- Lacks first free endpaper; large section cut out from upper pastedown; lower pastedown w. ticket and sm. wormhole; some annots. on title-p. and a few textlvs.; occas. trifle foxed/ stained. Manuscript shelfmark on spine.
= Willems 536; Rahir 532. Latin translation (by the author himself) of De la créance des Pères sur le fait des images (Geneva, 1641).
AND 1 other: F. SPANHEIM, Historia imaginum restituta, praecipuè Adversos Gallos Scriptores nuperos Lud. Maimburg, et Nat. Alexandrum (Leyden, 1686, sl. later hvellum, sm. 8vo).
- Lacks first free endpaper; sm. closed hole in title-p.; owner's entry on verso title-p.; (sl.) stained/ foxed throughout.
= A Latin translation of a collection of tracts by the French Huguenot minister Jean Daillé (1594-1670), including Traité de l'employ des saincts pères (1632), in which Daillé calls into question the authority of the Church Fathers.
AND 2 others: J.F. BURG, Chrestomathia Patristica Graeca sive Loci illustres ex antiquissimis Patribus Graecis selecti (...) (Wroc³aw, 1739-1745, 6 parts in 1 vol., contemp. vellum) and G.D. KYPKE, Observationes sacrae in novi foederis libros (Wroc³aw, 1755, 2 parts in 1 vol., contemp. vellum).
- Lacks final text leaf (p.319); trifle yellowed; one quire loosening.
= Oppermann 1183; Langlois II, p.132,105; Massmann p.54; Reichelt 90; cat. Memento Mori, Dansen met de Dood 36; Waller 1458; Scheepers I, 347. The very rare first edition. "Epos in Alexandrinern mit originellen Radierungen des Verfassers, die sich in Komposition z. Teil eng an den Holbein'schen Totentanz anschliessen. Zu Grunde liegt die Lyoner-Ausgabe, davon sind abgeändert: der König, der Astrolog, der Soldat, der Mönch, der alte Mann und der Krämer. Viele dieser Totentanz-Bilder sind aber vollständig freie Erfindung und z. Teil lokaler Art, so kommen der Windmüller und der Schlittschuhläufer vor. Der gestochene Titel zeigt oben den Tod gekrönt auf einem Throne, zu jeder Seite ein trompetender Tod. Unten Tanz von 7 Toten um ein gekröntes Skelett. (...) Seltener und fast unauffindbarer Totentanz mit der wesentlichen Neuerung, dass Rusting den Tod in das Alte Testament einführt, was sonst nie vorkommt" (Oppermann). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV.
- Fold. plate partly waterstained and w. closed tear in inner margin; wax seal at the end sl. cracked; blue ticket mounted on upper pastedown; bookblock loosening. Backstrip and corners worn.
= F.M. 5388 ("Geestige spotprent op de Bataafsche Omwenteling, in 15 langw. ruitjes (...)"). Last page with printed verse: "Geen afdruk wordt 'er egt gerekend, Dan door den jongsten van den kring, Met zijnen bijnaam onder tekend, Die, tot nog meer verzekering Van de onvervalschtheid deezer stukken, Ons zegelmerk 'er bij zal drukken" signed by "Jan Zoet Secundus" (= J. van Walré). This collection of poems was printed for the members of the society in a limited number of no more than 100 copies. Scheurleer p.242, 2; Sliggers p.209-210.
- Contemp. owner's entry on title ("Wilhelmus van Eem"); one quire sl. foxed. A fine copy with the rare frontisp.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 40.
- Partly w. contemp. underlining and annots. in pen and ink. Frontcover loose; lacks backstrip.
- Paper over covers sl. worn off.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 132; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 221; De Buck 4209.
- Occas. sl. foxed/ w. marginal waterstains. Spine-ends dam.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 232; Van Herwijnen 2903.
- Lacks the portrait; title-p. and one textleaf loose; occas.waterstained; a few leaves dam. in upper outer corner (1x w. loss of text); upper hinges split(ting).
= Muller 44: "Eerste, zeldzame druk van dezen populairen roman." Very popular work, first publ. in Paris, 1632. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV.
AND 1 other: J. CATS, 's Waerelds begin, midden, eynde, besloten in den trou-ring, met den proef-steen van den zelven (Amst., n.d. (±1730), engr. title, portraits, div. title, emblematic woodcut ills., contemp. vellum. Not collated, but apparently complete).
