Das Jahr des Juden. Zwölf Gedichte zu zwölf Radierungen. Ibid., idem, 1920, (24) lvs, woodcut(?) frontisp. and 12 engr. plates by J. BUDKO, orig. clothbacked boards, 4to.

- Receding damptains in outer margin. Frontcover waterstained in outer margin.

€ (70-90)
75 1639 Stichting De Roos  Achnaton 75 1639 Stichting De Roos Achnaton
75 1639 Stichting De Roos  Achnaton 75 1639 Stichting De Roos Achnaton
75 1639 Stichting De Roos  Achnaton 75 1639 Stichting De Roos Achnaton
75/1639 [Stichting De Roos]. Achnaton. Het zonnelied. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1977, 17,(2)p., initials by P. WETSELAAR, printed in 175 numb. copies at the Carlinapers, Haarlem, orig. wr. Cantico di santo Francesco intitolato del sole. Het zonnelied van den heiligen Franciscus. Ibid., idem, n.d. (1947), (11)p., lithogr. frontisp. by J.B. SLEPER, typography by S.H. DE ROOS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. boards, folio. Bertrand, A. Gaspard de la nuit. Ibid., Idem, 1956, 2 vols., 85,(4); 63,(4)p., 51 full-p. lithogr. ills. by M.T. KOORNSTRA, typogr. by M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. cl. in orig. pict. board slipcases, 4to.

- Corners of slipcases sl. rubbed. = Signed by the illustrator in the colophon.

Descartes, R. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison et chercher la vérité dans les sciences. Ibid., idem, 1946, 102,(2)p., copperengr. frontisp. portrait by K. BRINKS, typogr. by S.H. DE ROOS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered hvellum, t.e.g., 4to.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown. = Kersten 124.

AND 9 others publ. by the same, mainly printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition, i.a. MIDDELNEDERLANDSE PROZAVERHALEN OVER DE GEBOORTE VAN JEZUS (1954, ills. by B. BOUMAN, orig. cl.); HYMNEN UIT DEN BIJBEL (1950, orig. cl.) and A.W. POLLARD, The Trained Printer and The Amateur and The Pleasure of Small Books (1950, typogr. by J. VAN KRIMPEN, orig. marbled paper boards, 12mo).

