Page 7 of 24 Results 121 - 140 of 466
75 226 Dalí S 75 226 Dalí S
75/ 226 Dalí, S. Les dîners de Gala. Paris, Draeger, 1973, 321p., num. col. plates and ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.

- Dustwr. w. some wear.

= The famous work on extravagant dining by Salvador Dali.

Idem. Dali: The Wines of Gala. English translation O. Bernier. New York, H.N. Abrams, (1978), 1st Am. ed., 296p., num. (mainly full-p.) col. ills. by S. DALÍ, orig. pict. gilt cl. w. dustwr, sm. folio.

- Dustwr. w. some wear.

€ (40-60) 60
75/227 Dalí S  Da Da Dali 75/227 Dalí S Da Da Dali
75/ 227 [Dalí, S.]. Da Da Dali. Bremen, Carl Schünemann, 1966, no pagination, full-p./ double-p. photogr. ills. by W. BOKELBERG, printed in 150 numb. copies, orig. cl., in slipcase, sm. 4to.

- Spine sunned; slipcase sl. foxed.

€ (40-60)
75/228 Degas E  Croquis de Degas 75/228 Degas E Croquis de Degas
75/228 Degas E  Croquis de Degas 75/228 Degas E Croquis de Degas
75/ 228 [Degas, E.]. Croquis de Degas. Paris, Quatre Chemins, 1949, 58 (col.) facs. plates, printed in 550 numb. copies, orig. cl., obl. 4to. - WITH: Edgar Degas. Album de Dessins. Introd. D. Halévy. Ibid., idem, 1949, (6) lvs., orig. wr., obl. 4to.

= Facsimilé publication of an album by Degas.

€ (100-150) 100
75/229 Le dictionnaire des peintres belges du XIVe siècle à nos jours 75/229 Le dictionnaire des peintres belges du XIVe siècle à nos jours
75/ 229 Le dictionnaire des peintres belges du XIVe siècle à nos jours. Brussels, La Renaissance du Livre, 1995, 3 vols., 586,(3); (5),598-1207,(3); 466p., orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr., orig. clothbacked slipcase, folio.
€ (70-90)
75 230 Dittrich K  Blom P and Bool F 75 230 Dittrich K Blom P and Bool F
75/ 230 Dittrich, K., Blom, P. and Bool, F. Berlijn-Amsterdam 1920-1940. Wisselwerkingen. Amst., Em. Querido, 1982, 408p., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Dekkers, D., Spek, J. van der and Vries, A. de. H.N. Werkman. Het complete oeuvre. Rott./ Gron., NAi/ Stichting H.N. Werkman, 2008, 479,(56)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. boards, 4to. Imanse, G. and Lamoen, F. van. Russische avant-garde. De Khardzhiev-collectie. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Rott., nai 010, (2013), 552p., 742 (col.) ills., orig. boards, folio. - AND 1 other.
€ (50-70) 50
75 231 Doesburg Th van 75 231 Doesburg Th van
75 231 Doesburg Th van 75 231 Doesburg Th van
75/ 231 Doesburg, Th. van. De nieuwe beweging in de schilderkunst. Delft, J. Waltman, 1917, 1st ed., 44p., 22 plates w. ills., orig. wr.

- Occas. sl. browned. Frontwr. sl. soiled. = Hoek p.766.

€ (30-50) 40
75 232 Doesburg Th van 75 232 Doesburg Th van
75/ 232 Doesburg, Th. van. De Stijl - Le Style - Der Stil - The Stile. Le seul organe d'une nouvelle conscience plastique et poétique fondé en 1917 en Hollande. Original address wrap-around band, (1926), 15,7x36,9 cm., printed in black and red on recto only, typography by THEO VAN DOESBURG.

- A few unobtrusive creases; sl. browned. = Hoek 659b3; Purvis/ De Jong p.79.

€ (200-300) 230
75 233 Doesburg Th van ed  75 233 Doesburg Th van ed
75/ 233 Doesburg, Th. van (ed.). De Stijl. Maandblad voor nieuwe kunst, wetenschap en kultuur. Year 7, no. 75/76. Leyden etc., De Stijl, 1926, p.33-64 (numb. in columns), 10 ills., orig. wr., obl. 4to.

