- Lacks first free endpaper; title-p. trifle dam. in inner margin affecting border surrounding title; sm. owner's stamp in blank corner title; modern bookplate on blank verso title. Lacks ties.
= BCNI 7816 (w. date from colophon 1627) and 7673 (w. date from title 1626). With interesting contemp. manuscript owner's entries on upper pastedown and on last free endpaper, i.a. reading: "Sr. Heelena Hoijdts/ O Jesu soedt mijn/ hoehste goed/ A 1666 den 6 novemb" and "ÿn den soeten naem Jesu Jesu/ Sr. Johanna Helena Huijdts/ O Jesu weest mij ghenadigh/ maekt mij een mensch naer/ u herte gheeft mij een/ waerachtighe ootmoedig/ heidt (...)".
AND 1 other: (S.-M. TREUVÉ), De geestelyke ziel-bestierder, Voor de geenen, die 'er geen en hebben (Utr., 1740, contemp. vellum, 12mo).
- Pagination erratic, but complete. Mouldy along top edge throughout (also affecting the plates)..
= Provenance: bookplate of Delprat-Veth and owner's stamp of Jan Veth on first free endpaper. Mateboer 87; Buisman 772; Waller 690. The "prototype" of all Dutch arcadian novels, interspersed with many interesting articles on witchcraft, magic, Dutch history, East Indies, Dutch folklore etc.
- Upper hinge broken but holding strong on cords.
= Rare contemporary description of Germany's most famous outlaw.
- Sl. browned and stained. Wrapper split over spine. = Waller 789.
- Final textleaf loosening; 2 textlvs. w. (large) tear in upper margin; sl. browned. Spine-ends dam. (top of spine restored); joints split; corners showing.
= Buijnsters (Spect.) 89; Waller 815; Scheepers I, 325 ("zeldzaam"). Dutch translation of Holberg's periodical "Moralske Tanker".
(Fassmann, D.). Maandelyksche Berichten uit de andere Waerelt; of de spreekende dooden. Bestaande in Redeneeringen, tusschen allerhande verstorvene Potentaten en Personagien van Rang (...). Tweehondert zeven en Veertigste Zamenkomst (...). Ibid., Heirs J. Ratelband en Compagnie, January-June 1742, 6 parts in 1 vol., (2),669,(2)p., 6 (3x diff.) engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Contents sl. yellowed. Good copy.
= Interesting fictitious posthumous dialogues of famous people. Contains conversations between Floris V and Johann Georg I, elector of Saxony and between admiral Michiel de Ruijter and general Maarten Schenk van Nydeggen.
- A few leaves sl. waterstained in lower outer corner. Otherwise an exceptionally fine copy.
= Much expanded second, and first authorized edition. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 138 (calls for a blank between the text and the errata leaf, which is present in our copy); Simoni H-168; Waller 826; Scheepers I, 108: "Dichterlijke beschrijving van de buitenplaats "de moffeschans" bij Terneuzen en van het dagelijksche leven aldaar, door Pieter de Hond, geb. te Vlissingen, overl. in 1621 of 1622."; Nagtglas II, p.404-407: "Even buiten Terneuzen lag een stuk grond bekend als de Moufenschans (...). Die verlaten grond werd verkocht aan den Burgemeester Serlippens, een vertrouwd vriend van Hondius, die zestien jaren bij hem inwoonde en aan den predikant deze plek afstond voor den aanleg van zijn beroemden tuin. Hier leefde deze op ruimen voet en met onbekrompen gastvrijheid (...)". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- Lacks p.1-2; first free endpaper w. bookplate of W.C. Baert de Waarde loose.
= Scheepers II, 264 ("Zeer zeldzaam"). See: Literatuur (1996), p.10ff. No copy traced in JAP 1990-2023. Extremely rare.
- Binding sl. rubbed; corner sl. worn.
= Waller 923; Muller 526; Scheepers II, 833; Van der Steur, cat. 25, L2107.
Weyerman, J.C. Den Persiaansche zydewever, Demokriets en Herakliets, Brabandsche voyagie, de Hollandsche zinlykheyt, den Antwerpsche courantier, en de gehoornde broeders, benevens eenige uyt het Grieks vertaalde gezangen van Anakreon, voorzien met de sleutel van het geheele werk. N.pl., "Gedrukt voor den autheur, en zyn te bekomen by de voornaamste boekverkopers in de Hollandsche steden", n.d. (1727), 5 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp. by A.V.L.B. after C. TROOST, 20th cent. plain cl., 4to.
