- Prelim. lvs. sl. waterst. in blank margin; stamp on title-p. and final free endpaper; 1 leaf w. sm. tear. Good copy.
= Waller 195; Scheepers II, 1090 ("Zeldzaam"); Knuttel, Verb. boeken 44 (ed. 1635); Schotel, Vaderl. Letteroef. 1835. A part of this curious and nonsensical work was published at an earlier date (Dordr., 1635) and was prohibited by the elders and deacons of Dordrecht as a brainless and senseless work. So Baltensz., author/ publisher and follower of David Joris, had the brilliant idea to cut his manuscript to pieces, to mix the pieces in a basket and print them in a random sequence. "(...) een boek dat door zijn onverstaanbaarheid vermaard is geworden en om zijn zeldzaamheid gezocht wordt" (F. Knipscheer in NBW, VII, 73).
AND 2 others, i.a. (J.W. ESWIJLER), Ziels-eenzaame Meditatien Over de voornaemste Waarheden des Evangeliums (Rott., 1734, contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo).
- First vol. lacks the engr. title-p.
= The first 3 and 5th vol. of this rare Dutch edition of Bandello's Le Novelle. Rare. Muller 4 and 5 ("Hoogst zeldzaam"); Buisman 877. From the library of M. Buisman w. his owner's entry on first free endpaper in all vols.
- First vol. lacks endpapers; 2nd vol. final leaf pasted on verso backcover. Bindings sl. worn.
= The rare first and second part of the Haanstra-edition. Hoogendoorn, BartjW 09.2 and 10.3. Bierens de Haan p.116 (under Haanstra). For the second part: The Children's World of Learning 2181 (ed. Amst., ±1765): "... the rare revised and enlarged edition by Hayke Haanstra. (...) This second part (...) is now completely changed (...). Thus the book could serve also as a complete course for self-study for use of merchants, shop-keepers, art students etc." For all other editions cf. Bierens de Haan p.17/18; Waller 202/203; Muller 1042-1047; De Vries 486-488 and The Children's World of Learning 2178-2180 and 2182-2185.
- Partly (sl.) yellowed; one leaf loose; pastedowns detached.
= Cf. Waller 1321; cf. Scheepers I, 176. A second, enlarged edition was published in 1716. Complete, despite notion of "Eerste deel" on title-p. The very interesting allegorical map shows the "Groot Koningryk Poëzy. Met alle deszelfs onder Horigheden".
- Partly waterstained; sm. brown spot on engr. title.
= Only work published by Francois le Bleu. Waller 1015; Scheepers II, 197. From the collection of M. Buisman w. his collector's entry on first free endpaper. Very rare.
- First ±25 lvs. (sl.) waterst. in upper/ right margin; fore-edge sl. nibbled (by rodents?) only sl. affecting blank margin. Top of spine worn/ dam.; vellum stained; outer edge chafed.
= Rare edition, only one copy traced in STCN. Not in Waller, Muller, Scheepers, De Vries; cf. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 77b.
- Occas. sl. waterstained; engr. title-p. sl. frayed along outer edge.
= Very rare, not in Muller etc. Only 1 copy in STCN.
- Some lvs. sl. soiled. Corners worn.
= Buisman 284. Not in Waller, Muller, Scheepers, De Vries. First and only Dutch translation of Bretzner's Das Leben eines Lüderlichen, Leipsic, 1787-1788. Rare.
- Good copy w. minor imperfections.
= Scheepers I, 93. Honigbye in first edition. From the libraries of Bob Luza and dr. Jan te Winkel (their bookplates on first endpaper).
- Frontisp. from a later (1720) ed. and cut sl. short in lower margin (w. loss of some text); new endpapers; a few lvs. repaired w. paper; occas. sl. (water)stained.
= Rare, first Dutch transl. and illustrated ed. Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 94; Klaversma/ Hannema 323; Gieles/ Plak 50.
Idem. Johan Bunjans christens reize na de eeuwigheit, met ophelderende Aanmerkingen van Lambertus de Beveren, Predikant te Hoorn. Gron., P. Bandsma, 1747, 3rd enl. ed., (22),651,(45)p., engr. frontisp., 8 engr. plates, contemp. blindst. calf, sm. 8vo.
- Frontisp. dam. and repaired/ reattached w. tape; occas. sl. foxed/ soiled. Rebacked w. later leather; extremities sl. worn.
= Cf. Klaversma/ Hannema 316 and 317 (2nd and 4th ed.). Waller 354; not in Muller/ De Vries/ Scheepers.
- Pastedowns detached; lvs. (sl.) (finger)soiled; one leaf w. repaired outer lower corner, w. loss of letters. Vellum soiled.
= Rare, first Dutch transl. and illustrated ed. Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 94; Klaversma/ Hannema 323; Gieles/ Plak 50.
- Sm. ticket and "288" on title-p.; contents sl. frayed along edges; lvs. loose.
= Scheepers II, 91. Very rare.
- Frontisp. trimmed and pasted on 2nd blank; title-p. and final (dam.) textleaf sl. soiled/ stained; hinges weak. Backstrip loose(ning).
= Waller 435. Cf. Scheepers I, 412 (1st ed. 1666, "zeldzaam"). Collection of riddles and epitaphs on various professions.
- New endpapers; inner margin of first part waterstained; frontisp. cut short along outer edge; upper margin of title cut short.
= From the libraries of J.W. Six and M. Buisman w. bookplate and owner's entry on first free endpaper. Muller 45; Buisman 455. Very rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- Poor copy; lacks letterpress title and A8.
= Second edition of a rare work on the (dis)advantages of marriage. Waller 459; Scheepers I, 446; Scheurleer, Liedboeken p.54.
(Villethierry, G. de.). Het leven der getrouwde of de Plichten en verbintenissen van de gene in het Houwelyck komen en leven, Betoont uyt de H'Schrifture, de HH. Vader en uyt de Concilien. Maastr. and Ghent, L. Bertus and C. Meyer, 1716, (20),518,(2)p., contemp. calf w. gilt spine.
- Owner's entry on upper pastedown and first free endpaper; hinges broken; sl. yellowed. Spine-ends dam.; backstrip and covers worn; joints splitting; corners showing.
AND 1 other (incomplete).
- The lot sold w.a.f.
- Contemp. owner's entry on (sl. soiled) title; contents sl. cut short in upper margin, occas. touching letters.
= Muller 161; De Vries 86; Buisman 556; Scheepers II, 614.
Tasso, T. Het verloste Jeruzalem. Dutch transl. J. Dullaart. Rott., J. Naeranus, 1658, (80),778,(2)p., engr. title-p., portr. after C. DE PASSE, 20 plates by D. LOGGAN, contemp. vellum.
- Fine copy. = De Vries 253; Scheepers II, 716; Waller 1650; Buisman 2235. The first Dutch edition.
Curtius Rufus, Q. Hoogberoemde Historie van 't Leven ende de Daden Alexandri de Groote. Dutch transl. A. Snel. Ibid., P. van Waesbergen, 1648, 4th corr. ed., 557,(18)p., engr. title, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Some waterstains. = Rare. Schweiger II, p.328.
AND 1 other.
- Occas. sl. yellowed. All vols. joints and backstrip worn; vol.1 backcover worn/ dam.
- Mediocre copy: soiled and stained; tear in one plate; partly loosening; hinges weak. Binding heavily worn and stained; backstrip dam./ partly lacking.
= Scheepers II, 824; Waller 635; Atlas van Stolk 7681; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 70. Interesting account of giants and dwarfs, the plates showing various historical giants and dwarfs and the fold. plate showing the large shoe-size of "Gerrit Bastiaansz, of den Lekkerkerkschen boer" at age 10 (27 cm.) and age 21 (35,2 cm.). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- Partly (sl.) foxed/ browned; owner's entry on title-p. Boardedges sl. rubbed.
= Scheepers I, 522: "Zeldzaam". Rare Dutch treatise on Pope Joan, a legendary female pontiff said to have reigned between 855-858. Bookplate of Jean Grandjean Perrenod Comtesse on upper pastedown.