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Page 421 of 1858 Results 8401 - 8420 of 37146
77 2244 Cats J 77 2244 Cats J
77/2244 Cats, J. Self-strydt. Dat is Krachtighe beweginghe van Vleesch ende Geest, Poëtischer wijse vertoont in den persoon ende uyt de gelegentheyt van Joseph, ten tijde hy van Potiphars huysvrouwe wert versocht tot overspel. Middelburg, Wed. J.P. vande Venne, 1625, 3rd enl. ed., (36),119,(1)p., woodcut printer's mark on printed title, engr. title, sm. woodcut view of Dordrecht, 4 half-p. engrs. (i.a. after A. VAN DE VENNE), contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Nineteenth cent. endpapers; title-p. sl. yellowed; a few leaves sl. foxed in blank outer margin. Otherwise fine.

= Cats STCN 149; Mus. Cats. 81, 83.

BOUND WITH: Idem. Tooneel vande mannelicke achtbaerheyt, aen-gewesen inde Voor-sprake, teghen-sprake, ende uyt-sprake, Gedaen Over de weygheringhe van de Koninginne Vasthi, aen de Ghesanten des Konincx Assuerus. Ibid., J.P. vande Venne, 1623, 2nd ed., (16),60,(20)p., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., 4 half-p. engr. ills. after A. VAN DE VENNE.

- A few leaves sl./ trifle stained in blank margin. = Cats STCN 211; Mus. Cats. 99.

€ (100-150) 140
77 2245 Cats J 77 2245 Cats J
77/2245 Cats, J. 's Werelds Begin, Midden, Eynde, besloten in den Trouwring, met den Proef-steen van den selven. Amst., Wed. G. de Groot, 1706, (44),673,(3)p., engr. title, 2 portraits, 1 div. title, num. emblematic ills., contemp. vellum.

- Sl. yellowed; one leaf w. large tear just below emblem. = Mus. Catsianum 182; Cats STCN 246.

Idem. Spiegel van den ouden en nieuwen tydt, Bestaende Uyt Spreekwoorden, ontleent van de voorige en jegenwoordige Eeuwe (...). Vermeerdert met groote meenigte van Spreekwoorden/ door geheel het Werk. Ibid., J. Konynenberg, n.d. (±1715), (14),320p., engr. title, num. woodcut ills., contemp. vellum. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Gedachten op slapeloose nachten (...) mitgaders Het Twee-en-tachtig-jarig Leven van den selven Heere, van zyn geboorte tot zyn dood toe; door hem zelf in vaerzen beschreven. Ibid., A. van Damme, 1716, 4th ed., (16),235,5p., engr. title, div. title, num. ills.

- First work sl. yellowed/ browned.

= Ad 1: Mus. Catsianum 167; Cats STCN 202. Ad 2: Mus. Catsianum 233; Cats STCN 45.

AND 1 other by the same: Huwelyk, dat is, het gantsche beleyt des Echten Staats (ibid., 1766, engr. title, fold. plate, ills., contemp. vellum).

€ (80-100) 120
77 2246 Cats J 77 2246 Cats J
77/2246 Cats, J. 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, Besloten in den Trou-ring, met den Proef-steen van den selven. Amst., Erve de Wed. Gysbert de Groot, n.d. (2nd quarter 18th cent.), (40),673,(3)p., engr. title and 1 div. title, 2 portraits, 48 ills., all (sl. later) handcol., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Sl. yellowed, foxed and fingersoiled; handcolouring occas. sl. crude; some wormholes in inner margin at the end. Vellum darkened.

= Cats STCN 251; this ed. not in Mus. Catsianum.

€ (50-70) 60
77 2247 Cats J 77 2247 Cats J
77/2247 Cats, J. (Works). Set of 7 vols., Leyden/ Amst., H. van der Deyster/ A. Cornelis a.o., 1764-1779, (fold.) engr. plates and ills., contemp. unif. marbled calf w. gilt spine and black mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- One title-p. (Huwelyk) sl. dam. Spine-ends sl. chipped; corners sl. worn; letterpieces partly sl. worn/ 1x lacking.

= Comprises: Sinne- en minne-beelden (...) (Leyden, H. van der Deyster, 1779); Huwelyk (...) (Amst., A. Cornelis, 1779); Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tydt (ibid., erve H. van der Putte and B. Boekhout, n.d.); 's Werelts begin, midden, eynde, beslooten in den Trou-ring (...) (Amst., J. Morterre, 1764); Ouderdom, Buyten leven, en Hof gedachten (...) tachtig jarig leven en bedenkingen op Zorgvliet (Amst., Erv. A. vander Putte, n.d.); Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tydt (ibid., erve H. van der Putte and B. Boekhout, n.d.); Gedachten op slapeloose nachten (Leyden, H. van der Deyster, 1769, 10th ed.) and Nuttelyck Huys-Boeck (ibid., H. van der Deyster, 1769, 2nd ed.).

