- Lacks at least 5 plates; general title-p. foxed and w. sm. tear; panorama foxed. Portfolio lacks closing strip and 2 narrow sides.
= The number of plates varies in most copies, with a maximum of 52. Our copy contains, apart from the general fold. panorama: Souvenirs de Pau (title and 4 (of 6) numb. views), Souvenirs des Eaux-Bonnes (title and 9 (of 10) numb. views), Souvenirs des Eaux-Chaudes (title and 6 (of 8) numb. views), Souvenirs de Cauterets (title and 7 numb. views) and Souvenirs des Hautes-Pyrénées (title and 7 views). Copies with this many handcoloured plates are extremely rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.
- Lacks text vols. 8-10. Atlas: part of backstrip loose(ning); covers w. some acid bite.
= Cf. Einaudi 4648; Sabin 68081 (other eds.): "A large part of this work is said to have been written by Diderot, and others. The sentiments and criticisms contained in it prevented its publication in France (...). The book was condemned by the French parliament and church dignitaries, and Raynal was obliged to leave France."
- Some foxing; text lvs. occas. yellowed; endpapers and first/ final lvs. stained and sl. mouldy. Binding rubbed; corners bumped.
= Zaleski 197. Letters by Alexander Herzen (the "father of Russian socialism") to Ivan Turgenev. The book was banned in Russia until the Revolution of 1917.
- One map w. tear along inner margin; vol. 2 bookplate of Gerrit Jan Honig on upper pastedown.
= Bengesco 1365; Cat. des Russica 472. After the publication of L'histoire le Charles XIII in 1731, Voltaire was designated by J. Schouvaloff to write about Peter the Great. Voltaire did not wait for instructions from J. Schouvaloff and the Russian Court, but immediately started to work on his book and had written 8 chapters before the instructions reached him. The first uncorrected version was published with an errata leaf just before the corrected edition was issued. This is the first edition with the errata leaf.
- The 1st vol. (of 3) only; lacks the plan of St. Petersburg and 1 text leaf (p.65/66); upper corner of title-p. torn off (without loss of text); occas. sl. foxed. Rebacked; corners restored.
= Important account of Russia under Czar Peter. The author, a German diplomat, resided in St. Petersburg at the Imperial court between 1714-1719. Contains i.a. a large folding map of the Russian Empire by MOLL (after PERRY).
- Sl. yellowed; some scattered annots. in pen and ink; frontwr. and tite-p. (sl.) foxed.
= First separate edition.
Engels, F. (introd.). Die Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich. Adresse der Generalraths der Internationalen Arbeiter-Association. Ibid., idem, 1891, 3rd German ed., 71,(1)p., contemp. hcl.
-Title-p. reattached; sl. yellowed.
- Occas. sl. foxed.
= Collection of reports and official documents read at the second to fourth congresses of the International Workers' Association (First International), held in Lausanne in 1867, in Brussels in 1868, and in Basel in 1869.
- Tear of 4 cm. in lower margin of first blank, repaired w. paper tape. Contents fine.
Idem. Het insluiten van de Boeren-Republieken. Een vervolg op De eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. Ibid., idem, 1914, 2 vols., XXVI,386,(2); XI,(1),434p., 2 fold. maps, fold. table, orig. unif. gilt cl.
- Endpapers trifle foxed. Otherwise fine.
AND 6 others, i.a. H. VER LOREN VAN THEMAAT, Twee jaren in den Boerenoorlog (Haarlem, 1903, portrait, (creased/ frayed) maps, orig. gilt cl. Owner's entries on first endpapers) and A.W. DRAYSON, Early days among the Boers (London, (1900), plates, ills., orig. gilt pict. cl., a.e.g. Hinges broken).
- Sl. foxed. Binding w. some rubbed spots.
- Binding sl. rubbed and worn.
= Rare. Not in Tiele, Landwehr, Foulché-Delbosc and Pohler. S.A. Vosters, Spanje in de Ned. litt. p.50: "in zekere zin de eerste (...) oorspronkelijk in het Nederlands gestelde reisbeschrijving [over Spanje]". Entertaining memoirs of a Dutch officer serving with the French general Leval during the 1808-1809 suppression of the Spanish revolt against the rule of Bonaparte's brother Joseph. Storm de Grave describes in considerable detail Spanish everyday life: the shops, the food, the wine, the women, Spanish music, horses, dogs, tobacco etc. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXX.
- The plates (sl.) foxed. Joints and spine-ends sl. rubbed and chafed.
= Sabin 4737; Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 0580a; Kolfin p.61-69 and passim. "Benoit bezocht Suriname waarschijnlijk in 1830-1831, uit louter reislust en nieuwsgierigheid. Hij was een buitenstaander op doorreis, zonder financiële belangen in Suriname. In die hoedanigheid kon hij, mede onder invloed van de biedermeier-mode, met een licht ironische blik kijken naar de Surinaamse samenleving van toen. (...) Het boek dankt zijn befaamdheid aan die steendrukken. Voyage à Surinam is dan ook bedoeld als plaatwerk, de tekst is ondergeschikt aan de afbeeldingen. (...) Desalniettemin is de tekst zeer interessant omdat daaruit blijkt dat Benoit het beeld van Stedman wilde corrigeren. Benoit verklaarde zich een tegenstander van de slavenhandel, die hij "de stuitende handel in mensenvlees" noemde. Abolitionist was hij echter niet, in tegendeel. Hij pleitte echter wel voor een humane behandeling van de slaven, meer in het belang van de planters zelf dan omwille van de menselijkheid. (...) Hij legde een uitgesproken etnografische interesse aan de dag. Benoit was niet geïnteresseerd in het straffen van slaven of in typische slavenarbeid als veld- of molenwerk, maar in een aantal aspecten van het dagelijks leven van de bevolking in Suriname." (Kolfin). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Owner's entry on htitle and title-p.; fold. map w. sm. tear, sl. affecting the image; one plate loosening; most lvs. waterstained in upper blank margin, sl. affecting text; occas. sl. foxed. Covers sl. rubbed on edges and joints; some sm. scratches on frontcover.
= The first edition. A Dutch edition was published one year later. Sabin 24112; Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 1943; Tiele 356; Kolfin p.37-38 and passim. Fine detailed map and interesting plates of i.a. the "beestenmolen" and the "tentboot". "One of the best books, at the time it was written, in regard to the colonies." (Sabin).
- Vol. II and III partly waterst.; first free endpapers (partly) cut off. Covers sl. rubbed/ soiled; vol. II lacks backstrip.
= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 5835; Bibl. van Suriname p.156 and 180; Rouffaer/ Muller p.625; Sabin 74751; Tiele 953. Rare.
- One part of leporello detached; covers sl. soiled/ sunned; spine-ends sl. dam.
= With loosely inserted list of itineraries for 1930.
- Occas. sl. browned. Bindings sl. rubbed along extremities; foot of spine of vol.1 sl. wormholed. Otherwise fine.
= In the fourth Russo-Turkish War of 1735-1739 the Habsburg Monarchy entered the war in 1737 on the Russian side. After several defeats, the Austrians were forced to make peace with the Ottomans in The Treaty of Belgrade. They had to surrender Northern Serbia, Northern Bosnia and Oltenia, and allow the Ottomans to resist the Russian push toward Constantinople. In return, the Sultan acknowledged the Habsburg Emperor as the official protector of all Ottoman Christian subjects. The Austrian peace treaty compelled Russia to accept peace at Niš. Pohler I, p.619; Cat. (...) des Russica 325; Atabey 677; not in Blackmer. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Occas. superficial traces on plates/ textlvs. from sticking together; occas. trifle foxed; old owner's entry on title-p. Very good copy.
= Rare. I.a. views of North America (Shoshone Waterfall, the Sierra Nevada in California and the Grand Canyon in Colorado), Japan (harbour of Nagasaki), South Africa (Capetown) etc.
= Comprises: I. Atlas Isaak de Graaf; II. Java en Madoera; III. Indische Archipel en Oceanië; IV. Ceylon; V. Afrika; VI. Voor-Indië, Perzië, Arabisch Schiereiland; VII. Oost-Azië, Birma tot Japan. Text in Dutch and English.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Spines sunned; covers sl. rubbed/ worn along extremities.