- Lacks 1 portrait; vague stamps on title-p.; a few pages stained in blank corners; one portr. a small rust hole; a few small, unobtrusive tears on folds of plan. Vellum sl. warped.
= Willems 237.
- Lacks years 1807 and 1808.
= Comprising: B. DE MOOR, Leidens Ontzet Geviert op den jaarlijksen Dank-dag (...) (J. Hasebroek); P. VAN DEN BOSCH, Redevoering, gedeeltelijk in digtmaat, by gelegenheid van het tweede eeuwgetyde van het Beleg en Ontzet der stad Leyden (P. van der Eijk and D. Vijgh); C. STRESO, Kerkreden op het Tweede Eeuwfeest van Leydens Ontzet (...) (S. and J. Luchtmans); F. HALEWIJN, Vaerzen op het Tweede Eeuwgetijde van Leydens Verlossinge (C. van Hoogeveen); J.H. BEWEEZEN, Vriendschapsplicht (J. van Tiffelen); A. WIJNBEEK, Leydens ramp en zegen, in drie herderszangen (Heyligert en Hoogstraaten); Vreugdezang, op het tweede eeuwsfeest van het Ontzet der Stad Leyden (A. Fokke, engr. frontisp.); P. VAN SCHELLE, Leyden van het beleg der Spanjaarden verlost (J. le Mair, H. Mostert and P. Delfos); Leyden tot dankbaarheid verwekt op het Tweede Eeuw-gety der heuchelyke ontzettinge (J. van Tiffelen); J. LE FRANC VAN BERKHEY, Het verheerlijkt Leyden, bij het tweede eeuwgetijde van deszelfs ontzet (...) (H. Coster, Heyligert and Hoogenstraaten, etched title, fold. plate, 3 portraits. Arpots 215); Het feestvierend Leyden; eeuwspel (C. van Hoogeveen); E. VAN BOOREN, Het tweehondertste jubels vreugt verhaal (n.publ.); Beschrijving der plegtigheden en vreugdebedrijven bij het tweede eeuwgetijde van de verlossing der stad Leyden (C. van Hoogeveen, 1775, 3 (fold.) engr. plates).
AND 1 other similar, bound unif. w. the above.
- Owner's entry on title-p. Hinges starting; corners worn.
(Girard de Villethierry, J.). La vie des riches et des pauvres, ou les obligations de ceux qui possédent les biens de la terre, ou qui vivent dans la pauvreté, prouvées par l'Ecriture & par les saints Pères. Paris, C. Robustel, 1700, (28),504,(8)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. calf w. gilt spine, sm. 8vo.
- Owner's entry on title. Joints starting; top and foot of spine damaged.
AND 1 other.
- Partly (vaguely) waterst.; bookplate on upper pastedown.
= Rare work by German Catholic controversialist Caspar Schoppe (1576-1649), largely based on G.J. Vossius's popular Latina grammatica.
- Stripped copy: lacks 10 maps and plates. General title trimmed to the borderline and fully laid down; both St. Helena views doubled; first and final few quires waterstained in outer margin; otherwise partly yellowed/ sl. browned and occas. dampstained in outer margin; outer blank margins from page 263 onwards sl. wormholed; a few leaves w. stain or smudge in the text. Sold w.a.f.
= Despite the defects, this is still a valuable textual source for the history of the discovery of the world and it is also a copy of the rare first edition of the English translation of Jan Huyghen van Linschoten's Itinerario (the 2 fold. maps of St. Helena are present in the 2nd state with the page numbers added). See Alden/ Landis 598/ 57; Borba de Moraes 488; Lust 340. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXI.
- Owner's ticket on upper pastedown; marginal annots. on page 148 and 149; sl. (finger)soiled; a few (marginal) waterstains. Binding (badly) rubbed; corners showing; joints starting at spine-ends.
= ''Arithmetician from the second half of the seventeenth century, whose arithmetic books remained in use until the mid-nineteenth century and were reprinted many times. His publications also included Zeedelijk rijmwerk, 1699 (NNBW II, col. 824). Active by 1658. died before 1721'' (Hoogendoorn, p. 588).