- Num. annotations in pencil in margins of the dedication; occas. some faint dampstaining in upper outer corner.
= Scheepers II, 301. Rare with the allegorical frontispiece.
- Bookplate (Collectie Buijnsters-Smets) on upper pastedown; first free endpaper w. restored tear; owner's entry on final free endpaper; some occas. stains. Binding worn; spine-ends chipped.
= Mateboer 1114; Scheepers II, 846; Ter Horst p.144ff.
- Binding sl. worn/ rubbed; top of spine loosening. Contents fine.
= Including "Sleutel van meester Franciscus, Op het Astrologisch werk van Docter Ludeman". Ter Horst p.132ff; Scheepers II, 842; Mateboer 1419 and (for the "Sleutel") 1357.
- Pastedowns loose; bookplate of J.A. van Praag on verso frontcover; bookblock shaken; occas. waterstained.
= Muller 410 (ed. 1675); Scheepers II, 760 (ed. 1675); Waller 1010 (3rd ed., 1734); The Children's World of Learning 3568-3570 (diff. eds.); De hele Bibelebontse Berg p. 126 and 190 (diff. eds.). "(...) very popular encyclopedic school of the 17th century, first published at Rostock in 1633 by Peter Lauremberg (1585-1639) (...) it contains (...) short stories and discussions on a wide range of subjects for the general instruction of youth, mostly taken from classical authors, with comments added according to the latest scientific views, and often with the moral of the story and/or some proverbs added as well. Subjects are classical history and politics, mythology, emblems, the nature of the world and natural phenomena, natural history, geography, herbs and medicine, etc. etc. The work was adapted into Dutch from the German original by Johannes Blasius (...)." (The Children's World of Learning p.905).
- Bindings a few small rubbed spots. A good copy, attractively bound.
= Gay/ Lemonnyer I, p.906; Zischka p.261; Zaunmüller p.142: "Bringt viel Material über Vulgärsprache des 17. Jahrhunderts."
- Lacks *1 (blank) and letterpress title and 5 leaves at the end. Otherwise fine,
= Provenance: Delprat-Veth (bookpate on upper pastedown). Klaversma/ Hannema 843; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 40. cf. Waller 1046; Muller 769 and De Vries 477b. First Dutch edition of this popular treatise praising frugal living as being healthy for body and soul, first published in Latin as Hygiasticon seu vera ratio valetudinis bonae vitae, which was based on Luigi Cornaro's De vitae sobriae commodis. Rare.
- Some lvs. (sl.) waterst. Good/ fine copy.
= Scheepers I, 528; Waller 1133 (ed. Amst., 1671); Hinz 1105 (later ed.). From the library of Bob Luza (bookplate on upper pastedown).
- Trifle yellowed/ foxed.
= Buisman 1557; Scheepers II, 652: "Het verschijnen van deze vertaling verwekte in kerkelijke kringen een storm van verontwaardiging".
Idem. Zedelijke vertellingen. Ibid., Wed. van Esveldt en Holtrop, 1778, 2nd ed., 3 vols., XXVII,(1),315; (6),346; (6),522p., engr. frontisp., 1 portrait, 24 plates, bound unif. w. the preceding.
- The plates occas. sl. browned. Otherwise fine. = Buisman 1555; Scheepers II, 655.
- Wrappers doubled w. modern paper.
= Very rare, first edition. All published. Waller 1169; BNK 280; The Children's World of Learning 4384 (ed. Leeuwarden, 1828); De Koning 239; Van Veen sale II, 298. From the collection of J. Landwehr w. his bookplate on verso frontwr. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- Upper hinge broken; pastedowns detached; title-p. and first blank lvs. loose(ning); partly sl. fingersoiled.
= In this Dutch translation the four famous plates by J. Luiken were added, depicting 17th cent. rites of the Amsterdam Jewry: wedding, divorce, refusal and circumcision. Klaversma/ Hannema 1096; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 76.
ADDED: 2 others.
- Title-p. w. sm. tear and sl. fingersoiled. Wr. loose. = Rare, only 3 copies in STCN.
Rotgans, L. Boerekermis. Amst., S. Halma, 1708, 67p., engr. title-vignette and 2 plates, contemp. wr., sm. 4to.
- Sl. wormholed and stained, mostly in blank inner margin. Wr. and several lvs. loosening.
= Rare first(?) edition.
- Spines worn; letterpieces partly worn off; vol. 1 top of spine restored; rubbed/ chafed along extremities.
= Muller 612; De Vries 311; Waller 1268.