- Fine copy. = SIGNED in pen and ink by the typographer on colophon.
= SIGNED in pen and ink by the typographer on colophon.
= Contains Dutch translations of well-known English/ American (pop) songs, i.a. "Bedenk je" (John Lennon), "Leve de Koningin" (Sex Pistols), "Je moet altijd de zonzijde zien" (Monty Python) and "Herberg Overijssel" (The Eagles).
Verlaine, P. Biblio-Sonnetten. Dutch transl. M. Hulsenboom. Ibid., idem, 2016, 208p., num. woodcut ill.s by R. RANFT, partly bound as a blockbook, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. boards w. dustwr. - AND 8 others in 9 vols. publ. by the same, i.a. U. MOLITORIS, Over heksen en waarzegsters. Ed. K. van der Horst (2015, partly printed in purple on silver paper, orig. boards); P. BOWLES, Tijdstipped. Points in Time (2018, orig. boards, paper slipcase) and N. BOKHOVE, De drempelschroom verdrijven. Literaire activiteiten in de jaren 1932-1973 bij boekhandel Broese onder Chris Leeflang (2013, ills., orig. boards).
- Lower corners of covers sl. dam.
Bertrand, A. Gaspard de la nuit. Ibid., idem, 1956, 2 vols., 85,(4); 63,(4)p., 51 full-p. lithogr. ills. by M.T. KOORNSTRA, typography by M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. cl. in orig. pict. board slipcases, 4to. - AND 3 others publ. by the same: G. APOLLINAIRE, Le roi-lune et cinq autres contes (1981, col. woodcut ills. by PIET LONT, orig. blindst. cl., 4to); F. KAFKA, Die Verwandlung (n.d., woodcut ills. by W.J. ROZENDAAL, orig. cl., folio) and A. JARRY, Ubu Roi (n.d., lithogr. ills. by W.J. ROZENDAAL, orig. gilt cl., folio). - WITH: 2 catalogues of the same.
- Endpapers sl. browned. = The first publication of Stichting De Roos.
AND 6 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: A. VON CHAMISSO, Peter Schlemiels Schicksale (1959); H. HEINE, Aus den Memoiren des Herrn von Schnabelewopski (1961); C. BRENTANO, Die mehreren Wehmüller und ungarischen Nationalgesichter (1962); G.C. LICHTENBERG, Witz und Weisheit. Aphorismen (1964); H. BÖLL, Fünf Erzählungen (1964); J. ROTH, Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker (1966).
- Endpapers (partly) sl. browned. Covers partly sl. discoloured.
= With a SIGNED suite of the plates loosely inserted.
- Bookplate (of Hans van Straten) on upper pastedown.
Ansingh, L. Tante Tor is jarig. Ibid., idem, 1950, (32)p., 14 handcol. lithogr. ills. and orig. lithogr. boards by NELLY BODENHEIM, entirely in lithogr., printed in 200 numb. copies, sm. 4to.
- Covers partly sl. yellowed/ browned; backcover sl. warped.
AND 5 others publ. by the same, i.a. G.H. 'S-GRAVESANDE (introd. and ed.), Bauers reis naar Moskou in brieven en teekeningen (1956, ills., orig. boards, slipcase); J.H. LEOPOLD, Omar Khayam (n.d., orig. vellumbacked gilt boards) and G. GOSSAERT (introd. and ed.), De vierlingen van den heer van Pybrac. Dutch and Latin transl. D. Graswinckel (1955, orig. gilt cl., t.e.g.).
- Covers sl. discol./ browned.
- Trifle foxed; endpapers browned. Spine sl. faded.
Wilde, O. The Critic as Artist. A Dialogue. Ibid., idem, 1957, 76,(2)p., typogr. by H. SALDEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl., t.e.g., 4to (fine). Carroll, L. The Hunting of the Snark. Ibid., idem, 1966, 39p., ills. by PETER VOS, typogr. by A. WITTE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. pict. boards, 4to (fine). - AND 8 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies: Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia (1954); E.B. BROWNING, Sonnets from the Portuguese and Seven Other Poems (1957); W. IRVING, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1959); W. CUNEY, Puzzles (1960); The Guls Hornbooke. Ed. T. Dekker (1960); S.T. COLERIDGE, De ballade van de oude matroos. Transl. A. Donker (1967); D. THOMAS, De terugreis. Transl. B. Voeten (1967); H. MELVILLE, Bartleby (1969).
= Bilingual edition, with the original English text printed in blue and the translation by Hanny Michaelis in red.
Komrij, G. De Zeven Zonden van Jeroen Bosch. Ibid., idem, 2013, 3 vols. (1 with facs. of the manuscript texts) and 2 CDs, without pagination, together on the inside of the orig. trifold blindst. cl. portfolio, printed in 175 numb. copies, folio. - AND 1 other: S. VESTDIJK, De bruine vriend (Utr., 1982, 5 etchings by SIMON KOENE, orig. dec. cl.).