- Upper hinge broken but holding on cords. Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip; extremities sl. worn. Good/ fine copy.
= Rare early (almost) entirely lithographed Dutch book. Cf. Lithografie in Nederland (De Boekenwereld 15/1, 1998), p.44-56.
- Both vols. w. two bookplates on upper pastedown, otherwise contents fine. Spine-ends chipped.
- Stamps on title-p. = De Backer/ Sommervogel V, p.104.
- Pastedowns and a few lvs. loosening; sl. wormholed in (blank) margin; (vaguely) waterst. Vellum sl. stained; frontcover w. dam. spot.
= Van der Haeghen III, p.37.
- Textpages partly sl. creased; all plates fine. Binding rubbed along extremities; spine-ends and corners sl. worn.
= With the often lacking plates showing "De Haringvisscherij" and "De Walvischvangst". Also with the fine plates of "De Reede van Batavia" and "Het eiland Onrust", both only present in this 2nd edition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXI.
- Occas. sl. foxed in blank outer margin. Upper joint starting at lower end. Vellum sl. stained. Otherwise a fine copy.
= From the library of David Ian Moor (bookplate). The rare third and best edition with more plates (incl. num. plates of flags) than the previous editions and the rarest of the three most important works on 17th cent. shipbuilding (no copy in the JAP 1990-2022). Cat. NHSM, p.746; Hoogendoorn 1.3. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXIX.
- First fold. plate loose. Vellum duststained Otherwise fine.
= Bokplate of Robert Napier on upper pastedown. Cat. NHSM p.746; Polak 9643. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXII.
- Title-p. reattached and strengthened along upper and inner margin; one of the flag plates restored in lower blank corner. Otherwise a very fine copy, with beautifully handcol. plates.
= Cat. NHSM p.744. The separately published supplementary vol. to the work published in 1695 by Allard under the same title. As the author states in his preface, the main reason for this supplement was the fact that many more flags had been brought to his attention after the first vol. was published. But, in order to humour readers interested in ship-building, not only plates of flags were added, but also many interesting plates of ships: war ships, sectional plates, shipbuilding plates, plates of shipbuilding tools and attributes, etc. This copy contains the rare "Byvoegsel", which contains another 80 added flags on 20 handcol. plates. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIII.
- Occas. sl. yellowed (mainly towards the end); a few flag plates w. sm. (closed) tear in lower/ inner margin; large fold. plate w. closed tear on fold and in inner margin. Bound a bit tightly. Good copy.
= The plates with caption in Dutch as well as in French. Cat. NHSM II, p.1000; Polak 225. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIII.
- Contents fine. Rebacked with contemp. backstrip.
= Large paper copy. Provenance: Bob Luza Collection. Cat. NHSM, p.834; Klaversma/ Hannema 277; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 67. The work first appeared in 1676, but in this second edition the part on the foreign admirals is left out, while the accounts of the Dutch exploits are much enlarged. The first part describes the early voyages and the main actions of the admirals of the East and West India Companies. The second part deals with the actions of the Zeeland admirals, the third and fourth part with those of the States of Holland, i.a. with biographies of De Ruyter and Piet Heyn, the capture of the Silver Fleet, the exploits in Brazil and Stuyvesant's failed negotiations with the colonists of New England.
- Lacks 1 plate; occas. sl. waterstained/ fingersoiled, mainly in lower blank margin.
= Sabin 3439; Cat. NHSM, p.852.
- Lacks all 9 portraits and 5 plates. Otherwise fine. = Cat. NHSM, p.852.
- Lacks portrait of M. de Ruyter. Owner's stamps on frontisp. and title-p.; frontisp. inner margin strengthened w. paper; title-p. w. tear; occas. sl. foxed (sl. affecting 2 plates); 1 plate repaired w. paper; 1 leaf loose; some lvs. sl. waterst. Backstrip dam. (lacks portion); vellum sl. soiled.
= Cat. NHSM p.844. The first edition of the most important old source on the famous Dutch admiral.