- From the library of D. Giltay Veth, with his etched bookplate on upper pastedown. Upper joint splitting.
= Provenance: from the library of Boudewijn Büch. Attractive manuscript. "Alles wat ik van de geschiedenis des armen Werthers heb kunnen vinden, heb ik met vlijt bijeen verzamelt, en leg het u bij deze voor, en weet dat gij er mij voor danken zult. Gij kunt aan zijnen geest en aan aan zijn character uwe bewondering en liefde en aan zijn lot uwe tranen niet ontzeggen. En gij, goede ziel, die dezelfde drift gevoelt als hij, schep troost uit zijn lijden, en laat dit boekje uw vriend zijn wanneer gij door toeval of door uw eigene schuld geen naderen vinden kunt." (introd.).
- Yellowed and creased; black/ brown ink on verso sl. faded; lower corner lacks portion.
- Partly (water)dam. or with cut-out sections.
AND 1 other similar (in black, red and green ink) on paper.
- Lacks sm. portion of paper w. loss of a few letters; tear on fold.
= By the time Cornwallis wrote this letter he was Admiral of the British navy. He writes this letter on HMS the Royal Sovereign and tells his mother he hopes his father Charles will recover soon from an illness. He offers to help his parents out financially since the army "has given me 6 months pay".
ADDED: 2 miscell. envelopes with, i.a. crowned Royal Agriculture Society of England stamp and red wax seal attached (to "John Moore" in Warwick, 1846).
- Cut out from a larger leaf.
= Deed drawn up "in curia domine Regine apud Westm(onasterium) in crastino sancte Trinitatis Anno regnorum Anne dei gratia Anglie Scocie ffrancie et Hibernie Regine fidei defenssoris etc." (in the court of the Lady Queen at Westminster on the morrow of the Holy Trinity in the year of the reign of Anne, by the grace of God Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc.) by which property of William(?) is transported to William(?) "in Downe Beaston" for the payment of "centum et viginti libras sterlingorum" (120 pounds sterling).
- Lacks seals.
= Deed, signed by church officials J.C. Appelius, N. Amsingh and H. Aapkens, by which E. Elzo Harberts Bruggers and wife E. Eelberen Pieters, and E. Harm Berends and wife Hillegien Berends accept the rest of the "beklemming van plus minus tien deimatten land gelegen te Zuidbroek in Uiterburen" and the property is transported to Richter Harmen Amsingh, to whom an annual payment must be made of "summa veertig Car(olus)gulden".
= Albertine Agnes von Nassau-Dietz, fifth daughter of stadtholder Frederik Hendrik and Amalia van Solms, married Willem Frederik von Nassau-Dietz (1613-1664). Mentioning "Herr Vetter". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LVII.
- Trifle frayed; w. a few cuts/ foxed spots.
= Important document, in which Willem Adriaan van Nassau-Odijk explains why his forces have captured Marshal de Boufflers and refuse to relinquish him. After the fall of Dixmuiden and Deynse, the French had taken prisoner the Dutch troops and had refused to exchange them, contrary to the treaties established for this purpose in 1690 and 1693. Willem van Nassau regards the French general as ransom to exchange for his troops, but also according to some historians, as a means of forcing the French to start the negotiations, which would eventually result in the Peace of Rijswijk.
= Interesting letter by Willem Maurits van Nassau, who led the Dutch troops in 1745 in the battle against the Pretender (battle of Culloden). In this letter he asks for financial compensation for the services rendered by his troops in the campaign of 1744 to the Queen of Hungary, Archduchess Maria Theresa.
= Ordering his commanders to send in the "driemaandelijkse lijsten, der respective Regimenten Cavallerije, Dragonders, en Infanterije (...) op gewoone tijde (...)", and not too late as apparently had been the case.
- Traces of sm. ticket in upper right corner; trifle frayed; tiny hole near right edge.
= Walraad van Nassau, Count of Saarbruch etc., military commander, general and later governor of Bergen op Zoom, took Keizerswaard, Venlo and Roermond from the French in 1702. Here writing on the strength of his army: "(...) hebben wij UEd. mits desen willen bekent maecken, dat 't Guarnisoen dese Winter, volgens het ghemaeckte Project al vrij considerable sal wesen. Ende soo wij niet hadden ghevreest, dat eenigh manquement van stallingen voor meerder ruijterie soude weesen, soo soude noch een regiment te peerdt verder in den Bosch gecomen zijn; Wegens de boomen omtrent Boeckhooven, dewelcke de vaert op de Maes in 't opbrengen der Schepen beletten, hebben wij nochmaels de H.re Grave Tillij gesprocken (...)."
- Folds.
= On the commissioning of "Gerardus Loeff" as "Lieutenant bij het tweede Bataillon van het Regiment van den Lieut. Generael de Braun".
= The Prince briefly explains that he has just received message of the passing of General Berend Lewe van Aduard (1710-1791), who was also acting Governor of Sluis until his death. Via this letter the Prince passes on the act of Governor of "Ecluse" (Sluis) to the addressee of this letter.
= "Lijste van de Persoonen bij Zijne Hoogheid geëligeerd tot Leenmannen van Kennemerland voor den Jaare 1794". Letter concerning the appointment of the lieges of Kennermerland in the year 1794.
= Delicate penwork with trefoils.
- Binding sl. worn; covers loose(ning).
= Incl. a few delicate and attractive drawings of i.a. spheres, screws and pillars.
- One textleaf loose; pastedowns detached. Binding sl. worn/ rubbed along extremities; top of spine dam.
= Manual for i.a. the formation, exercise and manoeuvering of platoons, companies, batallions, regiments and their various types of soldiers, the proper way of saluting, carrying ensigns and performing (other) ceremonial actions, and the conduct of troops entrenched, garrisoned, in towns or in the field. Subjects include "nieuwe soldaaten sullen in het leeren der Exercijtie sagtsinnigh gehandelt worden", "Front, zijden, flanken, rijen, en geleederen, vleugels en divisien, wat het zijn", "het formeeren der Compagnien, en hoe deselve na huis marcheeren", "Manuaal met het musket/ met de snaphaan/ der Grenadiers/ met de piek", "hoe men met geheele plottons uittreedende doet vuur geeven", "hoe men op den viand storm loopt", "hoe men een Retranchement met geleederen plottons wijse defendeert", "Op wat manier de officiers staande salueeren", "hoe men de vaandels van de eene Commandant bij d'andere brengt", "hoe men door het Regiment piquet een quaaddoender met de spitsroeden doet straffen" and "wat Ceremonie de Guarnissoens wagten moeten doen".