- Contemp. owner's entry ("L. Ovens") on prelim. lvs. and title; 19th cent. entry on title. Inkstains on frontcover.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 44; De Vries 24; Muller 92; Waller 316; Buisman 268.
- Occas. stained and fingersoiled; bookblock sl. shaken.
- Wormhole in first lvs. (incl. title); sl. yellowed; occas. waterst.
= Rare edition, the second part titled: J. VAN FOCQUENBERGUES, De Reyze na Beth-el, Ofte Het Huys Godts.
- Pastedowns need reattaching. Vellum trifle duststained. A fine copy.
- Contents fine. Calf loosening at lower turn-in; sm. hole in backcover; lacks 1 letterpiece.
= Tables contain demographic information, i.a the number of houses, marriages and deaths in Coevorden, Roswinkel, Schonebeek, Emmen, Zuidlaren, Gieten, Norch, Assen, Beylen, Hogeveen, Ruinen, Ruinerwolt, Koekangen, De Wyk and Meppel. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 469a.
- Plates in very fine condition: some plates w. sl. offsetting from flimsies in margins; 3x portr. reattached; 1x tear professionally restored. Bindings sl. worn along edges; backstrips sl. faded. A very good/ fine set.
= LARGE PAPER COPY w. an extra decorative border around the portraits printed from a different plate. Cohen/ De Ricci p.325f: "Mais comme sur les 600 portraits qui forment ce recueil il y en a une centaine de forts intéressants et d'une très belle exécution (voir celui de Bossuet, par exemple), cet ouvrage a du prix et se vend cher, lorsque les épreuves sont belles. Les épreuves de premier tirage auraient seules l'adresse d'Odieuvre. Il existe des exemplaires en grand papier, avec des entourages aux portraits." A biographical lexicon of important sovereigns, scholars and artists in European history. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CVII.
- Binding sl. rubbed; backstrip sl. worn; upper third of backcover inkstained. Contents fine.
= The author describes himself as "essayeur" (assayer) on the title-p. and was the author of at least one other similar work titled "Essai-boek" (Amst., H. van Eyl, n.d.). He came from an originally German (Augsburg) family of goldsmiths and assayers, who had moved to Amsterdam and Sweden in the early 17th century. Bierens de Haan 1835. Very rare.
- Hinges breaking/ broken. Top of spine sl. dam.
= Very rare. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 248a (mentions this ed. as the first but: "Er zouden oudere drukken kunnen bestaan."); Carasso-Kok 246; De Wind p.176f.
- Slightly thumbed. Vellum sl. soiled; spine worn.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 248a; Carasso-Kok 246; De Wind p.176-177. Rare. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Tipped-in annots. by Van den Broek on upper pastedown. Otherwise fine.
= The first Dutch edition. Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 155b. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- New endpapers; first 4 lvs. sl. frayed/ fingersoiled/ waterstained. Restored binding w. use of contemp. calf.
= Very rare. Second edition of the English translation. Cf. Hilmy p.390 (1st ed., 1669). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.
- Bookblock loose; lacks free endpapers; partly sl. wormholed/ waterst. = Willems 309; Rahir 278.
Péréfixe, H. de Beaumont de. Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. Amst., L. and D. Elzevier, 1661, (12),522p., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., engr. title-p., contemp. gilt calf, 12mo.
- Cut sl. short in top margin. Lacks letterpiece.
= Willems 1272 note; Rahir 1309. Esteemed history of Henry the Great, written by Péréfixe for Louis XIV. Quérard IV, p.30: "Cet ouvrage, l'un des derniers mémoires sortis de sa plume, dans lequel il combattait des écrivains en réputation et des opinions en crédit, est un de ceux qui lui ont fait le plus d'honneur (...)." Second Elzevier edition of this work, identified i.a. by the point that the last line of the first paragraph on p.194 has the words "gens de guerre" instead of "guerre" only.
