- Boards sl. yellowed; joints and spine-ends worn.
- Good/ fine copy. = Russian translation of Auerbach's Die Physik im Kriege (Jena, 1915).
= Global Avantgarde Estonia 6; Geometrical Man p.81; Futurisms in the World p.290: "A book of experimental poems that even in its title, 'Geometric Man', shows the influence of the reflections on mechanized man foreshadowed in Marinetti's manifesto L'homme multiplié et le règne de la machine". One of the most striking Estonian avant-garde publications.
- Foot of spine chipped.
= Global Avantgarde Estonia 15; Geometrical Man p.81; Futurisms in the World p.290f. The follow-up vol. to Barbarus' Geomeetriline inimene.
- Fine copy.
= Global Avantgarde Lithuania 11; Futurisms in the World p.669. The second edition of Binkis' second futurist collection of poems, the first with the wrapper design by Adomas Galdikas. "(...) it is considered his most Futurist work, and one that marked the start of the Lithuanian avant-garde" (Futurisms in the World).
- Fine. = Rare.
- Sl. creased and fingersoiled at the end.
= Global Avantgarde Bulgaria 1; Jacono 3. First Bulgarian edition of Blok's famous poem about the Russian Revolution. "The cover, highly intense in colour and pattern, equally accentuating expressionist dynamics as well as constructivist stringency, was designed by Ivan Milev who abstracted Blok's central motif, the red flag of the revolutionaries carried forward by Christ, putting it in the centre of the picture and repeating it in the vignette on the backcover" (Jacono).
- Lacks plate 52. Portfolio sl. soiled; upper joint sm. tear at foot of spine.
= Portfolios Modernes Art Déco p.260f. Plates showing art deco shop fronts and interiors.
- Interior foxed; owner's entry on first blank. Wrappers trifle soiled; some sm. repaired tears in margin (larger repaired tear in blank backwr.); backstrip worn w. some repaired cracks; top of spine sl. dam. w. sm. piece lacking from adjacent upper corner of baclwr.
= Global Avantgarde Argentina 16; Libros Argentinos p.391; Diagramming Modernity p.145.
- Title-p. and verso frontwr. trifle waterst and mouldy. Backstrip sl. worn; foot of spine chipped.
= Global Avantgarde Latvia 16.
- Sl. yellowed (incl. wr.). Backstrip lacking portions.
= Global Avantgarde Italy 8; Le Fonds Paul Destribats 162; Riviste Futuriste p.922f; Futurisms in the World p.1045. Contains contributions by i.a. Jean Cocteau, Lipchitz, Luigi Pirandello, Gertrude Stein and Wallace Stevens.
- Frontwr. reattached, some sm. marginal tears and 2 restored lacking portions in blank margin and backwr. 1 restored lacking portion; backstrip lacking som portions.
= Global Avantgarde Italy 9; Le Fonds Paul Destribats 162; Riviste Futuriste p.922f; Futurisms in the World p.1045. Contains contributions by i.a. e.e. cummings, Paul Eluard, E. Gordon Craig and Luigi Pirandello.
- Wrappers sl. yellowed; frontwr. 2 sm. repaired tears, backwr. 2 restored lacking portions in blank margin; backstrip dam.
= Global Avantgarde Italy 11; Le Fonds Paul Destribats 162; Riviste Futuriste p.922f; Futurisms in the World p.1045. Contains contributions by i.a. Comte de Lautreamont, Luigi Pirandello and William Carlos Williams.
= Global Avangarde Norway 6 (other issue w. diff. colours). The magazine "Brukskunst" was published between 1931 and 1934 by the association of the same name. In 1932, the magazine's design profile was changed, following an anonymous competition among the association's book artists. The winning draft for the cover was designed by textile artist Ruth Arnestad (1902-1981) and ceramicist Nora Gulbrandsen (1894-1974). The cover is characteristic of the interwar period's penchant for strong color combinations and strict geometric design, and has similarities with Gulbrandsen's ceramic works (Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum).
- Loose (lacks staples).
= Ilk H12; Global Avantgarde Germany 89. Dated "1927" in pencil at the end of the text, w. a large pencil drawing on the first blank page (w. loosely inserted flimsy w. mounted printed ticket "Ella Schrader-Buchholz (...)") and w. a few pencil annots. on the geometrical ill. on the inside of the backwr., all by the author/ artist?
- Fine, unopened copy.
= One of a total of 40 issues that were published from 1924 to 1927. Contains contributions by i.a. H. VAN DE VELDE and G. SEVERINI. The plates showing illustrations of works by Braque, De Chirico, Gromaire, Léger, Picasso etc. Gallery owner and editor Léon Rosenberg (1879-1947) was one of the first propagandists of cubist art, and started collecting works by i.a. Braque, Gris, Léger and Picasso at an early point, thus mentally and financially supporting the artists. In 1918 he opened his gallery "L'Effort Moderne" and organized exhitions of i.a. Laurens, Léger, Braque, Gris, Picasso, Mondrian and Picabia. In 1941 he was forced to close his gallery due to the antisemitic laws. Global Avantgarde France 26 (other issue), Le Fonds Paul Destribats 259; Baudin p.43; Bolliger IV, 332: "(...) seltenen Zeitschrift der "Galerie de l'Effort Moderne" zur Propagierung moderner Kunst, insbesondere des Kubismus (...)".
Le Point. Revue artistique et littéraire. No.XVIII. Ed. P. Betz and P. Braun. Colmar, n.publ., 1938, (242-)288p., photogr. ills., orig. wr. w. anonymous design., large 8vo.
= Special issue on Cinema. Le Fonds Paul Destribats 383.
- Yellowed and sl. brittle, due to the quality of the paper. Wrappers sl. soiled; frontwr. w. vague fold; lower corner of backwr. (and last few lvs.) dam.; backstrip worn/ sl. dam.
= Global Avantgarde Chile 8.
- Fine copy.
= Global Avantgarde Uruguay 29; Diagramming Modernity p.677. With extensive AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on first blank. Published in the series Biblioteca "Alfar".
- Fine copy.
= Global Avantgarde Latvia 52; Fraser L403: "The greater part of the edition was confiscated because of its inflammatory poems".
- Last free endpaper and verso frontwr. sl. foxed; contents otherwise fine. Spine partly dam.; wrs. sl. browned and w. a few waterstains; corners bumped.
= Monod 2395; Carteret V, p.41; Skira 197; Andel, Avant-Garde Page Design 1900-1950 p.99-100; P. van Capelleveen a.o., Voices and Visions. The Koopman Collection and the Art of the French Book p.26f; Bolliger IV,249, V,78 and VI,425: "Ein Hauptwerk des frühen Cendrars, dem Léger von seinen bedeutendsten Illustrationen (Collagen und Typocollagen) widmete. Ein Markstein des modernen illustrierten Buches, in welchem Typographie und Illustration zu vollkommener Einheit verschmelzen." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE.