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Page 1335 of 1858 Results 26681 - 26700 of 37146
80 2306 Schumann M 80 2306 Schumann M
80 2306 Schumann M 80 2306 Schumann M
80/2306 Schumann, M. Die Bedeutung drehbarer Geschützpanzer "Panzerlaffeten" für eine durchgreifende Reform der permanenten Befestigung. Potsdam, Militaria, 1885, 2nd rev. ed., 2 vols., text vol.: 114,66,(1)p., orig. gilt cl., large 8vo; atlas vol.: title and index leaf, 23 double-p. col. lithogr. (and gommé) plates, orig. gilt hmor., large folio.

- Text vol. w. num. library/ cancellation stamps on title-p. Upper corner title-p. atlas vol. cut out; a few plates w. some offsetting or sm. superficial dam. spots (1 plate considerably worse) due to sticking together. Binding waterwrinkled and mouldy in upper corner.

= Rare work on the movable and rotating Fahrpanzer developed by Maximilian Schumann and Hermann Gruson. It was exported mainly to Romania in the late 19th century. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVII.

€ (100-150) 150
80/2307 Schuss und Waffe Illustrierte gemeinverständliche Zeitschrift für jagdliches militärisches und sportliches Schiesswesen Schiessplatz Anlagen Waffentechnik Minen und Torpedowesen Waffeng80/2307 Schuss und Waffe Illustrierte gemeinverständliche Zeitschrift für jagdliches militärisches und sportliches Schiesswesen Schiessplatz Anlagen Waffentechnik Minen und Torpedowesen Waffeng
80/2307 Schuss und Waffe. Illustrierte gemeinverständliche Zeitschrift für jagdliches, militärisches und sportliches Schiesswesen, Schiessplatz-Anlagen, Waffentechnik, Minen- und Torpedowesen, Waffengeschichte etc. Vol. 1-13. Neudamm, J. Neumann, 13 parts in 12 vols., 1907-1920, num. ills., orig. pict. cl. (4x)/ contemp. partly unif. hcl. (8x), 4to.

- Various defects; not collated, but apparently complete. = Seel 9402-10297. Rare complete run.

€ (200-300)
80 2308 Schuy J 80 2308 Schuy J
80/2308 Schuy, J. Gasser-Revolver. Lebenswerk einer österr. Büchsenmacherfamilie. Braunau, the author, 1992, 272p., num. ills., orig. boards, obl. 4to.


Idem. Das Waffensystem Werndl. Josef Werndl - Erfolg und Dynamik aus Steyr. Ibid., idem, 1997, 485p., num. ills., orig. boards, obl. 4to. Idem. Einschüssige Faustfeuerwaffen der österreichischen Streitkräfte. Ibid., idem, 2000, 352p., num. ills., orig. boards, obl. 4to.

€ (100-150) 120
80 2309 Sedlitz F von 80 2309 Sedlitz F von
80 2309 Sedlitz F von 80 2309 Sedlitz F von
80/2309 Sedlitz, F. von. Büchsen-Schiesserey-Kunst (...). Aus der Holländischen Spraach in die Hochteutsche übersetzet. Frankf. a.M., H. Friesen, 1676, (8),207p., engr. title, 11 (fold.) plates (1x double-p.), contemp. calf, 12mo.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. yellowed; engr. title stuck to title-p. along left margin, w. minimal loss of text on the latter. Binding chafed and rubbed; sm. traces of sellotape at top of spine.

= German translation of Busschietereij konst (Amst., 1662). The author was a Silezian nobleman in Danish service. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.

€ (500-700)
80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o 80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o
80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o 80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o
80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o 80 2310 Sellier François Noël 1737 ? a o
80/2310 Sellier, François Noël (1737-?) a.o. Series of 60 engravings, various sizes, partly on blue tinted paper, from G. MONGE, Description de l'art de fabriquer les canons (Paris, 1794), bound in contemp. hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Bookplate (of Henk Visser) on upper pastedown. Binding w. some worn spots.

= Complete series of engravings from the work.