€ (70-90)
75 1640 Stichting De Roos  Achterberg G 75 1640 Stichting De Roos Achterberg G
75/1640 [Stichting De Roos]. Achterberg, G. Dertig verzen. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1968, 52,(4)p., 8 full-p. etched ills. by RU VAN ROSSEM, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered (sl. warped) cl., 4to (bookplate on upper pastedown). Roland Holst, A. Een winter aan zee. Ibid., idem, 1963, 97,(3)p., 4 etched plates by J. BIERUMA OOSTING, printed in 181 numb. copies (175), orig. gilt cl., 4to. - AND 3 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: G. GOSSAERT, Priapaeën. Introd. and annot. H. van Straten (1983, 4 etchings by T. ESSERS, orig. felt-lined boards); I. HEYTZE, Miniaturen (2005, 14 etched plates by G. VAN ROOY, orig. felt-lined boards w. dustwr., SIGNED by the author and the artist) and P. BIJWAARD and K. MICHEL, Doorlopend (2007, photogr. ills., orig. wr.).
€ (70-90) 110
75 1641 Stichting De Roos  Alain Fournier 75 1641 Stichting De Roos Alain Fournier
75/1641 [Stichting De Roos]. Alain-Fournier. Le grand Meaulnes. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1971, 224,(2)p., ills. by H. MES, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. cl. Maupassant, G. de. La maison Tellier. Ibid., idem, 1970, 48,(4)p., ills. by K. LÖB, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. cl. w. matching slipcase. - AND 6 others, all w. French text and publ. by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies: C. DE PISAN, L'Oroyson Nostre Dame (1948, orig. wr., sm. 8vo. Bookplate on first free endpaper); J. CHAMPFLEURY, Grandeur et décadence d'une serinette (1961, lithogr. ills. by M. KEMPERS, orig. giltlettered cl.); M. MAETERLINCK, Onirologie (1966, orig. giltlettered hcl.); C. BERNOS DE CASZTOLD, Prières dans l'Arche (1968, ills. by J. HEKMAN, orig. gilt cl., a.e.g., matching slipcase, sm. 8vo); C. PERRAULT, Le petit poucet (1969, ills. by. H. KRIJGER, orig. wr.) and J.-B. PÉRÈS, Comme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existé (1972, orig. (sl. sunned) pict. wr.).
€ (70-90) 70
75 1642 Stichting De Roos  Andersen H C 75 1642 Stichting De Roos Andersen H C
75/1642 [Stichting De Roos]. Andersen, H.C. De Schaduw. Dutch transl. M. van Eeden-Van Vloten. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1992, (24)textp., 24 lvs. w. ills. and orig. dec. hcl. by M. BODE, printed in 175 numb. copies, folio. Gilgamesj, De elfde zang. Dutch transl. F.M.Th. de Liagre-Böhl. Ibid., idem, 1985, 28,(3)p., lithogr. ills. by J. KRUYFF, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl. (bookplate on upper pastedown). - AND 4 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: S.T. COLERIDGE, De ballade van de oude matroos. Dutch transl. A. Donker (1967, ills. by M. KEMPERS, orig. cl.); D. THOMAS, De terugreis. Een stemmenspel. Dutch transl. B. Voeten (1967, etchings by J. MENSINGA, orig. cl., sq. 8vo); V. LARBAUD, De arme hemdenmaker. Dutch transl. E. du Perron (1979, ills. by A. VAN HEUSDEN, orig. cl.) and HET LOT VAN DE KINDEREN VAN LIR. Dutch transl. L. Vancrevel (1984, orig. boards).
€ (80-100) 80
75 1643 Stichting De Roos  Ansingh L 75 1643 Stichting De Roos Ansingh L
75/1643 [Stichting De Roos]. Ansingh, L. Tante Tor is jarig. Utr., Stichting De Roos/ Quellinus, 1950, (29)p., 14 handcol. lithogr. ills. and orig. lithogr. boards by NELLY BODENHEIM, printed entirely in lithography in 200 numb. copies, sm. 4to. Belcampo. Het grote gebeuren. Ibid., idem, 1958, 47,(2)p., woodcut frontisp., ills. and typography by H.P. DOEBELE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. clothbacked dec. boards, 4to. Emants, M. Inwijding. Haags leven. Ibid., idem, 1949, 2 vols., 222; 193p., ills. by J. ROËDE, printed in 175 numb. copies by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to. - AND 11 others publ. by the same, i.a. DE HARP II. Ed. J. Engelman a.o. (1948, etching by C. VAN DEN STEENE, orig. hcl. With a loosely inserted extra copy of the etching, signed in pencil); W. BILDERDIJK, Kort verhaal van eene aanmerklijke luchtreis en nieuwe planeetontdekking (1963, ills. by W.D. KUIK, orig. boards, slipcase); G.A. BREDERO, Spaanschen Brabander Ierolimo (1973, ills. by L. METZ, orig. cl., 4to) and G. ACHTERBERG, Dertig verzen (1968, ills. by RU VAN ROSSEM, orig. cl., 4to). - WITH: 2 catalogues of Stichting De Roos (1976-1980 and 1981-1990).
€ (150-250) 160
75 1644 Stichting De Roos  Ansingh L 75 1644 Stichting De Roos Ansingh L
75/1644 [Stichting De Roos]. Ansingh, L. Tante Tor is jarig. Utr., Stichting De Roos/ Quellinus, 1950, (32)p., 14 handcol. lithogr. ills. and orig. lithogr. boards by NELLY BODENHEIM, entirely in lithogr., printed in 200 numb. copies, sm. 4to. - AND 3 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: J. VRIAMONT, De exploten van Tabarijn (1963, full-p. lithogr. ills., typogr. and orig. gilt cl. by M. KEMPERS, large 4to); IDEM, Sebbedee (1976, ills., typogr. and orig. pict. cl. by J.V.J. BONS, large 8vo. Spine discoloured) and F. DE PILLECYN, Monsieur Hawarden (1992, 7 col. plates and mounted plate laid down on frontcover by J. KUIPER, orig. cl., obl. 4to).
€ (50-70) 50
75 1645 Stichting De Roos  Apollinaire G 75 1645 Stichting De Roos Apollinaire G
75/1645 [Stichting De Roos]. Apollinaire, G. Le roi-lune et cinq autres contes. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1981, 76,(4)p., col. woodcut ills. by P. LONT, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl., 4to (bookplate on upper pastedown). Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. La vengeance d'une femme. Ibid., idem, 1973, 38,(2)p., 6 etchings by R. CHAILLOUX, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl., 4to (bookplate on first free endpaper). Bertrand, A. Gaspard de la nuit. Ibid., idem, 1956, 2 vols., 85,(5); 63,(5)p., 51 full-p. lithogr. ills. by M.T. KOORNSTRA, typogr. by M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. cl., pict. board slipcases, 4to.

= SIGNED by the illustrator on the colophon.

