- Without text vol. I and II; text III vol. occas. foxed (mainly on the maps and opposite leaves); maps and plate in the atlas vol. partly sl. foxed/ sl. yellowed in blank margins (5 plates also foxed in image).
= Beddie 1552. "Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands on this, his third voyage of discovery, and named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of his patron, the Earl of Sandwich." (Judd/ Lind p.1); "On his return from the second voyage Cook was promptly rewarded for his achievements (...). In 1776 he volunteered for his third and final voyage, with specific instructions to investigate the coasts of the north Pacific, and to settle once and for all the question of the northwest passage. (...) While on Hawaii [after his return from the Bering Sea] relationships with the natives deteriorated, resulting in the death of Cook (14.2.79) during a skirmish. After the theft by natives of one of the Discovery's boats, Cook had gone ashore with a party of marines. A scuffle ensued which compelled the party to return to their boats, but during the retreat Cook received a blow from behind and was subsequently overpowered." (Howgego C175).
- Lacks the frontisp. and portrait; all vols. owner's stamp on title-p. Backstrip vol. 2 sl. stained and w. a few cuts.
= Cohen/ De Ricci p.254.
AND the 1st vol. (of 2) only of J. RACINE, Oeuvres ((Amst.), "Suivant la copie imprimée à Paris" 1678, 5 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp., 5 plates, contemp. calf, 12mo).
- First free endpaper mounted on pastedown; title-p. w. (old) owner's entry, (sm.) hole and sl. foxed; otherwise contents fine
= Gay/ Lemonnyer III, p.1135; Lewine p.124-125 (ed. 1749); Cioranescu 21744 (ed. 1742); Hayn/ Gotendorf I, p.701 (other eds.). Popular work reprinted frequently at the time. The first edition was publ. in Paris in 1742.
AND 1 other.
- Sl. foxed, otherwise fine.
= The second edition (first publ. 1783) of this translation by A. Roche Rivarol.
AND 2 others, i.a. N. BRICARD DE LA DIXMERIE, Les deux Ages du Goût et du Génie francais, Sous Louis XIV et Louis XV; ou Parallele des efforts du Génie & du Goût dans les Sciences, dans les Arts & dans les Lettres, sous les deux Regnes (The Hague/ Paris, 1769, contemp. mottled calf w. gilt spine).
- Corners worn; top of spine of vol.2 sl. worn; covers rubbed.
Rotgans, L. Poëzy, van verscheide mengelstoffen. Leeuw., F. Halma, 1715, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, 14,(62),680p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, heraldic headpiece, 45 vignettes by J. FOLKEMA after A. HOUBRAKEN, 2 tailpieces, 2 fine full-p. plates to the "Boerekermis", contemp. hcalf w. later paper over covers, sm. 4to.
- Contents fingersoiled/ occas. stained; hinges weakening. Spine-ends dam./ worn
- Lacks 1 plate ("Nieuwe Kercx-toorn voor den brant"); 2 plates loose (probably from another copy); extensive 20th cent. annot. on first blank; Upper joint splitting.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 29.
- Lacks 11 plates; 1 plan and 1 plate loose; plate w. closed tears.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 29.
- Fold. plan sm. tear in fold. Binding sl. worn. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 34.
- Partly waterst.; sl. yellowed. Frontcover sl. stained and lacks portion of vellum along upper part near edge.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 40.
- Small owner's entry on engr. title; occas. yellowed/ sl. browned. Binding sl. worn along extremities; top of spine sl. dam.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 232; Van Herwijnen 2903.
- Owner's entry and annot. of M.A. Snoeck on first free endpaper/ blank; 2 lvs. vaguely waterst.; 2 plates w. tear repaired w. paper on verso. Good copy.
= Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer 2789; Bodel Nijenhuis 418. Translation of Foppens' Hist. episcopatus Sylva-Ducensis (1721).
- Upper hinge sl. weak; lower corner vaguely waterst. at the beginning. Vellum sl. stained and w. some old scribbling in pen and ink on frontcover; upper corner frontcover sl. dam.
- Upper hinge broken; bookblock shaken; vellum dam./ loosening at spine-ends; bookplate on upper pastedown.
= Claes 235.
- First and last few lvs. and protective lvs. for the plates sl./ trifle foxed; owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Sm. stain on spine. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Rare monograph on Dutch snakes w. parallel Dutch/ French text. Nissen, ZBI 2509; Agassiz III, 472; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 113. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.
- Plates in very fine condition: some plates w. sl. offsetting from flimsies in margins; 3x portrait reattached; 1x tear professionally restored. Bindings sl. worn along edges; backstrips sl. faded. A very good/ fine set.
= LARGE PAPER COPY w. an extra decorative border around the portraits printed from a different plate. Cohen/ De Ricci p.325f: "Mais comme sur les 600 portraits qui forment ce recueil il y en a une centaine de forts intéressants et d'une très belle exécution (voir celui de Bossuet, par exemple), cet ouvrage a du prix et se vend cher, lorsque les épreuves sont belles. Les épreuves de premier tirage auraient seules l'adresse d'Odieuvre. Il existe des exemplaires en grand papier, avec des entourages aux portraits." A biographical lexicon of important sovereigns, scholars and artists in European history. Rare.
- Owner's entry on verso of both covers; first few lvs. sl. frayed; sl. wormholed/ waterst. in margin. Vellum w. worn spots/ sl. soiled.
= Rare, not in Worldcat. BWPGN II, p.647f.
- Sl. foxed. Covers worn. = Goldsmiths' 25547; cf. Einaudi 1142.
Idem. Cottage Economy: containing information relative to the brewing of Beer, making of Bread, keeping of Cows, Pigs, Bees, Ewes, Goats, Poultry and Rabbits, and relative to other matters deemed useful in the conducting of the Affairs of a Labourer's Family. Ibid., C. Clement, 1822, "stereotype edition", IV,(2),207p., contemp. boards.
- Lacks the plate; index lvs. bound in reverse order. Frontcover loose; backstrip worn off.
= Originally published in installments. Goldsmiths' 23476; British Bee Books 189; not in Einaudi.
AND 2 others by the same, i.a. COBBETT'S POOR MAN'S FRIEND: or, Useful Information and Advice for the Working Classes; in a Series of Letters, addressed to the Working Classes of Preston (London, n.d., 5 parts in 1 vol., modern cl.).
- Professionaly rebacked.
= Einaudi 2334; Goldsmiths' 10640; Kress 6730. Seminal work on the regulation of commerce, opposing the free trade policy advocated by the Physiocrats.
- Both vols. owner's stamp on title-p. Vol. 1 lower joint splitting. = Einaudi 2635; Goldsmiths' 23169.
- Both vols. lack vol. number piece. Otherwise a fine set.
= Einaudi 3307; Goldsmiths' 10270; cf. Kress 6475. The first 8vo edition, published simultaneously with the 4to edition.
Mably, G. l'abbé de. Doutes proposés aux Philosophes Économistes sur l'Ordre Naturel et Essentiel des Sociétés Politiques. The Hague, Nyon/ Veuve Durand, 1768, VIII,316p., contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.
= Einaudi 3555; Kress 6576; not in Goldsmiths'.