- Mint.
= Rare classic on obscure low-budget and trash films. "Gods in Polyester gives you a behind-the-scene look at independent horror, exploitation, action and Spaghetti Western films of the 1970's, as told by the people both in front of and behind the camera (...)" [blurb].
- Mint. = SIGNED by Ray Harryhausen (1920-2013), master of animation and special effects.
- Bookblock broken; one leaf loose.
AND 1 other similar.
- Two vols. hinges weak/ nearly broken, one w. some lvs. loose; all vols. owner's entry on first free endpaper, otherwise contents fine. Two vols. w. dam./ partially lacking backstrip; all vols. covers sl. soiled and corners (sl.) worn.
= The magazine was published between 1898 and 1906, focusing on Parisian art, literature and fashion, showing many - often slightly erotic - photographic illustrations, as well as illustrations by i.a. Jacques Wély, Carsten Ravn and Otto Goetze.
- One loose plate is from no. 57. Most plates later bound together w. string through five holes in the left margin; some lvs./ plates edges sl. frayed; some plates trifle fingersoiled, but generally fine. Wrappers loose and almost torn in two; (sl.) soiled.
= Chic Parisien was a fashion periodical published between 1898 and 1939 by Atelier Bachwitz. Grand Luxe Parisien appears to be an offshoot of this fashion journal. The backwr. mentions: "Grand Luxe Parisien. Modèles de Haute Elégance. Robes de Ville. Toilettes de bal et soirées. Manteaux et Sorties de Théâtre. Paraît chaque mois. (Excepté en Juillet et Août)". Very rare.
- Occas. sl. foxed. One vol. hinges weak(ening). Fine set.
= Belgian edition publ. from 1845 to 1883. Colas 1569; Lipperheide Zb87. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE V.
- Without the introductionary text. Occas. lvs. sl. foxed.
= Lipperheide Ad 52; Colas 2471 (4to edition). This work was published in installments. Often found in 6 volumes, but this copy privately bound in eight.
- Contents occas. trifle foxed; joints weakening; contemp. owner's entry on first free endpaper. A good copy.
= One of the first Dutch books with knitting patterns/ instructions. Rare.
- Trifle foxed; joints sl. rubbed. = Thimm, p.57; Pardoel 610.
AND 3 others, i.a. G. LETAINTURIER-FRADIN, Le duel à travers les ages (Paris, 1892, plates, orig. wr.) and J.A. BRILLAT DE SAVARIN, Essai historique et critique sur le duel (ibid., 1926, orig. wr.).
- Annot. on first blank; title-p. sl. soiled and dam. (w. loss of letters); sl. waterst. Binding sl. worn/ dam.
= Rare copy of this duelling edict by King Louis XIV. Thimm 89.
- Occas. trifle foxed. = Pardoel 969; not in Thimm.
Vaux, C.M. Baron de. Les duels célèbres. Introd. A. Scholl. Paris, É. Rouveyre & G. Blond, 1884, XXXI,(1),180p., lithogr. plates, orig. col. lithogr. wr.
- Wrappers sl. darkened and soiled/ stained. = Thimm, p.320; Pardoel 2693.
AND 3 others, i.a. A. VAN DER LINDE, Le duel (Brussels, 1866, orig. wr.) and M. BOULENGER, Apologie du duel (Paris, 1914, later boards, orig. wr. pres.).
= Pardoel 1639; Thimm, p.158 ("Un beau volume").
Laborie, B. de. Les Lois du Duel. Ibid., Manzi, Joyant et Cie., 1906, XVI,262,(1)p., printed in 500 numb. copies, contemp. gilt hmor.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Otherwise fine. = Pardoel 466.
AND 7 others, i.a. T.-A. MENDEZ, Le duel depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours (Paris, 1854, sl. later hmor., orig. wr. pres.) and F. BILLACOIS, Le duel dans la société française des XVIe-XVIIe siècles (ibid., 1986, plates, orig. wr.).
- Joints splitting; backstrip dam. at top of spine. = Facs. reprint of the ed. Paris, 1573. Pardoel 2312.
- Binding sl. dustsoiled.
= Cf. Vicaire 191 and Oberlé 391 ("tellement fameux qu'il fut sans cesse réimprimé" ) (both 1st ed. 1810); Barbier I, 287. Pp. 103-141 contain an extract from a work containing biographies of authors who have died of starvation.
- Upper hinge weak; owner's stamp on upper pastedown. Frontcover foxed/ stained; upper joint sl. split at top end.
= Provenance: Collection Deuzel, w. stamp on first free endpaper.
L'art d'accommoder le gibier suivant les principes de Vatel et des grands officiers de bouche. Paris, La Librairie Illustrée, n.d. (1886), (4),III,(1),185p., later plain wr.
- Lacks orig. wrappers. = Vicaire 224; Thiébaud 237.
AND 1 other: A. LEBAULT, La table et le repas à travers les siècles (Paris, n.d., plates, ills., orig. wr. Spine broken; wr. dam.).
- Blank outer and inner margin and backstrip sl. dampstained; offsetting from orange wrappers on first and final few leaves.
= Bitting p.146; Schraemli 119. "(...) faciliter la tâche du personnel de restaurant en mettant à sa disposition un ouvrage de petit format réunissant en des exposés brefs et cependant explicites, la plus grande partie des recettes culinaires qui figurent sur nos menus du jour.(...) faciliter la tâche de mes collaborateurs naturels (...)" (Avant-propos).
- Occas. sl. foxed. Lower joint splitting; binding sl. dustsoiled.
= Cf. Horn/ Arndt 1014 (9th ed.: "Wichtiges Lehrbuch für die Fachwelt der Gegenwart"); cf. Weiss 1978.