- Bookblock trimmed (occas. reaching text and w. partial loss of catch word and quire signature); old owner's entry on verso title-p.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Spine-ends and corners sl. worn; upper hinge weakening; backstrip faded. Good/ fine copy.
- Fine set.
= Blackmer 769: "Guys had spent more than 30 years in the Levant engaged in commercial pursuits, having been sent in 1739 to the business house of his uncles in Constantinople. His literary and antiquarian studies led him to the conclusion that the modern Greeks were direct descendants of the ancients, and his book is full of comparisons between the ancient and modern Greeks on every conceivable subject." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIX.
- Library stamp on title. = Tiele 355; Cat. NHSM p.205.
- Occas. waterst. (fold. plates and titles worse). Joints repaired w. cloth tape.
= The first edition was published in 1808. Tiele 434, note; cat. NHSM I, p.243.
Idem. Lotgevallen op eene reize van Madras over Tranquebaar, naar het eiland Ceilon. Ibid., idem, 1826, 2nd ed., VIII,263p., engr. title w. ill. by R. VINKELES, contemp. hcl.
- Lacks the fold. plate; htitle and 1 textleaf dam. in inner blank margin; hinges split/ broken. Spine worn/ sl. dam. and soiled.
= De Silva/ Beumer p.461-462; cf. Tiele 433 and Landwehr, VOC 347 (other editions). "Haafner [1755-1809] started his literary activities very late in life. His first travel-book was published in 1806 in Haarlem: Lotgevallen op eene reize van Madras over Tranquebaar naar het eiland Ceilon. (...). The importance of Haafner's eyewitness accounts is that they were done during the decay of the VOC. Terpstra, in his analysis of Haafner's views on colonialism as expressed in his works, comes to the conclusion that Haafner was an anti-colonialist, a man before his time, for his ideas were not to be topical until more than a century had elapsed." (De Silva/ Beumer).
- One leaf torn; bookplate ("J'appartiens à Debru, Chirurgien du Corps de Son Altesse. 1777") on upper pastedown. Spine rubbed; two sm. dam. spots on frontcover.
= The final section of part 2 describing travels through the Netherlands.
- Stamp on title-p.; endpapers sl. yellowed.
- Foxed. = Early tourist guide with contemporary views and plates of monuments.
AND 1 other: NUOVA RACCOLTA DELLE PRINCIPALI VEDUTE ANTICHE E MODERNE DELL' ALMA CITTÁ DI ROMA E SUA VICINANZE (Rome, n.d., num. woodengr. views, orig. engr. wr., obl. 8vo).
- Vol.1 only; contents loose and partly wormholed in outer margin; binding poor. Sold w.a.f.
= A complete copy contains 45 plates in total; Alt-Japan-Katalog 715; Cordier, Bibl. Japonica p.416-417.
- Fine set. = Japonica Neerlandica vol. IV and V.
Lequin, F. A la recherche du Cabinet Titsingh, its history, contents and dispersal. Catalogue raisonné of the collection of the founder of European Japanology. Alphen a/d Rijn, Canaletto/ Repro-Holland, 2003, 409p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr. (fine).
- Contents sl. browned; a (very) few pages w. some words underlined in pink ink. Spine sunned; extremities sl. rubbed; covers trifle soiled.
- With contemp.(?) annots. in margins. Board edges and spine rubbed.
= Collection of the thirteen treaties of the 1907 Peace Convention, of which twelve were ratified and entered into force, and one declaration. And with the final mutual statement by the signatories and with an addendum "Annexe au 1er voeu émis par la Deuxième conférence de la Paix. Projet d'une convention relative à l'établissement d'une Cour de justice arbitrale".
- One plate loose; first/ last few p. sl. foxed/ browned.
AND 3 others, i.a. J. VAN ROON and P. HAVERKAMP, Leerboek der zeevaart (Den Helder, 1940-1942, 4th ed., 2 vols., fold. charts, table, ills., orig. unif. cl.).
= Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatieën. Grote reeks, vol. 165-167.
Dam, P. van. Beschryvinge van de Oostindische Compagnie. Ed. F.W. Stapel. Ibid., idem, 1976, 4 parts in 7 vols., orig. unif. giltlettered cl., large 8vo.
= Reprint of the ed. 1927-1954. RGP 63, 68, 74, 76, 83, 87 and 96.
= Bibliotheca Americana. Facsimile of the first edition of 1628 and the first English edition of 1619. With textbooklet w. historical introductions by A.L. Rowse and bibliographical notes by R.O. Dougan.
- Upper hinge weak; owner's stamp ("Marine Hellevoetsluis") on title-p.; occas. sl. foxed.
Dodson, A. The Kaiser's Battlefleet. German Capital Ships 1870-1918. Barnsley, Seaforth, 2019, 256p., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., sm. 4to. - AND 7 others, i.a. N. TRACY (ed.), Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail (London, 1990, ills., orig. boards w. dustwr, 4to) and S. BREYER, Battleships and Battle Cruisers. English transl. by A. Kurti (London, 1973, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr.).