- Occas. trifle foxed/ stained. A few bindings trifle worn.
- Lacks plate 30. = Lipperheide Ra77.
- Partly sl. yellowed; both vols. bookplate on upper pastedown.
= First edition of the posthumously published complete works of Simon Lefebvre (1712-1770), military engineer in the Prussian army. Contains i.a. L'art d'attaquer et défendre les places and Essai sur les mines.
- A few stamps and annots. in pen and ink. Wr. sl. foxed and stained. = Very rare.
AND 13 others, all Dutch, i.a. concerning the "Sten-Mitrailleurkarabijn van 9 mm." (1945), "Geweer "Fal" kaliber 7,62, mm." (1957), "Pistoolmitrailleur "Uzi"" (1958), "Lichte Mitrailleur van 7,7 mm." (1943) and "Kanon van 7,5 cM. Bg." (1927).
- Both vols. w. bookplate and clipping on upper pastedown/ verso frontcover; first lvs. facs. vol. sl. browned/ dampstained. Binding text vol. sl. worn; backstrip dam.
= Lipperheide Tb 4. Emperor Maximilian's allegorical account of the tournaments in which he participated. Freydal refers to Maximilian himself. "Wie Theuerdank und Weisskunig gehört auch Freydal zu den zur Verherrlichung des Lebens und der Taten Kaiser Maximilians geschaffenen Werken und stellt seine ritterliche Minnefahrt um Maria von Burgund dar" (Lipperheide).
- Lacks plates LVII-LXVIII and final 3 text lvs.; sl. foxed; title and first 5 plates sl. mouldy.
= Lipperheide Ra33.
- Various defects. = Mostly incl. (technical) manuals, instruction booklets etc.
- Tear in first blank; a few cancellation stamps.
Jacobi, G.A. Bechreibung des Materials und der Ausrüstung der Königlich Schwedischen Feld-Artillerie. Mains, F. Kupferberg, 1840, XI,(1),144p., 4 fold. lithogr. plates, orig. wr., a.e.g.
- One plate torn in half along fold; a few stamps.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION to "Seine Königliche Hoheit dem Prinzen Friedrich der Niederlande" on verso frontwr.
= I.a. Submarine Gun Carl-Gustaf, Automatic Repeating Pistol Borchardt Patent, Bergmann-Maschinen-Pistole Modell 1932, Das Mascinengewehr 42 (MG 42), Sturmgewehr SG 510 and "Schmeisser" Mod. 28/II.
- A few library/ cancellation stamps on title-p.; text lvs. partly sl. yellowed. Binding sl. worn along extremities; portion of backstrip loose(ning).
- Plates occas. sl. yellowed.
Alm, J. Eldhandvapen. Stockholm, Rediviva, 1976, 2 vols., 384; 306p., ills., orig. unif. boards.
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Stockholm, 1934.
AND 1 other: C. SCHINKE, Die leichten schwedischen Infanteriegewehre Armee und Heimwehr (Duisb., 1990, ills., orig. boards).
- Lacks plates 28, 29, 86 and 93-102; 3 plates upper corner cut short w. loss of plate number (added in pencil); some foxing.
= Gerrare 1608. Originally published in instalments. Incl. early examples of machine guns. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXV.
- Hinges strengthened. Spine-ends and corners sl. worn.
Dema y Soler, A. Descripción del fusil Mauser Español mod. 1893. Toledo, R.G. Menor, 1913, 489,(9)p., fold. table, orig. hcl.
- Table torn. Binding sl. worn.
AND 16 others, incl. small catalogues technical reports by the same.
- Sl. foxed. Spine sl. rubbed.
- Sl. yellowed/ browned and foxed.
Idem. Erfahrungen über Fabrikation und Haltbarkeit des eisernen und bronzenen Geschützes. Leipsic, J.A. Barth, 1836, (2),157p., 3 fold. engr. plates, later plain wr. w. part of orig. frontwr. laid down.
- Partly yellowed/ foxed (incl. the plates).
- Binding sl. dried and chafed; corners bumped.
= "When the Revolution began in 1789, Monge was among the most widely known of French scientists. (...) As an examiner of naval cadets he directed a branch of France's military schools (...). It also enabled him to visit iron mines, foundries, and factories, and [he] thus became an expert on metallurgical and technological questions. (...) From the beginning of September 1793 until October 1794, he took part in the work of the Committee on Arms. He wrote, with Vandermonde and Berthollet, a work on the manufacture of forge and case-hardened steels, drew up numerous orders concerning arms manufacture for Lazare Carnot and C.L. Prieur, supervised Paris arms workshops, assembled technical literature on the making of cannons, gave "revolutionary courses" on this latter subject (February-March 1794), and wrote an important work on it." (DSB IX, p.472). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.
AND 5 others, i.a. M. MORIN, Le armi portatili dell'Impero austro-ungarico (Florence, 1981, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr.) and M.E. NOBILI, Austrian & German guns and rifles (n.pl., n.d., ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to).