= One of 40 copies bound in full cloth by E. Schots. With dedication by the editor on the colophon.
Idem. Panajia Myrtidiotissa. Een verhaal van het eiland Kythira, opgetekend door Jorjos Koksma en bewerkt door Ton Lagerweij. Ibid., idem, 1989, 21,(2)p., 1 mounted orig. col. photograph, printed in 100 numb. copies by BRAM DE DOES, orig. wr., 4to.
= With dedication by the editor on the colophon.
Elffers, D. and Schierbeek, B. Op de bodem ligt lettergraniet en spreekt klare taal. Amst., Meijer Pers, 1970, (34)p., 20 compositions by DICK ELFFERS, printed in 250 numb. copies, SIGNED by the author and artist, orig. blindst. cl., 4to.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper. = Deluxe edition. "Eeuwfeestuitgave van Bijenkorf Beheer NV".
AND 2 others: W. KUSTERS, Het Wonderlyke Leven, en de Dappere Oorlogs-Daden, van de Kloekmoedige Land en Zee-Heldin./ Heldin in Broek (Maastr., 1982, 2 vols., etchings by GÈR BOOSTEN, orig. wr., sm. 4to. Unnumb. copies. Wrappers sl. frayed).
- Colophon leaf oblique fold in lower margin. Frontcover sl. foxed/ stained along margins; joints of box partly split; upper outer corner sl. worn.
- Backstrip sl. discoloured and lacks portion at top of spine.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION by the artist to WILLEM DUDOK on htitle and w. loosely inserted AUTOGRAPH SIGNED LETTER to the same (2 lvs., recto only, dated "18/XII, 1933, Budapest", in German). Twenty-two fairytale pictures drawn by Lajos Kozma at the Romanian front during the winter of 1917/ 1918. Kozma was one of the main representatives of the Hungarian Art Nouveau. Rare.
= Contains portraits of i.a. Anna Akhmatova, Aleksandr Blok, Osip Mandel'shtam, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Boris Pasternak and Marina Tsvetayeva.
- Contents good/ fine. Spine of portfolio occas. dam.
= Horodisch 234; Raabe 644; Marcks A 182. Cf. Oppermann 1228: "(...) nirgends wird die Urplötzlichkeit des Todes so gezeigt wie in diesen phantastischen Blättern."
- First free endpaper detached.
= With autograph signed dedication by the publisher on first blank. Printed in 400 numb. copies but our copy is numb. "517". Vicaire IV, 923.
- Dustwr. dam. at spine and backwr. and rather brittle.
- Portfolio and slipcase w. some rubbed spots (mainly) along extremities.
= Monod 2271; Carteret IV, 90: "Belle publication très cotée".
- Frontwr. trifle dustsoiled; mounted title-piece sl. foxed.
= Koot 63 I. Nice and rare publication. Contains contributions by i.a. W.D. KUIK (i.a. 2 signed lithographs), J.H. MOESMAN (2 lithographs), K. VAN DER SLUIS (signed etching and aquatint), T. SONTROP, A. TEISTER and P. VOS (signed lithograph).
- Slipcase some fingersoiling. Otherwise fine.
= DELUXE copy with (in the plate vol.) two extra suites of the woodcuts, one in black and one in sanguine, each 122 woodcuts on 72 leaves, each loosely inserted in orig. pict. wr., all woodcuts stamped with Maillol's monogram "M" in circle. This was the last book that Maillol illustrated. The woodcuts were conceived over a period of approximately 35 years (between ±1910-1944). Monod 11339; The Artist & The Book 1860-1960, no.175. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVI.
= Colophon SIGNED by the artist and the translator.
- Margins of first and final leaf sl. soiled from rubbing against chemise; margins of some lvs. sl. dampstained. Portfolio sl. worn along edges; joints splitting.
= Includes the texts "Eros solaire" by A.P. DE MANDIARGUES and an introduction by G. BROWNSTONE.
= This copy printed for Marcel Thomasset. Monod 7963; Cramer 47. "Parodiant Jonathan Swift (...) André Maurois composa une fantaisie d'un pays gullivérien où la race, sur l'habitat de laquelle un couple est abandonné, est mue par la soif plutôt que par la faim sexuelle (...). Maurois a suggéré à Masson un thème doublement érotique. Non seulement les illustrations de Masson renferment une certaine dose d'humour, abstraction faite du portrait de l'auteur qui sert d'introduction, mais encore leur sensualité, particulièrement dans les couleurs, est rarement égalée même dans l'oeuvre de Masson." (Cramer, p.122).
- Hinges sl. weak. Frontwr. sl. chipped in upper corner.
- Both vols. w. bookplate.
= Gedruckt auf der restaurierten Brixner Holzpresse "Klarissa" der Druckerie A. Weger (...)" [colophon]. With signed dedication by the printer.
Jeffers, R. Hommage à California. Three Poems. Ibid., idem, 1998, (6)p., 1 signed double-p. photogr. plate by FLORIAN STEINER, printed in 35 copies, signed by the printer in the colophon, loose as issued in orig. wr., folio. Arte Grafica. Series of 14 broadsides printed at the Laboratoria Didattico Arte Grafica. Rovereto, Biblioteca civica "G. Tartarotti", 2011-2012, printed in black and red in a limited edition, folio.
= Incl. 1 duplicate. All Italian text, mainly referring to books and printing.
AND 3 other miscell. works printed in limited editions.