€ (250-350) 250
77 2248 Cave W 77 2248 Cave W
77 2248 Cave W 77 2248 Cave W
77 2248 Cave W 77 2248 Cave W
77/2248 Cave, W. Kerkelyke Oudheden, of Beschrijving van het leven, bedrijf, dood en Schriften der voornaamste Vaderen, Die gebloeyd hebben in de vierde eeuw (...). Dutch transl. S. Bor. Utr., F. Halma and W. vande Water, 1698, (2),12,(4),726,(20)p., engr. title-vignette, frontisp. by J. VAN VIANEN and 9 plates by P. SLUYTER after J. GOEREE, 5 ills., contemp. blindst. panelled vellum w. mirror ornament, large 4to.

- Upper pastedown and frontisp. loose(ning); first and last ±15 lvs. sl. waterstained/ (finger)soiled. Upper joint starting; covers (sl.) duststained; corners sl. bumped.

AND 1 other: B. SMYTEGELT, Het gekrookte riet, of hondert-vyf-en-veertig predicatien over Mattheus XII: 20, 21. Eerste deel (The Hague/ Middelb., 1744, contemp. vellum, 4to).

€ (60-80) 80
77 2249 Censorship  Lot of 3 publications regulating the book trade 77 2249 Censorship Lot of 3 publications regulating the book trade
77/2249 [Censorship]. Lot of 3 publications regulating the book trade, n.pl., 1768-1783.

= Mainly regulating the prohibition of the publishing of books that attack Christendom, and more specifically on the anonymous publication of a libellous piece against the Princess of Oranje Nassau.

€ (30-50) 110
77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2250 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77/2250 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. De ridder Don Quichot van Mancha. Ed. P. van Woensel. The Hague, J.C. Leeuwestyn, 1802, 2 vols., XXXVI,477[= 427]; VIII,379p., 2 engr. title-p., etched portrait and 12 plates by R. VINKELES, contemp. boards (vol. 2)/ sl. later plain boards.

- Both vols. uncut; library stamp(?) cut out of first two lvs.; hinges weak; a few quires loose(ning); occas. sl. foxed/ (water)stained. Bindings worn/ stained.

= Arents 11; Rius I, p.807; Graesse II, p.107; Scheepers II, 728; Buisman 367.

ADDED: Gellert, C.F. Het leven der Zweedsche Gravinne, G***. Amst., J. Dóll, 1777, 3rd ed., XII,209p., engr. title-vignette, 4 plates by J. PUNT after J. BUYS, contemp. gilt hcalf.

- Occas. sl. stained; free endpapers dam./ unopened; shelfmark on lower pastedown. Binding worn; lacks letterpiece.

= Dutch transl. of Leben der Schwedischen Gräfinn von G*** (1747), the first German attempt at a psychological novel (Encyclopaedia Britannica). Scheepers II, 416; Buisman 633.

€ (100-150) 350
77 2251 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2251 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77 2251 Cervantes Saavedra M de 77 2251 Cervantes Saavedra M de
77/2251 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. De voornaamste gevallen van den wonderlyken Don Quichot (...). Beschreeven op een' vryen en vrolyken trant, door J. Campo Weyerman; En door den Zelfden met Gedichten ter Verklaaring van iedere Kunstprint, en het Leeven van M. de Cervantes Saavedra verrykt. The Hague, P. de Hondt, 1746, (2),XXVI,420p., engr. title-vignette and 31 full-page plates by S. FOKKE, B. PICART, P. TANJÉ a.o. after F. BOUCHER, C.-A. COYPEL, B. PICART, C.N. COCHIN a.o., contemp. marbled calf w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Partly waterstained in lower margin (touching text and affecting a few plates). Spine-ends chipped and corners worn.

= Rius I, p.806; Cohen/ De Ricci p.216: "Superbes illustrations; livre très recherché". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXI.

€ (300-500) 375
77 2252 Chambers E 77 2252 Chambers E
77 2252 Chambers E 77 2252 Chambers E
77 2252 Chambers E 77 2252 Chambers E
77/2252 Chambers, E. Cyclopaedia: or, an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (...). London, printed for J.F. and C. Rivington etc.,1779-1786, rev. and enl. ed., 5 vols., engr. frontisp., 144 (fold.) plates, 5 (fold.) typespecimen lvs., contemp. unif. calf, richly gilt spine w. contrasting mor. letter- and volume-piece, large folio.

- Fold. plate and typespecimen torn over ±5 cm. in lower inner margin; vol.3 endpapers mouldy; a few p. creased. All vols. joints split(ting); spine-ends worn; 3 vols. cover(s) loose; 3 vols. covers stained.

= PMM 171.

€ (500-700)
77 2253 China  Nieuhof J 77 2253 China Nieuhof J
77 2253 China  Nieuhof J 77 2253 China Nieuhof J
77 2253 China  Nieuhof J 77 2253 China Nieuhof J
77 2253 China  Nieuhof J 77 2253 China Nieuhof J
77/2253 [China]. Nieuhof, J. Het Gezandtschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, Den tegenwoordigen keizer van China (...) Beneffens Een naauwkeurige Beschryvinge der Sineesche Steden, Dorpen, Regeering, Weetenschappen, Handwerken, Zeden, Godsdiensten, Gebouwen, Drachten, Scheepen, Bergen, Gewassen, Dieten, &c. (...). Amst., Wolfgang/ Waasberge etc., 1693, 3rd Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),208; 258,(9)p., engr. frontisp., portr., fold. map, 34 double-p. plates and 110 textills., contemp. calf, ribbed and gilt spine, folio.

- Top of spine dam.; corners showing.

= The "Paolinxi Pagode", mentioned in the binder's instructions, was actually only inserted in the Latin edition of 1668. Landwehr, VOC 539; Tiele 800; Cat. NHSM I, 499; Lust 539; Cordier, Bibl. Sinica p. 2344. Walravens, China illustrata 63/64 (later German editions): "Nieuhofs Chinawerk ist bis heute eines der bedeutendsten und gesuchtesten. Allein die 150 Abbildungen und Karten, die das Buch zieren und die nach Zeichnungen des Autors aufgeführt wurden, haben beachtlichen Wert. Bis weit in das 18.Jahrhundert hinein wurden sie immer wieder nachgedruckt und nachgeschnitten und prägten weitgehend das Chinabild der Zeit". The double-p. plates mainly depicting panoramic city views. "Was aber seinem Buch den höchsten Wert verleiht ist die Fülle prachtvollster Kupfertafeln von Städten, Landschaften, Volkstypen" (Henze). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXII.

€ (1.500-2.500)
77 2254 Christiani D 77 2254 Christiani D
77/2254 Christiani, D. Systema geographiae generalis: duobus libris absolutum (...). Marburg, J.D. Hampel, 1645, (24),723,(20)p., contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Annots. on upper pastedown; bookplate on first free endpaper; sl. foxed/ browned; final few lvs. waterstained. Spine lacks sm. portion of vellum.

= David Christiani (1610-1688) was a German mathematician, philosopher and Lutheran theologian. In 1643 he became a professor of mathematics at the University of Marburg.

€ (50-70)
77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Aesopus 77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Aesopus
77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Aesopus 77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Aesopus
77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Aesopus 77 2255 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Aesopus
77/2255 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Aesopus. Fabulae Aesopi Graecè & Latinè, nunc denuo selectae (...) in usum Scholarum. Amst., P. Matthijsz, 1660, 158,(2)p., 47 woodcut ills. by J.C. JEGHER, contemp. blindst. panelled vellum.

= Rare edition of the Latin school version by Daniel Heinsius, with a rhyme translation by Avianus; also contains the Batrachomyomachia of Homer. Monogram of Jegher ("I.C.I.") on a.o. p.15. Possibly first publication with these woodcuts, used in many later editions. Hollstein, IX, 355-402; Thieme-Becker, XVIII, p.500; this edition not in Landwehr and Bodemann; 3x in NCC. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXI.

€ (400-600) 400
77 2256 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Anacreon and Sappho 77 2256 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Anacreon and Sappho
77/2256 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Anacreon and Sappho. Les Odes d'Anacreon et Sappho en vers François par le poëte Sans Fard (= F. Gacon). Rott., Fritsch et Böhm, 1712, (2),CCXI,(1),354,(5)p., engr. frontisp. by B. BERNARDI after B. PICART, title-vignette, contemp. calf.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; old annots. in pen and ink on verso frontisp. Lacks letterpiece; traces of removed ticket on frontcover.

= Schweiger p.27. Rare.

AND 2 others: (A.M. DE) RAMSAY, Les Voyages de Cyrus avec un Discours sur la Mythologie (London, 1757, contemp. calf w. mor. letterpiece) and a mediocre copy of P. OVIDIUS NASO, Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Ed. T. Farnabius (Amst., 1670, engr. title, contemp. calf, 12mo).