- Covers (recto and verso) w. vague waterstains, sl. affecting first leaf.

= Contributions by/ on i.a. Hans Arp, Theo van Doesburg and Pietro Saga.

€ (200-300) 425
75 234 Dongen K van  Courières E des 75 234 Dongen K van Courières E des
75 234 Dongen K van  Courières E des 75 234 Dongen K van Courières E des
75 234 Dongen K van  Courières E des 75 234 Dongen K van Courières E des
75 234 Dongen K van  Courières E des 75 234 Dongen K van Courières E des
75/ 234 [Dongen, K. van]. Courières, E. des. Van Dongen. Paris, H. Floury, 1925, 44,(7)p., 108 (tipped-in) (col.) plates (incl. 8 pochoir col. plates), ills., orig. wr., 4to.

- Sm. owner's ticket on first free endpaper "Bastide de la Pomme Bibliotheque". Backstrip covered w. scotch tape; joints splitting


€ (800-1.000) 1800
75 235 Dongen K van  Juffermans J and J jr 75 235 Dongen K van Juffermans J and J jr
75 235 Dongen K van  Juffermans J and J jr 75 235 Dongen K van Juffermans J and J jr
75/ 235 [Dongen, K. van]. Juffermans, J. and J.jr. Kees van Dongen. Het complete grafische werk. Catalogus van de prenten, boeken en affiches. Utrecht, A.W. Bruna, 2010, 192p., richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., folio.
€ (50-70) 90
75 236 Dooren E M H van 75 236 Dooren E M H van
75 236 Dooren E M H van 75 236 Dooren E M H van
75/ 236 Dooren, E.M.H. van. Willy Boers. Naarden, V+K Publishing/ Inmerc, 1995, 392p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to.

- Frontwrapper sunned. Contents fine.

Hoven, G. van den. Leon Adriaans. Het leven schilderen is pakkend! The Hague, De Zwaluw, 2008, 222,(2)p., (double-p.) (full-p.) col. ills., orig. boards, 4to. - AND 9 others, i.a. M. MULDERS a.o., Dauw | Dew (Rott., 2005, num. (full-p.) (col.) ills., orig. boards, obl. 4to) and AARON VAN ERP 2007-2008 (The Hague/ Ratingen, 2007, (full-p.) col. ills., orig. boards, 4to).

€ (70-90) 70
75 237 Draguet M 75 237 Draguet M
75/ 237 Draguet, M. Het symbolisme in België. Antw., Mercatorfonds, 2010, new ed., 336p., richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to (still shrinkwrapped). Goyens de Heusch, S. Het impressionisme en het fauvisme in België. Ibid., idem, 1988, 475,(3)p., richly illustrated, orig. boardbacked cl., later (sl. soiled) board slipcase, 4to. - AND 3 others, i.a. J. DE SMET, Sint-Martens-Latem en de Kunst aan de Leie 1870-1970 (Tielt/ Zwolle, 2000, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (60-80) 70
75 238 Ducamp E  Flit M A  Guzanov A N a o 75 238 Ducamp E Flit M A Guzanov A N a o
75/ 238 Ducamp, E., Flit, M.A., Guzanov, A.N. a.o. Pavlovsk. I. The Palace and the Park. II. The Collections. Paris, A. de Gourcuff, 1993, 2 vols., 254,(2); 223,(1)p., sumptuously illustrated, orig. unif. yellow/ blue boards in orig. cloth dropback box, folio (fine).
€ (50-70) 60
75 239 Dufy R  Courthion P 75 239 Dufy R Courthion P
75 239 Dufy R  Courthion P 75 239 Dufy R Courthion P
75 239 Dufy R  Courthion P 75 239 Dufy R Courthion P
75 239 Dufy R  Courthion P 75 239 Dufy R Courthion P
75/ 239 [Dufy, R.]. Courthion, P. Raoul Dufy. Geneva, P. Caillier, 1951, 180,XV,(6)p., 7 engr./ lithogr. plates, 182 (full-p.) (col.) ills., printed in 225 numb. copies (200), orig. wr., orig. board slipcase, folio.

- Remnants of paper ticket on first free endpaper; paper ticket on final free endpaper and w. stamp. Backstrip worn. Slipcase worn.

