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Page 1801 of 1848 Results 36001 - 36020 of 36952
80/5540 Belgium  Pars Flandriae Teutonicae Occidentalior 80/5540 Belgium Pars Flandriae Teutonicae Occidentalior
80/5540 [Belgium]. "Pars Flandriae Teutonicae Occidentalior." Partly handcol. engr. map, 2 cartouches, many ships and a compass rose, ±39,5x50 cm., Amst., W. and J. Blaeu, ±1650.

- Two chafed spots in right part; tear of 5 cm. in middle fold in lower blank margin; sl. yellowed.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3201:2.

AND 1 other: "Afbeeldinge vande vermaerde seehaven ende stadt van Duynkercken (...) Pourtraict de la fameuse ville et havre de Duynkercke (...)" (handcol. engr. chart after P. CODDE, from BLAEU, Atlas Maior, ±1664. Creased).

€ (60-80) 60
80/5541 Belgium  Pars meridionalis Brabantiae continens Dominium Mechliniense  80/5541 Belgium Pars meridionalis Brabantiae continens Dominium Mechliniense
80/5541 Belgium  Pars meridionalis Brabantiae continens Dominium Mechliniense  80/5541 Belgium Pars meridionalis Brabantiae continens Dominium Mechliniense
80/5541 [Belgium]. "Pars meridionalis Brabantiae continens Dominium Mechliniense (...)". Handcol. engr. map, 2 cartouches in right corners, ±46,5x55 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, 1634.

- Tear of 3 cm. in upper right corner; middle fold splitting at both ends; a few sm. tears in lower blank margin.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3102:1.

"Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium". Partly handcol. engr. map by M.F. VAN LANGREN, 2 dec. cartouches, 1 coat of arms and compass rose, 41x52 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, 1642.

- A few tiny holes on middle fold; blank margins (vaguely) stained.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3110:2 (variant b, verso blank).

€ (100-150) 110
80/5542 Belgium  Partie Méridionale des Pays Bas qui comprend les Provinces de Brabant Gueldre Limbourg Luxembourg Hainaut Namur Flandre Cambresis et Artois 80/5542 Belgium Partie Méridionale des Pays Bas qui comprend les Provinces de Brabant Gueldre Limbourg Luxembourg Hainaut Namur Flandre Cambresis et Artois
80/5542 [Belgium]. "Partie Méridionale des Pays Bas qui comprend les Provinces de Brabant, Gueldre, Limbourg, Luxembourg, Hainaut, Namur, Flandre, Cambresis et Artois". Engr. map by J. JANVIER w. cartouche and handcol. borders, 47x64 cm., Venice, F. Santini, ±1780.

- (Blank) margins on the sides foxed and sl. frayed.

€ (60-80) 70
80/5543 Belgium  Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae 80/5543 Belgium Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae
80/5543 Belgium  Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae 80/5543 Belgium Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae
80/5543 [Belgium]. "Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium". "Secunda Pars Brabantiae cuius urbs primaria Bruxellae". Two partially handcol. engr. maps by M.F. VAN LANGREN, both w. 2 (dec.) cartouches, coat of arms and compass rose, each ±41x52,5 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, ±1645.

- Both maps a few vague creases/ printing flaws next to middle fold; 2nd map tear of 3 cm. in lower blank margin of middle fold.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3110:2 and 3111:2.

€ (70-90) 100
80/5544 Belgium  Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia 80/5544 Belgium Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia
80/5544 Belgium  Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia 80/5544 Belgium Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia
80/5544 [Belgium]. "Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat. S.R.I. horum urbs primaria Antverpia." Handcol. engr. map by M.F. VAN LANGREN, 2 dec. cartouches, 7 coats of arms, 42x52,5 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, ±1640.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3112:2.

"Flandria Gallica Continens Castellanias Insulensem Duacensem Orchianensem Civitatem Dominiumq: Tornacense". Engr. map, title-cartouche in lower left corner, 40x50,5 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, 1638.

- Sl. creased along middle fold; image sl. rubbed in lower right corner.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3220:1.1.

€ (100-150) 100
80/5545 Belgium  Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia 80/5545 Belgium Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat S R I horum urbs primaria Antverpia
80/5545 [Belgium]. "Tertia Pars Brabantiae qua continetur Marchionat. S.R.I. horum urbs primaria Antverpia." Handcol. engr. map by M.F. VAN LANGREN, 2 dec. cartouches, 7 coats of arms, 42x52,5 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, ±1640.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3112:2.

