= Views and real photographs of many Dutch cities and villages, i.a. Amsterdam (e.g. Thorbeckeplein, Boomstraat, Burger Weeshuis - Kerkgang), pre-war Rotterdam (i.a. De Spoorbrug over de Wijnhaven, Leuvehaven, v. d. Takstraat), Utrecht, Leiden, Haarlem, Hilversum, Zandvoort, Roosendaal, Hillegom etc. Including ±45 of towns in Zeeland, w. i.a. Domburg, Goes (i.a. Brugwachterswoning and Poort Weeshuis), Middelburg, Walcheren (i.a. De Duinen langs het Rijwielpad), Zierikzee and quite a few of Zoutelande.
= Mainly unused, incl. a large number of cards w. views of Narvik (incl. 2 panorama's) and of Laps and a series of col. costume cards.
= Very rich collection, with num. real photographic postcards of members of the various royal houses. Containing picture postcards of i.a. Prinz Wilhelm von Preussen, Ferdinand Crownprince of Romania; Elizabeth Queen of Rumania; Crown Princess Marie of Romania; The Duke and Duchess of York; hereditary Prince Bernhard of Sachsen-Meiningen; S.M. Albert, King of Belgium; Emperor Karl Franz Josef I; Princess Antonia of Luxembourg; Prince Joachim of Prussia; Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria and his wife; Princess Kira of Russia; Grandduke Kyrill of Russia; "Grossfürstinnen u. Thronfolger" of the Imperial Russian family; "Zarewitsch Alexius"; King Haakon VII of Norway; Crown prince Alexander of Serbia; Don Manuel II, King of Portugal; "Grossfürstin Mellita von Russland"; Nikita, King of Montenegro; Milena, Queen of Montenegro; Albert, King of Monaco; King Edward of England; King Gustaf V; Alexandra Feodorowna Empress of Russia; "Unser Kaiser im Feld" (corner nicked); Queen Victoria of Spain; Leopold III, King of Belgium. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE
= Mostly French. Partly with correspondence by soldiers.
= Comprises mainly anti Nazi subjects, i.a. "De nieuwe nazi-groet (verplicht)", "Goebbels laatste journalistieke looping-the-loop" and "Wees nou verstandig Adolf en zet 'n advertentie, of ze ergens 'n goeie Führer met toebehooren kunnen gebruiken. Anders komen we binnenkort allemaal op straat te staan!".
- A few w. sm. defects; mostly fine. Spine dam.; boards sl. worn.
= A very large and extensive collection, containing photographic postcards and some rare postcards. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Old printing crease. = Nice, panoramic view.
- Waterst. in lower right corner, affecting image.
AND 4 other contemp. handcol. engr. optical views of Amsterdam, all partly dam.
- Some vertical creases along centre. = Sixt v. Kapff K325-330.
- Both vaguely waterst. in upper left and lower right corner.
- Vaguely (water)stained, mainly in blank margins.
- Two tiny holes in blank margins. = Sixt v. Kapff K34.
AND 4 others, i.a. "La destruction de la ville de Ierusalem" (contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, Augsb., Académie Impériale, ±1770. Folded once; blank margins soiled) and "t Stad Huys van Amsteldam" (contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, Augsb., G.B. Probst, ±1770. Laid down; partly waterstained).
- Trifle foxed; some rubbed spots in left margin.
ADDED 2 others: "Vuë du Vieux Caire, et d'une Pyramide a perte de vuë" (engr. view from F.L. NORDEN, Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie (1755)) and "Z.M. Stoomschip Borneo, kruisende op de rivier Sambas (...)" (tinted lithograph, ±1850).
- Waterst. in upper left and lower blank margin.
= Sixt v. Kapff K196.
ADDED: "Gesigt van de Plantage, der Stad Schiedam". Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view by G.B. PROBST after J. VAN HAASTERT, w. engr. captions in Dutch, French, Italian and German below and above image, numb. "257" in upper rigth corner, Augsb., G.B. Probst, ±1760.
- (Water)stained in blank margins, just affecting image.
= Lively view, with an overturned vegetable cart. Showing the Tuinlaan in reverse, seen from the Gerrit Verboonstraat, with to the left the Blauwhuis and to the right Huize Eendracht. Sixt v. Kapff K 246.
- A few stains in sky area. Otherwise fine. = Sixt von Kapff K205. View of Dordrecht.
ADDED: "Gesicht by de Doelen over de Korte Vijverberg, tot Gravenhaghe." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, w. engr. captions in Latin, Dutch, Italian and German, ibid., idem, late 18th cent.
- Upper blank margin cut short; sl. creased, frayed and fingersoiled.
= View of the Mauritshuis. Sixt von Kapff K216.
"Gezight van de Malibaan en Waapen Schouwing der Haagse Schuttery". Contemp. handcol. etched view by H. SCHEURLEER F.Z., 29x41 cm., with engr. caption in Dutch and in French below image, 1760.
- Mounted on board; lower margin cut short; sl. yellowed and fingersoiled.
= Part of the series Achttien gezichten in en om Den Haag, published between 1755 and 1762 by Scheurleer. Scarce views.
- Waterst./ foxed in blank margins, occas. affecting image.
AND 3 other contemp. handcol. engr. optical views of Dordrecht by B.F. LEIZELT, partly w. defects, i.a. '"Prospect von dem grossen Hof in der Stadt Dordrecht" (creases) and "Prospect von einer Seite der Stadt Dordrecht, wie solche beij der Mühle ohnweit dem Dorff Zwijdrecht anzufelen" (partly waterst.).
- Captions cut off. Otherwise fine.. = Nicely coloured. Sixt v. Kapff K380.
= Nice view of the Baroque Villa Corsini a Castello, with a lively scene of 'jeu de boules' being played in the foreground.
ADDED: 4 miscellaneous others (incl. 2 poor copies): "Vue du Palais du Prince de Liechtenstein à Vienne" (contemp. handcol. optical view, engr. captions above and below image. Fine) and "A View of the Bridge on the Canal Reggio; and the Church of St. Jeremiah to the Great Canal at Venice" (contemp. handcol. optical view, engr. caption cut off and pasted on verso, London, R. Sayer. Colouring of sky not finished).
= Busy harbour view.
"Vuë et Perspective de la Place de Louis le Grand. La Foire St. Ovide". Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, w. engr. captions in French above and below image, n.pl., n.publ., ±1770 (nice lively view). - AND 4 others (1x in mediocre condition), i.a. "Vüe du Chateau de Versailles du côté de l'orangerie" (contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, w. engr. caption in French, German, Italian and Latin below image, n.pl., n.publ., ±1770) and "Vue prospective de la Grande et petite Ecurie, et des deux Cour du Chateau de Versailes" (handcol. engr. optical view, ±1770).
- Waterst. in blank margins. = Sixt v. Kapff K394.
"Ambulatio ad sinistram partem, viridariis." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, captions in Latin, French, Italian and German below image, numb. "65" in upper right corner, Augsb., Probst, ±1770.
- Partly waterst. in blank margins. = Sixt v. Kapff K391.
AND 4 other optical views of gardens, partly w. defects, i.a. Sixt v. Kapff K392f.