- Bookplate on upper pastedown; partly sl. yellowed. Backstrip dam./ loosening and partly lacking.
- Title-p. waterstained. Otherwise fine. = Vander Haeghen I, p.125; Muller 574.
- Browned and waterstained; occas. underlinings in pen.
- Partly browned; occas. sl. waterst. in blank margins.
= P.J. Blok and P.C. Molhuysen, Nieuw Nederlands Biografisch Woordenboek (1918), p. 579. Rare.
- Foxed/ browned throughout (plates not browned and only occas. sl. foxed). Vellum duststained and upper joint strengthened.
= The second Dutch edition (the original first, Dutch edition of 1678 hardly to be found) of this famous and popular buccaneer-book, "the prototype of an entire literature of books of adventures" (Church). "Perhaps no book in any language was ever the parent of so many imitations, and the source of so many fictions as this, the original of the buccaneers of America." (Sabin 23468). This second edition, much altered and enlarged and with new plates, is also extremely scarce. Exquemelin was a French physician, practising in Amsterdam. About 1670, he withdrew from his association with the French West India Company to participate in freebooting. He became a buccaneer under the command of the notorious Sir Henry Morgan. Sabin 23469; Muller, America 580; Buisman 536; Waller 532; cat. NHSM II, p.878; cf. Arents 381 (1st English ed.); cf. Hill 577-579 (other editions); Howgego E39 ("(...)whose classic Buccaneers of America is the prime, and indeed almost the only comprehensive source of information for pirate activities in the seventeenth century"). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CX.
- Ex-library copies w. stamps on prelim. lvs. and each vol. w. ticket in upper corner of frontcover. Three vols. backstrip dam.
= Not collated but apparently complete.
- First engr. title and 2 lvs. w. library stamp in lower margin, just touching caption/ just within platemark; otherwise very fine.
= BCNI 15104; Hiler p.786 and Lipperheide Oe8 (1st work); Colas 2683 (2nd work). Costume plates of both male (vol. 1) and female (vol. 2) orders by A. Schoonebeek, pupil of Romeyn de Hooghe and strongly influenced by him. The first work was also published in French (1691) and German (1693).
- Both vols. top of spine chipped and backstrip sl. wormholed; vol. 1 corners showing.
- Owner's stamp on first blank. Calf sl. worn; top of spine chipped.
AND 2 incomplete copies in 6 vols.
- Occas. trifle/ sl. yellowed. Top of spine chipped. Fine copy in attractive binding.
= Bierens de Haan 2024; F.M. 4302. Interesting map "Afbeelding der zeedyken van Oost- en Westzaandam" by Jacob Oostwoud and nice views of i.a. Delfshaven, Elburg, Scheveningen and Texel.
- Lower pastedown torn. Traces of ticket on spine.
= With the often lacking frontisp. to the 2nd part. Scheepers I, 104; Scheurleer, Liedboeken, p. 174; cf. Waller 548 (both vol. dated 1709).
AND 1 other: J. DE DECKER, Rym-oeffeningen, Verdeelt in dry Boecken vervattende gedichten van verscheyden stijl en stoffe (Amst., 1659, 3 parts in 1 vol., contemp. hcalf, sm. 8vo. Lacks frontisp.; binding sl. worn).
- Tiny dam. spot at top of spine; sm. ink specks on frontcover.
= Different title on htitle: "Oorloghen ende Beroerten in Vranckrijck/ Onder de Regeeringe van Henricus II. Franciscus II. Carolus IX. Henricus III. Tot de dood van Henricus IV."
- First vol. partly wormholes in lower inner corner; both vols. a few lvs. w. waterstain in upper outer corner; 1st vol. lower pastedown detached; 2nd vol. w. wormhole in lower margin; both vols. w. contemp. owner's entry "Francois Ayrault" in pen and ink on endpapers. Spine-ends worn/ dam.; corners showing; covers chafed and w. sm. wormholes in lower part covers.
- Engr. title of vol. 5 cut sl. short in lower margin; all vols. pastedowns detached. Covers of 4 vols. (trifle) dam.; some vols. occas. (sl.) stained.
= Supplemented edition from Jean de Serres original, published shortly after his death in 1598.
- Sm. owner's entry cut out from both title-p. Spine-ends sl. worn, otherwise extremities (sl.) rubbed.
- Sl. (water)stained; partly sl. wormholed in blank margin. Vellum sl. stained.
= Rare. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 503c; Klaversma/ Hannema 1474; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 637.
- Second part partly w. waterstain in upper outer corner and outer margin; upper hinge repaired; a few scattered foxed spots. Vellum upper joint split.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 12; Klaversma/ Hannema 50 and 51; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 294. Koeman, Gesch. v.d. Kartografie in Ned., p.252: "De eerste Historische Atlas van Nederland werd samengesteld door de Groningse burgemeester Menso Alting. Deze amateur-historicus ontwierp naar eigen inzichten nieuwe historische kaarten van Nederland, in het bijzonder van Friesland (...). De kaarten uit het tweede deel, Friesland betreffende, zijn opgenomen in de Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland... door Bernard Schotanus à Sterringa, 1718. (...) Ondanks de kritiek van 19e eeuwse historici op dit pionierswerk toonde Alting zich in dit opzicht een waardig tijdgenoot van de Europese historisch-geografen."
- Leaf Q small hole, sl. affecting the text. Otherwise a very good copy w. minor imperfections.
= De Buck 2226: "Friesche kronieken uit de 16e eeuw, waarvan de belangrijkste de kroniek van Sicke Benninghe."; Herwijnen 248 (first part only). Contains: Sicke Beninga, Chronickel der Vriescher Landen, en der stadt Groningen; Sybe Jarichs, Corte Cronyck, tracteerende van de hercomste der Vreesen, ende oer Vryheyt; "Eens onbekenden schryvers", Cleyne Cronica van de Groninger Omlanden and Tjalling Aykema, Cronyxke van de Ommelanden.
- Partly loose(ning).
= On the famous incest case against Onno Zwier van Haren (1711-1779), politician and close friend of Willem IV. Contains i.a. "Brief van Jan Alberts (...) aan sieur R. Willemsen (...) over zyne zwarigheden, welke hy vermeent voor te komen in de Deductie van Jr. O.Z. van Haren"; "Neerlands Antwoord op het Fameus Libel, onlangs uytgekomen onder den Titul van Historiesch Verhaal van het geen is voorgevallen tusschen den Heere Jr. O.Z. van Haren en deszelfs kinderen en familie"; "De Verwarde Razerny, of de betichte Bloed-Schande. Voorspel" and a manuscript transcript "Sententie in de saak van Onno Zwier van Haren (...) bij den Hove van Vriesland uytgesproken. Den 27. Octob. 1762".