= First vol. of the series Militaire geschiedenis van Nederland.
Pluijm, J.E. van der. Groenlo in de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. De Achterhoek als strijdtoneel 1567-1627. Groenlo, Stadsmuseum Groenlo, 2009, 388p., ills., loosely inserted facs. map of "Kwartier Zutphen" (after the original publ. by I. Tirion), orig. pict. boards, 4to. - AND 4 others, i.a. H. GOLDING (ed.). The Wonder Book of Soldiers (London, n.d. (1914), num. (col.) plates/ ills., orig. pict. hcl., 4to) and M. VAN HATTEM, M. POOL and M. WILLEMSEN, Voor Napoleon. Hollanders in oorlogstijd 1792-1815 (Bussum/ Delft, 2005, richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to).
- Scabbards w. some rusty spots.
- Good/ fine set.
AND 4 others, i.a. A.G. SCHULTE (ed.), Ruïnes in Nederland (Zwolle/ Zeist, 1997, (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
- Tipped-in annots. by Van den Broek on upper pastedowns.
= Very rare. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Contents sl. frayed along edges; bookblock broken.
= On the plans for the digging of the Noordzeekanaal, between the IJ and the Noordzee near Velsen, where Holland was at its narrowest ("Holland op zijn smalst"). One plate shows a map/ plan of the entire canal as planned, together with the waters to be poldered.
AND 6 others on the same subject, i.a. Het Kanaal door Holland op zijn smalst (Amst., 1863, Dutch/ French text, fold. handcol. lithogr. map (33,6x75 cm.)) and A. HUET, De Noordzee vóór Amsterdam. Eene voorlezing, gehouden in de afdeeling "Koophandel" van de Maatschappij Felix Meritis (ibid., 1862, orig. publ. wr.).
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
= One of 120 numb. copies printed on Simili Japon and one of 20 copies not for the trade, signed by the editors.
- Lacks 1 plate; plates partly (sl.) foxed, lower hinge almost broken.
= Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 235.
- One vol. backstrip partly chafed; index vol. backwr. stained. = Complete set.
= Rare complete run. I.a. w. contributions and edited by Albert Helman, G.A. van Oorschot, André Malraux, Lou Lichtveld, Jo Boer.
= Complete run, incl. 4 issues of Critisch fundament (year 1, no.1-4). Dutch socialist political monthly that was published in the years of the rise of the Nazi party and fascism in Europe.
= Rare socialist political publications by the Werkgroep Manifest. With 4 duplicates.
= Rare complete run that started on May 19th 1945. I.a. contributions and edited by Jeff Last and Henriette Roland Holst. Also numerous cartoons and caricatures.
- No.21, 22, 24, 26 and 59 are photocopies; a few lvs. w. repairs.
= Including a few wrappers with photomontage. Socialist periodical, but mostly anti-fascist.
= Guides for i.a. "Sleeswijk's Kaart van Zuid-Limburg"/ "van Noord Brabant"; "Kaart van Noord-Holland ontworpen (...) door J. Kuyper" (Leeuw. 1896); "Kaart van de rijwielpaden van Gooi- en Eemland, Utrecht m. Omstreken en West. Veluwe" (n.pl., 1925); "Plattegrond van Arnhem" (Meppel, ±1930); "Nassau und Umgebung" (Bad-Nassau, 1911); "Ravensteins Große Rad- und Autokarte. Harz/ Westfalen/ Nürnberg"(Frankf. a.M., ±1930, 3 maps); "Carte Taride - Maroc" (Paris, 1948); "On either side. Depicting & describing features of interest to be seen from the train between London (King's Cross) & Edinburgh (Waverley) Fort William Inverness & Aberdeen" (London & North Eastern Railway, 1935, orig. wr. by BRYAN DE GRINEAU. Folded once) and 3 maps from the series "Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey for Tourists & Cyclists" (Sheet 4, 17 and 21) (Edinb., ±1925, all mounted on cloth).
- All vols. bookplate on upper pastedown; final vol. w. owner's entry on htitle. Fine set.
AND 2 others: H.M. BLANKENBERG a.o. (ed.), Het Utrechts Studenten Corps 1936-1986 (ibid., 1986, (col.) ills., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr.).