- Incl. a few incomplete cardgames.
= Includes decks by Ferd. Piatnik & Sons, Dondorf and B.P. Grimaud.
- Lvs. sl. fingersoiled and frayed; plates 2 and 5 switched, lvs. probably reattached. Spine repaired/ strengthened; covers frayed/ soiled and sl. dam.; larger tear in backcover.
= Rare. Dutch adaptation of The comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog. Dated 1874 in Brinkman. Landwehr, Vergeten cultuurdragers 498.
AND 9 others, all with various defects, i.a. E. BESKOW, Olle's Sneeuwschoentocht (Nijm., ±1910, orig. clothbacked lithogr. boards, large 4to); M. HILDEBRANDT, Mapje en Papje in het Hazenbosch (Amst., 1906, col. lithogr. ills. and orig. col. lithogr. boards by S. OLFFERS, large 4to) and an 'untearable' toddler's wordless picture book (Mainz, J. Scholz, ±1900, chromolithogr. plates, entirely mounted on linen, orig. clothbacked chromolithogr. boards, 4to).
- Fine copy.
= Lust en Leering p.196 and 305; cat. De Koning 306; cf. cat. The Children's World of Learning 3129 (ed. 1888). Very nice plates. Rare.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Spine sunned.
= With letterpress prize awarded to "A. Wempe", dated July 13th 1877. Rare. Not found in the usual reference works.
Kieviet, C.J. Badreisje van Cor Slung. Alkm., P. Kluitman, n.d. (1895), 1st ed., (4),138,(2 advert.)p., 4 col. lithogr. plates, orig. giltlettered pict. cl.
- Fine copy. = Wagemaker, Kieviet p.28. The rare first edition.
AND 8 others, i.a. by C.J. KIEVIET, M. BODDAERT and J.J.A. GOEVERNEUR.
- Sl. fingersoiled. Covers sl. soiled.
= De hele Bibelebontse berg p.232; The Children's World of Learning cf. 3686 (1st ed.): "Very rare Dutch children's comics book "avant la lettre", which became one of the most popular Dutch children's books of the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It was based on Rudolf Töpffer's "Mr. Cryptogame" (...)".
Hazelaar, J.A. De zoon van Prikkebeen. The Hague, J.P. Kruseman, n.d. (±1950), (52)p., ills. and orig. pict. clothbacked boards by J.A. HAZELAAR, obl. 8vo. - AND 8 others, i.a. by A. LISTAL, Driesje Dribbel bij de Reuzen./ Driesje Dribbel bij de Dwergen./ Elsje's Feestdag (Alkmaar, n.d., 3 vols., ills., orig. pict. clothbacked boards, obl. 8vo).
- Second vol. lacks backwr. Wrs. sl. foxed/ browned and fingersoiled.
= (Very) rare. Scenes with children in various grown up activities, i.a. a chestnut seller, market scene, ice skating and a peepshow. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON THE TITLE-PAGE (and on the title-page of the FINE ARTS catalogue).
- New endpapers; previous owner's annot. on first blank. Covers sl. worn along extremities.
= Kind en Kunst Serie IV. Rühle 617. Dutch translation of Fifi dégourdi (1902). "Sehr schön von berühmten Bilderbuchkünstler Rabier (...) illustrierte Einzel-Struwwelpetriade in zwei Teilen." (Rühle).
Bertha (= C. van Cleeff). De Zomerreis van heer Hans. Alkm., P. Kluitman, n.d. (1906), no pagination, col. lithogr. title-p., 15 col. plates each w. 2 ills. and printed caption and orig. clothbacked boards by G. CASPARI, 4to.
- Worn along extremities.
AND 8 others, i.a. E.-F. CALVO and V. DANCETTE, Het beest is dood! De wereldoorlog bij de dieren. Dutch transl. W. van Mulders (Arnhem/ Brussels, (1946), 1st Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., 79,(1)p., col. ills. and orig. boards by CALVO, folio. Matla BEEST 1).
- One plate loose. = Braches 2274.
(Mees-Verweij), M.E.A. De geschiedenis van een kraai. Santpoort/ Antw., C.A. Mees/ De Sikkel, 1923, 32p., ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards, entirely lithographed in orange and black by L(EON) S(ENF), sm. 4to.
= Fine copy. Nicely illustrated picture book in Hoytema-style. De Bodt/ Kapelle p.44 and 101.
AND 1 other illustrated by H. WILLEBEEK LE MAIR.
- Vol. 2 contents reattached to new stubs; vol.1 and 3 blank margins occas. strengthened/ restored. All vols. rebacked; vol. 2 and 3 outer margin of frontcover sl. chipped. Good/ fine set.
= Not in the usual reference books. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXX.
- Contents reattached to stubs. Rebacked w. black cloth. Good/ fine copy.
