- Two initial plates and two final plates sl. dampstained in outer blank margin; one plate ("Going to the Feria") cut sl. short affecting caption; lacks the final texteaf w. the poem "The Maid of Andalusia"; owner's entry in ballpoint on first blank; the first 4 and final 8 textleaves and the verso of a few plates foxed, otherwise the plates in fine condition. Binding chafed and (sl.) worn along margins; frontcover dampstained in upper outer corner.
= Lipperheide Jc 20; Colas 1476; Hiler p.445; Tooley, Col. Plates 269. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.
- Vols. (partly) sl. browned/ foxed. Extremities sl. worn.
= As often without the portrait. Buijnsters, Justus van Effen 26.1; Waller 1577.
- Title-p. of vol. 2 sl. waterst. Extremities sl. rubbed; 2 vols. foot of spine sl. dam. A good set.
= The 2nd ed. of the Dutch translation. Buijnsters, Spectatoriale geschriften 1.8.
- Vol. 1 waterstained in lower (outer) margin (final 5 quires sl. mouldstained). Bindings sl. rubbed.
= Complete set containing 155 issues. Buijnsters, Bibliogr. 18e-eeuwse Spect. Tijdschr. 72.
- Top of spine torn. Otherwise fine.
= Carolus Tuinman (1659-1728), Dutch Voetiaans minister, strong critic of Spinoza and author of a famous work on Dutch sayings, was asked by the council of the Middelburg church to start a polemic against the so-called "Hattemisten", the adherents of the teachings of Pontiaan van Hattem, who in turn was influenced by the works of Spinoza. As Jonathan Israel writes about Tuinman's negative attitude towards Spinoza's scientific philosophy, which he says was a fertile ground for atheism : "This continuing dissemination was helped, he alleged, by the insidious duplicity of the dissident theologian Pontiaan van Hattem (1645-1706) who (...) had supposedly camouflaged the new popular Spinozism in Christian-sounding phrases as was manifest, he maintained, from the recent compilation of van Hattems writings entitled De Val vans Wereldts Af-God (The Hague, 1718), clandestinely edited and published by the remarkable Jacob Roggeveen (1659-1729), discoverer of Samoa and, in April 1722, of Easter Island." (Enlightenment Contested, p.31 and 376f). The main focus of Tuinman's attack was Marinus Booms, who was eventually banned from Middelburg and excommunicated by the Middelburg church council.
BOUND WITH 4 others by the same, all on the same controversy concerning Booms, the perfidious influence of Spinozists, Hattemists and the like: 1. Sibboleth, of Leugen en Bedrog, van den vermomden Vrygeest, Marinus Booms (ibid., J. Opsomer, 1715, (16),541,(3)p.); 2. De liegende en bedriegende vrygeest, Ontmaskert in een andwoord Aan den vermomden Constantius Prudens, Op zyn Missive, waar in hy overbrieft de bedenkingen der Vrygeesten tegen het Opstel en de Wederlegging hunner gruwelleere, benevens de Wederandwoord aan Theophilus. Hier by is gevoegt, A. Geulinx Medemaat van B. de Spinoza, en de Vrygeesten (ibid., J. Boter, S. Clement en W. Eling, 1715, (16),184,(3),56p.); 3. Het helsche gruwelgeheim der heillooze Vrygeesten, Open gelegt door den vermomden Pius Fidelis, Met het opschuimen van zyn eigen schande, in de Missive aan den Heer I.M.H.V.H. tegens het Boek de Liegende en Bedriegende Vrygeest, en de These en Antitheses des E. Kerkenraads van Middelburg. Benevens Een Andwoord en Aanmerkingen over dezelve, met betoog dat het alles vernieuwde David Jortery is. Noch een Nareden, waar in ook het Leven en Bedryf van dien verleider beschreven word. Mitsgaders de Staatkunde der Vrygeesten (...) En een woordenlyst van de nieuwe Boeventaal (ibid., W. Eling, 1717, (16),321,(1)p. The Woordenlyst van de nieuw verzonnen Boeventaal runs from p.315 to 318); 4. Korte afschetzing der ysselykheden, Welke van de Spinozistische Vrygeesten uitdrukkelyk worden geleert, of die in hunne gronden middagklaar opgewonden zyn (...). Hier zyn bygevoegt Verklaarde Uittreksels uit eenige verzamelde Schriften van P. van Hattem, met een godslasterlyken titel van Val van 'sWerelds Afgod, enz. onlangs uitgegeven door Jakob Roggeveen, waar uit de snoodheid van dat gruwelboek zonneklaar blykt (Rott., R. van Doesburg, 1719, 93p. Sl. waterstained).
= A very rare collection. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.
- Occas. sl. yellowed/ foxed (esp. first 10 leaves); lacks the 4 pages at the end with laudatory poems; hinges weak. Rebacked w. vellum; covers duststained.
BOUND WITH: Huët, D.T. Inhuldiging van Zijne Doorluchtige Hoogheid Willem Karel Hendrik Friso, Prins van Oranje en Nassau, enz. enz. enz. (...) als erf-heer van Vlissingen, op den Vden Junij MDCCLI. Ibid., idem, 1753, (22),73,(1)p., engr. frontisp., portrait, 8 (fold./ double-p.) plates, 2 ills.
- Occas. sl. yellowed, mainly in blank margins.
= Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies 227 and 228; Kat. Orn. Berl. 2967 and 2968; Lipperheide Sd 31; Vinet 642; Lotz, Feuerwerk p.105.
