= Incl. a few SIGNED copies.
- Fine.
= One of 600 DELUXE copies with one signed woodcut. Oppermann 1227; Hansen, p.17ff; Schuster 988.
= Published on occasion of the departure of Anton Korteweg as director of the Letterkundig Museum. Contains poems by i.a. H.H. ter Balkt, A. Brassinga, R. Campert, T. van Deel, A. Enquist, E. Gerlach, J. Hamelink, K. 't Hart, J. Herzberg, G. Komrij, R. Kopland, G. Krol, W. Kusters, N.M. Min, L. Nolens, C. Nooteboom, J.P. Rawie, K. Schippers, T. Tellegen, W. van Toorn, H. Verhagen, L. Vroman and A. Zuiderent.
= Series of prints inspired by the eponymous compositions of Bedřich Smetana.
- Owner's entry on inside slipcase and inside frontwr. Slipcase partly worn along extremities. = Monod 1248.
- Wr. sl. duststained.
- Wr. w. a few sm. stains. Otherwise fine. = De Vries p.23ff and p.342f.
AND 2 others by the same: Kerstmis (N.pl., n.d., woodcut ills. by E. WONDERGEM, simple limp boards) and Kwatrijnen (Amst., n.d. (1923), portrait, orig. wr.).
- Textlvs. (sl.) foxed; plates fine. Binding soiled/ dam.
= Vicaire III, p.529; Leblanc p.218; cf. Carteret III, p.378 (on the 1st ed.): "Un des chefs-d'oeuvre de G. Doré."; Leblanc p.217: "Les grandes, trop grandes compositions de Gustave Doré, forment une suite saisissante, fantastique et sinistre, où le dessinateur, entièrement dominé par son sujet, évoque la vision d'un monde étrange, chaotique et sombre, au milieu duquel le Juif Errant marche sans cesse, n'offrant aucune prise ni aux éléments ni à la mort."; Brivois p.254-255; Sander 248; Ray p.327: "Over the next two years Balzac's Contes drolatiques, one of his masterworks, and La Légende du juif errant, with its twelve immense designs, staked his claim to be considered the leading book artist of his time.".
- Spine-ends occas. sl. worn. Otherwise fine.
- Occas. (sl.) foxed. Rubbed along extremities. Fine copy.
= First edition with the illustrations by Doré. Vicaire IV, p.905; Sander 413; Brivois 242; Leblanc 206; A.-M. Bussy, Les Fables de La Fontaine, Quatre siècles d'illustration 45.
- Occas. (badly) foxed; some lvs. waterstained. Binding sl. worn.
= First edition with the illustrations by Doré. Vicaire IV, p.905; Sander 413; Brivois 242; Leblanc 206; A.-M. Bussy, Les Fables de La Fontaine, Quatre siècles d'illustration 45.
AND 1 other.
= Signed by both artists.
= I.a. M. DECLERCQ, Schijnmanoeuvres (2001); P. DEMETS, Vrees voor het bloemstuk (2002); P. CLAES, Animula (2011); W. STEVENS, Dertien wijzen om naar een merel te kijken. Dutch transl. P. Claes (2012) and D. VAN BASTELAERE, Fallicornia (2014).
- Label loose (attached to handle). Otherwise fine.
= Published on occasion of the 65th anniversary of Dick Wessels (Het Gonst). Contains contributions by i.a. Mercator Pers, Pastei Pers, The Rather Obscure Press, Statenhofpers, De Vier Seizoenen and Zwarte Hen Pers.
= Published for F.W. (Bubb) Kuyper on the occasion of his chairmanship of Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge. The booklets, printed by 56 different Dutch private presses, have as common theme "Het goede leven" and show a great variety of printing methods and materials used. Contains contributions by i.a. Avalon Pers, Eikeldoorpers, Helicon Pers, Het Gonst, Hinderickx en Winderickx, Houtpers, De Korenmaat, Mercator Pers, Pastei, Ser J.L. Prop, Statenhofpers, Triona Pers, De Uitvreter and Vette Venus Pers.
= Published on occasion of the 65th anniversary of Niek Smaal (Houtpers). Contains contributions by Alex Barbaix (Pastei), Frans Peter Bekker (Koekanger Handpers), Frans den Breejen (Mikado Pers), John Cornelisse (Enkidu Pers), Roel van Dijk (Presse d'Escargot), Peter Duijff (Eierland Pers), Thomas Gravemaker (Letterpress Amsterdam), René Hesselink & Carolien ten Oever (Hinderickx & Winderickx/ Boktor), Bert Hoekstra (Pulppers), Piet Jacobs (Priegelpers), Dick Jalink (Kalamos Pers), Luuk de Jong (Saense Druckerije), Jan Keijser (Avalon Pers), Roosje Keijser (Zwarte Hen Pers), Willem Kramer (Mercator Pers), Bubb Kuyper (Lojen Deur Pers), Nop Maas (Korenmaat), Rudi Oostermeijer (Drukwerkzonderwerkdruk), Rob Over de Linden (Ovira Linda), Sander Pinkse, Ivanka de Ruijter, Jaap Schipper (Statenhofpers), Marja Scholtens (De Klaproos), Ronald Steur (LJC Pers), Antje Veldstra, Doortje de Vries (Eikeldoorpers), Pauline Wensveen (Vette Venus Pers), Joos Wiersinga (Joos Mooi Drukwerk), Titi Zaadnoordijk en Silvia Zwaaneveld (De Baaierd).