Page 5 of 7 Results 81 - 100 of 130
75 1015 Italy  Larderel F de 75 1015 Italy Larderel F de
75 1015 Italy  Larderel F de 75 1015 Italy Larderel F de
75 1015 Italy  Larderel F de 75 1015 Italy Larderel F de
75 1015 Italy  Larderel F de 75 1015 Italy Larderel F de
75/1015 [Italy]. Larderel, F. de. Exploitation de la vapeur des anciens volcans de Toscane. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (1835), 14 lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt and blindst. calf, obl. folio.

- Prob. lacks a title-p. (modern title-piece mounted on first blank); first endpaper w. num. (later) annots.; plates sl. stained, yellowed and frayed. Backstrip renewed; covers sl. scratched.

= Very rare series of plates. François de Larderel was a French engineer and pioneer in the field of geothermal heating. The plates show landscapes in Tuscany and early methods of employing volcanic heat. With AUTHOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on upper pastedown. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.

€ (500-700)
75 1016 Italy Venice  Pividor G 75 1016 Italy Venice Pividor G
75/1016 [Italy. Venice]. Pividor, G. Siti storici e monumentali di Venezia. Text P. Chevalier. Venice, G.G. Eckschlager, 1838, 12 lithogr. views, each w. 6-7 accomp. textp., orig. clothbacked boards.

- Several lvs./ plates loose(ning). Joints split; backstrip loose(ning). = Very rare.

€ (300-500)
75 1017 Jacobs A H 75 1017 Jacobs A H
75 1017 Jacobs A H 75 1017 Jacobs A H
75/1017 Jacobs, A.H. Reisbrieven uit Afrika en Azië. Benevens eenige brieven uit Zweden en Noorwegen. Almelo, W. Hilarius Wzn., 1913, 1st ed., 2 vols., (8),400; (6),401-715p., plates, orig. unif. dec. cl., sm. 4to.

- Occas. sl. foxed, sl. worse on first and final ±3 lvs. A few stains on bindings, otherwise fine.

= The first edition of these letters, written by the Dutch suffragette Aletta Jacobs and chronicling the journey that she made with fellow suffragette Carrie Chapman Catt through Europe, Africa and Asia.

€ (70-90) 100
75 1018 Japan  Enthronement of the one hundred twenty fourth Emperor of Japan 75 1018 Japan Enthronement of the one hundred twenty fourth Emperor of Japan
75/1018 [Japan]. Enthronement of the one hundred twenty-fourth Emperor of Japan. Tokyo, The Japan Advertiser, 1928, XVI,179,(1)p., 1 orig. col. woodcut by HIROSHI YOSHIDA, num. ills., orig. giltlettered pict. silk covers, folio.

- Lacks dustwr. and cl. portfolio w. ties and bone clasps; covers sl. soiled. Otherwise fine.

= Complete account of the enthronement ceremonies of Emperor Hirohito.

€ (50-70) 50
75 1019 Japan  Montanus A  75 1019 Japan Montanus A
75/1019 [Japan]. (Montanus, A.). Ambassades de la Compagnie Hollandoise des Indes d'Orient, vers l'Empereur du Japon (...); avec une Relation exacte des guerres Civiles de ce Païs-là. Leyden, H. Drummond, 1686, 2 (of 3) parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (10),455p., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum, 12mo.

- Without the 3rd part; frontisp. cut sl. short (affecting caption in lower margin); lower corner (water)stained almost throughout; old owner's entry on first free endpaper. Vellum wrinkled and sl. darkened.

= Cordier p.385; Alt-Japan-Katalog 1054; Landwehr, VOC 526.

€ (150-250) 200
75 1020 Japan  Younghusband G J 75 1020 Japan Younghusband G J
75 1020 Japan  Younghusband G J 75 1020 Japan Younghusband G J
75/1020 [Japan]. Younghusband, G.J. On Short Leave to Japan. London, Sampson Low, Marston & Company, 1894, 1st ed., XI,(1),233,(1)p., 8 photogr. plates, orig. gilt red cl. w. gilt portrait of a woman on frontcover.

- Sm. bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown; occas. trifle foxed. Very good copy.

€ (50-70) 70
75 1021 Langsdorff G H von 75 1021 Langsdorff G H von
75/1021 Langsdorff, G.H. von. Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807. Part I. Voyage from Copenhagen to Brazil, the South Sea, Kamschatka, and Japan. London, H. Colburn, 1813, 1 vol. (of 2), XXI,(3),362,(6)p., stipple-engr. frontisp. portrait, 15 engr. plates, later plain cl., 4to.

- Without the 2nd part (containing 5 plates); needs rebinding: bookblock broken; upper hinge nearly broken; portion cut from (blank margin) title-p.; portrait foxed; sl. yellowed/ stained. Sold w.a.f.

= Hill 969; Howgego L11. Georg Heinrich Freiherr von Langsdorff (1774-1852) was a German naturalist in Russian diplomatic service who took part of the first Russian circumnavigation under admiral von Krusenstern. In 1805, he left the expedition at Kamtchatka from whence he returned overland to St. Petersburg after exploring the Northwestern part of America. This first part contains an account of the Krusenstern expedition up to the separation in 1805.

€ (200-300) 250
75 1022 Maltebrun  C  75 1022 Maltebrun C
75 1022 Maltebrun  C  75 1022 Maltebrun C
75/1022 Maltebrun, (C.). Géographie complète, descriptive et historique de l'Europe (...). Paris, A. Everat, 1835, 3 vols., 773,(1); 793,(1); 871p., 12 handcol. steelengr. maps, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces.

- Occas. trifle foxed.

€ (100-150)
75/1023 Maritime history  Album de la Cie des Chargeurs Réunis 75/1023 Maritime history Album de la Cie des Chargeurs Réunis
75/1023 [Maritime history]. Album de la Cie. des Chargeurs Réunis. Paris/ Havre, Chargeurs Réunis, 1889, (31 advert.)p. w. num. woodengr. ills., lithogr. title printed in colours and gold, fold. col. lithogr. plate, col. lithogr. map and plan, 19 helio-engr. plates, orig. clothbacked giltlettered mor., obl. folio.

- New endpapers; sl. foxed; fold plate sl. creased. Frontcover stained; covers sl. worn along extremities.

€ (80-100) 90
75 1024 Maritime history  Boudriot J 75 1024 Maritime history Boudriot J
75/1024 [Maritime history]. Boudriot, J. Le vaisseau de 74 canons. Traité pratique d'art naval. Construction du vaisseau. Grenoble, Éditions des Quatre Seigneurs, 1975-1977, 4 vols., num. (fold./ double-p.) (col.) plates, num. ills., orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr., sm. folio.

- Endpapers occas. (sl.) foxed. Dustwrs. (sl.) yellowed on spines and along edges; upper edges (sl.) foxed.

= Complete set. Collection Archéologie Navale Française.

€ (80-100) 90
75 1025 Maritime history  Ingleton G C 75 1025 Maritime history Ingleton G C
75 1025 Maritime history  Ingleton G C 75 1025 Maritime history Ingleton G C
75/1025 [Maritime history]. Ingleton, G.C. Matthew Flinders, Navigator and Chartmaker. Introd. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh./ Matthew Flinders Private Journal 1803-1814. The Mitchell Library Manuscript. Guildford, Genesis Publications, 1986, 2 vols., text vol.: XXIV,467, 34 (fold.) (col.) plates, 252 (full-p.) ills.; facs. vol.: VI,366p. (complete facsimile of the manuscript), printed in 600 numb. copies, orig. unif. richly gilt hleather, a.e.g., slipcase, folio.
€ (200-300) 210
75 1026 Maritime history  Konijnenburg E van 75 1026 Maritime history Konijnenburg E van
75/1026 [Maritime history]. Konijnenburg, E. van. Shipbuilding from its beginnings. Brussels, The Permanent International Association of Congresses of Navigation, n.d. (±1910), 3 parts in 1 vol., 107; (4); (4)p., 7 col. lithogr. maps, num. (col. lithogr.) ills. on plates, contemp. hcl., obl. 4to.

- Hinges weak. = Cat. NHSM II, p.765.

€ (100-150)
75 1027 Maritime history  Lubbock B 75 1027 Maritime history Lubbock B
75/1027 [Maritime history]. Lubbock, B. Lot of 9 works in 10 vols., all Glasgow, Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1955-1976, various reprinted eds., all illustrated w. plates and maps and uniformly bound in gilt blue cl. w. dustwr.: The China Clippers (1973, 2nd ed.); The Colonial Clippers (1975); The Blackwall Frigates (1973, 2nd ed.); The Last of the Windjammers (1969-1970, 2 vols.); The Log of the "Cutty Sark" (1974); The Down Easters. American Deep-water Sailing Ships 1869-1929 (1971); The Opium Clippers (1976); The Coolie Ships and Oil Sailers (1955) and The Arctic Whalers (1968).

- Endpapers occas. (sl.) foxed. Dustwrs. and edges occas. (sl.) foxed/ yellowed; 1 dustwr. sl. frayed. Otherwise fine.

€ (80-100)
75 1028 Maritime history  Lubbock B 75 1028 Maritime history Lubbock B
75 1028 Maritime history  Lubbock B 75 1028 Maritime history Lubbock B
75/1028 [Maritime history]. Lubbock, B. Sail. The Romance of the Clipper Ships. Ed. F.A. Hook and A. Campbell. London, P. Stephens, (1972), 3 vols., (14),153,(1); (10),152,(2); (10),102p., 3 diff. frontisp., 1 fold. map, col. plates after J. SPURLING, orig. unif. gilt cl., orig. slipcase, large 4to.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed. = Facs. reprint of the ed. London, 1925-1933.

AND 3 others similar, i.a. C. BATESON, The convict ships 1787-1868 (Glasgow, 1969, orig. gilt cl. w. dustwr.).

€ (50-70) 50
75 1029 Maritime history  Thompson W M and Lawson T W 75 1029 Maritime history Thompson W M and Lawson T W
75/1029 [Maritime history]. Thompson, W.M. and Lawson, T.W. The Lawson History of the America's Cup: A Record of Fifty Years. Southampton, Ashford Press Publishing, 1986, (10),XV,402p., num. (full-p.) photogr. ills., printed in 1500 numb. copies, a.e.g., orig. gilt dec. buckram, 4to.

- Covers trifle soiled. = Facs. reprint of the ed. Boston, 1902.

€ (40-60)
75 1030 Middle East  Cruttenden C J 75 1030 Middle East Cruttenden C J
75/1030 [Middle East]. Cruttenden, C.J. Narrative of a Journey from Mokha to San'á by the Tarík-esh-Shám, or Northern Route, in July and August, 1836. (London, Royal Geographical Society, 1838), 267-289p., fold. engr. map, modern buckram.

= Excerpt from the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol.VIII.

€ (60-80) 70
75 1031 Militaria  Alboize de Poujol J E  and Élie C 75 1031 Militaria Alboize de Poujol J E and Élie C
75/1031 [Militaria]. Alboize (de Poujol, J.E.) and Élie, C. Fastes des Gardes Nationales de France. Paris, A. Goubaud, 1849, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., XVI,396; (4),431,(1)p., 2 diff. steelengr. frontisp., 19 plates, 3 handcol. woodengr. costume plates, contemp. hmor., large 8vo.

- Sl. foxed; the coloured plates (sl.) yellowed. Upper joint splitting at top of spine; corners showing.

= Lipperheide Qk49; Hiler p.12; Colas 52.

€ (40-60)
75 1032 Militaria  Altena A van 75 1032 Militaria Altena A van
75/1032 [Militaria]. Altena, A. van. Een Hollander onder de Fransche Cohorten, of mijne lotgevallen als conscrit. Dordr., Blussé en Van Braam, 1827, VIII,367p., engr. title, later gilt mor.

- A few scattered owner's stamps; bookplate on first free endpaper; occas. sl. foxed; title sl. stained.

= Rare first hand account of a Dutchman in French military service.

€ (100-150) 210
75 1033 Militaria  Lippmann F 75 1033 Militaria Lippmann F
75 1033 Militaria  Lippmann F 75 1033 Militaria Lippmann F
75/1033 [Militaria]. Lippmann, F. Die Einzelgefechtsausbildung. Ein Buch für Lehrer und Schüler. Berlin, Offene Worte, 1930, 2nd ed., 112p., 90 ills. on plates (bound separately in inner flap backwr.), ills., orig. wr.

- Owner's entry on title-p. = Rare military instruction booklet.

€ (50-70) 60
75 1034 Mongolia  Eisma D 75 1034 Mongolia Eisma D
75/1034 [Mongolia]. Eisma, D. Mongol Rule. Reflections on Mongol sociopolitics. Leyden, Karstens, 2003, 6,82p., ills., orig. clothbacked boards, large 8vo (fine). - ADDED: 11 duplicates of the same work.
€ (50-70)