AND 4 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: A. JARRY, Ubu roi. Drame en cinq actes (1949, ills. by W.J. ROZENDAAL, orig. gilt and blindst. cl., folio); H. DE BALZAC, L'élixir de longue vie (1955, col. lithogr. ills. by M. KEMPERS, orig. wr., board chemise and slipcase. Hinges weak); J. LORRAIN, Monsieur de Bougrelon (1957, frontisp., ills. and orig. dec. cl. by W.J. ROZENDAAL, large 8vo. Board edges yellowed) and H. DE BALZAC, Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu (1962, 6 etchings by R. CHAILLOUX, orig. wr., board slipcase, 4to. Upper hinge weak; wr. and slipcase sl. yellowed).

€ (80-100)
75 1646 Stichting De Roos  Arends J 75 1646 Stichting De Roos Arends J
75/1646 [Stichting De Roos]. Arends, J. Twee verhalen. Keefman/ Vrijgezel op kamers. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1982, 75,(3)p., ills. by J. JANSSEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. cl., 4to. Biesheuvel, J.M.A. Avonturen van Joachim Müller. Ibid., idem, 1986, 63,(1)p., typography, ills. and orig. (sl. waterst.) pict. cl. by M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, 4to. - AND 6 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: BELCAMPO, Het grote gebeuren (1958, woodcut frontisp., ills. by H.P. DOEBELE, orig. clothbacked dec. boards); C. NOOTEBOOM, De koning is dood (1961, ills. by PAUL CITROEN, orig. gilt cl.); J. HAMELINK, Het wandelende woud (1975, 8 col. lithogr. ills. by J. KUIPER, orig. cl., sm. 4to); J. VAN HATTUM, Zeven verhalen (1977, ills. by T. EYZENBACH, orig. wr., sm. 8vo); H.S. HAASSE, Twee verhalen. Genius Loci/ Het tuinhuis (1993, orig. cl., sm. 8vo) and A. BRASSINGA, Parijs Journaal (2004, 6 photogr. pop-up plates, orig. dec. cl.).
€ (80-100) 90
75 1647 Stichting De Roos  Ariosto L 75 1647 Stichting De Roos Ariosto L
75 1647 Stichting De Roos  Ariosto L 75 1647 Stichting De Roos Ariosto L
75/1647 [Stichting De Roos]. Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso. Eerste zang. Dutch transl. I. Cialona. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1994, (6),(81),(9)p., printed in red and black by B. DE DOES in 175 numb. copies, orig. boards, sm. 8vo. Folgore da San Gimignano. De maanden. Dutch transl. F. van Dooren. Ibid., idem, 1979, (34)p., initials by P. WETSELAAR, printed at the Carlinapers in 175 numb. copies, orig. wr., 4to. Casanova, G. Het Duel ofwel een proeve van de levensgeschiedenis van de Venetiaan G.C. Dutch transl. I. Cialona. Ibid., idem, 1999, 75,(5)p., col. lithograph numb. and signed in pencil and ills. by M. SLUITER, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. boards.

= The signed lithograph separately added in unfolded state.

AND 2 others publ. by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies: ST. FRANCISCUS, Il cantico al Sole/ Het zonnelied. Dutch transl. G. Smit (1947, lithogr. frontisp. by J.B. SLEPER, typography by S.H. DE ROOS, orig. dec. boards, folio. Bookplate on first free endpaper. SIGNED by the translator) and L. PIRANDELLO, De pijn om zo te leven. Dutch transl. J. Tuin (1989, ills. by A. VAN HEUSDEN, orig. cl.).

€ (80-100)
75 1648 Stichting De Roos  Bilderdijk W 75 1648 Stichting De Roos Bilderdijk W
75/1648 [Stichting De Roos]. Bilderdijk, W. Kort verhaal van eene aanmerklijke luchtreis en nieuwe planeetontdekking. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1963, 91,(3)p., ills. by W.D. KUIK, typogr. by A. WITTE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. boards, slipcase, t.e.g. (bookplate on upper pastedown). Witkovsky, B. Den Oceaan over: Nederland en België. Ibid., idem, 1974, 43,(1)p., vignette and ills. by W.D. KUIK, typogr. by G. DEUNK, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. cl. - AND 8 other publications by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: ELCKERLIJC (1951, woodengr. ills. by ST. MROZEWSKY, orig. gilt cl. Bookplate on upper pastedown); J. VAN DEN VONDEL, Lucifer. Treurspel (1954, ills. by H. KRIJGER, orig. gilt hcalf, 4to); G. GOSSAERT (introd. and ed.), De vierlingen van den heer van Pybrac. Dutch and Latin transl. D. GRASWINCKEL (1955, orig. gilt cl. Bookplate on upper pastedown); H.K. POOT, Berechten aen den lezer door den dichter H.K. Poot & zijn uitgever Arnold Willis (1957, orig. giltlettered and blindst. cl.); HET WESTEINDER HANDSCHRIFT (1961, orig. pict. cl.); E.J. POTGIETER, Eens dichters vriendschap (1968, orig. gilt hcl., 4to); G.A. BREDERO, Spaanschen Brabander Jerolimo (1973, ills. by L. METZ, orig. cl., sq. 4to) and DE PREDICATIE VAN 'T LANG-HAYR (1973, orig. gilt cl. w. (sl. sunned) dustwr.).
€ (70-90)
75 1649 Stichting De Roos  Böll H 75 1649 Stichting De Roos Böll H
75/1649 [Stichting De Roos]. Böll, H. Fünf Erzählungen. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1964, 65,(1)p., 14 lithogr. plates by K. LÖB, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. cl., large 8vo. Von Platen, A. Venedig. Sonette. Ibid., idem, 1945, 18,(4)p., typogr. by H. FRIEDLAENDER, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered hcl.