€ (70-90) 120
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 Belgium  Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium 80/5546 Belgium Lot of ±35 steel engr / lithogr views of Belgium
80/5546 [Belgium]. Lot of ±35 (steel)engr./ lithogr. views of Belgium, 1x handcol., 17th-20th cent., various sizes, from various works.

- Some minor defects; mostly fine.

= I.a. "Antverpia. Antwerpen" (nicely handcol. engr. panoramic view by J.G. RINGLE after F.B. WERNER, Augsb., ±1750. Very rare), "Mecheln in Brabandt" (engr. view, from D. MEISNER, Thesaurus Philo-Politicus, ±1625), "Botanic Garden Brussels" (steelengr. view by H. WORMS after W.H. BARTLETT, London, ±1840), "Vue des Ruines de Beauraing" (lithogr. view by J.B. MADOU after G. DE HOWEN, Brussels, 1825) and "Abbaye de S. Amant ord de St. Benôit" (engr. view, Paris, 1770).

€ (150-250) 325
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80 5547 Belgium  Lot of ±55 engr  fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France 80 5547 Belgium Lot of ±55 engr fortification plans of Belgium and af ew of Northern France
80/5547 [Belgium]. Lot of ±55 engr. (fortification) plans of Belgium (and af ew of Northern France), occas. handcol., 17th-19th cent., various sizes, from various works.

- Some minor defects; mostly fine.

= I.a. "Plan de la Ville d'Aire Assiegée" (engr. plan by M. POOL, Amst., 1715), "Grondtekening der Stad Ryssel" (engr. plan, ±1740), "Berg S. Winox" (engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1690), "Béthune, ville forte des Pays-Bas" (handcol. engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1700) and "Saint-Omer" (handcol. engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1700).

€ (200-300) 200
80/5548 Belgium Antwerp  Antverpia totius inferioris Germaniae nobilissima et ducatus Brabantiae pimaria Urbs 80/5548 Belgium Antwerp Antverpia totius inferioris Germaniae nobilissima et ducatus Brabantiae pimaria Urbs
80/5548 [Belgium. Antwerp]. "Antverpia totius inferioris Germaniae nobilissima et ducatus Brabantiae pimaria Urbs". Engraved panoramic view by M. BIRBUM (?), 28,3x106,7 cm. (entire image), on 3 loose sheets, Cologne, Peter Overadt, 1612 (dated w. chronogram in the cartouche).

- Each leaf w. hole and many restorations and repairs on former folds (w. sl. loss of image); without the printed text below. Sold w.a.f.

= Very rare panorama of Antwerp. Delen, Iconographie van Antwerpen, 217. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1500
80/5549 Brazil  Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten 80/5549 Brazil Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten
80/5549 Brazil  Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten 80/5549 Brazil Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten
80/5549 Brazil  Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten 80/5549 Brazil Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten
80/5549 [Brazil]. "Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten." Engr. bird's eye plan w. many ships in the foreground, 27,3x36,5 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, 1651. "Afbeeldinge vande Cabo St. Augustin Met haer forten". Engr. view w. many ships and fortifications, cartouche, 28,2x38,3 cm., from I. COMMELIN, Frederick Hendrick van Nassauw (...), 1656.

- Trimmed on right borderline.

AND 1 other similar on Brazil from I. COMMELIN: "A. Is het belegerde fort real".

€ (120-150) 130
80/5550 Brazil  Insulae Rio Iavero Delineatio 80/5550 Brazil Insulae Rio Iavero Delineatio
80/5550 [Brazil]. "Insulae Rio Iavero Delineatio." Engr. bird's eye view, compass rose and ships, 14x17,5 cm., on a texleaf from T. DE BRY, Les Grands Voyages, ±1600.

- A few foxed spots; trifle yellowed. = Rare.

€ (120-150)
80/5551 Canada  Carte de la Baye de Hudson 80/5551 Canada Carte de la Baye de Hudson
80/5551 [Canada]. "Carte de la Baye de Hudson." Contemp. handcol. engr. map, dec. cartouche, 22x30 cm., Paris, N. Bellin, 1757 (fine).
€ (40-60) 60
80/5552 Canada  Partie de l'Amérique Septentrionale qui comprend le Canada la Louisiane le Labrador le Groenland les Etats Unis et la Floride 80/5552 Canada Partie de l'Amérique Septentrionale qui comprend le Canada la Louisiane le Labrador le Groenland les Etats Unis et la Floride
80/5552 [Canada]. "Partie de l'Amérique Septentrionale qui comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, les Etats-Unis et la Floride". Engr. map w. handcol. borders by R. BONNE, 30x44 cm., from Atlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre (...) (Paris, 1783).

- Trifle foxed and w. some brownish waterstains.

= One of a set of two maps showing the Eastern half of North America.