= Coll. Caljé-van Gulik 495; Lust en Leering p.215 and 441 (imprint Sneek, Van Druten & Bleeker, ±1859). Very nice work, containing splendid illustrations of major fair attractions, such as wax-works, monkeys and dogs show, a circus act with a horse, a clown and a juggler, a dancing bear, roulette, a conjurer and a midgets and giants performance. Rare. Kept together w. the following work in modern blue cl. portfolio w. mounted handcol. pict. frontwr.
Idem. Nog iets van de kermis, in prentverbeeldingen met toepasselijke rijmen. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1848), 12p., 8 handcol. lithogr. plates by C. ROTH, orig. handcol. pict. boards identical to the preceding, obl. 8vo.
- Contents reattached to stubs; occas. vaguely stained/ trifle foxed. Rebacked w. black cloth. A good/ fine copy.
= Not in Lust en Leering. Very rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXX.
- A fine copy.
= Coll. Caljé-van Gulik 495; Lust en Leering p.215 and 441 (imprint Sneek, Van Druten & Bleeker, ±1859). Very nice work, containing splendid illustrations of major fair attractions: wax-works, a monkeys and dogs show, a circus act with a horse, a clown and a juggler, a dancing bear, roulette, a conjurer and finally a midget and a female giant. Rare. Kept in a modern marbled blue board portfolio.
- Fine copy.
- Partly foxed, esp. between p.10-15 (also sl. affecting the plates). Backstrip sl. worn.
= The third edition (first 1779), in fine contemp. handcolouring. Arpots 248; coll. Caljé-van Gulik 123; BNK 1456 ("Traditioneel onder de kinderboeken gerekend, maar feitelijk meer een kunstboek voor volwassenen"). On Chr. Chalon: L. Buijnsters-Smets, "Christina Chalon, een achttiende-eeuwse tekenares", Antiek 16 (1982), p.471-480.
= Cf. Bilderwelt im Kinderbuch, no. 498 referring to the orig. German 1st edition on which this work is based: G.J. KLETT and A. VON LEWINSKI, Weisst du wieviel Sternlein stehen? (1910). Very rare.
Andersen, H.C. Duimelijntje. Amst., Van Holkema & Warendorf, n.d. (1909), (30)p., 15 col. lithogr. plates (incl. title-p.) and orig. clothbacked boards by E. BESKOW, 4to.
- Corners sl. rubbed and frontcover sl. browned along margins. Otherwise fine.
AND 8 others, i.a. E. BESKOW, Olle's Sneeuwschoentocht (Nijm., n.d. (±1910), 14 col. lithogr. plates, monochr. ills. and orig. clothbacked col. lithogr. boards by ELSA BESKOW, 4to. Binding sl. rubbed and fingersoiled along margins) and R. CRAMER, Lenteliedjes (Utr., n.d. (1914), 16 mounted col. plates by R. CRAMER (incl. 1 on frontcover and 1 on backcover), scores by G. VOGEL, orig. cl., obl. 8vo. Occas. sl. foxed, otherwise fine).
- Some scribblings in pencil; sl. foxed. Binding soiled.
Idem. Gouden regen. Ibid., idem, (1918), 16p., 7 plates and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by A. LISTAL, 4to.
- Foxed/ browned; contents loose.
Idem. De zandmannetjes. N.pl., n.publ., (1917), 11 lvs., 10 col. lithogr. plates and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by A. LISTAL, obl. 4to.
- Sl. foxed.
AND 1 other by the same.
= On all works: De Bodt/ Kapelle, p. 237 and 144-146: "(...) zijn de boeken van Listal geestig maar vreemd, consequent in hun inconsequentie".
- Covers sl. foxed; spine-ends sl. dam./ worn. Good copy.
= W.L. & J. Brusse 193. Rare, nice picture book.
Rotman, G.T. Piepneus en Bibbersnoet. Lotgevallen van twee muizen, met 194 plaatjes. The Hague, Apollo, n.d. (±1950), 104p., partly handcol. ills. and orig. pict. wr. by G.T. ROTMAN, obl. 8vo.
- Spine-ends dam.; sm. stains on frontwr.
AND 4 others, 3 vols. illustrated by RIE CRAMER and A. SUTORIUS, Een muizenbruiloft (Rijswijk, n.d., 3rd ed., col. ills. and orig. pict. boards by B. JORDENS, obl. 4to).
- All plates strengthened w. tape along outer edges. Frontwrapper reattached to modern cl. spine; lacks backwrapper. Sold w.a.f.
= Lust en Leering p.338, 401f. "In de jaren zeventig en tachtig bereiken de beweegbare prentenboeken hun hoogste populariteit. (...) Tot het beste wat er op dit gebied in de negentiende eeuw voor Nederlandse kinderen op de markt is gebracht, behoren stellig de uitklap-prentenboeken van Elise van Calcar (1822-1904)". Nice plates which can be folded and unfolded in various combinations, thus creating numerous variants of images. Rare.
- Along all edges (incl. frontcover and entire backcover) strengthened w. red tape; two plates w. crack. Small dam. spot on frontcover.
= First and only German edition. Extremely rare. Krahé 111 and Ries, ill. 97.