- First free endpaper sl. browned.

= The first publication of Stichting De Roos. This copy printed for W.J.B. Jansen.

Goethe, J.W. von. Het dagboek. Dutch transl. by P. Verstegen. Ibid., idem, 1998, 59,(1)p., ills. by D. KLUT, typogr. by P. VERHEUL, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. gilt cl. - AND 4 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: H. HEINE, Aus den Memoiren des Herrn von Schnabelewopski (1961, woodcuts by L. STRIK, orig. clothbacked boards, sm. 4to); J. ROTH, Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker (1966, woodcuts by B. BOUMAN, orig. (sl. yellowed/ foxed) dec. cl.); J. VON STÄHLIN, Originalanekdoten von Peter dem Grossen (1997, orig. cl.) and J.W. VON GOETHE, Buch Suleika (2007, num. full-p. col. ills. by T. EYZENBACH, printed in 181 numb. copies, orig. boards, 4to. SIGNED by the artist).

€ (80-100) 100
75 1650 Stichting De Roos  Couperus L 75 1650 Stichting De Roos Couperus L
75/1650 [Stichting De Roos]. Couperus, L. Herinneringen. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1962, 110,(7)p., ills. and typogr. by J. KUIPER, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. cl., large 8vo (bookplate on upper pastedown). Idem. De Naumachie. Ibid., idem, 1959, 40,(4)p., (full-p.) ills., typogr. and orig. gilt cl. by J. KUIPER, printed in 175 numb. copies, 4to (endpapers sl. browned). Leopold, J.H. Omar Khayam. Ibid., idem, 1953, 35,(3)p., typogr. by H. SALDEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. gilt vellumbacked boards, 4to (bookplate on upper pastedown). - AND 3 others publ. by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies: M. EMANTS, Inwijding. Haags Leven (1949, 2 vols., ills. by J. ROËDE, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to); J. VAN LOOY, De nachtcactus (1969, woodcuts and typogr. by G. NOORDZIJ, orig. wr., board slipcase) and F. COENEN, Bezwaarlijke liefde (1982, ills. by F. HENSTRA, orig. cl.).
€ (80-100) 90
75 1651 Stichting De Roos  Couperus L 75 1651 Stichting De Roos Couperus L
75/1651 [Stichting De Roos]. Couperus, L. De Naumachie. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1959, 40,(3)p., (full-p.) ills., typogr. and orig. gilt cl. by J.H. KUIPER, printed in 175 numb. copies, 4to. Bordewijk, F. Huissens, een climacterium. Ibid., idem, 1965, 34p., ills. by M. KEMPERS, typogr. by H.P. DOEBELE, orig. gilt cl. Emants, M. Inwijding. Haags Leven. Ibid., idem, 1949, 2 vols., 222; 193p., ills. by J. ROËDE, printed in 175 numb. copies by JOH. ENSCHEDÉ EN ZONEN, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to. - AND 5 other publications by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition: B. WITKOVSKY, Den oceaan over: Nederland en België (1974, vign. and ills. by W.D. KUIK, typogr. by G. DEUNK, orig. cl.); J. VAN LOOY, De nachtcactus (1969, typogr. and woodcuts by G. NOORDZIJ, orig. wr., in orig. board slipcase); W. BILDERDIJK, Kort verhaal van eene aanmerklijke luchtreis en nieuwe planeetontdekking (1963, ills. by W.D. KUIK, typogr. by A. WITTE, orig. boards, in orig. board slipcase, t.e.g.); J. VRIAMONT, Sebbedee (1976, typogr. and ills. by J.V.J. BONS, orig. cl.) and F.C. TERBORGH, El gran Cañon (1965, 6 lithogr. plates by JENNY DALENOORD, typogr. by JAN KUIPER, orig. cl., 4to).
€ (70-90) 70