- Waterstain in upper inner margin throughout, affecting the plates.
= Adams S 764; F.M. 403; Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 25; Cat. Orn. Berl. 2939; Jeudwine p.261 and no. 403 ("The mannerist illustration together with the Frenchified roman and italic types make this a modern book for its date"); Delen II, Les graveurs- illustrateurs, p.50-52 ("un des plus beaux livres du XVIe siècle"); Fontaine Verwey, Uit de wereld van het boek I, p.51-68 ("een werk dat grote invloed zou hebben op de architectuur"). Dutch translation (prob. by Gillis van Diest) of the Latin edition, published in the same year. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.
- Lacks 10 textp.; textp. sl. waterst.; some plates w. sm. restored tears and sl. foxed (mostly in blank margins); 7 plates waterst. and soiled in the image; 3 plates loose. Paper over backstrip sl. worn.
= With 5 EXTRA plates not called for in the usual reference works, showing the state bed of Prince William IV (4x incl. 1 plan) and an etched overview/ legend of the funeral procession. Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies 230f; F.M. 4027 and 4032; Atlas van Stolk V, 4027 and 4033; Lipperheide Sd 33f; Cohen/ De Ricci 829f.
- Sl. later owner's entry on first blank; libr. stamp on title; bookblock shaken. Lacks ties; upper corner of frontcover dam.; libr. stamps on fore-edge.
= Very rare, only 1 copy found in STCV.
AND 2 others.
- Occas. sl. foxed; owner's entry on first blank. Spine-ends chipped.
= Scheepers I, 433 ("Tegen het misbruik van drank op begrafenissen"); Versnel 839. "Aengesien het boekje: de Sterfhuysen enz (...) niet behelst tegens het geloof of seden, maer in tegendeel aantoont de misbruyken in de Wyn- en Bier-stormen op de Begraefenissen niet sonder verergenisse gepleegt; sal het selve door den druck mogen gemeyn gemaekt worden. (...)" (from the "Goedkeuringe" at the end).
BOUND WITH: MISSEN VOOR DE OVERLEDENEN. Volgens het gebruik der Roomsche Kerke (Antw., B. Moretus, 1684, 2 parts in 1 vol.). Heeman, A. Troost der sieken, ofte maniere hoe de pastoors ende priesters sullen vlytelijk de sieke besoeken, weerdiglijk uytreyken de heylige sacramenten, ende hun getrauwelijk bystaen in den doodtstrydt. Ibid., G. Denique, 1708, (4),542,(8)p., contemp. calf w. gilt spine.
= BCNI 16666.
AND 2 others.
- With the bookplate of Gerrit Komrij on upper pastedown. Ex-library copies from the Bibliotheca Hageveldensis, with bookplate on upper pastedown and stamp on first blank.
= All from the library of H. TOLLENS, with his owner's entry and 1x w. manuscript dedication to him by the editor.
- Library stamp on title-p. of each vol.; occas. sl. browned/ foxed. Joints starting; spine-ends dam.; extremities (sl.) worn. A good set.
= Including a fine copy of the "Platte kaart van de geheele werelt", on which California is shown as an island (Shirley p.613). Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 461a; Knuttel, Kerkgeschiedenis p.312.
- Title cut short and laid down on modern paper; first quire loose(ning); large tears in map (partially repaired on verso); bookblock shaken; extensive contemp. ms. annots. on final 2 blank lvs. Dam. spot in upper joint at foot of spine.
- Occas. sl. browned/ foxed. Upper joint splitting; binding sl. rubbed/ worn along extremities.
= Originally published as a periodical from 3 February 1724 to 24 January 1725, containing 52 issues with dialogues between historical or mythological figures. Buijnsters, Satirische tijdschriften 17; not in Muller etc. Rare.
- Repaired spot in upper blank margin frontisp. Otherwise fine.
= The Dutch translation from Latin of the outcome of the Synod of Dordrecht reprinted often. This edition is rare.
- Old owner's entry(?) blotted out w. ink on title-p. Bookblock and binding sl. warped.
= De Backer/ Sommervogel VII, p.1830; BCNI 11283.
AND 1 other: F.P.C. CELESTIN DE PARIS, Le Iardin de Plaisir et Recreation Spirituelle (Paris, 1605, 2 parts in 1 vol., contemp. overlapping vellum).
- Binding sl. dustsoiled. Otherwise fine.
= Brunet V, p.675. Famous mock-heroic poem, very loosely based on the war between Modena and Bologna (1325), but mostly fictitious. "Belle édition, et l'une des meilleurs de ce poëme" (Brunet). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.
- Occas. (sl.) waterstained, mostly in blank margins; one leaf restored; hinges broken but holding on cords; owner's entry ("JG Deur pred.t Gouda") on title; some scattered col. pencil markings. Rebound w. modern marbled paper over boards.
= BCNI 14523 and 14522. Rare.
- Small hole and sm. marginal tear in first leaf; sm. cut-out section in last blank leaf.
= Signed by i.a. Corfits Uullefeldt, Christiaen Thomesen, Jacob de Wite, Gerard Schaep, and Joachim Andrée. In this document the toll amounts to be paid are mentioned under categories such as fish, metals, ammunition, fabrics, herbs and spices, wines and beer.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper; plates (sl.) browned; occas. sl. foxed. Vellum wrinkled, worn and soiled.
= Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 353; Klaversma/ Hannema 1406.