- Hinges (almost) broken; plates sl. (finger)soiled in margin (some w. sm. tear). Backcover reattached and spine strengthened w. tape; covers sl. rubbed/ soiled.
= Rare.
- Hinges partly split; some lvs. a tad foxed. Boards sl. soiled.
= With prize in contemp. hand w. brown ink on free endpaper: "Prix d'Application et de bonne Conduite, donné à Mad[emois]elle A.E. v. Heemstra par son amie A.C.H. Koning. Rusthoek le 12 Dec. 1855." Not traced in the ususal refence works.
Kroon, A. W. Ons vaderland, van de komst der Batavieren tot aan den dood van Willem I, Geschetst voor jonge lieden van den beschaafden stand. Schoonhoven, S.E. van Nooten, n.d., 2nd ed., (4),217p., 6 tinted lithogr. plates. orig. giltlettered and blindst. cl. frontcover w. gilt spine.
- Hinges split; occas. sl. foxed. Top and foot of spine worn; corners of frontcover sl. worn.
- Spine split; outer edge covers frayed and creased; covers soiled.
= Rare. Each leaf has the shape of a Dutch cavalerist on horseback and each leaf is larger than the preceding. De Bodt/ Kapelle, p.256.
AND 2 others, in rather poor condition, i.a. K. GREENAWAY, Nieuwe kijkjes in het rond (Schiedam, n.d., col. lithogr. ills. and orig. col. lithogr. clothbacked boards by K. GREENAWAY).
- Year 1829 lacks engr. title; sl. yellowed and fingersoiled. Rebacked; bindings rubbed.
= Huiskamp P86; Rietveld-Van Wingerden 22. Children's periodical, which was published until 1831.
- Hinges weak. Binding sl. rubbed, otherwise fine.
- Vol. 1 occas. foxed; vol. 2 a few quires loose(ning). Both vols. spine-ends worn/ dam.
AND 7 others similar, i.a. P. SLUIS, Kanaries (Weesperkarspel, n.d. (±1930), 48 mounted col. plates, orig. cordbound boards, obl. 8vo) and R. KOK EN BOS BANKETBAKKER, Vogels en insecten (Ibid., n.d. (±1930), 80 mounted col. plates, orig. dec. clothbacked boards, 4to).
- A few scattered owner's stamps.
AND 10 others, i.a. C. KEG, Album Theeplaatjes. Serie "internationaal" (Zaandam etc., n.d. (1913), 1st ed., 15 series of 6 inserted col. plates, together 90 chromolithogr. plates, orig. clothbacked boards, 4to).
- All albums sl. rubbed along extremities.
- Fine copies.
- Sl. worn along extremities. = Very rare plaatjes album.
- Sl. worn along extremities.
- Hinges strengthened. Worn along extremities.
AND 1 other identical album by J. and A.C. van Rossem.
- Boards occas. worn/ dam. along extremities.
= Comprises: Zoogdieren, Vogels, Amphibiën + Visschen, Gelede dieren, Weekdieren + Wormen etc. Dutch text.
- One leaf loose.
Stoomkoffiebranderij en theehandel H. Smith. Dierenalbum. Gron., H. Smith, 1929, 38p., 128 mounted chromolithogr. plates, orig. pict. boards, folio. - AND 4 other similar plaatjes albums, i.a. LINDEBOOM EN ZONEN, Dierenalbum (Amst., 1907-1908, lithogr. title and 24 series of 6 loosely inserted col. plates, each w. accomp. textp., orig. col. lithogr. clothbacked boards, 4to).
- Lacks 35 chromo's. = Serie 60-120.
AND 1 other.
- One vol. contents loose; lacks plate no.80 but that plate is present as no.551.
= Good complete series, with the often lacking "Slot album".
- Contents loose. Binding trifle rubbed along extremities. Otherwise fine. = Rare and early plaatjes album.