- Owner's entry on frontisp. Lacks letterpiece and piece of calf of corner backcover; joints rubbed.
= Claes 167. The sequel to the Staats- en Koeranten Tolk (1732), complete in itself.
- Sl. browned. Binding worn along extremties; backstrips badly worn.
Schwan, C.F. Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue allemande et françoise. Mannh., C.F. Schwan/ M. Fontaine, 1782-1784, 2 vols., (12),806; (2),1311p., contemp. unif. gilt calf, 4to.
- Both vols. bookplate on upper pastedown. Both bindings rubbed/ sl. worn along extremities; joints split.
- Title sl. dustsoiled; lacks lower pastedown. = Rare, two copies in NCC.
BOUND WITH: Breen, G. van. d'Oeffeninge van het H. Avondtmael onses Heeren Jesu Christi. Ibid., idem, 1655, 180p. - AND WITH: Idem. Een korte somma vande beginselen der Religie, in Vragen en Antwoorden. Ibid., idem, 1655, 47p.
- Very fine copy. Owner's entry on upper pastedown (in pencil): S. GRATAMA.
= With 19th cent. manuscript annot. in pen and ink on the "Witte Wieven" bound with after p.46. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 246. The first edition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVI.
- Trifle foxed and yellowed; the worldmap sl. stained. Binding sl. rubbed and worn; spine-ends chipped.
- Ex-library copy: both vols. 2 stamps on verso title-p.; traces of sm. ticket on first free endpaper; spine plasticized; libr. tickets on spine and frontcover. Slight occas. foxing; upper hinges strengthened.
= The work has been attributed to E. Luzac. Kress B96; Sabin 79236.
= Published in Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, vol. 1 and 2. Dufour II, p.68; Eitner VIII, p.336.
- A few lvs. wormholed in lower blank margin. Upper corners bumped.
= Kress 7203; Goldsmiths 11453. Apocryphal memoirs, aiming to demonstrate the bad management of Terrai, a hard-liner on deficit reform and member of the triumvirate, with Maupeou and the Duc d'Aiguillon, that ruled France and promoted centralized government at the expense of traditional liberties and vested interests.
(Essuile, J.F. de Barandiery-Montmayeur de). Traité des Communes, ou Observations sur leur origine & état actuel, d'après les anciennes Ordonnances de nos Rois, les Coutumes, Edits, Déclarations, Arrêts & Règlements intervenus sur cette matiere (...). Paris, Colombier, 1777, XVI,395,(1)p., 2 fold. tables, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.
- Title-p. foxed. Binding trifle worn along edges. = Goldsmiths 11547; cf. Kress 6726 (ed. 1770).
AND 2 others.
- Trifle yellowed/ foxed. Top of spine sl. dam.
= Kress 5390; Goldsmiths 8921; not in Einaudi. Rare collection of speeches held at the House of Lords in London, in favour of or against free trade in and with the Levant, and the Bill extending this freedom to all ports and subjects of Great Britain.
- Lower corner vaguely waterst. at the end. Upper joint splitting at top.
= Kress 2606; cf. Goldsmiths 4432.
- Paper over cover worn/ sl. rubbed; backstrips sl. rubbed. Otherwise a very fine copy.
= Tiele 310; cf. Blackmer 471; Gay 1998; Henze II, p.50; Atabey 338 (ed. London, 1807); De Meulenaere p.62-64. "Französischer Graveur, machte Napoleons Expedition nach Ägypten, 1798-99, mit. Im Schutz der französischen Armee durchzog er das Land. (...) Sein Reisewerk erschien 1802, die "erste wichtige Frucht der Aegyptischen Expedition". Es ist in Tagebuchform gehalten, ausgezeichnet durch lebendige, ja brilliante Darstellung. In den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung rücken immer wieder die Altertümer des Landes, war doch der Zweck seiner Reise, wie er selbst bemerkt, die Untersuchung der Denkmäler gewesen. Doch das Land selbst und seine Bewohner kommen nicht zu kurz." (Henze). "Denon's work has been justly praised. As a member of the Commission des Sciences et Arts which accompanied Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, he remained in Egypt for thirteen months, working continuously to record the Egyptian monuments. He was the first to reveal the richness of Egyptian art to Europe." (Atabey). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVI.