= Von Walterskirchen 124, part of the suite Visage des Maisons (1927, 10 prints, edition of 75 copies).
Idem. (Landscape with a farm). Drypoint, 19,3x14,7 cm., monogrammed "V" in the plate.
- Sl. foxed; with probably later added number "15/35" and monogram in pencil.
= This print accompanying the short story "Simon le Musicien", one of the 22 short stories from Contes d'Horace van Offel (Brussels, 1935). All short stories are accompanied by prints by various leading Belgian artists in the interbellum. Printed in an edition of 396 copies (15 copies deluxe and 10 copies H.C. on Japanese paper and 371 on "Vergé dArches"). This is probably one of the 371 copies. Not in Von Walteskirchen.
- Sl. yellowed. = Walterskirchen 146b.
- Somewhat browned; laid down.
- Scattered minuscule foxed spots.
- A few small foxed spots.
- Sl. wrinkled and sl. soiled.
= RKD PV-P-76-2, 81-1 and 81-2.
- A few small foxed spots.
- Partly foxed. = RKD PV-P-79-1
- Both w. blank margins cut irregularly and sellotape stains on verso. Second drawing sl. stained in upper left blank corner and w. (partly cut off) annot. "wordt vergroot" in blue ballpoint in lower blank margin.
- Yellowed/ foxed.
Idem. "Gulzigheid." Drypoint, 7,2x9,8 cm., signed "Vos '58" and titled in pencil.
= RKD PV-P-58-6
= RKD PV-P-84-4.
Idem. Uil op stam met gebladerde takken. Lithograph, 29x20 cm., signed, "'85" and "276/1250" in pencil.
= RKD PV-P-1985-1: "Vos maakte deze litho in opdracht van de politieke partij D'66, t.b.v. verkiezingskas. (...). Ik moest een goedkoop stuk kunst maken. Zonder steunkleur. In eerste instantie wilde ik iets met de kleur groen doen. Omdat ik alleen zwart en wit tot mijn beschikking had, heb ik toen een boom vol bladeren gemaakt, let op het verband met groen, met daarop een uil. De boom is symboliek voor een man. De uil (teken van wijsheid) stelt het hoofd voor."
- Yellowed; brownish stain affecting image; sl. soiled; verso w. paper tape along margins due to former passepartout.
= Title supplied on verso in a diff. hand. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIV.
- Yellowed; waterst. in lower left blank corner. = RKD PV-P-57-9 and RKD PV-P-57-16.
= Attractive expressionist drawing,
Idem. (Old veterans in top hats, accompanied by Death). Drawing, pen and ink, black and brown chalk, 38,5x61,5 cm., signed in pencil (somewhat browned, sl. foxed). - AND a large signed gouache on paper by the same, showing a classical statue in a landscaped garden.