- Frontisp. sl. wormholed; owner's entry on title-p. Otherwise fine.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 189; Willems 1756; Rahir 2279; De Vries 169-171; Gay/ Lemonnyer I, p.876: "Ce volume est recherché des bibliophiles qui le placent dans la collection elzévirienne. Le nom de l'auteur est sans doute un pseudonyme; on croit qu'il s'appelait Pierre Langle. Il dédie son livre "à très-vilains, très-sales, très-lourds, très-malpropres et très-ignorants messieurs les boueurs et cureurs des canaux d'Amsterdam. - La lecture du volume est assez amusante."
Secundus, J. Opera. Ed. P. Scriverius. Leyden, F. Hegerus (= Ph. de Croy), 1631, (28),384,(1)p., engr. title, portrait, later giltlettered hcalf, 12mo.
- Some contemp. annots. on prelim. lvs.; receding waterstain on final lvs. Sl. worn along edges.
= Willems 1669 note; Rahir 1849. The third edition (first edition published in Leyden, 1612). "L'édition de 1651 reproduit textuellement la précédente [= ed. 1631], elle a le même titre gravé et le même portrait, mais elle est plus jolie et son format se rapproche davantage de l'in-12 elzevirien." (Willems).
- Fine copy, occas. cut trifle short in top margin.
= Two near contemp. owner's entries on title-p.: "Sum Samuelis Gessinij" and "10 Parijs Franc. Nund.[?] Vernalis Anno 1615". Adams/ Rawles/ Saunders F.106 (state 2); Landwehr 156a; Renouard 1598, no.4; cf. Praz p.270 note. The first edition of Beza's collected poetry.
BOUND WITH: Lipsius, J. De Constantia libri duo. Antw., Ex Officina Plantiniana, J. Mortus, 1605, (16),86,(10)p., engr. printer's mark.
- Occas. unobtrusive contemp. underlining and annots. (partly in red pencil); final quire yellowed; cut sl. short (affecting the glosses). Otherwise fine.
- Lacks 5 leaves w. 5 emblems (p.3-4 and p.97-104); occas. sl. foxed; later endpapers. Vellum soiled.
= Landwehr 133; Adams B2324.
- Endpapers partly browned from turn-ins.
= From the library of Bob Luza with his bookplate on upper pastedown. Landwehr 80. First and only edition.
- Ad 1: occas. trifle foxed/ fingersoiled in margins; title-p. sl. soiled and worn in lower blank corner w. sm. dam. spot; old owner's initials on title-p.; occas. sl. wormholed; lacks free endpapers. Ad 2: lacks 2 leaves (G1 (w. woodcut) and G8); one leaf sm. tear (just touching text); occas. contemp. annots.; occas. sl. wormholed; a few leaves trifle foxed; final leaf stained. Frontcover loose; spine-ends dam.
= Ad 1: extremely rare, the first attempt in the Low Countries to publish an emblem book (not in Landwehr, which begins with emblemata published from 1542 onwards). Belgica Typogr. 423; Adams B-2900; BM Dutch, p.42. Ad 2: Belgica Typogr. 422; Adams B-2899; BM Dutch, p.42. Rarely found together in one volume.
- Binding heavily worn. Contents fine.
= Landwehr 82; Praz 436. The second, enlarged edition. Bound in at the end: "Bedenkingen over verscheide godsdienstige en zedelyke onderwerpen, in zinnebeeldige vertoogen voorgesteld, voornaamelyk ten gevolge der aankomende jeugd. Uit het Engelsch overgezet."
- Lacks final 16p. w. 4 emblems; upper corner of engr. title folded and frayed; occas. sl. foxed.
= Praz p.287. The first edition of this rare emblem book.
- Catalogue entry mounted on upper pastedown; free endpaper partly browned; lower hinge weak. Otherwise a very fine copy on thick paper.
= The actual 3rd edition (the title mentioning the 2nd). Landwehr 88; Praz p.288. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.