- Trifle browned. = Pleissenburg Castle was built in the 13th century and demolished in 1897.
- Some foxed spots; trifle waterst. in lower margin; 2 printing flaws. = Sixt v. Kapff K128.
AND 2 similar optical views of the interior of the St. Paul's cathedral (publ. by J.F. Leizelt and Basset).
- Laid down on board; 2 grease stains.
AND 1 similar optical view: "Vue de l'Hospital Greenwich, sur la Thamise" (ibid., Daumont, ±1770).
- A few foxed spots; otherwise fine.
- Blank margins partly waterst. (just touching image); upper right corner sl. dam.
AND 4 other contemp. handcol. engr. optical views of London, all w. (marginal) defects, i.a. "Vuë de l'Hotel du Lord Maire, qui comprend la Facade, et le Côte Occidental de Londres"; "Prospectus palatii regii Somerseti cum Ecclesia S. Mariae Londini" (some mouldy foxing) and "Aspecturs Hortoru Domini Hamillon versus pontem Faesis prope Londinum".
- Occas. trifle creased/ sl. soiled; 1x laid down on board; 1x sm. closed holes in the image.
= Comprises "General Prospect von der Stadt London", "Prospect von der Königlichen Mauth in London", "Der Pallast oder Residenz des Erzbisschoffs von Canterbury (...)", "Der Tower" and "Prospect von dem Königl. Pallast zu St. Iames". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Both sl. waterst. in blank margins; 1x frayed.
AND 4 similar optical views by other publishers, i.a. "Le Port de Marseille" (Paris, Daumont, ±1770).
- Waterstained in left part. = Rare view showing many ships in the harbour of Martinique.
= View of Meissen and the Albrechtsburg where the Meissen porcelain factory was housed from 1710 to 1863.
- Trimmed near the captions, eliminating the address; small number in ballpoint in left blank margin.
- A few vague (water)stains; 1 tiny hole in centre. Nevertheless fine copies.
= Rare. Sixt v. Kapff K231, K232 and K234.
- Ample margins; a few vague folds in balnk margins.
AND 1 similar: "Middelbourg, ville, le plus considerable de l'Isle de Walcheren" (±1730).
- Trimmed just outside the border line. = Sixt v. Kapff K 311.
"Vuë de Tour Porcellaine a Nancking en Chine." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view by F.X. HABERMANN after NEUHOF, engr. text in French (in reverse) above and caption below, ibid., "au Negoce commun de l'Academie Imperiale des Arts liberaux", ±1750.
- Creased; yellowed.
AND 1 other.
- Waterst. in upper left corner; lower margin sl. dam. affecting letters.
AND 2 other contemp. handcol. engr. optical views: "Vuë de la Ruë des marchands Chinoises a Nankin" (partly waterst.; lower margin w. defects) and "Prospect des Königlichen Pallais zu Port-Mahon, wo des Königliche Guberneur von Engelland residiret".
= Rare view showing cannon shots in the harbour of Naples. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Trifle thumbed/ frayed. = Nice view.
AND 3 similar optical views by other publishers, i.a. "Das Ufer an dem Lustgarten des Vice-Königs in Neapel" (ibid., I. Carmine, ±1790).
- Slightly yellowed/ trifle foxed in blank margins; 1x doubled and w. closed tear.
AND 1 similar optical view by another publisher: "Vuë de Serail du grand Mogol, des Indes" (n.pl., n. publ., ±1770).
- Slightly foxed; some creases; frayed; sl. soiled in blank margins.
"Der Einzug der Königlichen Volcker in New Yorck." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, engr. text in French above and German caption below, n.pl., n.publ., ±1770. - AND 2 similar optical views of New York by F.X. HABERMANN.
- One view sl. dustsoiled in right margin; otherwise a fine complete series.
= Sixt von Kapff K74-K77. All views after J.A. Delsenbach. Comprises: "Das Rathhaus zu Nürnberg gegen dem Marckt", "Der Rathaus Saal zu Nürnberg", "Prospect der drey Steinernen Brücken, über die Pegniz zu Nürnberg" and "Prospect der Reichs-Vesten zu Nürnberg".
- Trifle frayed.