€ (70-90) 120
77 2257 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Anacreon and Sappho 77 2257 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Anacreon and Sappho
77/2257 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Anacreon and Sappho. Poésies. French transl. and ed. Madame Dacier. Amst., P. Marret, 1699, (34),320,(4)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, contemp. vellum.

- Owner's entry on first blank. A good/ fine copy. = Schweiger p.27.

€ (50-70) 50
77 2258 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Apuleius L 77 2258 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Apuleius L
77/2258 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Apuleius, L. L'Asino d'Oro (...). Tradotto nuovamente in lingua Volgare dal molte illustre Sig. Pompeo Vizani (...). Venice, Santo Grillo & Fratelli, 1614, (16),301p., woodcut printer's mark, later plain boards.

- Occas. (vaguely) waterst.; sl. fingersoiled. = Rare edition. Not in Schweiger.

€ (100-150)
77 2259 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Aristoteles 77 2259 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Aristoteles
77/2259 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Aristoteles. Histoire des animaux, avec la Traduction Françoise, par M. Camus. Paris, Veuve Desaint, 1783, 2 vols., (10),LVI,758,(1); (4),XLVIII,850,(6)p., opposite Greek and French text, contemp. unif. marbled calf, gilt spines w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, 4to.

- Both vols. occas. (sl.) foxed; vol.1 first/ last few lvs. and vol.2 last ±30 lvs. mouldstained. Both vols. binding dam.

= Schweiger p.64; Ebert 1130.

€ (80-100) 90
77 2260 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Barlaeus C 77 2260 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Barlaeus C
77/2260 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Barlaeus, C. Poematum editio nova, priore castigatior et altera parte auctior. Leyden, Ex Officina Elzeviriana (B. and A. Elzevier), 1631, (16),511,(1)p., engr. title, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Contemp. and later annots. on upper pastedown and first free endpaper. Contemp. owner's entry on title; title lacks upper blank corner; bookblock shaken. Binding dam.

= Willems 344; Rahir 319.

Sallustius Crispus, C. (Opera). Cum Veterum Historicorum Fragmentis. Editio Novissima. Ibid., iidem, 1634, 1st ed., (14),310,(34)p., engr. title, woodcut portrait of the author, 19th cent. blindst. calf, 12mo.

- Upper hinge broken; lower hinge strengthened; inner margin title and first leaf glued onto upper pastedown. Lacks backstrip; binding worn. Sold w.a.f.

= Willems 412; Rahir 399.

€ (60-80) 90
77 2261 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Boysen P A  77 2261 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Boysen P A
77/2261 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. (Boysen, P.A.). Neue Acerra Philologica. Oder gründliche Nachrichten aus der Philologie, und den Römischen und Griechischen Antiquitaeten, darinn die schwersten Stellen aller Autorum Classicorum der Studirenden Jugend (...) gründlich erkläret werden. Halle, Rengerische Buchhandlung, 1715-1723, 12 parts in 2 vols., (16),955,(3); (18),898,(84)p., 9 engr. plates, contemp. unif. vellum.

- Frontcover vol. 2 trifle spotted. A fine set.

€ (100-150) 110
77 2262 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Cicero M T 77 2262 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Cicero M T
77/2262 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Cicero, M.T. Opera quae extant omnia. London, J. Dunmore etc., 1681, 4 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp., contemp. blindst. vellum w. ties, folio.

- Frontisp. sl. frayed and w. owner's entry and stamp. Several superficial cuts in frontcover; lacks a few sm. pieces of vellum.

= Schweiger p.106.

€ (100-150) 100
77 2263 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Cicero M T 77 2263 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Cicero M T
77/2263 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Cicero, M.T. X. Reedenvoeringen. Neevens twee aanmerkenswaardige Brieven van den selven, in 't Latyn en Duits. Dutch transl. by ? Amst., S. Petzold, 1702, (20),457,(1)p., engr. title-vignette, Latin and Dutch text, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Fine copy. = Geerebaert CIII, no.7. First Dutch translation of the Orationes. Rare.

AND 3 others in 6 vols., i.a. OVIDIUS, Metamorphoseon. Métamorphoses. Ed. M. Desaintange (Paris, 1808, 4 vols., contemp. unif. speckled calf w. gilt decoration around sides and gilt spine w. 2 red mor. letterpieces. One vol. lacks backstrip; corners and spine-ends rubbed/ sl. worn).

€ (80-100) 90