= One of 200 Roman numb. copies with an extra suite of plates printed on Marais. Our copy with 2 EXTRA plates.

€ (300-500)
75 240 Dufy R  Guillon Laffaille F 75 240 Dufy R Guillon Laffaille F
75/ 240 [Dufy, R.]. Guillon-Laffaille, F. Raoul Dufy. Catalogue raisonné des aquarelles, gouaches et pastels. Vol. 1. Paris, Éditions Louis Carré, 1981, LXXIII,(3),395,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., printed in 1100 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. (sl. worn) dustwr., 4to. Idem and Laffaile, M. Raoul Dufy. Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint. Supplément. Ibid., idem, 1985, 207,(4)p., num. (col.) ills., printed in 110 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr., orig. board slipcase, 4to.
€ (250-350)
75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A  Jamot P 75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A Jamot P
75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A  Jamot P 75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A Jamot P
75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A  Jamot P 75 241 Dunoyer de Segonzac A Jamot P
75/ 241 [Dunoyer de Segonzac, A.]. Jamot, P. Dunoyer de Segonzac. Paris, Librairie Floury, 1929, (4),247,(2)p., engr. frontisp. plate, 16 (pochoir col.) plates by A. DUNOYER DE SEGONZAC, (full-p.) ills., contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, orig. wr. pres., 4to.
€ (70-90) 70
75 242 Dupré J  Aubrun M M 75 242 Dupré J Aubrun M M
75/ 242 [Dupré, J.]. Aubrun, M.-M. Jules Dupré 1811-1889. Catalogue raisonné de l'Oeuvre peint, dessiné et gravé. Pref. J. Thuillier. Paris, L. Laget, (1974), 414,(1)p., ills., printed in 400 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio.

- Dustwr. a few sm. marginal tears. = Rare.

€ (300-500) 300
75 243 Ertz K 75 243 Ertz K
75/ 243 Ertz, K. Jan Brueghel der Ältere (1568-1625). Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog. Cologne, DuMont, 1979, 645p., 630 (tipped-in) col./ monochr. plates/ ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to. Idem (ed.). Pieter Breughel de Jonge (1564-1637/8) - Jan Brueghel de Oude (1568-1625). Een Vlaamse schildersfamilie rond 1600. Lingen, Luca, 1998, 439p., (full-p.) (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Leeflang, H. and Luijten, G. Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617). Tekeningen, prenten en schilderijen. Amst. etc., Rijksmus. etc., 2003, 352p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to. - AND 2 others on J. de Gheyn II and W. Buytewech.
€ (150-250)
75 244 Exhibition catalogues  Lot of 17 exhibition catalogues and small publications 75 244 Exhibition catalogues Lot of 17 exhibition catalogues and small publications
75/ 244 [Exhibition catalogues]. Lot of 17 exhibition catalogues and small publications, 1950-1964, ills., orig. wr., various sizes.

= I.a. 50 jaar verkenningen (Stedelijk Museum no.212), Kunst uit Oostenrijk (idem no.155), Arno Arts, Grandma Moses and Zuid Limb-Kunst.

€ (40-60)
75/245 Exhibition catalogues  Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues 75/245 Exhibition catalogues Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues
75/245 Exhibition catalogues  Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues 75/245 Exhibition catalogues Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues
75/245 Exhibition catalogues  Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues 75/245 Exhibition catalogues Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues
75/ 245 [Exhibition catalogues]. Lot of ±30 exhibition catalogues, 20th/ 21st cent., mostly richly illustrated, mostly with autograph dedication to ARMANDO and/ or owner's entry of ARMANDO, orig. boards/ wr., 8vo/ 4to.

= I.a. Arnulf Rainer, "Der grossen Bogen" (Bern, 1977); Enzo Cucchi, Zeichnungen (Zürich/ Gron., 1982); Geccelli. Arbeiten 1986-1988 (Mülheim a/d Ruhr, 1988); Abraham David Christian (Hannover, 1994-1995); Käthe Ebner (Berlin, 1996); Claes Oldenburg. Mouse Museum/ Ray Gun Wing (Otterlo/ Cologne, 1979) and Joan Mitchell - Mémoires de paysage (Caen, 2014).

€ (80-100) 130