- Upper hinge weak; pastedowns loose. Otherwise fine.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 396, II; De Buck 2299. From the library of J.G.H. Jordaan (1888-1951), w. his bookplate on first free endpaper. Good copy.
- First work partly water-/ mouldstained mainly in (blank) margins (title and first 4 quires worse); title and first 4 textlvs. blank margin/ corner restored. Binding worn/ dam. along extremities and partly clumsily restored.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 396, II; De Buck 2299.
- Upper joint weak; title-p. w. sm. waterstain; lacks view and plate. Backcover partly chafed. = Ekama 427.
Hofdijk, W.J. De klooster-orden in Nederland, historiesch onderzocht en geschetst. Ibid., A.C. Kruseman, 1865, 1st ed., 30 parts in 1 vol., 32 tinted (some col.) lithogr. plates by D. VAN DER KELLEN, contemp. giltlettered and blindst. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece on spine, 4to.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; plates occas. foxed. Binding rubbed along extremities.
= Colas 1457; Lipperheide Oe 35.
AND a stripped copy of L. SMIDS, Schatkamer der Nederlandsse oudheden (ibid., 1737, 2nd ed., no plates, contemp. gilt calf).
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- First 2 quires (sl.) waterst. (incl. plates); title-p. cut short in lower margin, affecting the address; a few portraits w. sl. dam. eyes; hinges weak; new endpapers.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 419; De Wind p.428-434. Continuation of Everhard van Reyd's "Historie der Nederlantscher Oorlogen" (first edition published in 1626). This rare, first 12mo edition was published in the same year as the true first (folio) edition.
- Lacks the portrait of the author, contents otherwise w. minor imperfections and mostly fine. Backstrip worn.
= With the publisher's address on engr. title pasted over with a new printed address of J. Veely and J. Doll.
- Two plates w. corner torn off, not affecting image; later owner's entry on upper pastedown. Vellum sl. soiled and w. remnants of ticket on spine.
= Tiele 1010; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 447a; Bodel Nijenhuis 88.
- Upper hinge broken; one plate loose. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Tiele 1012; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 447a.
- Upper hinge weak; partly sl. waterst. in blank upper margin; dedication/ owner's entry (dated 1690) on first free endpaper. Vellum dam. at upper corners; stain and sm. wormhole on back cover.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 450.
- Lower blank corner partly waterstained.
= The list of plates mentions 4 more portraits, but they were never added to this edition. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 9a; Lipperheide Gb25. Chronicle covering the years 647-1305. Stoke was the first Dutch historiographer describing Dutch history from an international perspective.
- Trifle/ sl. foxed. Bindings sl. rubbed/ worn.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 252c; Carasso-Kok 358.
- Vol.1: upper outer corner of final leaf torn off (w. loss of text) and occas. sl. soiled/ (sl.) waterstained; vol.2: lacks htitle; both vols. new endpapers.
= De Buck 2277 (eds. 1646 and 1655).
AND an incomplete copy of: A. MONTANUS, 'T vermeerderde Leven en Bedryf van Frederik Henrik (Amst., 1653, 2nd ed., engr. title, 13 (of 15) full-p. portraits, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo. Lacks 2 portraits and all plates; upper outer corner of *3 torn off; lacks 1 textleaf).
- Prob. lacks 3 frontisp.; a few maps (in the vols. on Friesland) loose; partly yellowed/ browned; occas. waterst. Bindings (sl.) worn.
= Contains maps of i.a. "De Meiery van 's Hertogenbosch", "Schieland en Krimperwaard", "Het Hoogheemraadschap van Rynland, als mede van Amstelland en het Waterschap van Woerden (...)", "Zuid Westelykste deel van Holland (...) Voorne, Putten", "Baljuwschap van Amstelland" and (profile) views of i.a. Amsterdam, Arnhem, Bergen op Zoom, Goes, Haarlem, Middelburg, Nijmegen, Woerden, Zierikzee and Zutphen.
- Without the engr. divisional titles of part 2 and 3; occas. sl. foxed (incl. plates). Corners showing; backstrip loosening.
- Bookplate and catalogue entry on upper pastedown. Sm. dam. spot on frontcover and upper edge.
= First and only edition of this well-known but rare anti Stadtholder treatise against Prince William III (the later King of England). Van de Klashorst 251; Knuttel 8794a; Meulman 3998. The author defends the thesis that "a stadholder would be a menace to and not the perfection of the aristocratic constitution, in particular the Prince of Orange whose ancestors tried to attain sovereign authority and whose private interests are not necessarily in accordance with the national interest." (Van de Klashorst).
(La Court, P. de). De Gulde Legenden Van de Stadthouders in Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt. Dat is Eenige noodige Uytbreydingen van de Toetsen over de 40 Stellingen van der selver Stadthouderlijcke Regeeringh. Ibid., F. Legendus, 1663, 336p., engr. title, later calf.
= Van de Klashors 249: "Refutation of a pamphlet discussing the historical arguments of the Stadhouderlijcke regeeringe. Though almost exclusively a work of history, its political thesis is that the Princes of Orange always tried to subvert the constitution in order to acquire sovereign authority in the Dutch state." Wildenberg 1101; Knuttel 8806c (attributing this work to J. Uytenhage de Mist).
- Trifle wormholed in lower blank margin. Otherwise fine.
= Provenance: Delprat-Veth (bookplate on first blank). Knuttel 8655a; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 475a; Van de Klashorst 236: "Historical treatise on the stadholders of the House of Orange followed by a short systematic one, both trying to prove that the stadholdership is harmful to the interests of the Dutch Republic and incompatible with its constitution."
- Binding worn; spine-ends sl. dam.
= Wildenberg 1032. The rare first edition. First work published by the brothers De La Court, a treatise on the best way of government in which the authors set out the merits and disadvantages of the various forms of government.
- Title-p. dam. (and restored); a few leaves w. (ink)stain; occas. cut short in outer margin (affecting glosses and a few of the ills. that extend into the outer margin); bookplate on upper pastedown. Joints professionally restored; spine-ends chipped.
= Rare third edition (first published Ghent, 1568 as Den spieghel der Nederlandscher audtheyt). Provenance: ex bibliotheca "B.M. Soctis. Jesu Brugis D.D. Dca Theresia Maviannis 1739" (old annot. in pen in upper margin of title-p.). From the "Bibliothecae Hafflighemensis. 1780" (old annot. in pen in lower margin of title-p.). Bibl. Belg. V65; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 477a; cf. De Wind p.160-165 ("het zonderlingste boek, 't welk ooit de pers verlaten heeft") and Scheepers I, 9 ("Zeer zeldzaam en hoogst merkwaardig werk").
- Sl. foxed. Binding sl. rubbed; upper joint splitting. = Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 309b; De Wind p.45-49.
- Partly (finger)soiled and waterst.; one plate torn; final plate doubled; lacks index(?). Bindings sl. worn; joints and spine-ends dam.
= One of the finest series of views depicting the Netherlands in the 18th century.
- Contemp. underlining in pen and ink throughout; sl. yellowed and occas. sl. foxed; bookplate on upper pastedown.
= De Wind p.421-424; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 502. A history of Holland and Zeeland up to 1433, first published in Latin, 1635. Bound with short publisher's catalogue.