- Dustwr. partly yellowed. = Scarce.
= Parr / Badger, The Photobook II, p.34. Photographic essay on the urbanization of Park City, Utah.
= Parr / Badger, The Photobook II, p.269
AND 5 others, all with photography of industrial landscapes and views, i.a. D. PLOWDEN, Industrial Landscape (New York, 1985, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and M. HAMM, Sterbende Zechen (Berlin, 1983, ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to).
- One leaf loose. Dustwr. sl. creased/ frayed and lacks sm. portions at spine and backwr.
= Rare photographic account of the Czech voluntary forces' military exploits during WWII in Northern Africa.
- Mint copy.
= The rare first issue. NRC reviewed this first issue as follows: "(...) toegankelijk geschreven artikelen, zoals Het seksloze orgasme van Dirk van Weelden. Hij filosofeert aanstekelijk over de toekomstmogelijkheden om seks te hebben met computeronderdelen die de gewaarwording van aanrakingen nabootsen: cyberseks. Hester Carvalho schrijft over de Blue Man Group, alternatieve musici uit New York. Theo van Gogh maakte een ietwat pervers maar hilarisch gefingeerd interview met sterverslaggever van het roddelblad Privé, Barbara Plugge.
Minstens zo belangrijk als de inhoud is de vormgeving van Blvd., waarin het beeld (foto's van Inez van Lamsweerde) en een drukke typografie overheersen. Geheel in het verlengde van de New Age-koppeling van natuur en techniek gebruiken de vormgevers onder meer in de computer ingevoerde handgeschreven letters."
= Signed by both artists.
AND 2 others on photography: M. ROSSO, The beautiful gene (Treviso, 2014, richly illustrated, orig. boards, 4to) and P. VAN DIJK, Paul van Dijk (Eindhoven, 2010, richly illustrated, orig. limp cl., 4to).
= A series of portraits of young DDR women and their children.
Baus, H. and C. Gruppenbilder. Cologne, Walther König, 1988, 135p., num. ills., orig. wr., 4to. - AND 1 other H.W. MENDE, Grenzbegehung. 161 Kilometer in West-Berlin (Berlin, 1980, num. ills., orig. wr).
- Spine sl. sunned. = The photographer's first retrospective exhibition at the Hudson River Museum.
Tice, G. Urban Romantic. The Photographs of George Tice. Boston, David R. Godine, 1982, 130,(2)p., ills., orig. hcl. w. dustwr., 4to.
- Dedication in pen and ink on title-p.
Jordan, J. Light Years. The Photographs of Morley Baer. Carmel, Photography West Graphics, 1988, unpaginated, 51 plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 1 other.
- Fine. = Catalogue for the exhibition "Touching North", London etc., 1989.
= Parr/ Badger II, p.278. Series of photographs of (empty) boardroom tables of European multinational corporations. "The Table of Power is at once a completely objective book and a wholly subversive one. (...) the book's subversiveness emanates from its very objectivity. It presents the simple facts about a particular and powerful symbol of power, and by drawing our attention to it forces us to think about what these facts might represent and conceal - a large subject contained in a deliciously small package" (Parr/ Badger).
= Rare anti-German photo documentary booklet published by the Ministry of Defence of Czechoslovakia. Also containing caricatures by George Grosz.
- Lacks 2 plates. Vol. 3 lacks backstrip.