€ (100-150) 110
80 2311 Simon A 80 2311 Simon A
80/2311 Simon, A. Baskische Pistolen & Revolver. Blaufelden, djw-Verlag, 2011, 485,(2)p., num. col. ills., orig. boards. Riepe, W. Il Novantuno Mannlicher-Carcano. Das italienische Waffensystem Modell 1891. Herne, VS-Books, 2006, 391p., num. ills., orig. boards, 4to. - AND 6 others, i.a. R. MARTÍ, X. SALA and J.L. CALVÓ, Pistoles, trabucs i pedrenyals. La producció d'armes portàtils de foc a Catalunya de 1462 a 1869 (Barcelona, 1995, (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and L. SALVATICI, Pistole militari Italiani (Florence, 1975, ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (70-90)
80 2312 Sloos L P 80 2312 Sloos L P
80/2312 Sloos, L.P. Warfare and the age of printing. Catalogue of early printed books from before 1801 in Dutch military collections with analytical bibliographic descriptions of 10.000 works. Leyden, Brill, 2008, 4 vols., 663,(1); 503,(1); 759,(1); 78,(2)p., num. full-p. (col.) ills., orig. unif. giltlettered cl., slipcase, large 4to.
€ (150-250) 170
80 2313 Støckel J F 80 2313 Støckel J F
80/2313 Støckel, J.F. Haandskydevaabens bedømmelse. Copenhagen, Tøjhusmuseet, 1938-1943, 2 vols., XVIII,397,(9); XIX-LII,407-1076p., ills., orig. unif. wr. Alm, J. Eldhandvapen. Stockholm, Militärlitteraturföreningens Förlag, 1933-1934, 2 vols., 384; 306p., ills., orig. unif. giltlettered cl.
€ (70-90)
80 2314 Thierbach M 80 2314 Thierbach M
80 2314 Thierbach M 80 2314 Thierbach M
80/2314 Thierbach, M. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Handfeuerwaffen. Dresden, C. Höckner, 1886-1899, 2 parts in 1 vol., XIV,538; 52p., 36 double-p. col. lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt hmor., sm. 4to.

- Upper corner title-p. cut out and restored w. later paper. Covers scratched and chafed.

= Gerrare 1607: "An elaborate treatise on the development of the infantry rifle (...)".

Schön, J. Geschichte der Handfeuerwaffen. Eine Darstellung des Entwickelungsganges der Handfeuerwaffen von ihrem Entstehen bis auf die Neuzeit. Dresden, R. Kuntze, 1858, XVIII,182p., 32 double-p. lithogr. plates, orig. hcl., 4to.

- Ex library copy w. cancellation stamps etc. Binding worn. = Not in Gerrare.

AND 3 others, i.a. K. EXLER, Schießschule der Handfeuerwaffen und Mashinengewehre (Vienna, 1905, 8 fold. lithogr. plates, contemp. hcl.).

€ (70-90) 70
80 2315 Thoumas C 80 2315 Thoumas C
80/2315 Thoumas, C. Autour du drapeau 1789-1889. Campagnes de l'Armée Française depuis cent ans. Paris, A. le Vasseur et Cie., 1889, XVI,518p., engr. frontisp., 199 ills. and wrs. by LUCIEN SERGENT, contemp. giltlettered hmor., orig. wr. pres., 4to.

- Foxed.

€ (30-50)
80 2316 Trade catalogues  Manufacture d'Armes Antoine Masereel Catalogue No 51 80 2316 Trade catalogues Manufacture d'Armes Antoine Masereel Catalogue No 51
80/2316 [Trade-catalogues]. Manufacture d'Armes Antoine Masereel. Catalogue No.51. Liège, A. Masereel, n.d. (±1900), 132p., num. ills., orig. wr., 4to.

- Spine-ends sl. dam.

AND a facs. reprint of DEUTSCHE WAFFEN- UND MUNITIONSFABRIKEN. Munitions-Katalog. Ausgabe 1904 (Chicago, n.d., ills., orig. rexine, 4to).

€ (80-100) 80
80 2317 Trawnik R and Cowan T 80 2317 Trawnik R and Cowan T
80/2317 Trawnik, R. and Cowan, T. Spiked Helmets of Imperial Germany. Atglen, Schiffer, 2005, 2 vols., 256; 250,(6)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. unif. boards w. dustwr.

= 1. Infantry Regiments. Pioneer Battalions. General Officers; 2. Cavalry. Artillery. Train.

AND 3 others, i.a. E. EGG a.o., Kanonen. Illustrierte Geschichte der Artillerie (Bern etc., 1971, (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio) and H.-W. LEWERKEN, Kombinations Waffen des 15.-19. Jahrhunderts (Berlin, 1989, (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio).

€ (40-60)
80 2318 Vetter L 80 2318 Vetter L
80/2318 Vetter, L. Das grosse Buch der SIG-Pistolen. Dietikon-Zürich, Stocker-Schmidt, 1995, 240p., num. ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to.

= Standard work on the subject.

€ (100-150) 100
80 2319 Viktorin H 80 2319 Viktorin H
80/2319 Viktorin, H. Das Maschinengewehr im russisch-japanischen Krieg und persönliche Erfahrungen über Kavallerie-Maschinengewehrabteilungen. Vienna, the author, 1911, 144,(1)p., plates, ills., contemp. hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down.

- Frontcover sl. waterst.