€ (50-70) 50
80/5553 Caribbean  Pascaerte vande Caribes S Iuan de Porte Rico de oosthoeck van I Espagnola als mede de vaste cust van Nueva Andalusia met de eylanden daer omtrent ghelegen 80/5553 Caribbean Pascaerte vande Caribes S Iuan de Porte Rico de oosthoeck van I Espagnola als mede de vaste cust van Nueva Andalusia met de eylanden daer omtrent ghelegen
80/5553 [Caribbean]. "Pascaerte vande Caribes, S. Iuan de Porte Rico, de oosthoeck van I. Espagnola als mede de vaste cust van Nueva Andalusia met de eylanden daer omtrent ghelegen." Handcol. engr. chart, elaborate title-cartouche and scale-bar cartouche, compass rose, 51,5x59 cm., Amst., J. van Keulen, ±1710.

- Doubled; some unobtrusive stains; nevertheless fine. = Koeman IV, Van Keulen C, 8 [25]. Rare.

€ (200-300) 200
80 5554 Celestial charts  Sterre kaert Of Hemels Pleyn waerdoor men kan wete hoe laet dat het is over de gehele aertkloot  80 5554 Celestial charts Sterre kaert Of Hemels Pleyn waerdoor men kan wete hoe laet dat het is over de gehele aertkloot
80/5554 [Celestial charts]. "Sterre kaert Of Hemels Pleyn, waerdoor men kan wete hoe laet dat het is over de gehele aertkloot (...)". Handcol. engr. celestial chart by REMMET TEUNISSE BACKER, 47x57,5 cm., Amst., C. Danckerts, 1703.

- Heavily creased and foxed; some marginal repairs on verso.

= This decorative celestial chart was published 5 times between 1684 and 1792. Whitfield p.81: "An ingenious application of the Mercator-type projection to the celestial map."

€ (200-300) 325
80 5555 Celestial charts  Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitum 80 5555 Celestial charts Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitum
80/5555 [Celestial charts]. "Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitum". Engraved map of the solarsystem, partly handcol., 48,5x57,5 cm., Nuremberg, J.B. Homann, (±1740), numb. "2" in the plate.

- A few tears in image closed on verso (one tear ±12 cm.); a few marginal tears (mainly in blank margin).

= Nice map depicting the circular solarsystem (Ø 44 cm.) according to Copernicus and Constantijn Huygens, with the signs of the zodiac, and with a large cartouche with additional information in each corner.

€ (300-500) 300
80/5556 Celestial maps  Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars VI 80/5556 Celestial maps Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars VI
80/5556 [Celestial maps]. "Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars VI." Partly handcol. engr. celestial chart by J.G. DOPPELMAYER, 48,7x58,5 cm., Nürnb., J.B. Homann, ±1740.

= One of 6 celestial charts showing the heavens as seen in 1730, also delineating the paths of various comets.

€ (200-300) 200
80 5557 Celestial maps  Hemisphaerium Coeli boreale 80 5557 Celestial maps Hemisphaerium Coeli boreale
80/5557 [Celestial maps]. "Hemisphaerium Coeli boreale." engraved celestial chart by J.G. DOPPELMAIER, partly handcol., 48,7x58,2 cm., Nürnb., J.B. Homann, 1730, numb. "18" in the plate.

- A few marginal tears (1x touching the image),

= Decorative celestial chart of the northern skies, depicting the signs of the zodiac in the centre and 4 observatories (i.a. of Paris and Nürnberg) in the corners.

€ (400-600)
80 5558 Celestial maps  Hémisphere Borèal Hémisphere Austral 80 5558 Celestial maps Hémisphere Borèal Hémisphere Austral
80 5558 Celestial maps  Hémisphere Borèal Hémisphere Austral 80 5558 Celestial maps Hémisphere Borèal Hémisphere Austral
80/5558 [Celestial maps]. "Hémisphere Borèal. Hémisphere Austral." Handcol. engr. double hemisphere celestial map by P. BERNARD, 21,8x35,6 cm., Paris, ±1770.

- Flattened fold in right margin; tape along margins on verso.

ADDED: 3 other maps, i.a. two engr. worldmaps: "Homerische Welttafel" and "Weltkarte".

€ (70-90) 70
80/5559 Celestial maps  Planispherium Coeleste 80/5559 Celestial maps Planispherium Coeleste
80/5559 [Celestial maps]. "Planispherium Coeleste." Contemp. handcol. engr. double hemisphere celestial map, 48,5x57,5 cm., Augsb., T.C. Lotter, ±1770.

- Trife age-toned. Otherwise fine. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.

€ (500-700) 500