€ (100-150)
80 2320 Wille R 80 2320 Wille R
80/2320 Wille, R. Das Deutsche Feld-Artillerie Material vom Jahre 1873. Berlin, A. Bath, 1876, (8),126p., 2 fold. lithogr. plates, woodengr. ills., orig. wr.

- Bookblock frayed; spine strengthened.

Idem. Zur Feldgeschützfrage. Ibid., R. Eisenschmidt, 1896, VIII,400p., fold. plate, ills., contemp. hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down.

- Ex-library copy w. cancellation stamps etc.

AND 6 others, i.a. IDEM, Das Feldgeschütz der Zukunft und die Kritik der Gegenwart (ibid., 1892, orig. wr.); IDEM, Ueber die Bewaffnung der Feld-Artillerie (ibid., 1880, later plain wr.) and IDEM, Die kommende Feldgeschütze (ibid., 1893, fold. plates, contemp. hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down).

€ (70-90)
80 2321 Wille R 80 2321 Wille R
80 2321 Wille R 80 2321 Wille R
80/2321 Wille, R. Waffenlehre. Berlin, R. Eisenschmidt, 1905, 3rd ed., 3 vols., XI,(1),340; XI,(1),432; VIII,372p., fold. plates and tables, contemp./ sl. later unif. giltlettered cl., orig. wr. pres.

- A few scattered library stamps. Bindings sl. soiled.

AND 3 others, i.a. A. KORZEN and R. KÜHN, Waffenlehre (Vienna, 1905, fold. plates, orig. limp cl.).

€ (60-80) 60
80/2322 Zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Rheinischen Metallwaaren und Mashinenfabrik Düsseldorf Derendorf 80/2322 Zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Rheinischen Metallwaaren und Mashinenfabrik Düsseldorf Derendorf
80/2322 Zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Rheinischen Metallwaaren und Mashinenfabrik Düsseldorf Derendorf 80/2322 Zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Rheinischen Metallwaaren und Mashinenfabrik Düsseldorf Derendorf
80/2322 Zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Rheinischen Metallwaaren- und Mashinenfabrik Düsseldorf-Derendorf. Düsseldorf, Rheinischen Metallwaaren- und Mashinenfabrik, 1914, (2),32p., 2 portraits, 80 plates, orig. cl., 4to.

- Binding sl. foxed; spine sunned.

= The Rheinische Metallwaaren- und Mashinenfabrik (today Rheinmetall) produced munition and weaponry. After the peace treaty of Versailles (and again after World War II), the company switched to non-military production. The plates showing canons and armory, both in the factory and in the field. Rare.

AND 1 other on the 50-year jubilee of the same company.

€ (100-150)
80 2323 Anatomy  Arnold F 80 2323 Anatomy Arnold F
80/2323 [Anatomy]. Arnold, F. Tabulae Anatomicae. Vol. 1, 2 and 4 (part 1). Zürich, Orell Fuessli, n.d. (1838-1839), 3 vols., 25,(2); 40,(2); 32p., 10/ 11/ 13 sets of 2 (col.) lithogr. plates (each w. 1 plate in outline), orig. unif. boards w. paper title-piece, large folio.

- Without vol. 4, part 2; several plates damp-/ waterst.; frayed and sl. dam.; occas. yellowed/ sl. browned. Bindings worn; covers loose and plasticized (2 vols.).

= BMN I, p.91; Waller 486. The 3rd vol. was never published.

€ (250-350) 250
80 2324 Anatomy  Bichat X 80 2324 Anatomy Bichat X
80 2324 Anatomy  Bichat X 80 2324 Anatomy Bichat X
80/2324 [Anatomy]. Bichat, X. Anatomie Générale, appliquée a la physiologie et la médecine. Paris, Brosson, Gabon et Cie, 1801, 4 vols., 2 fold. tables, modern unif. hcalf.

- Owner's entries on htitles and titles; browned and partly waterstained; 1p. torn in half.

ADDED: Winkler, C. and Potter, A. An Anatomical Guide to Experimental Researches on the Cat's Brain. A Series of 35 Frontal Sections. Amst., W. Versluys, 1914, (14)p., 41 woodengr. plates, each w. accomp. text leaf, orig. cl., obl. folio.

€ (80-100)
80 2325 Anatomy  Falise A 80 2325 Anatomy Falise A
80 2325 Anatomy  Falise A 80 2325 Anatomy Falise A
80/2325 [Anatomy]. Falise, A. Anatomische atlas. Arnhem, N.V. Kluppell & Ebeling, (1923), 2 vols., text vol.: 98,(2)p., orig. dec. hcl., 4to; atlas vol.: title-leaf, 30 col. lithogr. plates by L.P. CRUYFF, loose as issued in orig. clothbacked dec. board portfolio, folio.

- The plates partly sl. frayed; flaps portfolio dam. Bindings w. some worn spots.

€ (100-150) 100